The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 08, 1922, Image 5

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FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1922. DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRI8E, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA PAGE FIVE BY US JAS. GR1BBEN PHONE 461 We Repair—Recharge and Give Free Service On All Makes of Batteries Christmas Specials i lot, Poly Crome Candle sticks and Candles , 98c each complete 1 lot, Smoking Stands $2.50 each Others from $3-00 to $25.00 each 1 lot Priscilla Sewing Boxes $6-75 eac ^ 1 lot, Poly Crome Framed Mirrors ... .$i*75» eac ^ 1 lot, Fine Electric Lamps from $12.50 to $50.00 each 1 lot, Mahogany Clocks ... .$10.00 and $12.00 each Also the Finest Line of Toys, Dolls and Christmas Presents Shown in Thomasville W. Feinberg & Son Thomasville’s Leading Furniture Store Are Your Hens Laying ? They Are if You are Feeding PURINA FEEDS HEN CHOW, BABY CHICK CHOW CHICKEN CHOWDER GOLDEN BROS. CO. PHONE 184 Gifts for Xmas Select a Gift from our Stock and you will be well pleased, both in price and quali ty. Our line consists of CANDY CIGARS, PIPES STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLE8 WHITE IVORY G00D8 LEATHER GOODS FLA8H LIGHT8 JEWELRY Our line of fewelry is all guaranteed to be best quality. Come in and get first choice. Sparks Pharmacy ■ * Goodness Phone 115 k °° Ray-o-llte Flashlights and Battsrles Comfortably Heated Well Ventilated T HE GRAN Today D Featuring The Best Orchestra In South Ga. CONWAY TEARLE in his newest select picture- “THE REFEREE” Taken from The Red Book Magazine story. A sp lendid five act boxing story with Mr. Tearle at his best. Also a funny two reel comedy. Hours: 3,4:45,6:30, 8,9:30 p.m. JO and 25c TOMORROW RICHARD TALMADGE in another thrilling comedy drama —"TAKING CHANCES.” Also a two-reel Sunshine comedy "Please Be Careful” and Fox News. JO and 25c GOOD MUSIC EVERY DAY by the best O rchestra in South Georgia. EIGHT HOUR DAY MAY BE CONTINUED IN SWEDEN Stockholm, Nov.. 1. (By Mil)— Sweden’s eight-hour day, acceptable to the laboring element but not popu lar with employers, will be contin ued under a provisional law for the next three years if the recommen dation just made by the Social Board is accepted by the government. The Social Board, assisted by the Board of Trade and the delegation working for intemation social legis lation, was instructed by the govern ment Ho investigate the general effectiveness of the eight-hoar day in Sweden and now reports that the is not ripe either for permanent enactment or abolishment, recom mending, therefore, that the provis ional measure be continued for aether three years. Swedish employers have in gen eral opposed the establishing of uniform short day on the ground that the cost of production has been increased, and that it has led difficulties in those industries where the output fluctuates, where pro duction is intense during some weeks and slack during others. Simular disadvantages have arisen » sonal trades. A peculiar circum stance in this country is that, owing to the latitude, the days are unusual ly long in summer and short in win- Thus where work can be done daring daylight as in building trades, eighUiouf day worics hardship for the employer and limits the amount of building possible during the year. Keeping the above objections In the Social Board has recommended that the hours of over-time allowed be increased from twenty per month thirty, and from a hundred and twenty per year to a hundred and fifty. With this flexibility in the it is believed the disadvantages more rigid system can be obvia ted. The workers declare that the labor has increased under the provironal law. They are enthusias or the better standard of liv- •vhlch it has brought, giving them more time for social and domes tic life as well as for study, recrea tion, and general self improvement. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE We stay OPEN NIGHT and DAY for your con venience. Give us a trial. GAS, Best Service on OILS, GREASES REPAIRS S. MADISON ST. C. TELEPHONE 319 Old English Wax Wasn’t Made II so it would have been used to beautify the inter ior of the palaces of Kings and Queens. IT IS MADE NOW and we have it, so use some in your little palace and note the wonderful rich glossy finish it will give your floors, piano, furniture and wood work. You will be proud of them. And say, it can’t be beat for polishing that car. JAMES WAIT & BRO. PANCHO VILLA WILL NOT WRITE HIS MEMOIRS Mexico City, Nov. 16. (By Mail) —Pancha Villa, erstwhile bandit and now a gentleman farmer in the state of Durango, has declined to write his memoirs, although an American publishing company is said to have offered him >60,000 for the manuscript Villa is reported to have told the publishers that he has no desire to perpetuate the story of his adven tures, but rather prefers that his children, now small hear of heir fa ther's exploits as a rancher and benefactor. WEATHER REPORT Thomasville, Ga., Dec. 8, 1921 Weather forecast for Thomaavllli and vicinity: Fair tonight and Satun day. Colder Saturday. Observatlona at 1. P. M. Standard Tlm4 . 78* Highest temperature for this month, 29 years record (1918) 81* Lowest temperature today .—— 68* Lowest temperature for this month, 29 years record (1894) _.. 18* Mean temperature today 86* Normal for this date 54* Departure since first of month +99* Departure since January first +417* Relative humidity 8 a. m. 937* Relative humidity 1 p. m. 75% Relative humidity 8 p. m. yester- 78% Rainfall past 84 boura .OOlna Rainfall since first of month .OOlna Rainfall since Janaary first 41.81 lna Departure since first of mo. —0.86 Ins. Departure since Jan. first —5.83 Ins. Wind direction 1 p. m. r — Southwest LOCAL NEWS NOTES Royal Arch Masons Elect Officers— The annual ejection of officers for J. M. Rush In Chapter, No. 23, Royal Arch Masons, occurred last night at the Masonic Hall. There were a large number of Masons present and there was manifested great interest In the fortunes of this organisation, which was named for one of the finest and most useful Masons that Thomas ty has ever produced. The officers se lected were: F. C. Jones—Excellent High Priest. C. L. Folsom—King. W. S. Brown—Scribe. L. H. Jerger—Treasurer. J. W. H. Mitchell—Secretary. J. H. Ingram—Captain of the Host C. A. Moller—Principal Sojourner. Walter Wilson—Royal Arch Captain L. D. King—Master, Third VelL W. T. Wyche—Master, Second VelL C. L. Burch—Master, First VelL H. H. Martin—Sentinel. After the election the officers were formally installed nnder Grand Chap ter directions, by Past High Priest E. R. Jerger. Mr. J. D. Renfroe Ship* Carload of Cattle— Not ^>nly dan Thomasville and Thomas county be proud of the pure bred cattle that have made the county famous In the last few years, but has reason, also, to be proud of the fine beef cattle that are being raised here. Mr. J. D. Renfroe has recently ship ped a carload of fine atall-fed cattle to Chicago, and states that he re ceived fine prices for them. He has just sold to H. H. Vann and Son carload for which he recelred the same prices that are being paid for Western beeL This beef sold by Mr. Renfroe was raised by him, all stall-fed and all young and tender. It la considered superior to the Western beef as It has ad to go through the embalming process necessary for shipment, and is all fresh snd tender. Mr. Renfroe is making a business ot raising beef cattle and Incidentally making a name for himself and for Thomas county, with his “baby beef all stall-fed. Girls’ Basketball Tomorrow Afternoon— There will be a game of basketball tomorrow afternoon between the girls’ of the high school and the Mon- tlcello girls’ team. i game, to be played at the “Y”, will begin at 4 o’clock. It Is expected be very Interesting and exciting and the two teams are said to be well matched. A large crowd should be out 9 the girls In this, the first game of the season. The prices of admission will be 25 •nts for the general public and 15 cents for the pupils of the schools. Watch for the closing out sale. It 'III pay you to wait Empire Furnl- ture Store. Funeral of Mr. Paul Moore Tomorrow— » funeral of Mr. Paul Moore, whose death occurred at Dunedin, Fla., will take place tomorrow morn ing at 10 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Moore, 225 Jefferson The funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. F. C. Symonds and the Interment will be in LaureJ Hill cemetery. For Prompt Service anff Durabl Plumbing, Call R. B. Llnaon, Phone 1o. 107 Remington Avenue. C. T. Cooper Dead— The report comes from Pavo that Mr. C. T. Cooper, prominent merchant of that place, died laat night of an at tack of pneumonia. He was sick only few days, having attended church Sunday. Beginning with a cold Mon- Board of Education Holda Meeting— The Board of Education held the regular meeting today and transacted the usual amount of routine business. Reports were submitted on the lunch and other matters of importance in the general conduct of the schools. The resignation of Mr. T. L. Ross i a member of the board was re ceived In view of his moviA from Thomasville. The secretary was or dered to transmit to Mr. Ross the re grets of the board and assurances of appreciation for his services rendered behalf of the local school system. Mr. Roscoe Fleetwood was formally selected to fill the unoxplred term. Big Timber Deal Consummated— A deal was consummated this week whereby the L. F. Driver Company of this city, purchased the timber rights the prop e rty of Mr. E. Gibson, lying about five miles from Thomasville, on the Moultrie road. The place contains about 2.300 acres of timber lands, 400 hundred of which has been turpentin ed. The timber Is some of the most desirable in this section ot the state. The deal Is one of the most Impressive of the current year, Involving some thing over a hundred thousand dollars. Good Rain This Morning— That was a splendid shower that • came this morning and It was begin-' nlng to be much needed. It Is hoped j > very cold weath-1 day, peuumonia rapidly developed. Mr. Cooper was very popular In business circles, being at the head of Cooper, DeVane and Company, general merchants, of Paro. His death will cause sadness over the entire section ot Thomas and Brooks counties. Want to Know Whereabouts Of Mrs. Minnie Berwick— An appeal has come from Columbia, S. C., asking If anybody knows the whereabouts of Mrs. Minnie Berwick, believed to be living In Thomas coun ty. If Mrs. Barwlck Is known here. Mr. Homer Williams, chairman of the County Commissioners, would like have her address. Xmas toys and Xmas furniture can be bought vary cheap at Empire FumL ture Store. MEXICAN SHOE INDUSTRY EXPERIENCES NEW BOOM Mexico City, Nov. 6* (By Mail) —The younger generation i n Mexico is being taught to wear shoes and the “barefoot boy with cheek of tan" is decreasing in numbers, if statistics compiled by the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico are correct Not only have lmportationa of footwear from the United States in creased, it is said, but daring the past two years several shoe facotries hare started in Msxieo and all an thriving. that there will be ed to follow It. The wind yesterday afternoon blew down quantities of leaves and there was a regular "golden shower” from Fresh Meats all kinds Bread and Butter Bacon and Ham. good [service call THE ECONOMY MARKET J. W. Blanton, Proprietor. Phone No. 2-8-7 110 N. Broad SI. AH prices on our Shoes have been reduced for the Big Xmas Sale Shoes for 19c and up W a rshaw’s Cut Price Shoe Store FIREMEN must often de stroy your property in order to conquer the flames. Wherever fire gets a foothold there follows financial loss of some degret. A Hartford Fire Insurance Company policy stands betwssn you snd this loss. The property owner pro tected by a Hartford Contract need not fear that hit dollars will go up In smoke- J. T. CULPEPPER & SON AGENTS Thomasville, • • • Georgia. the pecan trees, the leaves of which had turned a vivid yellow, and today; they are showing almost the bare 1 limbs, with only a scattering of leaves left. The trees have been particularly beauUful this fall, with the autumn coloring of the leaves but they will probably all fall now. Thomasville has the advantage of having many | evergreens, however, which stay ( bright and green all winter. i The Christmas Store We Carry A Complete Line Of Brighten up tnat room with new wall, paper. You will find exactly what you I want here, and rapid and expert work*i men to hang It, too. James H. Brown, Wall Paper, Phone 251. Christmas Gifts $5.50 $5.50 THOMASVILLE ATLANTA AND RETURN VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD December J4th Tickets limited leave Atlanta December 18th. Baggage will not be checked. Tickets will be honored In sleeping and part Apply O. F. NUNN, Ticket Bath Robes, Smoking; Jackets, Bed Room Slippers, |, Scarf Pins, Belt Buckles, Beltograms, Belts, Knives & Pencils, Cuff Links, Pocket Books, Suit Ciscs, Hand Bags, Ties, Scarfs, Shoes, Initial Handler- jj chiefs. Hats, Shirts, Etc. WE ASK YOUR INSPECTION. PHONE 111 Ansley- Pittman Company 2 PHONE HI. 101 1.2 SOUTH BROAD ST. IN ext to Mash-Milton Drug Company) 2 mOM