The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 08, 1922, Image 9

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FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER S, 1922. DAILY TIME8-ENTERPRIS3, THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA AQK NINC It will put a Grafonola in your home within 2 hours! Pay No Money Down! Just Sign the Coupon! Within two hours after you bring us the signed dollar■ free coupon any one of the fine Columbia Grofonolas you select will be pouring out musical sunshine in your home! Our coupon is your first cash paymentl Pay the balance as meets your convenience! YOU NAME THE TERMS! Never before has such a liberal offer been made to every family in this city and surrounding country! The world-famous Grafonola is NOW within reach of every one! Remember— YOU CAN HAVE A GRAFONOLA IN YOUR HOME WITHIN TWO HOURS! I Sign the coupon! Cash Coupon SAVED $26 All Grafonola Prices Have Been Reduced! To-day, you have an immense advantage buying a Grafonola! FIRST—Grafonola prices have been cut down tremendously by lowered costs. SECOND— Grafonola prices average as much as *10 per cent less than competitors for the same type instrument. Grafonola “G2,” pictured in this advertisement, has been reduced from $150 to $125—yet competitors sell machines the same size for $155. We challenge quality and price comparison of the Grafonola with any phono graph in the world! SIGN THE COUPON! Put a Grafonola in your home within two hours! It is the finest home investment you can make! Cash Coupon SAVED $16 Cash Coupon 1 SAVED $26 L2 Was $275 Now 175 Cash Coupon 1 SAVED iloT Don’t Hesitate!! Sign the Dollar FREE Coupon?!! Get a Grafonola into your home within two hours without a single cent of outlay for a cash-down payment! Our dollar coupon—FREE to YOU—attends to that! Play the wonder music of to-day—the dances, the bands, the singers! Get the thrill and throb that comes out of beautiful music! Hear the rollicking comedians cut loose! Why—you and the family have rest and recreation and refreshment that never before has entered your home; that never before have you enjoyed so greatly 1 It will entertain and inspire and cheer-up family and friends I Just think what this sensational opportunity means—your dreams realized! A Grafonola in your home at the price you can afford to pay, and pay it as you want tol REMEMBER—you name the terms I Not a cent down—and the balance as suits your convenience! We want every home to have the joys that the wonderful Grafonola pours in so generously! We want your kiddies to have the happiness that music will give them! Do you realize the effect a Grafonola will have on your children in developing tastes for the music of great mastersf Think what this may mean to their future! THIS GRAFONOLA OFFER IS STRICTLY LIMITED!! Your oppor. tunity is entirely in your own hands—and such a chance—the FREE down Payment and making your own terms—may never come again! Break the bonds of hesitation! Say “I’LL DO IT—NOW!" Sign the coupon—set that Grafonola playing in YOUR HOME—within two hoursf Moore Music Company Exclusive Agents 116 North Broad St. : THOMASV1LLE, GEORGIA Telephone 1S7