The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 09, 1922, Image 7

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SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 9, 1122. MOB MVBN DAILY TIMEB-INTERPRIBC THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA Condensed Statement OP THE CONDITION OF THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA At the Close of Bus Iness December 0, 1922. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts « 195,195.87 Capital 8tock 9 25,000.00 Furniture and Fixture. SOUS Undlvlded Cash In Vault and Due Deooslt* from Banks... 32*00.80 Bills Payable .. 17,295.94 180,005.15 S 228,901.09 9 228,901.09 T. J. Ball, Prest. Jas. F. Evans, Vice Prest. R* J. McClenny, Cash. DIRECTORS: T. J. BALL, JAS. P. EVANS, W. J. UPCHURCH, E. L. NEEL, P. H. SMITH. L. S. MOORE, W. L. BALL 8 Per Cent Dividends Paid Annually The above shows how this bank grows. May we not have your countf We pay Interest on savings. IF YOU WANT COAL THAT WILL BURN PHONE 187 WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE BEST W.H. BURCH & SON Coal Sold for Cash Only. Please Pay Driver IN THE THOMASVILLE CHURCHES TOMORROW METHODIST Rev. P. W. Ellis, pastor. Sundsy school at 10 a m., Mr. J. Robison superintendent: Miss Sarah Harley, superintendent department Graded Lessons. Preaching Sunday, 11:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Junior League, Sunday 8:00 p. Miss Anna Doss, Supt. Senior League, Sunday 0:45 p. xr Mid-week prayer service Wednes day 7:30 p. m. Public cordially Invited to all vices. Musical Program. MORNING Organ Prelude — "Adagio” from Mrd Sanato—Glubuant. Choir Response — “The Lord Is In His Holy Temple.”—Lorenz. Offertory — "Benediction Nuptlale' —Dubois. Anthem — ::Light of the World. Postlude — “Sortie-Marche"—Flag- EVENING Organ Prelude — “Meditation” Bubeck. rtory — “Chant Negro’’—Kram- Anthem — “My Faith Looks up ice”—Schucker. Violin obligato by Miss Carmen Evans. Postlude—”The Crusaders."—Volk* FIRST BAPTI8T Rev. W. M. Harris, pastor. Sunday School, meets at 10:00 a. W. Stone, Supt. Graded classes all students. Worship with preaching by the pas- to at 11:2 Oar Quality Is The Highest! OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT!! BIIH SERVICE IS THEiO'jlCKESI IN THE CITY!!! -Call Us— THE ENTERPRISE MARKET 301 W. Jackson St. Phone 227. A. C. Walden, Prop. No preaching services at the evei Ing hour, the congregation Joining I the Union service at the Method!) church, welcoming the new mlnisteri to the city. Men’s Baraca Class will meet the Court House at 10:00. Paul Searcy President. Ardls McDougald, Teach- to you. Come meet with us. Junior B. V. P. U., at 4 p. m. art Yates, president Senior B. Y. 1*. U., meets at Prayer meeting Wednesday lng 7:30 oclock. You are Invited to those ser Rev. Sunday school. II. R. Mahler, superintendent. WE have CLASS and a WELCOME for YOU. 11:30 a. m. Morning service. "Who will we see at the judgment?” 4 p. m. Junior Christian Endeavor Subject: “Snow.” A leaderlesi KEEP GOOD SHOES Under your feet and pre serve your heallb. Nothing but white shoe-makers of recognized abili ty employed. We fix them while you wait. Workmanship as good as the best. L. J. STURDIVANT THOMASV ILIE, GA. 4:00 p. m. Intermediate Christiai findeavor. Organization of societ; aider leadership of Miss Clarice Mil | 6:43. Senior Christian Endeavi 'Society. the Methodist . corn© to their elder who hav )point Moi 1:00 ] neetlng. Subject: Cl ion. Leader, Mrs. W Monday S:00 p. m. Tuesday evening S:( >: Deacons. Wednesday evening ■a plot attlie f. THOMAS CPISCO.'A SERVICES. Roll, White, Jr.. Ih.ct>. mm! . Evening praye: CATHOLIC. Brighten up your rooms for Christmas by giving the woodwork a coat of Pee Gee Varnish CHRISTIAN SCIENCE WIFE OF MISS. GOVERNOR TO TAKE THE STAND OPTIMISM OVER INCREASED DOMESTIC PRODUCTION Washington, D. C., Dec. 9.—De partment of Commerce official pressed optimistic -jliews yesterday .. . ..... regarding world business conditions Blrkhead, plaintiff, (ran. ear], girl-.,. re , ult of report , .bowing in hood lo the Tillage ot, Y.ioo l created domeitic production and county, Miss., later in Pearsall, Texas, and during recent years In Mississippi and Louisiana, were told to a Jury In United States District Court here yes terday by witnesses called by the de fense In the damage suit filed by Miss Blrkhead against Lee M. Russell, gov ernor of Mississippi. Just before court adjourned for the day, Mrs. Russell, wife of the govern- announced as the next ness, but owning to the late hour adjourned for the day before she took the witness stand. " The testimony yesterday dealt large ly with alleged Improprieties on part of Miss Blrkhead at a dance Dover, and during her brief residence Pearsall, of threats the witness de clared she made in Jackson In 19 that she was "going to Vicksburg who had ruined her reputa tion and coming back to kill the gov- ■nor,” and of a visit to a road house New Orleans. Much of this testimony was given late session of court, delayed permit the disposition of another ca st for the early afternoon. The morning session was devoted principally to conclusion examination of Gov. Russell. His tes- tlmony was chiefly a repetition of de nials he made previously in detail to all of the allegations made by Miss Blrkhead, which included a charge of seduction and an alleged promise that obtain a divorce and marry I nover though of such a thing as orce,” Gov. Russell said. "I would- give my wife up for all the women the world.” He declared charges that he had promised to obtain a dl- rere unfounded. Testimony as to the alleged conduct of Miss Blrkhead at various times ranged from an Incident when she alleged to have ridden astride erious misconduct. distribution and an improvement in the general outlook abroad. Domestic production in at least fif teen basic lines have reached, and in some cases exceeded, the . 1920 re cords, according to the department’s survey, while exporting has increased in some lines. Textile exports by this country for the last ten months amounted to $642,000,000, or 20 per cent of the total outgoing shipments. Foodstuffs likewise were sent abord increasing quantities t products. There was the antici pated seasonal decline, however, cereals, although comparisons show this to have been less than in many British business conditions id to be supported by a much better itiment” indicating to officials that i turn had come in economic affairs there. The American tariff was re duction in British shipments of silk yarns and fine cloths, but the effects of this measure, it was asserted, ‘have not proved as serious to Brit ish business as was anticipated be fore its passage.” Similar sentiment was reported from several other European coun- i, notably Italy, where the grant ing of authority to the Fasci ministry to put through its economic and fiscal program was said to have heartened the business me n of that :ountry. Promises to turn over many of the state enterprises to private management were declared to have stimulated business and encouraged foreign in vestors. Offers of Ameri- capital have been reported GLASS If you have PAINS call the Doctor If you have BROKEN WINDOW PANES Call U: WATT SUPPLY CO. Phone 65 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY COCOA The Very Best Grade 20c per pound J08 N. Broad St. Buckelew’s Telephone J2J Technical High School and the State Commercial Academy, and four schools have been established in the police department for the instruction of members. In all there arc Esperanto schools in this city. Saw Droves of Them! Bert Nicholson says, “Down ii swamp back of our farm were millions They used to visit our ’cry night and do all kinds of :tmage—I saw droves of them. Heard about Royal Guaranteed Rat Paste, put it around and have r near the barn since.” 60c handy tube today. Sold and guaranteed by Ingram Drug store. (Advertisement) STUDY OF ESPERANTO COMPULSORY IN VIENNA Vienna, Nov. 1—(By Ma|il) The Esperanto language has been made a compulsory study in the Wall Papering, INTERIOR DECORATING PAINTING TINTING —AND— MIRROR SILVERING jf A SENSIBLE GIFT i n FOR HIE BOY.. BOY’S SUITS jV Jy •. i $2.38 to $13.80 Som • With F.vo Pairs rf Knickers Vi 1 i n Useful Gifts For Boys or if you want to change the color, use the PEE GEE VARNISH STAIN. There is no other Interior finish that gives as much results at the least cost as VARNISH. {Robison Hdw. Co. 117-1)9 E. Jackson St. Phone 168 the Ulhle and till authorized Cbrlstla. Jclcucc literature utuy bo read, hot rowed or purchased. ilniony meeting. MEXICAN RADICAL LEADERS INTERESTED IN RUSSIA Mexico City, Nov. 13- (By Mail) Felipe Carrillo Puerto, governor of tan and an avowed radical, has just been granted a leave of absence by his legislature to permit him Russia and study Bolshevism first hand, according to the news, r Excelsior. Yucatan has been lently described as a miniature a' and governor Puerto as its General Jose Maria Sanches, who also on leave from bis duties as ▼arnor of Puebla, recently returned to Mexico from an extended visit to Russia and other European countries General Sanches was granted an "un limited leave" by bit legislators be cause of bis radical tendencies. -HOSE -HATS -SHOES CAPS -SHIRTS At A Price To Ind uce THE FAIR ~Tftfj%HBISTMAS QF^TOPE