The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 09, 1922, Image 8

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FAQK EIGHT DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER t, 1922. POINTERS ABOUT "OUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE When we compound your prescriptions you may be sure of the following:— You may be sure of Fresh Drugs, You may be sure of Pure Drugs, You may be sure of Potent Drugs, You may be sure of Accuracy, You may be sure of Prompt Service, You may be sure of Right Prices. Our reputation as reliable prescription pharmacists is well established. Let us fill your next Prescription. INGRAM DRUG CO. Seedsmen Phone 600 Druggists Turkeys— GEESE- - Chickens— BEEF, FORK, VEAL LAMB, OYSTERS -FOR- Thanksgiving Our store will be closed on Thursday Thanksgiv ing day Quality and Service PHONE 15 MARKETS CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKET Chicago. III.. Dec. 9.—Wheat and corn closed strong. WHEAT— P. C. i Dec 1.1914 1 1.09% LISTEN LADIES! We have a uu for your Black and Brown Satin Slippers The first production of this kind on the market. MITCHELL SHOE CO. North Broad Street. July 9.25 9.70 ST. LOUIS MARKETS St. Louis, Dec. 9.—Wheat So. 2 red .33: So. 3 red. $1.30; Dec. *1.18%; ay 91.19%. Corn So. 3 yellow 72% to 72%c: So. 4 yellow 71%c; Dec. 72%c; May l%c. Oats So. I5%c; Dec TURPENTINE Savannah. Ga., Dec. 9.—Turpentine irm $1.33; rosin firm. LOCAL PRODUCE MARKETS Prices Current Today MACON WOMAN REPORTED IMPROVED .Macon,* Ga., Dec. 9.—Miss Olene Courson, who was shot by a Joalous lover Thursday night, was much im proved this morning end doctors hold out hopes for her recovery, according to an announcement at the hospital. POISONED CANDY ASTORIA OREGON LOST TWELVE MILLIONS IN FIRE (Continued trom page one) eries sent loads of bread and Seaside sent word that the hotel there was open to receive those without shelter, a large number of summer cottages at the beach resorts were offered to the homeless and homes in the resi dence district were thrown open to give aid and food to the needy. The Budget, an afternoon paper, which attempted to get out an edition yesterday at Seaside, issued mimeo graphed sheets. J. S. Dellinger, publisher of the Astoria, the morning paper, announc ed he would probably get out this morning’s edition on the press of the local Finnish Daily, the Toverl. Telephone exchanges and tele graph offices were burned. Communication with the outside was maintained throughout the by means of a long distance line temporaily set up. The hotel keepers of Oregon, in session at Portland, *5,000 for relief and railroads of fered free transportation and other aid. The Columbia River Packing Asso ciation donated the use of two steam- s for housing purposes and facill- ;s in churches and other buildings ?re listed for housing. A detachment of the Oregon tionai guard was due to arrive to aid the local police. Orders were issued to keep every person out of the burned district last night. Douglas Fairbanks, to restrain Hyman I Wlnlk and others, from revamping SENDER ARRAIGNED to wh,ci F ‘‘' rb *° k * * PPMred (By Associates Preae) Philadelphia, Pa.. Dec. 9. — Mrs. Elizabeth Deard. of Reading, aged 62, and mother of seven children, charged with mailing a box of poisoned candy to Mrs. Annie Chamurs, has been in dicted by a federal grand jury. U. S. MAY ENTER PREMIERS MEETING IN LONDON (By Aaaoclatet! Tress) London, Dec. 9.—The possibility that Japan and the United States may be admitted to the conference of ! British, Belgian and Italian premiers here this week-end, was discussed day by the diplomatic correspondent of the Daily Telegraph. The writer says that Japnn has already formally requested admission and that although Amcrica.bas not made the satr quest, this fact need not preclude consideration of that point. LAUSANNE MEET SEEMS BRIGHTER (Continued from Face I) TWO MORE FARM CREDIT PLANS BEFORE CONGRESS (By / I Press) Velvet Beans, ton Eggs. doz. $10.00 ... 50c Chickens, fryers, lb 20c to 25c Chickens, hens, lb 17c t< Turkeys, lb Sweet Potatoes, home consumption only, bu 4uc to 60 Peanuts: Market weak. CHICAGO SCHOOL BOARD DEFICIT TWO MILLIONS (By Associated press) Chicago. III.. Dec. 9.—Dlscn cies in the financial accounts of the Chicago school board, are allege the auditing company that In Kitted the 'looks of the board a of the port of which 1 ublic. BANDITS STEAL $50,000 WORTH OF WHISKEY (By Associated Press) 81. Louis, Mo.. Dec. 9.—The police today are searching for clues In the daring theft of whiskey valued at be tween fifty thousand and one hundred thousand dollars, by a dozen bandits who overpowered the watchman and government guard at the Jaek Daniel Distilling Company here last night and escaped. The loot consists of fif ty barrels and four hundred oases. RED * COAL FURIOUS AND LONG Many coals quickly 1, urn themselves out— Red Star Does Not. ONE TON WILL CONVINCE YOU THOMASVILLE ICE & A/lFg. GO. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS PHONE 6. Washington. D. C., Dec. 9—Two tore farm credit plans were today dded to the dozen or more already before Congress. A bill amending amending the farm loan act to provide for additional credit, was Introduced by Senator Norbeck, and Representa tive Strong, while another Introduced by Norbeck and Representative Net son. would authorize the war finance corporation to make loans to foreign purchasers fo American agricultural products. sio n came when M. Tchitcherin and M. Rakovsky also of the Russian dele gation, demanded that Russia be ad mitted to all informal discussions which may take place between th military and naval experts of the Turks and the entente on the straits question. Lord Cttrzon held this would be impossible as these discus sions would be informal and wholly unofficial. He said Russia had right to demand representation when the powers interested in the straits were making no such request, case the problem of the straits w discussed in full conference by subcommission Lord Curzon explain ed that the Russian experts would he welcomed. In opening the session Lord Curzon ;aid he was glad the Turks had cepted the principle of demilitarized zones on the straits, provided they assurred adequate protection that the Turks had accepted the prin ciple of free passage of warships and merchantmen in times of peace -, and also in principle a n inter national commission to regulate com- :ia! navigation. He added that the Turks had laid down the basis of • regime they desired to see applied the straits and that it seemed possible to harmonize this with the WILL TRY AIR TRIP AROUND THE WORLD (By Associated Tress) San Francisco. Cal.. Dec. 9.—Sir Keith Smith, famous British aviator arrived here today to prepare for n round-the-world flight, which ho pro poses to make In the spring of 1923. The course of the air cruise will lead from London to Egypt and Mesopo tamia. over India and Burma, up the Chinese coast, across to Japan, thence to Alaska, across Canada to New York, and finally London by way of Greenland and Iceland. VIOLENT STORM WRECKS MANY SHIPS OFF SPAIN (lly Associated Tress) Paris. Dec. 9.—Fleeing from the violent tempest sweeping the Mediter ranean coast of Spain, the French mall boat, Governor General Tlrman has struck on the reefa at the en trance to the harbor of Port Vendres, 19 miles southeast of Perplgan, where It was seeking refuge. The passengers were put ashore after much dlfllculty but the vessel proba bly will bo lost. This Is but one of the many wrecks that have occurred during the present storm. AGRICULTURAL SITUATION IN UNITED STATES IMPROVED Washington. D. C.. Dec.' 9.—The general agricultural situation In the United States has improved slightly. indicated by the monthly agricul tural review by the Department of Agriculture. Cotton, grain and livestock prod ucts prices os well as the prices of things the farmers have to buy have slowly, the October price Index in farm products being 110 as compared with 100 for 1913. STILLMAN MAKES ANOTHER EFFORT (By Associated Press) White Plains, N. Y., Dec. 9.—James . Stillman, has made another efTort > appeal from the court decision which declared his wife not guilty of induct and upholding the paterni ty of Baby Guy. An appeal filed (by Stillman's coun- *1. asked the appellate division o' the Supreme Court to decide on the -gality of final judgment In the case Xmat toy* and Xmas furnltur* can be bought very cheap at Empire Furni ture Store. 00UG LOSES SUIT (By Associated Press) New York. Dec. 9.—The plea of several year* ago, was denied today by Supreme Court Justice Wagner. The court held that Fairbanks was but an employe of tho company that made the films and that the produc ers had a right to make any changes they saw fit GRAND Dec14 MIMSTREU E® ALL * 1ES( 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Seats on Sale Wednesday Ingram Drug Store CHANGEJF LIFE Florida Lady Was ia a Miserable Condition, Bat Says She Found Cardui Helpful, and GotWeD. Allha, Fla.—In explaining how the found Cardui so helpful during change pi life, Mrs. Ella M. Bailey, of Route 2, this place, said: ”1 became so weakened It was an effort for me to get around, f knew what waa the matter, but I felt like I couldn’t give 1 just dragged, and I certainly was nervous. I was so restless I could not sit down long—yet so weak I couldn’t get about. It is a most miserable and Such a helpless feeling. 1 would get depressed and out ot i oepun to icci, ancr u\vuuc,incic w«i no use to try to get well. This is all wrong, for it makes a person worse. “I had heard of Cardui. and thought.. might strengthen me A neighbor had used It with good results. “1 took one bottle (of Cardui), then I saw I wasn’t so nervous, so kept it up. “Gradually the nervousness left me. 1 began to eat and sleep better. Was soon well, and all right Cardui did wonders tor me, ana I certainly do recommend It” Thousands of other women have writ ten, to tell of the beneficial results obtain ed by taking Cardui, and to recommend It to others. _ tA Sold everywhere. Try It Nl (Advertisement) CHEAP EXCURSION TO ATLANTA $5.50 A. B. &A.RY. ROUND TRIP $5.50 From Thomasville Tickets sold for spsclsl train, Isaving 9:45 a. m. and rsgular train Isaving at 7:20 p. m. Thursday, Dsc. 14. Rsturn lim it Dec. 17th. Addltionsl Information from any A. B. A A. Agent. Extraordinary Silk Shirt Sale A Beautiful lot that sold from $5.00 to $10.00 ON SALE Lot No. 1 $2.95, Lot No. 2 $3.95 Lot No. 3 $4.95 Neel Brothers Bargain Department H. GOLDSTEIN'S SPECIALS FOR JO DAYS ONLY Mai’s Overcoats, at $4.98 Ladies’ $25.00 Coats at $16.75 Ladies’ Suits, at $9.90 Baby Blankets, pair 49c Chiffon Broadcloth, 54-inch, yd. ... $2.79 54-Inch Prunella Skirting, yd $2.95 54-lnch Storm Serge yd. $1.39 H. GOLDSTEIN'S A COMPLETE LINE OF China and Crockery-ware FOR YOUR HOLIDAY GIFTS Yale and National Bicycles —for— YOUR BOY OR GIRL. Parrish Bicycle & Hdwe. Co. 221-223 W. Jackson SI. Tfiomasville, Ga. Dyeing Dyeing Dyeing WE DYE TO LIVE— Said us your Cleaning and Pressing. All work guaranteed. Ladies’ work a specialty. We are now in position to do all kinds of tailoring 'coat-lining, ets. Troy Tailoring Co. Phone 43 205 West Jackson Street Rubber Boots For $3.00 A. T. Chastain Why Not Eat Fresh JERSEY BUTTER While You Can The Supply Is Plentiful At Present Pringle Company PRESCRIPTION PRUDENCE Your doctor may diagnose your trouble exactly, and prescribe just the medicine indicated in your case, and still not get results. OVER FORTY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE has taught us to be extremely careful about dispens ing the right strength drugs—compounded just as your Doctor wants them. THIS IS YOUR PROTECTION AT OUR STORE Thomas Drug Store Prescription Druggists PHONES 41 and 798 THOMASVILLE, QA