The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 11, 1922, Image 3

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MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECI 11, 1922. DAILY TIMEB-ENTERPRISE, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA PAGE THREE RAILROAD SCHEDULES (Train■ NertfT, ”Cart'’end" South' •« Themeevtn* i —' Tim*, which Tim* In Q«M ••vlll* operate an Central Mutari Tim*, which I ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIC RAILWAY (Putbaan Sleeping Can) Arrive* L •:S0 am Binning ham-AtlanU 7:10 pm ATLANTIC COAST LINS RAILROAD Arrive* L*avee 2:20 am •av'h-Jax-Menta'y 1^7 an 2:21 am Monti , y-Sav'li.7aa f “ 10:66 Thoe’vllle-Sav'h *2Ng pm Montlcollo ••:30 pm Panlm 10:60 am Atlsnte-Albsnj IN pm Mont|*y-8av’h-J 7:16 pm Atlanta •Albany Net*—(**)8unaay only. LOOK! LISTEN! CONSIDER! Beef, Pork and Sausage are cheaper now than last year. Our stock is the best; our market is absolutely sanitary; our price is as low as good service and good food can be sold. IK & PHONE 52 If you are not perfectly satisfied with your pres ent market service, try ne time. That is all we ask. Thomaivilla, Ga., Dae. 8, 1922. The board of education met in th* First National Bank at 12:00 o'clock with the following members: Presi dent Jerger and Massrs. Little, Maya, Rockwell, and Upchurch. The minutes of the previous meet* g were read and approved. A report on the East Side lanch om showed that for the two months of its operation it had paid all operat* ing expenses with a small balance left, but nothing had been paid equipment- The matter of selecting supervisor of the lunch referred to the Committee on Teach* u Miss May Upchurch, who has successfully supervised this work, submitted her resignation ai she will be in Florida during the next several months. Her work was highly com* Clean Up for X - Mas Best Scrub Brushes 25c Old Dutch Geanser 10c Sunbrite Geanser, 2 for 15c Spotless Geanser .. 5c Swift’s Pride Washing Powder, 10 pkgs for 35c Swift’s Arrow Borax Soap, 8 bars for ,25c Roy Smith mended by SupL Broughton. The resignation of Mr. T. L. Ross as a member of the board was re ceived and accepted with regret. The vacancy thus created waa filled by the unanimous election of Mr. R. G. Fleetwood . Other matters of general interest were discussed. The treasurer’s report is as follows: Statement Of Tr**e*rar November T* December 1, 1922 RECEIPTS Balance Nov. 1, $ 18.1 County Board 382.( Borrowed Money 7,OOO.C Book Fees Ele. White. 88.8 Incidental Fees Ele. While 5i.o Book Fees High Sehool 89.0 Incidental Fees H. S... 18.0 Music East Sid* 48.7 Music iPletcbervtll* __ 81.7 Bqok IRtnt • .7 Fines A Damages - 4.7 Sale of Supplies ..... 7.2 Sale of Books .(J Fin.# on AthVJc Equipment ... .7 Current Events .gi Literary Digest 1.01 Lunch Room .191.2! Total $ DISBURSEMENTS Salaries Teachers (white) 7,867.27 9 Salaries Teachers’ (eol) Janitor Colored Seh... Fuel ............... Freight on Coal Telephones .......... Janitors ............ Lunch Room ........ Manual Training Postage Building & (grounds.. Insurance Domestic Science Athletics ......... Books Equipment Teachers’ Supplies Office Supplied Literary Digest Incidentals Refund Book Fees Refund Incidental Fees Supplies Balance December 1 .. 4,898.85 682.50 12.50 9.00 3.48 6.86 104.00 203.20 .74 5.02 12.09 8.70 15.67 6.25 29.86 190.89 12.30 1.20 3.00 21.60 3.66 1.00 327.78 1,612.58 WINESAP APPLES These apples will not rot. BUY THEM BY THE BOX From your retail dealer. Buy the ALL AMER ICAN BRAND. F. B. Harris Co. Distributors TOTAL $ 7,867.27 The following approved bills were ordered paid: F. B. Harris Co., 875.75; H. H. Vann & Son $22.88; Neel Bros. 11.08; Thomasville Steam Laundry $1.10; B. B. Broughton $4.00; Pringle Company $3.00; Ingram Drug Co., $5.30; Stegall’s Dairy $77.33; Henry Holt & Company $1.35; Times-Enterprise Co., $109.28; The MacMillan Co., $3.74; The R. M. Rowe Co., $21.31; Clanton & Webb Co., $1.25; March Brother* $3.99; Milton Bradley Co., $2.00; The Jenkina Co., $3.75; W. F. Martin $23.00; Kirby Planing Mill Co.,: $21.85; Robison Hardware Co., i $20.28; J. O. Baxley $9.10; Samuel Lewis $12.25; James Watt & Bro.| $45.66; Allyn £ Bacon $3.78; Edu cational Publishing Co., . $0.48; $6.37; Central Scientific Co., $10.53; L. J. Sturdivant $2.60. There being no further business, the board adjourned. E. R. JERGER, Pre* B. B. BROUGHTON, Sec. highways weather service Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 11, 1923. Dixie Highway, Atlanta to Chat tanooga, Tann* (Via Dalton 117 miles. Via Rome 126 miles.) Considerable rain fell in northern Georgia and roada are somewhat slippery, but passable. From Annu- chee to Gore has a few bad * places where the road Is being rebuilt since the rain, but passable. 2. Bankheaa Highway. (Atlanta te Tallapoosa 60 mllea. Atlanta ta Hartwell 116 miles.) The entire route is somewhat slippery, and rough and muddy in places, but can be traveled all right , Atlanta-MacHson-Warrenton-Augus- ta. (166 mllta.) The road from Stone Mountain to Lithonla is in good shape, only Steyerman’s Style Shop PRESENTS OF IDEAS FOR THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPER Italian Silk Underwear Kayser’s Jersey Petticoats MAKES A CHARMING GIFT Dainty Silk Vests, Bloomers, Ted dies and Gowns, all of the best Kay- ser Glove Silk, plain and fancy trimmed. For mother, sister, daughter or friend —what gift is more practical and prettier than a petticoat. Here you will find them in a gala ar ray at all prices, depending on fabric, j quality and style. /% Hif ■ M Hundreds of Lovely Handkerchiefs Exquisitely Embroidered on the finest Imported Linens Exceedingly practical; handkerchiefs take their place among the most favor ed personal gifts. Packed each in a box at 35c to $1.50 Fine Wool Sweaters Slip-Over and Tuxedo Models From the simplest to the very tin Angora and Pure Silks. Priced from $2.95 and upwards. Christmas Day is not far off—time now is too brief for gift gi vers to lag. Right now, while there is yet ample elbow room —fresh and full assortments of merchandise, and sales-people unwearied, is the time for the adventure of Christmas shop ping. We have Gifts here she will surely like because she ca n really use them. Grlffin-Macon, 64 mllea.) (deposited in due form and itg receipt The Macon route is fair, but the I acknowledge, the State of Georgia considerable rain during the past 24- hours has made muddy places in low portlona of the road. 5. Atlanta-Newnan-Columbua. miles.) The Atlanta-Columbus road* somewhat muddy and slippery on th* surface, but passable. From Luther ville to Durand good. About one mile of highway near Durand not complet ed, which la in fair condition. Road ForacasL Further cloudy, threatening, rainy weather is dictated, with somewhat colder, which will keep road surfaces slippery and muddy during the ne several days. C. P- von HERRMANN. NEW AND INTRICATE FINANCIAL PROBLEM Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 11 An entire ly new and intricate problem in financing hat Just been presented to little bumpy in places Stone Moun-1 Comptroller General •William A. tain to Grayson is in excellent condi> j Wright, and despite his lonjg and tion, except for a short distanca be- I capable service to the state, he is tween Shellville and Grayson. From ' wrinkling his brow and scratching his Grayson on through Logansville and .head. to Monroe and Athens is as leval as! A small public service corporatios floor, and fast timt can be made, up-state sent in a check for 9 cents as Decatur to Lawrencevllle and Winder its annual assessment for the main- is in rather bad ahape, being ripply tainance of the Georgia Public Ser- and bumpy moat of the way. Th* vice Commiadoo. rains Thursday night made road The minimum exchange rat* charg- surfaces in most sections rather ed by the Atlanta banks for the col* slippery. lection of out-of-town items is 10 «. Dlxla Highway, South. (Atlanta- cents. Therefore, if the check is will be out of pocket 3 cents, not counting letterhead, envelope stenographer’s time. On the other hand if the chock is sent back with a request for stamps, it would be very difficult to preserve the complete record of the transaction as all monies must pass through the State Treasury. General Wright took the case un der advisement. passenger type, will be operated by f Swayne and Holt, managing agent! of San Francisco. Besides excellent passenger accommodations, the Presi dent Hayes and the President Harri- the shipping board said have refrigerator space which should prove an attractive feature, especially packers and fruit exporters. NEW PASSENGER SERVICE HAS BEEN INAUGUATED Washington, D. C., Dec. 1 Operation of the new direct passenger service between Pacific ports of the United States and the east cos South America, via the Panama canal will begin next month. The shipping board announced yesterday that the President Hayes would Jloave San Francisco, Jan. 25, and that there- after sailings would be forty dayi apart The President Harrison and the Susquehanna are the other vcsseli assigned to the service. Los Angeles, according to yester day’s announcement, will be the other Pacific coast port of call. The vessels will stop at Santos. When prospec tive inauguration of the new service was announced six weeks ago by th* shipping board it was aaid the ships also would cal! at Seattle, but n* mention was made of that port in yesterday’s announcement The ships all of a combined cargo- WAYCROSS MAY SHIP THOUSANDS OF EGGS Waycross, Dec. 11.—Thousands of fresh eggs will be sent to the market in Jacksonville and North Florida, gs well as throughout South Georgii the poultry and egg plan being foster ed by the Georgia Association in W: county materializes. As yet Waycross buys a large quantity of eggs from Tennessee and other states, but county directors of tbo association hope not only to Induce the farmer: tough eggs for the city tradi but a large surplus to be shipped from here. Pugh & White’s Barber Shop SANITARY AND SKILLED BARBER 8ERVICE ; have recently added another chair to our chop and secured the will be pleased to serve his old [ Mr. Lee Lewis who ' friends and customers. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CUTTING CHILDRENS HAIR Hair Cutting or Shampoo 25c. Shav* 15c Shin* MIZE BUILDING, No. 21 3 WEST JACKSON 8TREET A. M. PUGH, Manager J. F. PITTMAN MILK COWS > want If you want a fresh to exchangs your dry cow for a fresh one, call and aaa me. Phon* 458 or call at r*sld*ncs 424 E. Clay Str*«L Thomasville. J. F. PITTMAN Phone 284 CITY DRUG STORE We Specialize in Prescriptions Our drugs are fresh and pure, and when von have us fill your prescriptions, youcan re-t assured they arc fil led correctly anil delivered promptly. Yours For Belter Service CITY DRUG STORE Agents For Blocks Aristocrat Candies