The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 12, 1922, Image 3

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TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 12, 1822^ DAILY TIMKS-ENTERPRIBE, THOMASVILLB, GEORGIA RAILROAD SCHEDULES end departure of ps—engw J TM—OOtW. A. C. 1» R. IL Station and L M A. R. H Station. 1 following ochodulo flguroo peMtell* Information and not guaranteed. tralno Statlet Tho followli od ao Infortna . (Tralno North, Knot and South of Thomaovtllo op onto o« ~ ‘ Tima, which la tho oai Tlmo in Qoorgla. Tral.._ ••villa oporato on Control SUndard Tlmo, ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIC RAILWAY (Pullman Bleeping Can) Arrive# • :60 am Birmingham-Atlanta 7:20 pm ATLANTIC COAST LINK RAILROAD tav'h-Jax.Montg'y 1*7 Sentg’y.tav’n.Jax 1*0 Thoo*vlllo-8aVh «*S i SaYh'Montf’y 10:0S, Montlcollo 7:30 pm Montlcollo **11:10 am Montlcollo *11:10 am Fanlew *11*8 am Atlanta-Albany 7:30 pm lontg*y*SaVh-Jax 8:10 pm Atlanta*Albany 11*0 am Note—<♦*) Sunday only. (•) Dally oxoopt Sunday. Atlantic Coaot Lino Depot, Phono 188*1 Atlanta Birmingham A Atlantia, Phono LOOK! LISTEN! CONSIDER! Beef, Pork and Sausage are cheaper now than last year. Our stock is the best; our market is absolutely sanitary; our price is as low as good service and good food can be sold. GANADY A PHONE 52 If you are not perfectly satisfied with your pres ent market service, try one time. That is all we ask. DEMOCRATS JUMP ON THE SHIPPING BILL WITH GREAT VIGOR Washington Dee. 12.—The ad ministration shipping bill was taken up yesterday by the senate and was subjected immediately to a baptism of fire by democratic opponents. Chairman Jones of the" commerce mittee, which reported the bill irday after making several Satoi Clean Up for X-Mas Best Scrub Brushes 25c Old Dutch Cleanser f Oc Sunbrite Cleanser, 2 for 15c Spotless Cleanser .. 5c Swift’s Pride Washing Powder, 10 pkgs for 35c Swift’s Arrow Borax Soap, 8 bars for ,25c Roy Smith PHONE 275 changes in the house draft, called up tha mearare. His opening statement In behalf of the legislation, however went over until today, because of the time consumed by the democrats in several attacks on the measure and by the the reading of the bill and both majority with a demand by Senator Fletcher of Florida, ranking democratic member of the commerce coiqmittee. The democrats started their attack . J so®* “ Qhairmaui Jones made hi* f int move in the legislature strug* gle which is expected to occupy the senate for weeks. Senator Jones proposed fint that the senate pro ceed to immediate consideration of the ship bill but objection frdhi the democratic side blocked this move until after the regular calendar had been dispossed of. The commerce committee next auggested that the senate, beginning today, meet an hour earlier, but withdrew the pro posal in the face of objections, that this would interfere with committee Republican supporters of the bill rather expected an attempt by tha democrats to prevent the taking up of the bill, but the motion waTcarrled withoutdissent on a viva voce vote. The next move by Senator Jones—a proposal that the senate on quitting work yesterday, recess instead of adjourn in order to expedite con sideration of the bill was used by three democratic senators as a vehicle of attack on the administration policy with respect to the measure and on the legislation Itself. The proposal later was ruled out of order on a point irahfed by Senator Harrison, democrat, Mississippi. Senator Robinaon, of Arkansas, led Ay •ttack with a criticism of the administration’s course in postponing house action until after the elections on what he described as "conccding- >- unpopular legislation” and the„ in iging pressure to bear to hasten enactment of the legislation “before the members of congress have had a chance to reflect on the expression of the people at the polls in No W1NESAP APPLES These apples will not rot BUY THEM BY THE BOX From your retail dealer. Buy the ALL AMER ICAN BRAND. F.B. Harris Co. Distributors said, entered into the fall campaign in more than 60 congressional dis tricts and in every case, he asserted, the candidate supporting the legisla tion went down to defeat Senator Harrison in arguing his point of order, denied that he or any other democratic senator proposed to filibuster against tho bill. He crit icised the action of the administration in calling the special session at which the house passed the shipping bill and at which he said the sonata had done "Just four things,” “On* was a very extraordinary reposition,” he continued, “and one rhich the American people welcom ed, namely, the swearing in of a wom an for the first time in the history of the American congress as a sena tor from the state of Georgia.* * Another was equally welcomed by the American people anJ was more welcomed by senators on the other side of the aisle (the republican side) and that was the resignation of Mr. Newberry. SAVANNAH BOY FATALLY SHOT BY “UNLOADED” GUN Savannah, Ga., Dec. 12—Follow ing the death of Carl Stahmer, aged 14, Sunday form accidental discharge of a gun while starting on a hunt, and the injuring of two companions. John Stahmer and Dennis Harvey, another casualty from accidental dis-1 charge of a pistol occurred yesterday when 10-year-old Antonio Ruis was critically injured by an ''unloaded" pistol. The lad was with older companions playing at home with a weapon sup posed to be harmless. He is in a! hospital and may not recover from a huge hole torn in his chest Stahmer and his companion, hunt ing Saturday in a canoe, were com pelled to shove the canoe out of a marsh when the tide went out As,caused the second gun to go off, they shoved the boat forward after .both charges striking young Stahmer handing Carl Stahmer the guns, one killing him instantly. John Stahmer of the guns was dropped and dia- ( and Harvey suffered minor wounds charged. The recoil from the gun about the legs. Steyerman’s Style Shop PRESENTS or MS FOR 1 CHRISTMAS SHOPPE! Italian Silk Underwear MAKES A CHARMING GIFT Dainty Silk Vests, Bloomers, Ted dies and Gowns, all of the best Kay- ser Glove Silk, plain and fancy trimmed. Kayser’s Jersey Petticoats For mother, sister, daughter or friend —what gift is more practical and prettier than a petticoat. Here you will find them in a gala ar ray at all prices, depending on fabric, quality and style. 4 Hundreds of Lovely Handkerchiefs Exquisitely Embroidered on the finest Imported Linens Exceedingly practical; handkerchiefs take their place among the most favor ed personal gifts. Packed each in a box at 35c to $1-50 Fine Wool Sweaters Slip-Over and Tuxedo Models From the simplest to the very finest Angora and Pure Silks. Priced from $2*95 and upwards. Christmas Day is not far off—time now is too brief for gift gl vers to lag. Right now, while there is yet ample elbow room —frrft and full assortments of merchandise, and sales-people unwearied, is the time for the adventure of Christmas shop ping. We have Gifts here she will surely like because she ca n really use them. GRAND ONE NIGHT Tl | TAX NOTICE I I will b« at the following plaoee, on Antes named for the purpose ot collecting the state, county and school faxes for the year Uti: | Metcalfe, Oct 2th and Nov. laL I Darwlck, OcL Mth a. m. and Nov. 2nd a. m. Patten, OcL 10th p. m. and Nov. 2nd p. m. Coolldge, Oct. lixn a. m. and Nov. Ird. Merrillville, OcL 11th p. m. and Nov. 6th a. m. EUabelle, OcL 12th and Nov. 7th. Meigs, OcL 12th and, Nor. Sth. Ochltxtfcnaa, OcL 14th and Nov. Sth. t chief I '4th. 1 will be In my office at tha court house during the October term of Siperlor court end from Nov 16th to Dec. 20th inclusive. The tax books will close Dec. 20th. Respectfully. P. 8. HEETH, T. C. it-wk. Dly. Jt-Sw (Advertisement) Keep a Historical Scrapbook. Start s historical scrapbook for your _jy. Put In It pictures of Important public characters and Items ot unusual Interest When the child Isold enough (Advertlocment) ANNOUNCEMENT FOR MAYOR hereby announce iyor of th# city of 1 the white primary t of December, 192! rwo yeare ago you elected me n** jcutlve of your city when It wae badly debt- In fact eo badly In debt that, ne of our dtlzene were considering i inglng the form of the etty government, ce that time considerably more than f your floating tndebledneee hae been| paid, notwithstanding the fact that more i than Seventy-five Tbouaand (175.000.00) Dollars worth of permanent public im- rovements have been made, and yoi ater and light rates will be lowered i is first day of January next. Having undertaken the job of freeing _ jt city of It* floating may apply F. A. STROBEL, D. C Licensed Chiropractor Office Phone. I Respectfully. H. J. MaclNTTUE. FOR MARSHAL iby announce my candidacy for re i to the office of city marshal, sub the action of the primary- X hav always endeavored to give the people city a fair and Jus duties e ___. administration of this office and I shall ext the utmost effort at all times to measu the atandard of duty, which th demands. fiklng you for past evidence and I J appreciation of all favors I eh* be grateful for every vote cast for me i the primary. A. B. MILTON. FOR CITY MARSHAL ‘ the white prl- my candidacy candidacy poltca force for the gast^eleven Subject .... raary, I hereby .... for tho office of City Marshal of TbomaavtUe. In offering mj - —‘ feel that my . .jroe for the the last three of which Dr. R. B. O'Quinn DENTAL SURGEON Office In Medical Bldg. Extracting a Specialty Pugh & White’s Barber Shop , SANITARY AND SKILLED BARBER 8ERVICE We have recently added another chair to our 6hop and secured the services of Mr. Lee Lewis who will be pleased to serve his old friends and customers. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CUTTING CHILDREN'S HAIR Hair Cutting or 8hampoo 25c. Shavt 15c, Shine 5e MIZE BUILDING, No. 213 WEST JACKSON STREET A. M. PUGH, Manager The Smart Shoppe ol Beauty Culture Upchurch Building, tad Floor Room 210, Phone SI Permanent Waving |L per oeri Anna M. Lightfoot Gradaete la Beany Culture JAMES B. BURCH Lawyer Civil uni Criminal Practlc. Third Floor 3 For “Her” Xmas WHY NOT SEND A BOX OF Block’s FINE CHOCOLATES CITY DRUG STORE agents For