The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 12, 1922, Image 4

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I»AGI FOUR DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRI8E, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 12, 1822. CLEVER SCf£,*lR TO OCTHUSBANffffiEP Steubenville, Oj Dec. 12.—Mrs John Borram of Tiltonville, 0., ob tained the release of her husband from jail on a bootlegging charge in an unique manner. Saturday she appealed to Sheriff Edward Lucaa for her huaband'i lease, declaring she needed his in supporting her five children. yesterday that Borram would be i leased today and sent home to ca for the five youngsters. Mrs. Bor ram has not yet been found. JAPANESE UNIONS FAIL TO AGREE ON FEDERATION dsaka, Japan, Oct 17. (By Mai 1 .) —An attempt to form a federation of the labor unions of Japan has ended in failure, owing to the inability of the socialists, who The Implied Compli ment In The Gift Of A Box Of— HAV -A. TAMPA Cigars is appreciated by the man of discriminating taste. The excellent flavor and fragrant aroma of this cigar makes it appreciated by all. They cost no more than or dinary brands, but are greater value. i get them from— VALDOSTA GROCERY CO. Distributor# Valdosta, Georgia. VENIDA Clin tonic Twin SOAPS Wash the Venida way, for enlarged pores, pim ples, oily skin, white- heads, rough, red and chapped skin, black heads, chafing, excessive perspiration, etc. The latest and positively the BF$T SkinSoap yet uevised. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFIED —25 Cents— HONIENTA, the great Cough, Cold, Catarrh and Hay Fever Remedy 40c and 75c. J. R. PE1G0CK 104 E. Jackson St. PHONE 606. Square Deal Drugglit. PERSONALS II '"m Have a Visitor Phone iV**- 12 or 66 Mr. Frank Reagan, of Macon here yesterday < Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. West and Miss Lillie West of Chattanooga, were visitors here yesterday. Mr. W. A. Hill, of Kissimmee, Fla.. Let lie make you a special Christ mas Club offer Mr. W. A. Jelks of Hawklnsville. ii here for a short time with Mf. W. O Jelks. for a short time. be a Vlctrota In your Pope of Jacksonville of the week here on GOVERNOR RUSSELL WON DAMAGE SUIT a jury in United States district here early last night in the trial of the suit of Miss Frances Cleveland Birkhead, stenographer, against Lee Russell, governor of Mississippi for based o n charges of seduction and other <erious allcga- The verdict the .'Umax of one of the most sensational ,^wsuits ever filed in a Mississippi court was re turned at 6:08 o'clock, just 28 win* utes after the arguments were con** eluded, instructions given and the the court room when the jury pre sented its verdict. Gov. Russel, with Mrs. Pd??ll, went to the home of hi? brother immediately after the jury retired. Members of his counsel al- __ had left the court rooms. Miss Birkhead and her attorneys left at the same time for their hotel. And the crowd, which for a week had packed the building, evidently in the be lief that no immediate verdict was in prospect. Several newspaper met, court attaches and a handful of the more determined of those who had followed the trial during its week of sensational developments, of more than a score of men remain' d when the jury filed in with its verdict. It Miss Dorothy Wood, of Indianapolis, arrived today and will spend several eeks with her sister, Mrs. J. B. Demaree, on Rosedale avenue. Mr. Harry Payne Whitney and party and look well, of Lawhead. J. R. Moron, director of the Burlington Route, arrived in Tbomas- ville this morning In a private C. B. Watch for tha closing out tale. II will pay you to wait Empire Fum> ture Store. at the trial, was in the lobby of the building when word came from the jury that it was ready to report, and court was recovened. The jury filed in, its verdict was read and within three minutes from the time the ver dict was presented court had ad journed and the trial of Mississippi’s most widely discussed case in a dec ade had passed into history. Submission of the case to the jury followed four hoars of argument in which pleas brilliant and abound ing with dramatics and intense suppli arrived this morning in a special Puli- j cations were made to the jury on the man from New York, and will spend a one hapd for the exoneration of the short time at the Whitney hunting box. Governor and on the other for a ver- south of the city. 1 diet upholding the contention of the • young woman that she had been Phona 644, or write for appointment wronged by the state executive, and deserving of redress. Miss Birkhead had asked for $100,- 000 damages. Fifty thousand dollars was asked on each of the two counts one charging seduction and the other impairment of health as a result of wo i an *H«ged operation which she de- . J.' clared Mr. Russell had connived at. as ior a j <jhe ver< ji ct was returned By a jury ___ composed of men ranging in age Mr. and Mr., H. C. Crew, .of Mool-I*"™ * 6 *?■ . 7 ? i em ■*" *» trie, announce the birth of a daughter.: rnarri . ed - Thirty-four witnesses were Before her carriage, Mr,. Crew! ... fcjUL""™ til.', hfrfnftelVo,' Ml “ Lrd * S.ananlind of mi. city '"'^’ flled fSt & Q-. < friends here are offering gg^SSt Co, Victor VlctreUe, < l the United i dismissed for want of , vie everv • jurisdiction, refiled in the state court - - - j at Jackson, the sAate capital, but withdrawn form the latter court ■ Cocroft Music Co. Mrs. H. W. Hopkins, who has been J service was obtained on Mr. Russell, quite ill at her home on Remington when he came to his home here to avenue, for several days, is reported vote in the September primary. I Xipas toys and Xmas furniture can be bought V#ry Cheap at Empire Furni ture Store. hVhoK 1 '^' , ,o4 * e “ d -Hold cordele citizen'" E». W .R^“.lad^'^'m^.h?,':I Corde „ ls 0 „ K 'p« D SEftsss ‘msrtvir* eeK - I of this section, was killied by a south | a w,. .. ,, 1 hound passenger train on the A. n •"* friends throughout the city! A< at. " ‘ th * ' ll »' A., at Muaaelwhlte'. Croaalns at S wlU ba gUd to know that Mr. Frtd 0 . c(otk ye , t erday morning when he r "reported .lightly m-, mdertook „.g , h . » lt h a 1 ,*? a8 j een 8U “ er,n * | lighted newspaper. It Is supposed Loveli oved today ... r some days with dengue fever, ilch developed Into pneumonia early The left side of his face and his left leg was broken. When members of the train crew reached him he was dead. A oaughter and The body of Mr. J. H. Rast will be brought to this county and will be in ferred from Barnett's Creek church at 4 o'clock (Central time) December 14th. Mr. G. B. Singletary is in receipt of a telegram saying that the body would leave Los Angeles, December control of some of the unions, to agree with the regular unionists, who avoid politics, p A conference called here for October 1 ended in a row in which the police took a hand, eventually arresting a number of the socialists. WE SELL Syrup Barrels Syrup Cans Lard Cans WE BUY SYRUP Neel Brothers South Madison St. Feed Store . Rhone 780 TWO FARMERS ARRESTED FOR MAKING WHISKEY •dele, Dec. 12.—A Sunday tiger raid by Sheriff Noble and his deputy ind Prohibition Enforcement Officer Parke resulted in the arrest of Jim R Bridges and Roy Raines, two farmers. Jugs with moonshine liquor in them ; taken from under the floor of an house, and portions of a still. The wafo allowed to make bond and CORDELE CREAMERY BREAK8 ALL RECORDS Cordele, Dec. 12.—The Cordele creamery broke all records again last 7,500 pounds ol 50 pe, * plant stood a hair cents. This, toi •cord in high prices. WANTS WOOD—Phone 181 your orders to dry pine house or stove wood. Coca Cola Bottling Co. 18-lm WE CRATE and pack your rurnlture also repair and buy any kind ol Furniture. We pay big prices for same. Empire Furniture Store. 14-lm ,VOOD,. Wood, Woo**, oak or pine; any lengths, delivered as wanted. Phone Neel Brothers* Feed Store. WE BUY all kinds pecans, paper shell and seedlings. See na before you selL Jarvis B. Watkins and Com pany. FOR SALE—Well bred, stylish young pointer, thoroughly broken on qeali. Wlntrimi **** hurt APPRECIATION For the extraordinary attendance on opening day of THOMASVILLE’S GREATEST BANKRUPT SALE NEVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF THIS LONG ESTABLISHED ORGANIZ ATION, HAVE WE SEEN THE CONTINUOUS ECONOMICAL INTEREST IN ANY SALE OF THIS KIND, AS WAS DEMONSTRATED BY THE GREAT CROWDS THAT LITERALLY SWAMPED OUR STORE ON OUR OPENING DAY. THE MA JORITY OF THESE CUSTOMERS COME AGAIN AND SAY THEY EXPECT TO COME EVERY DAY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE NEW AND GREATER VALUES BEING CONSTANTLY ADDED TO THIS TREMENDOUS STOCK. Another Stock Just Received Just received another big stock, by two big trucks. This new stock bought at still greater sacrifice, is now ready for ypur accommodation —You should not miss coming in at the earliest possible time to buy your full winters’ wardrobe for the whole family.—So many useful articles for Christmas remembrahees, at such great savings.—Come in today! Sou.Sales&SalvageCo. 128 S. BROAD STREET. NEAR MONUMENT THOMASVILLE ::::::: GEORGIA WHEN IN NEED of Fresh Meats, Fish or Oysters. Call Wlnburn*! Market. Prices right Phone 99. 209 W. Jackson St. 6-lmd 'OR SALE—Good 6-room bungalow with modern conveniences. Also 13 beautiful buUding lots. For particu lars, see R. R. Parrish.- 6-6t LOST—One pointer dog; white with liver spots; about 2 years old. Scar by wire cut on left hind leg; with collar and chain on neck. Return to J. C. Rogers, 319 Bartow St., and get reward, or phone 407-J. ll-3t FOR RENT—Choice apartment. Par ker Apartments, 121 Smith Ave. Wit CALL 77—for the beet native Meats. Prices right to elL Chickens too. O. O. Land. 114 Stevens St. 23- FOR RENT—All or part of nicely fur nished bouse, 2 blocks from Court House. Apply 212 Eut Washington 5-Gtd WANTED—To rent i mu!., POSITION WANTED by lady with six years’ experience as stenographer, dlstaphone operator, filing clerk and general office assistant. Position wanted for part or all day. Refer ences furnished. Address X. Y. Z. Care Tlmes-Enterprlse. 11-St LOST—Canvas roll case of Remington sample pocket knives. Lost or tak en from auto Friday nlghL Liberal 1 reward for return or Information leading to recovery or location. Phone 434-W, N. C. Renfroo. 324 & Hansell SL 11-62 FOR RENT—One apartment Phone 80. AIL RED ♦ COAL heats homes perfectly leaving no ash to speak of and cinders or clinkers. THOMASVILLE ICE £ UFO. C., exclusive dealers. 11-4L BABY CHICKS FOR SALE—Seven popular breeds. Eggs hatched $4. per hundred. Order early. Thomas- ▼Hie Hatchery. B. L. Brewton, Mgr. Thomas vllle. Os. 6- 17 YOU want to more, phone lit. Good service. Prices right J. T..I Urn.