The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 12, 1922, Image 5

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TUESDAY AFTERNOON, Christmas- Specials i lot, Poly Crome Candle sticks and Candles t.. ¥.980 each complete 1 lot, Smoking Stands $2.50 each Others from $3 00 to $25.00 each 1 lot Priscilla Sewing Boxes $6-75 each 1 lot, Poly Crome Framed Mirrors ... .$1.75, each 1 lot, Fine Electric Lamps from $12.50 to $50.00 each 1 lot, Mahogany Clocks ... .$10.00 and $12.00 each . Also the Finest Line of Toys, Dolls and Christmas Presents Shown in Thomasville W. Feinberg & Son Thomasville’s Leading Furniture Store Are Your Hens Laying ? They Are if You are Feeding PURINA FEEDS HEN CHOW, BABY CHICK CHOW CHICKEN CHOWDER GOLDEN BROS. CO. PHONE 184 Gifts for Xmas Select a Gift from our Stock and you will be well pleased, both in price and quali ty* Our line consists of CANDY CIGARS, PIPE8 STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLE8 WHITE IVORY GOODS LEATHER G00D8 FLASH LIGHTS JEWELRY Our line of jewelry is all guaranteed to be best quality. Come in and get first choice. Sparks Pharmacy • * Goodness Phone 115 Ray-o>l Ite Flashlights and Batteries Stockholm, Sweden, Nor. 13.—(By ^fail)—A declaration that Darwln’i heory of evolution le wrong comes from the Rer. Dr. J. Enandcr, a Swed ish country minister, more famous botanist, who has Just returned his congregation with an orchard of at least a thousand varieties of willows and willow hybrids, after a bontantcal through the United States and cials of the Georgla-Florlda Golf League, will be read with Interest here: of the Georgla-Florlda Golf League: e cross breeding of plants Is as fascinating to a botanist as the cross breeding of races to a biologist,” says v Dr. Enander. "Cross breeds usually when the willows go northward, higher altitudes In monntalnous countries. The female willow more hardy and aggressive pioneer the male, but continues being fer tilized by the male as long as be la able to follow. When the male plants find the migration too hard and gives up, the female willow accepts fertili sation form some male of a kindred species, and thus cross breeds arise. Dr. Enander added that there were re than seventy varieties of sallows, willows, and many thousands of cross breeds. The United States customs officers prevented the Swedish botanist from taking in live botanical specimens which he wanted* to show to American aclentists. Thla was In accordance with the law designed to prevent the spreading of plant diseases. Dr. Enan- w Intends to prevail upon the Swedish government to Inspect plants which It Is desired to export, and to give pledges to the United States ai> thorlties that they are free from dl» of the teams of the Georgla-Florlda standing of the teams for 1922: Won Lost P.C. Valdosta 7 Quitman 0 Thomasville — 4% 6% .450 Tallahassee 2 S .200 error Is fonnd and reported In SWEDEN ACTIVELY AT WORK ON NEW RADIO PLANT will be awarded the Valdosta Country Club, as the 1922 winner. We regret that we had some for feited games this year, but as a whole, the season waa a complete success. We would like to thank everyone will, without doubt, be greeted by full house when they appear at the Grand Theatre Thursday night A special feature this year will be Dan Holt, with his monologue, his banjo and songs. Dan is an old Uw can boy and with his recent appear ance with Coburn In that city, he re ceived a great oration. Speaking of him the Telegraph aald Dan Holt took away from Macon many years ago a stock of negro stories and a drawl he acquired new stock of visible ticklers. _ here in his wanderings he has qulred deft banjo fingers. When he wanted to quit using them last night the audience didn’t want him "Those who saw him In monologue at the local theatres several months ago their cooperation during the past twi years, and hope that the league will "carry on" and be an even greater Card of Thanki We desire to express most sincere and grateful thanks for the many of kindness and friendship sho\ during the Illness and death of oui dear mother and for tho many ex presslons of sympathy and love dur lng the trying hour that attended hei loss to us. May God bless each and every one who contributed so much to alleviate our sorrow. MR. and MRS. J. D. CUMMINGS. Holly Bazaar Friday and Saturday— Holly wreaths and holly will be ol the holly bazaar to be given Friday,and Saturday In the Peggy Ann Tea Room, under the auspices of Clr- *nd No. 4 of the Presbyter- WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE We stay OPEN NIGHT and DAY for your con venience. Give us a trial. GAS, Best Service on OILS, GREASES REPAIRS S. MADISON ST. C. Xmas Gifts and Instructive. Add tom a of thaw to your Hat:— ELECTRIC GRILLS PERCOLATORS WAFFLE IRONS TOASTERS HEATERS IRONS VACUUM CLEANERS WINCHESTER AND REMING TON GUNS RIFLES DUXBAK SUITS LEGQIN8 FLASH LIGHTS SPALDING 8WEATEP8 GOLF GOODS RAZOR SETS Shop Early Brins tha young folks and lat us show them. JAMES INiTT & BRO. hie and Inconvenience of going to the woods for It. The ladles _ ... ock on hand and will take pleasure j charge will have a Gothenburg, Nov. 19—(By Mall From Gothenburg, Sweden, to New York in one-fiftieth of a second more time will be required for transmission of a wireless message when the powerful new radio station near Varberg, south of Gothenburg, is finished. The work on the half million dollar contract by the Radio Corporation of America for the equipment of this station has begun in earnest A large force of men is busy on (he ’oundations for the masts for the two separate systems of antennae, one for sending and the other for receiving. One of the first steps is the installation of a socalled balance net, which consists of copper wires laid in the earth at regular distances. This new radio station, which probably will bo known as the Grimeton station, will be used for j be held Wednesday afternoon ... simultaneous messages in both direc* i o’clock, at the home of Miss Nell lion, between Sweden .nd the United f rln * to - A dellrttftU program States. The redio eyetem which 1. tc bMn * rr *”" d ,or «“ Weather 8till Cloudy The clouds still hang on and th< Weather Bureau doesn’t give much en couragement for anything better n present. A cold wave Is predicted for “““*■* tomorrow but nobody and saw him again last night it better advantage with a ‘come Hank White Is admirable in the role. He leads up to the denouments splendidly and Dan puts It across." Dan Holt Is not by any means the whole show, however, but there are a number of other enjoyable features and the singing is one of the good things of this always good minstrel Be Certain Of Your Appearance— Have you noticed how dark the mornings I*te and there is a fog, or clouds. One prominent Thomasville busli man thinks that he has cause to know how dark they are. A few mornings i he v . . going down to business, he found, as he started pretty cool, so out, that the i. _ turning he picked up his t he thought, which was lying a waiting for hli with several standing around. His with him, suddenly asked whose ove wearing. “Why, reply, but turning ; his fathi i mine,” was the - examine It he big. was elaborately embroidered front; In fact. It wasn’t a coat of the male variety, at all. As the gentleman in question Is especially particular as to the looks of his wearing apparel, he became a good deal embarrassed, not hacked, as he thought of how looking in his feminine rig he Immediately left and went home t All prices on our Shoes have been reduced for the Big Xmas Sale Shoes for J and up Wa rshajw’s Cut PriceJShoe Store tonight to be ready to welcome It cordiality. There was • fog again this to be ol off hla job today, for the i i of the American Revolution ' be installed is the now universally known Alexanderson, who is sociated with the Radio Corporation of America aa chief engineer- mechanisms at Grimeton will work automatically, requiring only two three .attendants for the receiving division, and about a dozen for ths sending division. The actual hand ling of messages will be done at Gothenburg* through land wires connected with Grimeton. “High Noon." “High noon” Is exactly at 12 o’clock, n apparent noon, as distinguished from the h< between 12 o’clock aud t o'clock, generally designated as “tho Wall Papering, INTERIOR DECORATING PAINTING TINTING MIRROR SILVERING David S. Pittman - 5(8 West Clay Street PHONE 533-J. Odd Fellows to Have Musical Tonight— It la announced that Piney Woo l Lodge will be favored with treat tonight at their lodge room. Initiatory degree will be confer and perhaps refreshments served. Thomaavllls to Have Broadcasting Station- Plans are under way for broadcasting station In Thomasville, be In operation about tha 25th of the month. The atatlon will be owned by the the Tlmea-Unlon of Jacksonville, Fla. For Prompt Service ana Durabl Plumbing, Call R. B. Union, Phone 136. No. 107 Remington Avenue. The Southern Sales and Salvage Co., located at 126 S. Broad * street. 1s carrying an advertisement in derful success of their opening day last week. This new Thomasville firm is carrying a nice line of mer chandise and the opening sale has fieen liberally patronized. C-A-K-E-S Mrs. P. T. Nicholson of Tallahassee, who has In past filled your orders for sngel food cako and pound cako, through Woman's Exchangt of that placo, Is prepsrtd to fill your orders direct sines ths closing of the ex change. Orders also taken for layer ikes of all kinds- Cakes Carefully packed and shipped to J «ny point. interview hie better half happened to get Into such trouble. Al ter examining the coat she decided that It belonged to a friend who had short visit to her, but been not understand how she had left it. Slipping on the coat herself, found was particularly besides being quite ornate, she walked to where the cook was and asked It she knew how tho visitor happenoi leave her c With a glance at the coat, the lady exclaimed, “Lordy Miss L and I forgot and left ! dats my < in the hall.” And now when that gentlem starts out In the morning ho makei very careful examination of Is wearing, and his friends may notice particular, !( It Is better not to ask him about what style of overcoat he wears, how- night, the local post of the American Post Commander, T. J. Mltc Vice Post Commander, Che Moller. Adjutant, Walter McClenny. Chaplain, Robert Lease. $5.50 $5.50 THOMASVILLE ATLANTA ANO RETURN VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD December (4th Ticket, limited leeve Atlanta December 18th. Baggage will not be checked. Tickets will be honored In sleeping and par- Apply o. F. NUNN. Ticket FIREMEN must often de stroy your property in order to conquer the flames. Wherev.r (Ire get. a foothold there follow, financial loaa of aomo degree. A Hertford Flro Insurance Company policy stands between you and thle loan. The property owner p-0* tected by e Hertford Contrect need not fear that hla dollers will go up In smoke- J. T. CULPEPPERS & SON AGENTS Thomaiville, • • . Georgia. GIFT SUGGESTIONS g FROM THE STORE FOR MEN | GIVE DIM SOMETHING IROll A MAAS' STORE K BATH ROBES $6.50 to 99.50 BED ROOM SLIPPERS $1.00 to $3.00 AUTO GAUNTLETS $4.00 and $5.00 DRESS GLOVES $1.75 to $2.50 65c a I 75c SCARFS $1.50 to $3.50 HANDKERCHIEFS nltiats; 1-4 dozen In box—Pure linen $1.00 and $1.50 TRAVELING SETS $7.00 BELTS AND BUCKLES 50c and 95c (Silver front) BELTS 50 cento to $1.50 BELT-O-GRAMS $1.50 to $2.50 8ILK HOSE 50c to $1.25 MILITARY BRUSHES $250 SHIRTS $1.00 to $8.50 8WEATERS $2.50 to $11.00 PAJAMAS $150 to $2.98 HATS $1.50 to $700 CAPS $1.00 to $2-25 GARTERS 25c to 50c —GIFTS FOR WOMEN— Silk Hose . 95c to $3 00 j Ansley-Pittman Company PHONE 111. 101 1.2 SOUTH BROAD ST. (Next to Maah-Milton Drug Company) . i. iuliUH