The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 14, 1922, Image 3

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o We have recently added another chair to our shop and secured the services of Mr. Lee Lewis who wJi be pleased to serve his old Mends end customers. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CUTTING CHILDREN'S HAIR Hair Cutting or Shampoo 25c. Shave 18c, Shine 5c MIZE BUILDING, No. 213 WEST JACKSON STREET M. PUGH, Manager In every home there is some article that needs new coat of Pee-Gee Enamels Iron Beds, Tables, Mantels, Etc The old enamel may not be broken, but it is proba bly soiled and if you don’t care to do the job your self, we will send you a good painter. .... PHONE US AND BE CONVINCED. .. Robison Hdw. Co. U7-U9 E. Jackson St WIDOWS AND CHILDREN LOSE IN STOCK FRAUDS Washington, D. C.—Attorney General Daugherty has completed plans and issued orders for speedy prosecution in the federal courts of hundreds of alleged swindlers who are charged with “plundering the homes of the poor” of nearly $160,- 000,000 through fraudulent use of United States mails, it was learned officially at the department of justica Thursday. Particular attention will be given to postal fraud cases, as evidence gathered shows that a majority of the cases represent the .victimizing or widows and children. Approximately 600 cases were said to be in the hands of the United States attorney throughout the coun try for consideration of “institution of criminal proceedings and for further action.” Neatly 900 peraons have been arrested, or indicted. These cases represent a total loss to the public through postal swindles of $140,011,231. 180 la Atlanta. According to government records, 3,582 cases are distributed among 15 divisions of tho department of justice as follows: Atlanta 180, Austin (Texas) 446, Boston 133, Chicago 382, Cincinnati 392, Denver 76, Kansas City 223, New York 723, Philadelphia 218, SL Louis 144, SL Paul 80, Sa n Francisco 1,371, Spokane 61 and Washington 201. The federal court in the northern district of Illinois leads with 45 cases pending, the northern district of Tex as is second with 42, and the south ern district of New York is third with 88. Nebraska is credited with 24 cases, and the western district of Pennsylvania with 19. The biggest number of larga stock swindling cases has been filed in the western district of Missouri, Nebraska is second and the northern district of New York third. According to officials of the de partment of justice stock promoters have been most successful in the sonthem district of New York, the northern district of Texas, the north ern district of Ohio and the eastern and western districts of Pennsyl vania. Phone 168 LEPROSY TREATMENT IS MEETING WITH SUCCESS Honolulu, T. H. Nov. 2—(By Mail) ^Paroles for 19 more inmates of the Kalapaupau leprosarium on the islands of Molokai, some of whom have been confined at the settlement for more than twenty yean, have been recommended by the territorial board of health as the consequence of the successful resulta that hava attended thelri treatment with chaulmoogra oil specific, evolved by Dr. A. L. Dean, president of the university of Hawaii. The latest paroles, to sixteen men and three women, brings to nearly 200 tho number of persons' who have been treated in Hawaii since 1919, when the specific was discovered, ac cording to a health tyard announce ment . '"' *'***'■ Hcrscms {released (on pafolsf too not considered to bo cured, bat tho Chicago, Dec. 14. Twelve thous and Illinois men have been missioned ns special ^constables in of the most highly lorganized anti-cruelty societies in the United States. Formed four years ago as the De- > partment of Constabulary of the State Society for Prevention Cruelty and Apprehension of Horse I and Automobile Thieves, the organ!, j ratio has extended into every ty, and is now branching out in Indiana and Wisconsin under similar laws. There are already nearly thousand members in each of those [ states. Organized along semi-military lines, the constabulary forms adjunct to the regular paid peace officers, ready to assign in any emergency, or to take charge In the absence of the regular authorities. While tha original purpose of the movement was to prevent cruelty and track horse and automobile thieves, the department now maintains auto mobile patrols, operates a special intelligence service of ferret out vice gambling, boouegging and other offenses, and furnishes keep order at fires and in other emergencies. Among the cases brought by the constabulary, and now pending in Chicago courts, is one in which a large teaming contractor is accused of underfeeding 500 horses. As e result of the society's work accord ing to Waiter P. Stuart, general snperinteiident of constabulary, diseased, overworked and underfed horses have practically been eliminat ed from Chicago. The constabulary has a troop in every police precinct In Chicago, several in the outlying townships, troop in each downstatq coun- ... _ total of 169 troops. RAISING PIGS HAS The .■ tTen * th ° f e * ch f troop in one captain, four first lieu- RFfOMF A QffFNfF tenants, sixteen second lieutenants, DfitUmfi A dtUilHA d 224 constableB> In addition PEORIA, Ill.—There 1, more to IJ *“ ll, «P«tor .com m ‘ | <to I ““.e 5 Mia. « srr of the tore told the N.tioo.1 Swlo. r..~ I” 1 ** ln «»<* >’ association here. Tho business' _ - _ ^ w, he declared, is one of art and j science. i j It is something of an accomplish. ' A ment, the secretary said, to control 1 { $ the shape of the pig’s nose and the||| curl of his tail. Its another matter of ** merit to control the form and the col and the shape and make the ani mals beautiful as well as useful, ac. cording to the secretary’s views. "You and the man who hnve gono before you,” he continued, “have moulded the animal from not only to satisfy the eye of the lover of good live stock and to satisfy the taste of the epicure, but to meet the needs of commerce. Working with un- forccs year nftcr year, you have finally produced in living form the ideal which your brain conceived.” Then as to the science of the busi-! (ss as it is rcllccted in the flow of commerce, the secretary mentioned that hog growers in this day and age change the form as the needs require adding to or taking from it, pro. ducing more fat or more lean, m< bacon or more lard, larger hams smaller hams, “as the changing char acter and the supply of feed oi changing tastes of the consumers make necessary. It is a real job, the secretary asserted, and one in which the federal government is vitally in terested, because among other rea- groat meat eating and meat producing nation is one that never suffers from famine. Such a nation as this, he said, has in its live stock great storage reser voirs for grains and grass and great national plants for the refining of foods unsuitable for human consump tion “to the extent unrealized by the most of the world.” During the last year, the speaker said, the hogs have paid for the corn they ate about twice the price for which it could have been Id on the markets. The secretary told of many experL ments being carried on by the depart, ment, which it was hoped would ben efit the industry. “The swine growers of the south,” he continued, “have had a great deal of trouble with soft pork. In many sections the carcasses do not stand up well, and consequently tha pack, era are buying these hogs at a dia. count We are studying this problem in cooperation with seven different southern experiment stations. All of the scientific laboratory work, slaughtering testa, physical and chemical examinations aro made on oar own farm at Beltavillo, Md., the hoga being shipped in at different times. We are trying to learn how the flesh of hogs fed heavily on pea nuts and peanut meal, soy beans and rice by-products used largely in the south may bo hardened by later feed TEN reatons why yon •hould buy > Columbia COLUMBIA CABINETS 2—AatomatIa Record Ejector BUeiMtM U« March for the A- tlr«4 record. A* Weal place for pour chotca Mlactieaa. Automati cally clcaaa them befora in. 3 Teae Control Leavoe Loud or aoft ornate at you ehoaae— oparatea^aa taw pr»«lpla aa pipe- 4 One-hand Top Xaap to raise and lower without daaper of da mate or breakage. COLUMBIA TONE K—Uaivoreal Reproducer which fiver natural accuracy of Oil can b%our Columbia 6 ■ Straight Tone Am Which allowi tha sound waves to •* devslos lullp aad naturally—aa- Impedsd by Joints aad reflections— Irons tbs time they aro picked off tho retard till they easerge through tho 7 Tone Amplifier which aoourea free and natural an- pliftcatloa. Ilae aed design are the molt of H years' constant erperl- COLUMBIA MOTOR &—Display Motor '••js.rsffiarwi k Ouaraatsed. XaapMaU . > of Headline Needleo aeeals Insert!on. IQ ■■Non-Bet Automatic Step TS"™" 1 * through a Christmas Club r f you’ve been putting off buying your Columbia Grafonola till you can spare the price—stop stopping, at once! Everywhere, Columbia Dealers are forming Community Christmas Clubs. You pay a dollar membership fee and this goes to your credit at once, your Columbia is sent home the same day or, as many wish, it will be delivered on Christmas Eve. The rest of it can be arranged between you and the Columbia man on most any terms you like. Go to the Columbia Dealer in your vicinity and look at his display of Columbia stream-line models. Let him demonstrate Columbia tone. Let him explain the ten points of superiority that have lifted the Columbia out of the mechanical phonograph class. Let him tell you the new low prices that make the Columbia the moet inexpensive, worth-while phonograph on the market Then think! Home and Christmas. Home and music and Christ mas. How music ties the two ideas closer together. Of all the year, Christmas is tha ideal time to own a Columbia—the dear old songs, the steppy-peppy dances, the droll comedians. A Columbia is the one great gift for Christmas. Go see the Columbia man to-day. COLUMBIA CRAPHOPHONE CO., N*w York examining physicians believe that the disease has been checked In their cases sufficiently to permit them to mingle with otter persons with out danger. J Discount off on all present prices of LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR Including, DRESSES, FURS, COAT SUITS, COATS, SKIRTS This includes our entire stock of the above items. Desirable Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear—all this winter’s newest is being presented at this re duction as long as they last.—Those who shop early will na turally have the best choice. THE FAIR