The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 14, 1922, Image 8

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DAILY TIME8-ENTERPRI8E, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 14, 1922. . Xmas Suggestions Candies, Ivory Goods, Perfumes, Cigars, Humi dors, Shaving Sets, Cards, Pocket Books, Picture Frames, Cameras, Flash Lights, Stationery, Clocks Brushes, Extracts, Cigarettes,FountainPens,Pipes and many others. : : : : : : : IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SHOW YOU. INGRAM DRUG CO. Seedsmen Phone dOO Druggists Your Menu Should Always Include Meats Plan your menu for the Holidays early, and leave your order for a nice— TURKEY, CHICKEN, BEEF, PORK, LAMB ROAST —With— ILL HRl Quality and Service HIGHWAYS WEATHER SERVICE Atlanta, Ga.. Dec. 14, 1922. 1. Dixie Highway, Atlanta to Chat tanooga, Tenn., (Via Dalton mile*. Via Rome 126 miles.) Considerable rain occurred in north ern Georgia and the roads are muddy and slippery, but passable. The Eu- barlee route from Cartersville Rome, fair, but muddy for a abort tance where being repaired. The road from Rome to Summerville is also der construction, but passable. 2. Bankhead Highway. (Atlanta Tallapoosa 60 miles. Atlanta Hartwell 116 milea.) The entire route is somewhat slippery, due to the heavy rains, also bumpy in spots, but can be traveled with safety. Not much 3. Atlanta-Madison-Warrenton Augu* ta. (166 miles.) Bumpy and slippery in consequence ol rain Monday and Tuesday, 4. Dixie Highway, South. (Atlanta Grlffin-Macon, 94 miles.) The route to Macon Is somewhat slippery and muddy in low places, but passable. 5. Atlai n-Colui (121 LISTEN LADIES! We have a for your Black and Brown Satin Slippers The first production of this kind on the market MITCHELL SHOE CO. North Broad Street. SPECIAL ON BANANAS 20c and 25c DOZEN FRUITS - ALL KINDS APPLES, ORANGES LEMONS GRAPEFRUIT CAL., PEARS Nice lot California Cel ery, Cranberries, Iceberg Lettuce. NICE IRISH POTA TOES 35c PECK City Fruit Co. RED + COAl heats homes perfectly because it gives out a UNIFORM heat until it burns entire ly out, leaving practi cally no ash and no unbumt cinders or clinkers. ONE TON WILL CONVINCE YOU THOMASVILLE ICE & MFC. CO. BIG COTTON ACREAGE NEXT YEAR PREDICTED Atlanta^ Ga-, Dec. 14.—Acreage seeded to-«otton in 1923 in the South will be just as large as is physically and humanly possible. Such, at least tfee prediction of cotton men in re ports received by dealers in Atlanta. Amid the uncertainties that be* cloud to the staple represents the one practical certainty on the thres* hold of the new year, according Frank Inman, one of the Sooth’s best known cotton men here. Other ton men take the same view as Inman. The Cotton Storage Finance Company, of which Mr. Inman treasurer, have received reports from all sections of the South which bear out the prediction of a vast cotton acreage. The noted Candler warehouses, now in charge of the Cotton Storage Finance Campany, are storing ton for the Georgia Co-operative As sociation, which is the big agency for cooperative marketing of the staple in Georgia. Free Storage For Seed. Growers in Georgia, particularly in the northern section of the i have joined the movement started in Atlanta by the Atlanta Com mercial Exchange and representatives of the city and country banks, to improve the quality of seed 1 used in the next cotton crop. The The Cotton Storage Finance Company with its immense storage facilities the Candler warehouses, have offered free storage space for all cotto n seed shipped into Georgia on account of the campaign to improve the seed of the State. The imperative need for increased cotton yield has been consistently 1 shown in figures which have been compiled bere. These statistics dis close that because of the rapidity with which consumption is outrunn ing world production, the loss in the world’s reserve supply of cotton for the seasons 1921-22 and 1922-23 will be slightly more than 8,500,000 bales The decrease for 1921-22 was 5y 306,000 bales, giving a total shrink age for the two seasons 8,603,000 This loss, as pointed out by Inman and other cotton men in At lanta, is without precedent in the history of the whole industry and, cotton men declare, it makes it abso lutely necessary to greatly increase production or to restore the uneven- balance as between production and onsumption by substantially de creasing the latter. Less consumption, ft is pointed out, is neither expected nor desired. It would seem that conditions are about right for a bumper crop at top price, as the world seems t adjusted for such a program, but, ne Atlanta businesi man puts it, wonder what the biggest growers have up their sleeves when they predict an oldtime bumper crop, with the weevil still unconquered.” NOTICE F. & A. M. Regular communication of Thoma* ville Lodge No. 369, F. * A. M„ Thursday entng at 8 o'clock, De cember 14, 1922. Reg ular routine of busl and election of officers. Mem- ire urged to attend this meeting and visitors are cordially Invited. J. H. INGRAM, W. M. R. J. McCLENNY, Sec milas.) The road to Union City la fair. The detour to Falrburn Is Impassable, hav ing had no attention. On to Newnan and Columbus rather slippery in places Presumably it MARKETS CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION j MARKET ] Chicago, 111., Dec. 14.—Wheat and corn closed firm. | WHEAT— Closl 1.24% 1.14% July OATS— July LARD— Jan. May RIBS— Jan. 8T. LOUI8 MARKETS St. Louis, Dec. 14.—Wheat No. 3 red |1.35 to $1.38; No. 3 $1.22 to $1.23; Dec. $1.22%; May $1.22%. Corn No. 1 77c; No. 2 75% to Dec. 75c; May 74% to 74%c. Oats No. 2 46% to 47c; Dec. 46%c; May 48c. TURPENTINE LOCAL PRODUCE MARKETS Prices Current Today Ga. Cane Syrup, gal. 32c to 35c Corn, shelled, bu Velvet Beans, ton Eggs, doz Chickens, fryers, lb. 20c Chickens, hens, lb 17c Turkeys, lb Sweet Potatoes, home consumption only, bu 40c Peanuts: Market weak. $16.00 NAVAL COMPETITION HAS BEEN RESUMED (Continued trom page one) with some mud, but passable. Road Forecast. Fair weather is Indicated, and much 'colder during the next several days cruisers and suraarine programs w planned abroad, adding: "In other words, competition is again in the single direction to which the unratified agreement (the Wash ington naval treaty) does not extend and if it be allowed to go unchecked the purse strings again must be laxed and this government, like all others, will be constrained to launch program to the extent sary to keep up at least abreast of any of the other powers.” President Harding was not consult ed by the committee with relation its limitation conference request. The project for negotiations apparent surprise even to naval officials. It was originated by Chair- Kelley of the naval appropria tion subcommittee. The chief reason prompting Mr. Kelley to propose a new naval con ference was understood to have been the light cruiser program recommend ed by the navy general board. No mention of this is included in the published copies of committee hear ings on the bill. The program urged however, as necessary to keep the United States navy on a -parity with other navies in erasers included six- light cruisers, within the 10,000-ton size limitation of the Washington treaty and to cost $168,- 000,000. The committee also eliminated from its published hearings testimony of naval intelligence officers on tha program of construction abroad. this information Copyright 1922 Hart Scheiber & Marx A Mens’ Store’s Christmas Message to Women You know how hard it is to choose gifts for Men. The problem always re solves itself into "something to wear,” and then begins the frantic last min ute search. :::::::::: ! '• s Perhaps you haven't kept in close touch with Men's styles, and you're not quite sure what to select. :::::::::: WE HAVE THE CORRECT SUITS AND OVERCOATS — IN THE NEWEST STYLES FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN AND BOYS I HART SUFFD i AIM SUIT I BOIT IS THE BEST GIFT AND THE MOST WELCOME THING YOU CAN BUY. A Gift the whole family can get together on. S. RICHY PHONE 300 Headquarters for Hart Schaffner and Marx Good Clothes and the recommendation as to new construction made by the general board which prompted the attempt to check post treaty competitive building C. F. von HERRMANN. through diplomatic negotiations. BEULAH There will be preaching at Beulah Sundayj everybody Is invited to come out and hear our new preacher. Rev. H. P. Stubbs. Mr. Rufus Bullock, who has beea working in Atlanta, has returned home to spend the holidays. Miss Harry Sasser, of Meigs, spent Christmas Gifts A most attractive line of Suit Cases and Bags For Men Filled Cases and Hat Cases For Women AT MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES Neel Brothers the weekend with Miss Ruth Dunn. Mr. and Mra. J. A. Sasser, and family and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Simpson, spent Sunday witlfMr. and Mrs. J. L. Robison. Mr. and Mra. Carl Russell, spent Saturday night with their parents Mr. and Mn. Sanders, of Ocblocknee. Why Not Eat Fresh JERSEY BUTTER While You Can The Supply la Plentiful At Present Pringle Company CONFIDENCE When some member ot your family Is sick, It Is perfectly natural that you sbould be worried—that’s human nature. At the aame time, you ahould do everything possible to give them the beet advantages and you cannot Make a better rtart than In selecting your Drug Store, where the prescriptions are to be filled. YOUR DOCTOR baa confidence In us end we will never betray your confidence—so In the interest end welflare of all concerned, why not send your prescriptions to our store Thomas Drug Store Established In 1881 *tS THOMASVILLE, GA.