The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 16, 1922, Image 4

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DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA SATURDAY AFTERNOON, | AHJCHINTHH5T IN NEW [MOSUL OIL FIELDS nowintheargument noupcn*.* mentlr tba-t Ih. St. lmm , i Dec - 10 ._ rh , ^ Stmoo’t 1>»« mUI on d0 "*',Moiul oil fields in MelopoUmU '• n0W “ *“»*<* to <k. to,, last ,str«^din.rJS i ‘ , ' , *' * bi S !uu * N **‘ ' Lust peace conference. X? assured fact has been received here and In other tlons of the South with Interest Atlanta bilsifisss men ex-1 u j# report ed the entente nations press the Opln'.in that the proposed de-1 h4ve enforme d the Turks that the PERSONALS II If Yoa Hate a Visitor Phone No. 12 or 66 spent a part of yesterday here. re’opment will result In making St. vilayet of Mosul cannot be consider* Simon's Island the most attractive | etl t| detached from Arab realm in and summer resort In the en-ijpgj^ tire South, 't* | This would mean that the allies The sale of the bonds by the city ol have declined to admit the Turkish runswlck and Glynn county at a pre- 1 contention that Mosul is within the mium of more than $10,000 and the [confines of Turkey proper and co letting of the contract for the bridge j affluently that Turkey alone has work proper, in Brunswick, at a price right to dispose of the Mosul oil WE CRATE and pack your furniture also repair and buy any kind ot Furniture. We pay big prices for same. Empire Furniture Store. 14-ltn WOOD, Wood. Woo**., oak or pine; any lengths, delivered as wanted. Phone Neel Brothers' Feed Store. WH BUY all kinds pecans, paper shell and eeedllnga. See ns before yon sell Jervis B, Watkins and Com pany. Vh6n W NEED of Fresh Mtiti Fish or Oysters, Csll Wlnburn's Market. Prices right Phone 99. 209 W. Jackson St. Hmd CALL 77—for the best native Meats. Prices right to all. Chickens too. O. O. Land. 114 Stevens St. 23- JERSEY COW. fresh in milk, for sale. Phone 157 or see C. J. Maddox'at Moore Music Co. 1I-6L COLORED dining car waiters and s!eeplng car porters wanted. Ex perience unnecessary. We train you. Information free. Write 607 Railway Exchange, Omaha, Nebraska. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE—Seven popular breeds. Eggs hatched $4.00 per hundred. Order early. Thomas- vUle Hatchery. B. L. Brewton, Mgr. Thoi le. Ga. 6- LOST—Canvas roll case of Remington sample pocket knives. Lost or tak en from auto Friday night. Liberal reward for return or Information leading to recovery or location. Phone 434-W, N. C. Renfroe, 324 8. Hansell St. 11-61 RED * COAL heats homes perfectly, leaving no ash to speak of and no cinders or clinkers. THOMASVILLE ICE A MFO. C., exclusive dealers. 11-61 IF YOU want to move, phone 183. Good service. Prices right. J. T. Dixon. 8-lmo WANTED—A reliable man to tell monuments and tombstones. Big money for the right man. Must be a hustler. Write us today for full particulars. Marietta Marble and Stone Works, Marietta, Ga. FOR RENT—2 unfurnished first floor rooms, close in. 327 North Madison. 13-4t FOR SALK—Four Aristocrat Barred Rock cockrels; special birds. T. F. Crawford. 15-2t considered highly satisfactory and in cessions. keeping with the estimates of the State Highway Department, the last remaining doubt as to the great pro ject is removed. It Is expected that the actual work will start early in January sad that the bridge will be open for traffic by Labor Day, 1923. This grist undertaking on the part of the people of Brunswick and Glynn county will remove the isolation which has hitherto handicapped St. Simon's Island and will open for development Uiis magnificent playground foast of ; Georgia. Already extensl' plans are under way lor developing The famous Jekyl Island, whose membership includes some of Ameri ca's wealthiest families, is separated from St. Simon's Island by the nar row channel entrance to Brunswick harbor and the fact that Jekyl Island has always been a favorite spot for winter tonrlstr is abundance evidence of the desirability of the winter ttlltrOfUebrgfa’s coast. As a matter of fact, the winter climate of Georgia's poaat is, almost the same as that of Southern California. The halt minion doll&T causeway the Island at Palm Harbor which la said to be one of the most beautiful spots on the entire Atlantic coast, facing Brunswick Bay and the Intercoastal waterways. Here It is planned to build a palatial winter tour ist hotel which will cater to the same patronage which la now given the Florida coast resorts, Including Palm Beach and Miami, and Southern Cali fornia. The moving spirit behlad the undertaking !» John A. Metcalfe, prominent banker and capitalist of Atlanta. SYSTEMATIC CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS BEST PLAN a.. Dec. 16.—Some people ~r part of nicely fur Atlant# ' led house. 2 blocks from Court ^K'_? CC ° r £ ,n S to A *' a " ta bU8ln * 88 By insisting that Mosul lies withif Irak, which is part of Mesopotamia, the allies, it is asserted, will declare that it comes under the British mandate, since Mesopotamia is as signed to Groat Britain under formal mandate. It is further reported tha4 Great Britain and France bav« reached an agreement over the Mosul oil question, f An official from Irak arrived here a few days ago and announced hie country would insist on sovereignty over Mosul. According to another version Great Britain and Turkey have reached agreement outside the pence confer* ence regarding Mosul whereby Turk ey is to have sovereignty region and England the cessions. Count Massigli, a French delegate and secretary general of the confer- ence, left suddenly for Paris last night. It is rumored one of the ofc jects of his mission is to fay the alleged Britisb-Turkish accord before the French government. The French delegation, however, last night de* nied this. They said Count Massigli visit to the French capital was of purel personal nature. Under the San Remo agreement France receive 25 per cent of the Mosul oD output. It has been learned from a reliable source that Great Britain and Turk* ey recently have been negotiating in Lausanne in an endeavoT to reach an amicable settlement of the Mora) situation. A Turkish spokesman de nied that any solution of the problem had been reached l An appeal to Christian America and Christian peoples the world over all their influence to prevent the Turks from deporting From Con stantinople the patriarch of the Greek Orthodox church, who has come to the Lausanne conference to fight the use of the patriarch. "It seems impossible," said Monsig- ir Gcrmanos, who is the patriarchal exarch of Western Central Europe, to the Associated Press, "that world Christianity will permit this injustice that the Lausanne conference will consent to write it into tlio treaty. Christianity has existed in Constanti nople since the first century, and tho institution if the ecumencial patriarch there was provided by the ecumencial councils of the fourth and fith cen- "Constantinople is Indeed a sacred city—sacred to us Christians foi Islam history begins only in the seventh century and the Turka did conquer Constantinople until the fifteenth century, and thia ia the first That "Do your Christmas shop ping early.” is an over-worked sen tence, but, as they point out, it is not. Every year the people read it over and over again, and an increasing number each year, it appears here, and heeding the injunction. * who have once done their Chrii shopping early find It so much pleasant, easier and more profitable In every way that they never to the old plan of waiting until days before Christmas to do their shopping. They go to the stores before the goods have all been picked over and when it Is easier to find Just whatjtime in history that any nation has they want: while the clerks are still ■ appeared before nn international cheerful before becoming worn out assembly to strike a blow at religious with tho holiday rush, and then if [ institutions, which have existed ab anything has been left off of the gift most two thousand years." list there remains sufficient time get it. Result: The bother of Christ* mas shopping is over with a good breathing apell to spare. Another growing feature of Christ mas shopping, as shown In Atlanta, is the prepared shopping list. By read* ing the classified Christmas gift sug gestions in the newspapers, one Is en- abled to prepare a list of articles want- dong with the information Monsignor Germanos said the sav ing of the seat of the patriarch wal not only vital to Orthodox Christians in countries like Russia, Roumania, Greece and Jugo-Slavia, but of great concern also to the Angelican *hurch in England and more especially to the Episcopal church in America. "A very dose tie between us has been created Inn consequence of out recognising the ordination of priests where they may be found. This meth-1 °* * be,e he continued, od of preparing lists in advance will! . Monsi * nor Germanos repudiated • ell.v. . lot ot troubled mind,. It |tb ' J urk '?' «>*' tube, thin,, ...lor, everybody I. »■?»■ Jollier, and Christmas shopping proves i fact. It proves ; pleasure. Early Christmas shopping means cheery Christmas shopping. It’s great Do your Christmas shopping early. in politics. «Aa an Institution the Greek Orthodox church had merelj protested its rights. It had sent representatives to he Paris peace con ference at the request of President Wilson and Premiers Clemenceau and Lloyd George, who wanted to know the needs of the patriarch and later on an American mission, which viait- I church wanted the right to remain in Waycross. Ga.. Dec. 16.—Nineteen | Constantinople under the protection _. . . , Years Imprisonment was the sentence of some great power, as the Turks F0Il . SA n E !wf Mt b * r ** l “ °° reC ‘ P»>»ed, moraine oo B. T. Me-dil, wort annulling tho rlfhtl ol ” r ' ’ 0D ® ' ° n * | Nobles, 19-year-old negro boy of Bra- the church. * !*V o. gsnxa, near her. who was convicted of The church, Monstgnor Germanos ■ SUttoo .’-A e8t Jack8on st - is ~ gt manslaughter. The Jury In the case j declared, had asked the allies to pre- L08T—In or near Grand Theatre last «t*yed out all night and brought In vent the deportation and save thona. night, pair glasses. Liberal reward * he| r verdict of guilty at 10:30 o'clock ands of orphans, who had been placed for return. J. R. Evans, phone 128. the morning. 16-lt Nobles stabbed Cllffard Duffy, an- ■* other negro, to death In one of the bouse, on Smith negro cabins of the Braganza Lumber :onvenlences. Ap- Company about seven miles from 16-61 Waycross on September 24th. His at ^ << *' —counsel pleaded self-defense, contend- WAYCROM MAN KNEW FAMOUS ; ing that Duffy, who was much larger FOR RENT—6 roc Ave., With model ply Oolden Bros. in Turitiih homes and Islsmlzed, and the allies had helped' to prevent these things. "That is the way we mixed in politics, but we believe it gu justifiable," Mcnsignor Germanos spent yesterday here. Empire Furniture Store. is in town today on business. bus, was in tow n yesterday. spending the day her*. timo on business. Mr. Pliny Heeth of Baltimore, with home follta. Every youngster wants visiting here for i •pending the day in the city. Reduced prices on all wall Ml»r» High quality. New stock. Jae. H. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wettyen, and Miss Alice Wettyen of Cedar Grove N. J., are among the visitors register- i the city. re Father, Big Brother, or HIM i pipe. Ingram Drug Company. br. Kimberly arrived from Cochrsil last night, being called here by the 111- of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Crabb. .a** 0 Mrs. Martin L. Dollar will arrive this afternoon from Washington. D. C. spend the holidays with relatives and friends here. Friends will be sorry to know that Mr. Orion Goff is 111 with Ininfluenza in Atlanta, and hope he will soon be again. For Prompt Mrvtce ana Durabl Plumbing, Call R. B. Llnson, Phont 186, No. 107 Remington Avenue. Mr. William Calhoun Massey, sec retary of the Chamber of Commerce of Roxboro. N. C., arrived this morn- Aluminum Soap Another Big Lot Of That Famous Aluminumware Includ- "Monogram” Laundry ing, Percolaters, Dish Pans, Water Pitchers, Soap and Double Boilers, In Large Size, For Hard - Regular $2.50 Values, Only or Soft Water, Monday Only—per bar— 69c . 2c Bankrupt Sale 126 S. Broad St. Near Monument CORDELE BANKS TO TAKE UP REMAINDER NEW HOTEL 8TOCK Cordele, Dec. 16—Local banks planning to finance the remainder of the hundred thousand dollars for the new hotel which will soon be under constructioo here. Subscriptions In stock have gone above sixty thousand dollars. The directors bad planned get their loon elsewhere, but the local banks are handling It and making It possible for the work to be started very soon. A few more collections on unpaid stock will complete the financ ing. PLATING NICKEL—SILVER—GOLD Auto Parts Braee Beds — Silverware Made New Fast 8ervlce SIMMONS PLATING WORKS ATLANTA, GEORGIA Established 31 Years ON SALE For Week of Dec. 18 to 25th Our Entire Line of HATS in three lots $1.00—$2.50—$5.00 For Cash Only. HANAW’S. 16-3t Mre. T. H. Buth has re-opened her Beauty Parlor at 405, the Upchurch building, and will be glad to se customer* there. Mrs. Buth w Thomasville last year an<9 has Just returned from Chicago. The many friends of Mrs .Frank Crabb regret to know of her very serious illness and that little hope is entertained for her recovery. She taken suddenly ill on Wednesday e Ing at her home in Love street, and has steadily grown worse. WEATHER REPORT Thomasville, Ga., Dec. 16, 1922. Weather forecast for Thomasville and vicinity: Local rains tonight and Sunday. Observations at 1. P. M. Standard Tims 1 P. Highest temperature for this month, 29 years record (1918) — 88' Lowest temperature today 61' Lowest temperature for this mostb, 29 years record (1194) 18' Mean temperature today 64' Normal for this date . 68' Departure since first of month +183' IRISHMAN. RECENTLY KILLED than the accused, made a motion Waycross, Ga., Dec. 16 Rory to draw a deadly weapon on Noble. O'Connor, Irish Irregular leader whs was shot on Friday, December 8th, iwimj Mwaca> was well known to a Waycross man of O’Connor and told many anecdote* Powder because Royal is the best j Departure ,lDC * nr,t °* Which r Trade or Roaches. Restaurants must choose which they want. Trade or Roaches! They can't have both. If they want trade Departure since January first +671* Relative humidity 8 a. m. _ 100 % Relative humidity 1 p. Relative humidity 8 p. m. jester- 98% Rainfall past 24 hours L04 Inn (Rainfall since first of month 3.68inn ; h \v =; sz, zszrssitz* “srs _____ . +1-87Ins. In 1904 when O'Connor, then • connected with his life He declared preparation knewn to^modeni ideMe 1 D * parture ,lnc * Jan - Wr,t “*■ ,n *- young nun out of college, was travel- that O'Connor at that time was work- f ot qa | c ] c an j effective destruction Wlnd dIrectlon 1 P- ®- Northeast tog through the Middle West, it was ing in the wheat fields, following tho 0 f roaches! 16c A 28c Sold and i Wlnd Teloc,, J r 1 P- “• * »*• P«r hour leaned hers today. Henry Pharr, crop to Canada, where he wait wi* guaranteed by Ingram Drug store. ° “• HADLEY. i.f Waycrois, rave a clcae description the Canadian-Pacific railroad. * (Advertisement) WINESAP APPLES These apples will not rot. BUY THEM BY THE BOX From your retail dealer. Buy the ALL AMER ICAN BRAND. F.B. Harris Co. Distributors SORE IT DOES GOOD ThedlonT, BIselc-Drsnilf Lfrer Medicine (Vejetalle) Pniud ky tie Heed of a fnniileni Family. we would have doee hid wt M hid Black-iMufht. II aure U out ol the best medicines made, and am rare the beat dm medicine," said Mr. Hewy use Black-Draught lor 1. $ •We Uxativcf.^bt: and it is fine. ten out ol year system. Sold everywhere. (Advertisement) Pugh & White’s Barber Shop SANITARY AND SKILLED BARBER SERVICE We have recently added another chair to oar shop and secured the services ot Mr. Lee Lewie who will be pleased to serve bis old friends and customers. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CUTTING CHILDREN’S HAIR Hair Cutting or Shampoo 28c. Shavs 15c, Shins 8o MIZE BUILDING, No. 21 3 WEST JACKSON STREET A. M. PUGH, Manager I AMO US cooks of the Southland JL whose reputations are nation-wide y always use Sauers Infallible in their I choicest bakings. Year alter year in baking contests and in home cooking demonstrations Sauen Infallible, with its unvarying goodness, brings that delicate texture and tastiness to fine bakings that never fail to please. Insist on Sauers Infallible. .4 Rountrss Grocery Co., Dufritutm SAUERS Infallible FLOUR HARRISON BUS LINE LONE ROUTE Bainbridge, Cairo and Thomasville Paeeengera, Trunk, and Ezpreea SCHEDU LE ■AST SOUND WMT SOUND STATIONS Dolly Dolly *xcspt and *£**ys f Sundays. P. M. W *•46 K. T. Lv. Balafetidgs Ar. Gibson MIX Climax ee.? . Pins Park Crossing 1:18 C T. SMdT. 8 M a T. 8:4# OL T. 8:99 C. T. •m a t. :4» CL T. I:l» » T. 1M CL T. 7:46 a T. t:lf CL T. 7:6# C. T. 7:66 ■. T. WE PICK UP PASSENGERS ALONG THE LINE