The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 18, 1922, Image 4

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DAILY TIMEtENTERPRlBE, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER It, 192£ WANTS WOOD—Phono 181 your order* 1 dr? pine bouse or stove wood. Coca Cola Bottling Co. 181m YE CRATE and peck your furniture also repair and buy any kind ot Furniture. We pay bit price* V* Mine Empire Furniture Store. 14-lm FOOD, Wood. Woo-., Oak or pine; any lengths, delivered as wanted. Phone Neel Brothers' Feed Store. WB BUT all kinds pecans, paper shell and seedllnts. See ns before you jeelL Jarvis B. Watklnd and Com- p**r- WHEN JN USED ot Freeh Neste, Fish or Oysters, Call Wlnburn’s 1 JUrtft. Prices rlfhL Phone ft. 309 yf. Jackson st. 6-lmd JERSEY COW, fresh la milk, for sala f*6*e p* ?r f J - M * idox •* Moors Music Ca ^ COLORED dining car waiters aad sleeping car porters wanted. Ex perience unnecessary, Wa trail you. Information free. Write 607 Railway Exchange, Omaha, Nebraska. 16t BABtCHivS 8 m popular breeds. Eggs hatched $4.08 per hundred. Order early. Tfedfllab- , .Tills Hatchery. B. L Srtwton, Mgr. Thomasvllle, Oa. *• IF YOU want to move, phone 188. Good aervloe. Price* right. J. T. Dixon. t-lms FOR SALE—Biggeat bargain# oa ord: On# Dort, one Maxwell, one Ford. Come see First Aid Motor f Station, West Jackson St lMt FOR RENT—8-rootn house, on Smith Ave., with modern conveolences. Ap ply Golden Bros. 18-81 FOR RENT—Two nice unfurnished rooms. Clohe In. Apply 126 College 18-6t WANTED—To buy a second-hand standard make graphophone. cabinet atyle; must be In good condition and a bargain. Address "C" Route 1, Box 110, Boston, Ga. 18-lt FOR RENT—Garage. 332 Warren Ave. Also feather bed for sale. Phone 517-J. 18-3L FOR SALE—Eight well-bred Pointer and Setters. Young dogs: partly trained ones, and trained dogs, bargains. One new double-barrel hammerless Parker shot gun. Will Hopkins. 18-2t ORANGES AND APPLES for Xmas 40c dor. delivered. C. D. Klnard, West Jackson St. 18-lt WHOLESALE ROBBERY ATTEMPTED METCALFE, NEGRO SUSPECT IN JAIL Knobs of Safes Knocked Ofl In Several Stores, But Loss Was Nil. — Negro Surren ders and will be Taken Back To Mitchell County Gang. A wholesale robbery was attempted In Uetealfe Saturday night or early Sunday morning, but the sum total of the damage appears to have been the destruction of the knobs of the safes In various places In that little city. The attempted robbery was dlscov- ed at about 8 o'clock Sunday morn ing. when parties went In Mr. Horne’s and found where it had been tered. Similar discoveries were mads hQ store pf Grover Thomas, H. C. Copeland an<f Company, the poetottlce the Bank of Metcalfe. J.BWtlf* Mon showed that so far as could' -ned, nothing of value was taken. '■ safes of etch of these places were tampffed with and the knobs to the locks all knocked off with a small axe. Indications pointed to someone who as barefooted and track} were aaen Under the window of Horne's store, ’hera they had tried to enter. The doors of all of the places were prised open with bars'and entry made, fiber- Davis wsnt to the scene but could make no discoveries that would lead the Identity of the robber < 'At II o'clock a negro, Garfield Rob- held, surrendered himself to Mr. Strickland, superintendent ot Mr. L. S. Thompson's place on Lake Iamonla, and stated that he was an escaped convict from Mitchell county. Sherift Davis and County Warden Maples, of Mitchell county, went down and got him yesterday afternoon. This negro Is suspected of being the robber. He was seen for sevifgl around Met cale previous to Sunday and he was barefooted. PUPPY SAVED LIVES AND THEN PERISHED CANDIDATES FOR CITY OFFICES QUALIFY TODAY List Closes Tonight.—Cam paign Will Be Shortest in History of the City. The lists for city offices close to night at 6 o'clock. In the absence ol Dr. Culpepper, chairman, from his flee, due to sickness. Secretary R. G. Fleetwood will be at the Bank of ThomasvUIe tor that purpose. Two -andldates have qualified tor marshal, Milton and Hughes. Milner Smith qualified tor clerk. Opposition iimored, but bad not developed 'clock. No qualification for sexton had been reported at 3 o'clock. Mayor MacIntyre and H. W. Hopkins both n their checks and are in the The old aldermanic board, with the exception of H. W. Hopkins, is reported to ba ready to gpilify and ojt to bank dosing this afternoon Messrs. Harry Wycbe. H. L. Key and J. Frank Pittman, qualified. Nothing bad been reported at tha? Uffle from the school board, but It hat been Wort** ticket had been prepared qualification before closing time. Judge Hopkins announsed his Inten tion of becoming a candidate this lnoralng and his formal announcement appears In this Issue of the Times- Enterprise. In It he corrects certain misstatements mad* In thq announce- ment Issued by "ClUuna" In bis behalf ind opens the first gun of the cam palgo against bis opponent, all In a very dignified and courteous way, without the Injection of personalities. e will be the shortest one in the history of local politics, but It will the less keen and Interesting. The formal battle of ballots comes Thursday when the status of the city' administrative officials will be settled for two years by tbe nomination of fandldates In the white primary. (Dr J ictstsd Press) Cleveland, O. Dec. 18.—'"Puppy* Just a mongrel dog Is dead, after his barks had saved his master and mistress and tbelr eight months old daughter. The puppy aroused by smoke early today, barked until Mr. and Mrs. An thony Gramm were awakened. Alter the dog saw them safe In the home of a neighbor he dashed back Into the house and was trapped In the flames. i correct, glvt comfort CITY TAX BOOKS CLOSE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20TH City taxes are now due and payable on or before Wednesday, Decembi 20th. at 6 p. m„ at which time the ta books will be closed. J. W. H. MITCHELL. 18-3t City Treasurer. (Advertisement) Every Thing for Santa Clause CANDIES NUTS RAISINS FRUITS All Varieties FIRE WORKS, all kinds CIGARS, ETC THE PRICE IS RIGHT,— THE QUALITY TH ERE Buckelew’s 108 N. Broad St. Telephone 121 Park and Tilfords Candies WE ARE GOING TO RETIRE BUY YOUR TIRES AND BATTERIES RE TAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Bodns Fabric 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4H 33xS 35x8 37x7 810.60 17.10 18.00 22.00 22.80 23.75 27.40 28.95 25.10 38.80 38.S0 Mile basis for Mall orders shipped C. O. D. sam* day received. The Jenkins Company 107-09 Madison St. Thomasvillc, Ca. MARTIAL LAW FOLLOWS (Coatinuad (ram rag« 1} political parties* ifid there mow if general bd-opsration for tbs main tenance of strict order. fhfc formation within a few hours a new cabinet through the efforts of U. Rataj, who automatically be- President when Narutowicx was assassinated and of Gen. Sikorski, called to the premiership, has given the people a feeling of icurity. The immediate summon ing of parliament for next Wed nesday to enlect a new President has strengthened this feeling and Pilsuski’s appointment ns chief of stad has given additional assurance that all necessary firmness will be shown by the head* of the govern ment in this critical time. The cabnist is being rapidly filled out around the skeleton group of min isters who took office Saturday night Ministries that were not filled ing operated for the present by the various men now holding portfolios. Niewadomski, the assassin of Presi- dent Narutowicx, is a painter, and 53 years old- He was born in Warsaw. He was a student at the academies of fine arts in Petrograd and Paris. His mental derangement is attributed to injuries suffered in an nutomobile cident in 1918, which necessitated two trephining operations. Niewadomski abandoned his art work and became active politically several years ago, but his irresponsl. bility caused him to be expelled from two political parties. Thera seems to be do doubt he acted on his o responsibility, without accomplices knowledge of any political group. KILLEO WHILE WITH THE BRITISH MINSTER (Vartaw, Dec. 18. r he body of President Narutowicx was embalmed yesterday. It will be taken Tuesday the ancient royal palace, where it will lie in state during a great pub- lie ceremony. The funeral will be held after the election of the president. Narutowicx visited the art exhibl* tion where he was assassinated, against the advice of Premier Nowal^ who told him it would be dangerous to expose himself. Narutowicx, how- accepted an invitation present ed by a delegation ot artists, wife whom he arranged that hf» visit should a private one. The president was shot while ba is conversing with the British minister, William G. Max-Muller. Mr. Max-Muller had just offered gratulations on the election of Nam- towicx to the presidency. Condolences, you should say,” r* plied the president. He had scarcely spoken when three shots eamc in quick succession. Narutowicx slowly sank to hit knees and then collapsed the floor dead. Narutowicx leaves two children, daughter 16, and a'son, Earl, who is in his twenties. Th« son i* a music tudent in Zurich Switxerland. One of the president's latest acts was to telegraph Count Zamoyski, the Polish minister in Paris and his rival in the final balloting for the presidency, thanking Zamoyski fot his cordial congratulations. AIRPLANES SEARCH FOR MISSING PILOT Salt Lrti cltrTuulJTet. It. — Sixteen air mall planes took part to day in the search for Pilot Henry Boonstra. who left Woodward Field, hare Friday morning for Bock Strings Mr. and .Mrs. A. E. Johnson of Val dosta, came over to spend Sunday with friends here. Mr. Dave Turner, of Madlsou, among the visitors here yesterday for a abort time. tff. and Mri, F. E- Tennent, of Los Angeles. w*T* gmons the visitors reg- Isterod hera Sunday. ONSALE For Week of Dee. 18 to 25th Our Entire Line of _ p_ HATS In three lots $1.00—$250—$5.00 For Cash Only. HANAW’S. • - X6-3t Mrs. Alex Smith ot New York, is the guest of Mrs. W. B Seymour on South Hansell jtreet. Miss Pet Woodson and Mr. Lebbeus Dckle returned yesterday from a tei day’s visit to Hampton Springs. Fla. Mr. W. A. Rice has accepted a post- )n at Pebble Hill Plantation, and Is pow very pleasantly located there. Messrs. A. C. Burros and H. L. Phil ips, of Valdosta, wera among the visit or* her# yesterday. Let J. O. BAXLEY do yoilf Flurr Jr PERSONALS II Yob Have a Visitor Phone No. 12 or 66 Victrola In selecting a talking machine for use in your home it is worth much to know that when you choose a VICTROLA your judgment is sustained by the technical opinion of the world’s greatest artists who have chosen the VICTOR to perpetuate their art. The word VICTROLA is a trade-mark, used spe cifically to designate the VICTOR VICTROLA* Convenient Terms Cocroft Music Co. Joseph Jsrger, third. Is f given to a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jerger, Jr., this morning. Miss M. E. Hale and Miss Marcia Hale, of New York, are in the city registered at the Tosco. Miss Helen Lewis, of Camilla, la spending a short time be friends. UNION JACK TAKEN DOWN FOR LAST TIME streets to keop a clear path for the troops as they marched. Everywhere they were loudly cheer- Toy desks In mahogany and oak, with chairs to match. Empire Furni ture Store. The crush was so great that the bar rler to the North Wall extension, where the transports were lying, gave way. and the huge crowd”, which In cluded many women friends of the de- j irtto’g soldiers, riinhed out upon the Mr. Meyer Blumberg. of Dothan,[quay, waving handkerchiefs and Union was in the city yesterday visiting | Jacks and wishing the soldiers God- friends. I sped*. The “Tommies" were astonish ed lit the display ot good will. After the departure Of the British forces, iMr. Multfahy addressed the Irish troops at tbe royal barracks the lesson of the transformation. He spoke first In Gaelic, reminding the soldiers that for centuries the posi tions Just evacuated had been held by 'enemies of the Irish naUon.' added that tbe lesson of this transfor mation was emphasized by his ad dressing them in the language of the Gael. Then reverting to English Mr. Mul- cahy said the occupaUon of the bar racks In the future would of necessity be very different In manner and spirit from the (^cu potion of the past. Com plimenting the troops on their smart appearance, tbe minister said the army Ireland had constituted would be util ised for tbs defense of the country. Th* soldiers would have to go back %o work In an ordinary way among the ipetiple. The courage, discipline and -lova of order they had learned in the army should make them take their place Industrially among the people useful citizens. Their task was to place Ireland In such a position that the stranger coming to' Ireland would give a meed of admlraUon to the couu try the Irish people had developed fot themselves out of the material and gifts of mind and hand God had be stowed upon them. Mr. J. T. Hammond. Jr., of Atlanta. Is among the visitors In the city for short time. Mrs. T. M. Caldwell, of Washington, arrived yesterday to be with her Mr. T. T. Caldwell, for several Week# Miss Groce Crawford Is at home for the holidays from St. Augustine, Fla, and Is with ( Mr. and Mrs. Tom Craw ird on Hansell street. Mr. and Mrs. Will MacIntyre have returned from their honeymoon trip ire at home with Mrs. F. L. Mac Intyre, on South Hansell street. A necessity for every age, a Foun tain Pen. We have Parker, Waterman and Edison. Ingram Drug Company. Friends of Mr. Jno. W. Thompson will regret to know be Is 111 with an attack of dengue fever at his home 119 Stevens street. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Powell are re ceiving congratulations on the arrival splendid young son, John Chil ton Powell, Saturday afternoon. Mre. Chilton Huston and Misses Jane and Ellen Huston, of Owensboro, Ky., will arrive tomorrow morning visit to Mrs. Huston’s parent^ Mr and Mrs. J. W. Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy 8. Bosche, and little son, Billy, are the guests fot the holidays of Mr. Bosche’s mothet Mrs. R. C. Bosche, on St Charles Avenue, Atlanta Mr. Carl Sahlberg, of New York City, who has been the guest of Mr. O. W. Arnold and family of tbla city, left this morning on the early train the Atlantic Coast Line for New York, where his business calls him. He visited all the towns in this sec tion and reported Yhomasvllle Justly entitled to the -name of “The City of Roses.” and be also ezpscts to spend his future vacations in our “Ideal city" ot tbe Empire-State and best county In the South. He reports the beat time of his life and takes this bidding good-bye to all the friends whom he met and who were 10 kind and hospitable to him. Wyoming and who Is believed to have been lost In a snowstorm between the two points. The air mall service be tween Cheyenne and Salt Lake City has been suspended and every avail able plane pressed Into the service la the search. GLASS If you have PAINS call the Doctor If you have BROKEN WINDOW PANES Call Us WATT SUPPLYfCO. Phone 65 THE HOU*E OF QUALITY HARRISON BUS LINE LONE ROUTE Bainbridge, Cairo and Thomasville Passengers, Trunks and Express SCHEDU LE BAST BOUND Read Down Dally Daily Sunday* Sunday* Bus No. S Bu* No. 1 P. M. A. M. STATIONS WEST BOUND RM4 Up Dolly Doily Sunday* Sunday* Bu* Ne. t Bu* Ne. 4 P. M. P. M. 8:41 C. T. 4:00 C. T. 4:1* C. T. 4:10 C. T. 4:8* C. T. 8:00 C. T. 8:18 C. T. l-tt E. T. 7:80 C. T. T:18 C. T. 7:80 a T. 7:10 a T. S:uO C. T. 8:8* C. T. 8:41 a T. 10:18 X. T. Lv. Bainbrldg* At. Qlbeon MUt Climax Boyd* Mill Whlgham Cure .... Pine Pork Crowing .... At. .... TbooasvUle .... Lv. 8:18 C. T. 8:00 C T. 2:E0 C. T. s-s* g alee c. r. 1:48 C. T. 8:18 * T. 8:84 C. T. 8:18 C. T. 8:88 C. T. 7:81 C. T. 7:48 a T. 7:18 C. T. 7:00 a T. 7:84 M. T. WE PICK UP PASSENGERS ALONG THE LINE Jr Christmas Is the day of all days when the biscuits and cakes must be Blish Milling Co. F. B. Harris Co. Seymour, Indiana. Wholesalers, Thomasville.