The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 18, 1922, Image 5

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MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER It, 1922. DAILY TIME8-ENTERPRI8E, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA RAGE FIVE Have Your Battery BY US JAS. GRIBBEN PHONE 461 We Repair—Recharge and Give Free Service On All A^akea of Balteriea Christmas Specials i lot, Poly Crome Candle sticks and Candles 98c each complete 1 lot, Smoking Stands $2-50 each Others from $3°° to $ 2 5-°° each 1 lot Priscilla Sewing Boxes .$6-75 each 1 lot, Poly Crome Framed Mirrors ... .$i.75> each 1 lot, Fine Electric Lamps from $12.50 to $50.00 each 1 lot, Mahogany Clocks ... ,$10.00 and $12.00 each Also the Finest Line of Toys, Dolls and Christmas Presents Shown in Thomasville W. Feinberg & Son Thomasville’s Leading Furniture Store We Are Throwtnfl Oat The Lite Line— We will aave many children’s lire* If we can Induce parent* to tiro their children all the milk they can drink. Onr govern- ment research work proves that milk la the neat food. COW CHOW THE FEED THAT MAKES MILK Your cow does not have to be thoroughbred to give plenty of milk but ahe doea have to he fad right. What a cow dlgeata la what makee milk. Feed COW CHOW and see the results In the milk pall. Feed from the CHECKERBOARD BAG. CHEAP Feed la the most expensive In the long run. CANDY CIGARS, PIPES STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLE8 WHITE IVORY GOODS LEATHER GOODS FLASH LIGHTS JEWELRY Our line of jewelry is all guaranteed to be best quality. Come In and get first choice. na^o-nt. Flashlights Sparks Pharmacy Phone 115 Goodness knows they’r* WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE We stay OPEN NIGHT and DAY for your con venience. Give us a trial. Comfortably Heated Well Ventilated T HE GRAN Today Wallace Reid WITH LILA LEE AND WALTER HEIRS IN “The Ghost Breaker” Come and see Wallie beat ap an army of ghosts! See him clean out a haunted castle, and win the beautiful Spanish Princess'. It’s • gay tale of adventure and love. Thousands laughed at the stage play—millions will scream with delight at the picture. With the best comedy cast In history. ALSO A TWO REEL COMEDY. Gifts for Xmas Select a Gift from our Stock and you will be well pleased, both in price and quali ty. Our line consists of GAS, Best Service on OILS, GREASES REPAIRS S. MADISON ST. MMIQOi Xmas Gilts ;r„ m r ■n.Wkar-sx •s.-sijls niruetlve. Add pm. of those to your llat:- •nd Instructive. Add oomo < ELECTRIC GRILLS PERCOLATORS WAFFLE IRONS TOASTERS HEATERS IRONS VACUUM CLEANERS FRUIT BOWLS CARVING SETS WINCHESTER AND REMING TON GUNS RIFLES DUXBAK SUITS LEGQIN8 FLASH LIGHTS SPALDING SWEATEPS GOLF GOODS RAZOR SETS Shop Early Bring the young folks and lot uo show thorn. JAMES WATT & BRO. MRS, FRANK CRABB. Beloved Woman, Passed Away Early Thl# Morning After ■ Brief Illness Although It had been expected for several days, the death of Mra. Frank' Crabb, which occurred about I o’clock this morning, came as a sad blow to the many who loved her. Last Tuesday she was her usual bright self, apparently In perfect health, but In the evening, a short while after supper, she was taken sud denly and violently 111, becoming an* conscious end never regaining con sciousness. Everything that slble was done to restore her again health and loved ones, bnt all ef forts were in tain and gently and quietly in the dim watches of the early morning, the sweet spirit passed into the Great Beyond. Mrs. Crabb was, before her marriage, Miss May Kimberly and was bom In Atlanta on January 15, 1882. About twenty-three yeari ago ahe waa mar- Mr. Frank Crabb, who preced ed her to the grave a little two yeara ago. Fifteen years ago they moved to Thomasville, where they soon made a number of friends. Of attractive personality, the loveli- >sa of her character was shown In her face, and of her It might be truth fully said, “None knew her but to love her. None knew her hut to praise.** Left by the death of her husband with the care of her two young daugh ter*, she bravely took up the burden of life and succeeded in bearing It cessfully and always brightly, and her memory will be a golden legacy to her family. Surviving Mrs. Crabb are her two daughters, Mlases Juanita and Gladys Crabb; her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Kimberly, of Cochran, Ga.; a sister, Mrs. A. L. Bullard, of Gainesville, Fla., and three brothers, Messra. Silas Kimberly of Empire, Gs., Leo Kimber ly of Eastman, and CUff Kimberly of Amerlcu*. The funeral services were hold this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, conducted by tho Rev. F. C. Symonda of the Presbyterian church, of which Mra. Crabb was a member. Following the •ervices the casket was taken Laurel Hill cemetery and laid bealds the husband who had preceded her the grave so recently. Beautiful flowers covered the casket and many others were heaped upon the grave. The pallbearers were Messra L. F. TUlf V IfB ppm III Driver. E. E. Mack, Lawrence Stayer- ”nLLti\A HUH HI i, Clifton Steyerman, R. S. Pardee, Roscoe Fleetwood. Oacar Groover, Dr. Charles H. Ferguson. WEATHER REPORT Observations at 1. P. M. Standard Tlmt 1 p. m. #0* Highest temperature for this month, 29 years record (1912) SI* Lowest temperature today 57* Lowest temperature for this month, 29 years record (1*94) 12* Mean temperature today -....- 90* Normal for this date 62* Departure alnce first of month +180* Departure alnce January first +698* Relative humidity 8 a. m 94% Relative humidity 1 p. m 93% Relative humidity I p. m. yester- 97% Rainfall past 24 hours. .07 Ins Rainfall alnce first of month 3.76 ins. Rainfall since January first 45.07 1ns. Departure since first of mo. +1.70 ins. Departure alnce Jan. first —3.78 Ins. Wind direction 1 p. m. Northeast Wind velocity lp.m.1 ml. per honr. O. M. HADLEY, Meteorologist Handicap of Fear. The fear of many brings a snare. By halting In our duty and giving back n time of trial, our hands grow weak- rr cere grow dull, so that when »• look at the way of the righteous. ms as though It waa not for u •John Wootman. Rev. Robb White and Family Delayed— Rev. Robb White and family arrived lest night ntght, after many delays the trip by onto from Tarboro, N. C. The roads were very bad in many tlone, especially in South Carolina. Mr. White, finding.that they layed, tried to reach Thomasville by train In time for service* yesterday, bat found the trains as much off ache dul* as his ear. He stopped for a day In Atlanta, where he received bis mal discharge from the United States ■rmy. The December term of the City Court of Thomsavllle waa called to or der this morning at 10 o’doek, by Judge Hammond. The trial of the criminal oases was set to begin this morning and the court went consideration of these cases It Is expected that this work will con tlnne for three day*. For Prompt service arm Durobl Plumbing, Call R. B. Llnson, Phoni 126, No. 107 Remington Avonim. Doings A* tho **Y* For the Week— Monday, 4:30 Glrle. 8:00 p. m.—Men's class. Tuesday, 4:30 p. m.—Boys’ class. 6:30 p. m.—Senior ”Y” girl*. 7:30 p. m.—Basketball practice. Thuraday, 4:30 p. m.—Junior *’Y* Girls’ Class. 6:30 p. m.—Senior *‘Y" Girl*’ Class 8 p. m.—Men’s business class. Friday, 4:30 p. m.—Boys’ class 7:30 p. m.—Boy Scouts. Saturday, 10 a. m.—Prep claas. Sil l's team Is still In the lead, but Jar rell Is giving him a close run, with 164 points. Hammond’s team has 118 points. If you are looking tor a Christmas •esent for your boy, what better pres ent could you give him than a member ship In this character-building instltu- If you haven't any boy. or If he member, give It to some boy who would otherwise be unable to Join. “The test of a city’s greatness is the kind of men it brings forth. What shall it profit a community It gain the whole world and lose its own boyar 1 m.—Junior "Y* ===== THE GHOST BREAKER" AT GRAND THEATRE Today and Tomorrow. "The Ghost Breaker," a picture which muat be classed among the finest comedy dramas of the year, will appear at the Grand Theatre today and tomorrow. Wallace Reid, the star, beautiful LUa Lee, and Walter Hiors. are excellent In their respective por trayals. The story starts off with a thrilling fend fight in Kentucky, and winds up In a ghost Infested castle In Rpaln. Mr. Reid is delightful In his portrayal and Lila Lee la charming as ever aa hla leading woman, playing the role of a Spanish aenorlta to per fection. Walter liters Is seen as a ne gro servant and provides much relish- able comedy. Tho picture la well worth seeing. HAS A RECORD RICE CROP BUT NO BUYERS Osaka, Japan. Nov. 25. (By Mail) —Formosa has 4,480,000 koku of > sell and thus far no buyers. Last year the Island shipped 1,020- koka to Japan but this year, with a record crop in Formosa and Japan, there is an over-sapply. Later estimates of Japan's crop make it from 500, 000 to 1,000,000 koka less than originally estimated. Bom* One MtfM Eat ft bert was attending g party tha Other day, tad port of the rofreah- oenta consisted of trait aalad. Ha doc* not cere for ft tad. not wishing to hurt hla hosteaY feelings. Mid: "I don’t believe 1 wait this aalad, hot Wreck Delay* A. C. L. Train#— Trains yesterday were late coming from Montgomery over the Atlantic Coast Line, due to a freight wreck at West Balnbrldge at about 3 o'clock Sunday morning. Thirteen cart went off the track and scattered debrla and loads all along the line. There were two core of mules, one of cows, three of peanuts, on* of cotton and miacel laneoua cargoes (n the loss. Only one mule waa found dead after the wreck age had been cleared. The cargoes badly damaged, however, and 11 will take some Urns to make the clear ance complete. The train due here at •’clock In tbs afternoon did not get In until 8:80 o'clock last night and the early morning train from Montgomery did not arrive nntll about 9 o’clock today. Everything is now running time. No one was hart in the wreck. The cause Is said to have been dropped brake beam, which tore considerable track, along with the Business and Professional Womens Club Meets Tuesday Evening— The regular meeting of the Bus!- ess and Professional Women's Club will be held Tuesday evening. Decern ber 19th at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Roddenbery on Remington Ave This meeting will be In the nature of Christmas party and a musical pro gram will be rendered and refresh- will be served. Each member is requested to bring an Inexpensive gift which will add to the fun of the evening and these gifts will later bo distributed among the poor children of the city under the supervision of Wilson. It is hoped that all mem bers will make an effort to be present and enjoy Mrs. Roddenbery’s liospi tality. Interest In Singing Of Christmas Carols— Much Interest Is being taken in the community singing of Christmas car ols, which will take place next Sunday . evening at 6 o'clock, in the court' house yard. ! The pupils of the schools are famil iar with these carols and they are re-; quested to be present and take part; the singing. Not only the Girl and Boy Scouts, but all of the children. 1 wanted to sing these carols, which will be led by some of the well-known : singers of the city. j MaUs Delayed— Don’t get peeved If you (all to get all of your mall on time now. Just j remember that Christmas Is very near ' and as a result of much business many j of the trains are off schedule time. 1 Don’t blame the postofflce, as the mail j la sorted Jnst as soon as It reaches here and the whole force Is busy try- I get it out as quickly and prompt-I possible. From now until after j Christmas there are liable to be de-; lays la the trains. An Excellent Edition— The holiday edition of the Boston' South-Georgia la very Interesting and! reflects much credit upon the manage- It contains good local news, j state news, and reading matter of; general Interest. Every youngster wants a flash-' light W* have them. Ingram Drug Company. i Just to Remind You— j Don’t forget to fill those stockings! to send to the Tfmes-Enteprise for die- j tributlon. There are many children! who will get nothing for Christmas un- i leaa these stackings are tent. Fill or ro and make glad the hearts < little ones. ru t ; win eat IA" , 0/W3r': Place Your Order For Xmas —FOR A— Nice Turkey Hen, or Frying Chickens , AT THE ECONOMY MARKET J. W. Blanton, Proprietor. Phone No. 2-8-7 110 N. Broad St. WHY WAIT Any longer to do your Xmas shop ping when we are offering high grade shoes at bargain prices now Warshaw’s Cot Price Shoe Store FIREMEN must often de stroy your property in order to conquer the flames. Wherever fire gets a foothold there follows financial loss of aomo degree. A Hartford Fire Insurance Company policy stands between you and this loea. The property owner pro tected by a Hartford Contract need not fear that his dollar# will go up In smoke- J. T. CULPEPPER & SON AGENTS Thomasville, • • • Georgia. Gifts For The Men On | Your List fj “Just What I Wanted” BATH ROBES 56.50 to $9.50 BED ROOM SLIPPERS $1.00 to $3.00 AUTO GAUNTLETS $4.00 and $5.00 , DRESS GLOVES $1.75 to $2 AO 8CARFS $1.50 to $3.50 HANDKERCHIEFS i boxes with Initials; 1-4 dozen BELTS AND BUCKLES 50c and 95c (Silver front) BELTS 50 cents to $1.50 TIES In fancy boxes 50c to $2.25 GOLF STOCKINGS $1-50 to $4.50 SILK AND WOOL SOCKS 65c and 75c SILK HOSE 50c to $1.25 MILITARY BRUSHES $2.50 SHIRTS $1.00 to $A50 SWEATERS $2.50 to $11.00 PAJAMAS $1.50 to $2.99 HATS $1.50 to $7.00 CAPS $1.00 to $2£S JE8UP • THOMASVILLE PULLMAN LINE. Effective Dec 18th, A. C. L. Inaugurate Parlor-Sleeping car between Jesup and Thomasville. trains 185-182. Car open for i pancy, Thomasville 10 p. m. Connec- U Jesup from $6, and with 82. Eastbound. lS-5td —EXTRA— BOTH BELT AND BUCKLE, $1.00 IN HOLIDAY BOXES | As long as they last. Ansley - Pittman Company