The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 20, 1922, Image 10

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V!= DAILY TIMEt-KNTERPRItE. TH0MA8VILLE, GEORGIA WEDNE80AY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 20, 1922. A Superb Showing of Attractive Gift Goods. CIGARS CHRI8TMAS CARDS CAMERAS CLOCKS BRUSHES ATOMIZERS CANDY CIGARETTES LEATHER GOODS PIPES FLASHLIGHTS THERMOS BOTTLE8 IVORY GOODS MANICURE SETS FOUNTAIN PENS SHAVING SETS SMOKING STANDS DOLLS AND TOYS POCKET BOOKS STATIONERY g INGRAM DRUG CO. Normally’* Whitman’* Hollingsworth's Candies * TURKEYS— S=ESE— CHICKENS— Di?0HS— f!G HAMS— FOR YOUR XMAS MENU .CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION i MARKET I Chicago, III., Dec. 20.—Wheat closed I nervous. Corn closed unsettled. Give friends and Loved- ones A HAM Wrapped in Holly Paper as a Xmas present num & ss MEAT MARKET Phones 14 and 15 In the business 25 years. May 10.70 11 ST. LOUIS MARKETS St. Louis, Dec. 20.—Wheat J $1.39; No. 3 $1.30 to $1.37; Dec. $1.23; May $1.22%. De< 2 7514c; No. 3 73% 4Vic; May 73%c. No. 2 47%c; No. 3 47c; D« May 47%c. Educator Shoes For Children Welt Soles, lull stock Calf and Kid Brogue Leathers. Sizes Prices 5 to 8 $3.00 8>/ 2 to H $3.25 11>4 to 2 $3.50 It would pay you to put good warm shoes on your child. MITCHELL SHOE CO. North Broad Street LOCAL PRODUCE MARKETS Prices Current Today Ga. cane syrup. No. 1. gai 30c Oa. cane syrup, best grade A-l .33c Corn, shelled, bu 90c Corn, ear - - .70c Velvet beans, ton $20.00 Eggs, do*. 45c Chickens, fryers, lb. 20 to .25c Chickens, hens, lb. 17c to 20c Turkeys, lb. .... 30c t potatoes, home consump- aonly, bu 40c to .50c uts: Market weak. WOMAN ROBBED ON CENTRAL PULLMAN IN MACON SHED ieatini then ’his week by Miss Mabel Bloodgood of Atlanta that she had been chloro formed and robbed in a Pullman cm In the terminal station. ,Miss Blood good asserted that she was robbed o: $115.00 t hide, i »<• thick that it < I layei 1 It Is e •client for u tng boots, bai fbe usefulness of the whale In thl* respect Is not confined to his outer skin. The stomach furnishes a leather as soft and a* strong its the best kid. Another Important thing about the whale Is that the whole of his skin Is good. The skins of cows, horse* and other land aulumla furnish a com paratively small quantity of leathtr, for only certain portion* of the hldt are of the right qunllty. WOULD PREVENT TAX | would bo ‘‘the forerunner of on era { of local governmental extravagance.” j EXEMPT SECURITIES! , ,. ■—• I from the fiscal, economic or soclar j Washington, D. C., Dec. 20—Af- ; standpoint;” said Representative ; r a sharp preliminary skirmish the. Millg ... From the economic stand. ,use took up yesterday a resolution j point he addcd# they were ••mdefensi- j proposing an amendment to the con- J bi e .»* ! itution under which issuance of tax ,'. ConH there bc anyt hi„g more un-1 :cmpt securities by the federal Bov. fortunate fpora „ 80ci al standuoint | ament and the states would be than , Hs prcsent , ituat i on p’ Mr., •ohibited. j Mills asko l. “Say what woo will! Backed by the indorsement of Pres-Ufcout large American fortunes, they j ent Harding and the Treasury, the wcre accumulated by men of ability,; proposal was the center of a hard (energy and vision during the course; fight, in which many Republicans exceedingly busy life. Their i •osed it. Passage of the measure jrevai may have jeon excessive bu’.f offered by Representative Green,l w |,„ .» deny that the Rockeft Iowa, ranking Republican of the ways | *»,. I ords, the Carm committee, which reported ill require a two-thirds vote of the House. Opponents claimed last night it would be defeated although carters who caused it to be brought ip insisted it would go through. Four lours of general debate allotted un- ler a special rule giving the measure ight of way had not been concluded n adjournment last night. Republicans speaking against the csolution were Representatives Gra- 1am, Pennsylvania, ranking Republi can of the judiciary committee: Bnch- rach, New Jersey, a member of the vays and means commtttee, Crago. Pennsylvania; Cable, Ohio, and Nor- on, Ohio. Representatives Crisp, Georgia, Democratic member of the ways and means committee, spoke for and the speeches otherwise were along party lines. i Fordney of the ways and ittee, Mr. Green and Rep- Mills, Republican, New York also of the committee, urged passage of the measure, while Repre- Texas, ranking Democrat of the ways and means committee, directed the fight against passage and made the principal speech. With less than 100 members in the chamber, Mr. Gamer carried the fht into “enemy’’ ground by deal- g out speaking time to Republicans i his side of the contest. Throughout the debate the ques- m continually bobbed up that the proposal would invade the right of the states to control their own credit. “Already irreverent hands have en laid upon that sacred document, e constitution of the United States laid Mr. Graham, “and I know of no ore pernicious proposal than this, is an effort to rob the state of ie element of its sovereignity. Mr. Graham denied the statement ade by Republican speakers that x exempt securities offered an enue through which the rich could cape taxation, declaring thousands of bonds issued by municipalities— and which would be prohibited were held by poor people “who took that efuge of safety, content to accept a lesser income.” Mr. Crisp said he ' that if i i convinced Harrimtns have made tremendous centr'buttons to the econo -i : and irdustral development of America? The standing fact about the rich men ' tl.e country—a fact frequently rgoticn is that they ! busi li. Mills said the fun is of ? v hich formerly had been t cd productive enterjuises, now drying up.” We are driving s ! busi ’ he f creating a class of idle rich.” mrs-voterIakeT - STAND IN LOCAL POLITICS To the Voters of Thoniasvllle: I am very much Interested In the white primary, as It will be the first time I have voted In such an election. I consider it the duty of all women, as rell i ' the 1 terests of the city of Thomasvllle, gardless of personal feelings towa Idual candidate. i had a a board of managers, who had been successful and aaminnterea affairs In a way that reflected credit and had brought splendid results, he would be a fool to change managements, es pecially If there was no material sal ary consideration and no possibility of I consider Thomasvllle to have been governed with the maximum of ef ficiency during the past two years. Reforms have been put into execution that reflect splendid business judg ment and fine personal Interest on the part of the council toward the welfare of the city and all of Its people. It has been a good administration and I want Thomasvillo women and men to support that administration through out. The past two year’s work will demonstrate that It cannot be materi ally bettered. The council has worked out of a de ficit by the adoption of the most mod ern and effective business methods. The budget system and the segrega tion of the various city funds is the most progressive step that Tbomas- ville has ever taken in handling its finances. Vote -for the administration and thereby vote for the good of every taxpayer and citizen of Thomasvllh Us best paying asset, the exempt securtities the income rould be nullified. Vast fortunes vere being diverted from the channels Jas well a •t trade and industry, he said, putt- j light and ng a premium on idleness, which | The ticket I shall vote will be: H. J. rould tend to breed anarchy and (MacIntyre, mayor; H. B. Fuller, Ardis liscontent. In addition, he asserted, McDougald, B. H. Wright, B. F. Hi he result was difficulty for the far- (ring, E. E. Mack, W. B. Beverly and ner and the home builder in borrow-1 F. B. arris for ah ng money, and an increase in the ( Mr. Frank Pittman to take the place ost of living. Mr. Fordney support-,of Judge Hopkins, and I think that it d the resolution, because, he said, will be the best ticket that could be he wanted the states to have the right selected, regardless of the fact that I the question. He said he highly regard others who are candi- had doubts of the wisdom of the pur- dates, but I think this Is a time when >se sought by the amendment. j personal feelings should not count la Mr. Bacharach, in opposing the res- considering the best thing for olution, said conferences with Newj Respectfully, •rsey state officials have made him; MRS. VOTER., rtain that the effect would be bad!Who owns property and has children. >t only for his state, but for the. (Advertisement) nation at large. He predicted that in — the event the resolution was passed LIQUOR WITH A PUNCH Copyright 1922 Hart Schaffner & Marx Time to Buy That Suit For Christmas BUY A THERE’S NOTHING FINER You Can Buy The Gift Certificates Here And Let The Recipient Pick Out His Suit or Overcoat At His Leisure PHONE 300 Headquarters lor Harl Schaffner and Marx Good Clothes very local government would ii full quota of bonds for as longj SEIZED IN NEW YORK Donohue, custodian of one of the department store houses for city. * seized liquor yesterday found specimen in a five-gallon can which had eaten its way through the con tainer and was trickling out on the floor. Decidig it was too potent for hu- consumption, he called James result that I New York, Doc. 20 Potrolmon Polio, on Moiitont, olid tozetber MERCHANTS USE ICE ALL THE TIME The butcher uses Ice all winter. WHY? The grocer uses ice all winter. WHY? Does he love his Ice man more or is it be- cauae he has discovered the economy In the use of Ice? Hundreds of our best house keepers use Ire through out the *nt<r* yea*. WHY? Hava they discover ed by experience Ua value a* a food saver, end a health saver? Eventually all who consider their con venience, their health and their pocketbooks will us* Ice through the winter regardless of weather condition*. TIME ICE & MFC. CO. PHONE t. Christmas Gifts A most attractive line of Suit Cases and Bags For Men Filled Cases and Hat Cases For Women AT MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES Neel Brothers they lifted the can and started to pour its contents Into the gutter. As they tilted it up, the “liquor” exploded and set fire to Puzlo’s cloth ing. He was burned to badly that he had to go to a hospital for treat ment. The patrolmai severely burned. Why Not Eat Fresh JERSEY BUTTER While You Can The Supply Is Flentifu! At Present Pringle Company Christmas Suggestions We have a complete assortment of CIGARS IN BOXES OF 25 AND 50 Good enough for any man. —ALSO— Perfumes. Toilet Waters, Face Powders, Hair Brushes, Combs, Etc. Thomas Drug Store Old Reliable Druggists ESTABLISHED 1tSl PHONES 41 and 715 THOMASVILLE, OA.