The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 20, 1922, Image 4

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DAILY TIMEB-ENTERPRISE, TH0MA8VILLU, GEORGIA WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMftEft tO, 1922. A CARD FROMW.H.PLATT TO THE CITIZENS OF THOMAS- VILLB: Ton haw doubtless noticed that my name baa been placed on Ike ticket for Alderman In the city primary elec- ■ tion to ba held tomorrow. I wish to state that I am no politi cian and am not affiliated with any particular faction, but if elected, I will endeavor at all times to serve the masses and no particular clan or fac tion. I stand for strict economy In the expenditures of the peoples’ money, and favor progress, but do not favor expenditures greater than our Income. 1 believe in a clean city, both from a moral and sanitary standpoint, and thlpk It a good idea to extend water and sewerage to the congested resi dence sections, t!l?t the people may &ATe improve!! health conditions and fire protection for their homes. In fact, l feel that the citlrens residing In the remotest sections of the city should have consideration the same Sk those that live in other sections In the way of lights, sewerage and water, wherever practical. I strongly maintain that yon have not had a fair “Equalization in Tax Valuations,” and have had o study property values for several years, I feel that I know the relative worth of different property In Thom- asville. and if elected I will use most diligent efforts to make t« uniform. Your vote and support will be ap preciated. Respectfully, W. H. PLATT. (Advertisement) Phone 644, or write for appointment to have your eyes examined, glasses that are correct, give comfort and look well, of Lawhesd. conference. Mr. T. J. Blessing, of New York,- The report showed that neither the among the visitors here today. I United States" nor Japan plan to . ... I complete the scrapping of any exist- Mr. O. O. Rawlings, of M.rldl.n. |ng cap(u] !llip5 _ , t | e „ t pendin|r .pent a part of yesterday In the city. prom „i eatio „ o( tlle trMlyi ,i th „„g h Reduced prleee on ill wall paper. b ° ll > nations have napped work on High quality. New stock, Jaa. H,[>»■*« building programs of capita! Browni ships. Great Britain, on the other hand, was shown to have disposed of WOODLAND Sunday school was not very attended Sunday on account of Mr. N. Singletary, and family who have been sick for some time much improved. We are glad Mrs. Tom Clark, spent the weekend with Mrs. I. D. Singletary. Edith Booth, spent while Sunday morning with Misses Jessie and Pearl Akridge. Misses Jessie and Pearl Akridge YOU SHOW Discriminating Taste PERSONALS 11 You Have a Visitor Phone No. 12 or 66 DENBY INFORMS CONGRESS OF STATUS OF WARSHIPS THAT WERE SCRAPPED Washington, D. C., Dec. Re sponding to a House resolution, Secretary Denby transmitted to Con gress yesterday the information in the hands of the Navy Department on the status of warships scrapped under the terms of the Washiagfpi) arms conference naval treaty, or J otherwise disposed of by the signa tories since the adjournment of the tor. O. B. Foi and Mrs. C. L. Morrow Charleston, are among the visitors in the city. Mrs. J. F. Lamb, Jr., and little daughter have returned home from visit to relatives in Jesup. to be disposing of a very consider able number of older capital ships. The United States, according to the report, in addition to suspending work on vessels under construction under the treaty, has decommissioned all completed ships affected except the battleship Connecticut, which will be placed out of commission and has sold the Maine and the Misouri, which are actually being broken up. Mr. H. S. Pearson, of the Atlantic Coast Line, is among the visitors for the day. srs. Fraser and Eugene Driver t home for the holidays, ■ Military Academy. Messrs. J. D. KInnett and W. J. WIi man, of Macon, were visitors here yes terday for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Williams and Miss Celeste Darly, of Dothan, spending a short time here yesterday. ind oak, Toy desks In mahogany vlth chairs to match. Empire Furnt ure Store. nan who knows, under- ! what these cigars and they cost no than the average i offered you. VALDOSTA GROCERY §0. Distributors Valdosta, Georgia. WOMANLYTROUBLES Twt* Hard for Her to Stop Work, Bat This Texas Lady Says Ska Had to Go to Bed.— Helped by Cardni. ■ ’* SHado, Texas.-"! suffered a treat deal with womanly troubles," says Miss Ir* Lflllaa Hart, of Routs 1, this phey "I would, for a day or two, feel drowsy, stupid and lifeless; didn't feel Uke doing my work. "I would suffer pains in my sides and "I am the housekeeper, and ft was very hard lor me to atop, but I would get In such a misery I would hare to goto bed. I heard of Canlui, tad tha! It was good for this suffering. The very first bottle 1 took seemed to help me. I did ■ot suffer sear so much, so I sent for the secoad. It did so much good for me, I can't say enough lor Cardui, for U certain ly was a friend in need." Womea who feel the need of something to help relieve, or prevent, such troubles, should profit by the experience of thou* sands of other womea, and try this mQd, harmless tonic. Sold everywhere. (Advertisement) NC-14 Miss Aleph Simmons of Quitman, and Miss Olga Hannford of River June tion, are among the visitors here foi a short time. Miss Hattie Gribben who has been tending school at Notre Dame Col- ge, Baltimore, returned home last ening for the holidays. Miss Lilia Jackson arrived home last night from Atlanta, to spend the holidays with home folks, at 419 West A necessity for every age, a tain Pen. We have Parker, Waterman and Edison. Ingram Drug Company. Miss Mary Lou Phillips will arrl' on the evening train from Macon, spend the holidays with home folks. She is attending Wesleyan College and will return after the holiday to be broken dismantled oi and was engaged ii ing them as aircraft carriers, per mitted under the naval treaty. Neither France nor Italy was re quired to scrap any completed vessel; that nation proposed to complete t an aircraft carrier one of the fiv battleships it had under constructio at the beginning of the war. Evsry youngster wants light. We have them. Ingram Drug pompany, submarine*, one destroyer, knv worn-. *n* *| tors ’ ftn( * one dynamite gun vessel. Miss Elizabeth Varnedoe is expect ed home this evening from Hollins College. Va., and will spend the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heeth Varnedoe. including twenty-four submarines, One Japanese battleship, he continu- list, and one lighter cruiser had be wrecked. France had disposed of o Mrs. Hamilton Vose has arrived from Milwaukee, and ia at her winter home on Remington avenue. She uccompanied by her daughter, Spaulding, and children, of Mobile. Mr. Vose will come down in a short time for the winter. ;>£i *4.-, MR. VOTER. In Mayor MacIntyre's announce- Sherman, and children announce- ^ Sunday with Mra. H. E. White, “Two years ago you elected me chief executive of your city when was badly in debt. In fact, so badly in debt that some of our citizens considering changing the form of the city government." If this ia so, would it not be well In selecting the new Board to enquire who put the City in that fix? VOTER? (Advertisement) Mrs. Walter Booth, visited Mrs, Blanch Collins, Saturday, P. M. Mr. Kelzo Singletary, was calling ‘he L° n g Branch Vicinity Sun- wish every body a met happy New year, ‘ay school, and Christmas, and Dont forget prayer meeting at Woodland. . FIFTKE.N THOUSAND f a most Ideal location In the SOUTH In a R HUNDRED THOUSAND popuUHou. Tout BEULAH appointment at Beulah Sunday, and a large congregation was present. The shower, that was given to him, was very much appreciated. transacting business in this munity Monday afternoon. Sorry to say Mrs. J. W. Cooper, is very «ck at ths writing, but hope for her a apeedy recover. while with Jier sister. Mrs. R. D. Mayron, of n< „ ests of day night. H. A. Wall of New Port, i visiting in this community, last week. Messers. Eugene Russell, and Harry Baker, visited friends in P' ENDORSE J. A. HUGHES FOR CITY MARSHAL Thomasville, Ga., December 20, 1922. TO THE PUBLIC: As friends to Mr. J. A. Hughes and knowing his past record: and as loyal citizens of Thomasville and believers in law enforcement by public officers, we hereby are sup porting Mr. Hughes and ask all citizens who believe in these principals to come out to the polls on December 21st, and vote for him. (Signed) “CITIZENS.” TO THE CITIZENS OF THOMASVILLE:— My announcement having already appeared for City Marshal, I wish to further' announce that I stand flat-flooted for law enforcement and if elected to that honorable office, I pledge you my word that if you want the law enforced and upheld and the public protected, vote for me on December the 21st ((Signed) J. A. HUGHES. Park, Thursday night- Messers. W. L. Smith', Davis, were transacting V’, >• ?• Thomasville. Saturday ' kusfiada* Rn There wm hi s Christmas “ * Beulah chun-k ’ WANTS WOOD—Phone 181 your orders to dry pine bouse or stove wood. Coca Cola Bottling Co. 18-lm WE CRATE and pack your rurnitur# also repair and buy any kind ot Furniture. We pay big prices lor same. Empire Furniture Store. 14-lm JU ■ """ 1 1 MJI ■ ■ J - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ — VOOD, Wood, Woo', Oak or pine; any lengths, delivered aa wanted. Pbone Neel Brothers’ Feed Store. 19-t WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER, phone 495, J. O. Baxlev. 5-lxa WE BUY all kinds pecans, paper shell and seedlings. See us before you selL Jarvis B. Watkins and Com pany. WHEN IN NEED of Fresh Meats, Fish or Oysters, Call Wlnburn's Market. Prices right Phone 99. 209 W. Jackson St. B lind FURNITURE—I buy and sell second band furniture. Phone 855. B. Egnal IF YOU want to more, phone 188. Good service. Prices right J. T. Dixon. 8-lma FOR SALE—Biggest bargains on rec ord: One Dort, one Maxwell, one' Ford. Come aee First Aid Motor 1 Station, West Jackson St. 15-6t[ FOR RENT—Two nice unfurnished! rooms, close in. Apply 126 College.} IS SL I FOR RENT—Garage, 832 Warren Ave. Also feather bed for sale. Phone 517-J. 1S-3L FOR SALE)—Edison phonograph in good condition. Phone 436. 18-6t BABY CHICKS FOR SALE—Seven popular breeds. Eggs hatched $4.00 per hundred. Order early. Thomas- vllle Hatchery. B. L. Brewton, Mgr. Thomaaville, Ga. 6- FOR SALE—Maxwell car; delivery body; starter; and ail in good order; bargain. James R. Brown. 19-3t FOR turpentine chips phone Chas. J Way, 335.. 19-lmo WHILE SHOPPING FOR Xmas, don’t fail to see that neautlful lot of gen uine hand-made Chidflld articles, consisting of beads In coral, ivory. _ jade, etc, hand bags, luncheon sets, r table covers, embroidered silk S •bawls and laces. Mrs. Elmo Chas- & tain, 306 Remington Ave. 20-2t s TOR SALE—Snow drop bulbs. Phon.5 ^ 145 Crawford St. JQ-ft •' FOR SALE—Two y,j ShetftfUA ' pool... Apply Duil „ ei on ., ^ TVst-ood l hy Indian f their These if ©red through the I < Committee, which jeen in session here. Jrplsnct is to be given Bainbridge, Cairo and Thomasville Passengers, Trunks and Express night, I)ecember >1 25th Ul h > ^n 1 ffl^ d 5 V co n n£' IOCt MUSSOLINI NEVF' ov M,SF i$WS FENCINO .mount of w th. grp.l long honr. ■«*>*•'• him - *" d desk, fin 1ft spends each day at his Indulge A **■?» morning to fast SOUTHERN COLLEGEOFCHIROPRACriC > CHAMMPt or COMMERCE BUILDING fhCfc * Atlanta. Oa, * — I* *lif» 'favorite pastime of 4f. For one hour after break- WfrOsse* aworda with a famous jftfSbr, and only a few day* ago Affn his companion, tired from hia jtxertions showed algna of faltering, Mussolini 'took on two of the pro- feasor's aaaUUnta for the remainder of the hour. He ia one of tha best amateur awordmen of Italy, end has fought innumerable duels In vtfileh there te no record of his ever coming oet second • Neti- T ^ e .af.fat Committee, in the passed, congratulated Kemnl Pasha and the jnalUt Turks upon their recent *rbat you watt 1h "fh»Wk end vege- ] table*— . . 'Oranges, box - , — — Apples, peck .75c and 1.00 -Angora Legion in India. The gov- Baisloa. cluetbra, lb. — - •2-4<cf«mments of France and Italy were Walnut#, , lb. . ? iOtjifhahkea for the aid Which they had * NuJ^, Brirfll, lb. .kbc j given to Turkey. Appreciate CqcgaQ&k. large 8c «nd .the .also expressed 'to the King of Celfiy,'£eltr., lerge bunch JM .... 25c Afghanstan for granting equal rights Dftes/Dromedary, pkg. *xOc and .20c Ral^na, sun maid, .— .lie «bQ .19c Moslem unity. Grapes, Almerla. lb. tomatoes, fresh ripe i Grape fruits, J for . Butter, creamery, tb. —.#5c and .55c Eggs, Tennessee, dox. .... Iceberg lettuce. — Mince meat, pkg. With rer.ard to the anti-Turkish policy recently displayed by Great Britain, the Khalifat committee waa outspoken in its condemnation. Reso lutions passed on this subject were ...15c end .20c We are headquarters for fireworks, turkeys, chickens and ducks; snap beans, beets, tomatoes, lettace; cel ery, cranberries. Remember, "'We lota ’em." Phone '20x V M. SAMPSON 1 'Hindus, In the intereit of Hindu- "This meeting of the Central Khalifat Committee accepts the challenge thrown by Mr. Lloyd George, the British Premier, in his speech at Manchester, to Asia on the one hand and Islam on ths other, and assures him and other persons of his way of thinking that so far as Islam is concerned, this challenge to the Modems of the world, alive SCHEDU LE CAST BOUND Jls zft STATIONS WEST BOUND Read Up Dally Dally Except and Sundays Sundays Bus No.t BuoNe.4 A. M. p. M. »:0O E. T. I 1:10 E. T. 4:66c. T. 1 7:11 C. T. ( Pine Park Croaslnc .... 7:J0C.T. I 1:15 C. T. 4 JO C. T. j S:00C. T. | Boyds Mill •;«c ?• nisi?* • :46C. T. | 10:15 C. T. jAr. Bainbridge 2=22 c .- T - *:15C. T. 1 7:10 C. T. WE PICK UP PASSENGERS ALONG THE LINE their responsibility, are ever ready to meet in every possible manner. “Thla meeting of the Central Khalifat Committee consider! the British activities, in their attempts to internationalise the, Turkish Straits, aa unjust and coerelve, and in the opinion of this committee'such internationalization could only be justifiable in case other powers, especially Britain, internationalize the acts under their respective in fluences, and, further, to'thr opinion of this meeting, inch attempts are detrimental to the freedom the Didn't Knew rile Ge#d Fortune. "Mister,” began the seedy-Iooklng ■urn, ”1 haven't got no born# and—” *No taxes to pay,” Interrupted the man addressed; "no coal bills; no worry test 'the landlord raise your rant _ . you." "I have no job and—” "Leaky chap I No laager of getting fired.” "But Tm seri ous, mister. I have wo money and—* "Ho tamptatfoo to* spend If fbfttUUy eo able-bodied besxars. Why, yotfap tfco very child of' fortune.Good Of P