The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 20, 1922, Image 8

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DAILY TIMU-ENTERPRIW THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA PAGE EIGHT WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 20, (932. DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRIS* tPrprlM BuUdine by I PRESS The ^Asuoclxted PreM ^ or otherwise credited I herein All right* of re- Epeclel dlepetchee here SUBSCRITPION PAYABLE I PHONE NUMBERS:— A PRETTY GOOD REASON | would have probably been In a posi tion of affluence and power today, al- (though it Is not fair to intimate tbat they all might have had the success (that came to Couzens, for coupled with this ready cash he had Initiative, cour tage and ability. Those things count • in making the opportunity go. The reason so many politicians want the farmer to have a square dea for votes. The reason business i want them to be fairly treated producers of the world's wealth, is bo-1 cause their prosperity is contagious and affects all avenues of trade and commerce. This is quite true, as is Single shotting is said to be senous- evidenced by the past few years. If ly contemplated by some of the folks, such evidence is needed. jwho are politically Inclined, in the When farm products advanced In election tomorrow. It has been prov- price, there was a proportionate ad- en many times tbat single shotting tor vance in all other things, and tho that purpose rarely ever accomplish- money secured from the land was ed its objective, but more often reacts used in improvements and enlarge- to a detriment of ordinary chances, ments, as well as the purchase of the so-called modern luxuries. The busi ness generation was material affected the prosperity of tin It Is for this reason that the farm _ interests are demanding legislation Making fires on a morning lik< that will assist them, in a measure day, is Just another of the pleas of Justification for tbelr personal de- you get out of life, for there isn't n The producer of wealth has more pleasure than hopping back been relentlessly cheated out of its bed and getting warm agaln-real qi real profits for many years. He is( turning like the proverbial wo the organization of co-operati If the United States wants to pro tect its citizens abroad we must mere ly stay isolated and say that they must I be protected, or we won’t lend them i money. I The 1 ing its effect. :i purely prac- ls urged by leave home quite frequently, which just another way of saying that s gets enough of him without having ! put up with him all day long. , wherever It is trie s suit, tical business Uni | The habit is growing and before long Electing the president by a , the politician will more than ever to vote of the people is a good v noney j f ear f rom ^ j arm j nteresl8i f or t j, e (eliminate a lot of red tape thi The closet f ’ his • , just r tenant who produces will be B in command of the ship and woe to j those who obstruct the ways of prog- 6 i SOMETHING NEW I and impeded just HOW THE SLOGAN | OF FLOWERS WAS BORN! Boston, Mass. Dec. 20—The story of the slogan” Say It With Flowers, the circumstances which prompted its coinage, how it came into existence, and its subsequent spread through out the country^ i« told by P. F. O'Keefe, its originator, head of a local advertising agency. Mr. O’Keefe suggested the solgan to the publicity committee of the Society of Ameri can Florists in Cleveland, December, 1917. “It was evident that a slogan worded as to Induce people to i flowers more generally to buy m flowers was needed,” says Mr. O’Keefe, describing the birth of the slogan, which recently was claimed by another. “In a great quotations which I gathered from the rhapsodic utterances of poets, work ing under the impetus of spring fever, I same across this: “Flowers are words, Which even a babe may undes- From Bishop Coxe’s—“The Sing ing of Birds." “There,” I said, “is the germ of a slogan. There is a language of flowers. They do speak. Even babe can understand. Now to work that into a twentienth century phrase that conveys the meaning that flowers do have a languaage.” And then and there the slogan “Say It With Flowers” was created. RAILROAD SCHEDULES dsparturs of pssoonoor East and South ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIO RAILWAY (Pullman Sleeping Cara) 1:60 am Blrmingham-Atlanta 7:! ■epeatedly. ! crin b Savannah contest has assumed! irtions of a court scrape with the t of several folks charged with •s that Savannah is reported to miliar with. !ed in it is In • There are very slight evidences of | the coal famine in this sectioi 8 havo : country and that only is indie 1 usIn * ,the prices charged which, h iare not greater than they ha’ to in- ! Jn pa8t decade, at least dur There is a coal famir tid it is being felt m; 0 j elsewhere, especially In thos ad letter laws were en- where coal is essential, ified we would all feel j The Lawrence, Mass., coal de (have recently received a numbe: i cit y j n t j ie world that ^ P hyslcla n»’ prescriptions, marked and ter health if it will put I wr,tlen in the regular way, for a half • therefor. j ton of coaI - ,n * ,ead ° f ha,f an ounCG o jof expensive medicine to take intern- ho ^Is always ^shooting jaUj^ These prescriptions have been J w e haven't any idea that Woodrow ^ i honored In every case where they rep-. Wilson is being groomed for the presl- I resented suffering and sickness. This. dency, although we think he could be There are wives “who use rare Judg-| condltlon exists ,n niany citie8 and elected against Hardfng if he was ment and discretion in choosing their coa ' * s 8carcer Ikan the proverbial physically able to assume the duties husbands and then they quit. hens' teeth, in places where it is need- 0 f t h e office. Sidney Lanier, the nephew of the be- iwever, ^ loved poet, Is Btill the center of yellow j e been, journalistic interest, by reason of his! ng war j n a m e and his escapade, the combina-l *. how-, t i on proving too strong for the sensa- lerially : tion seekers to forego, cities 0 The prohibition law is the subject of iealers J very able dissertations In the Colum- Enquirer-Sun, but the position 1 that the law is not properly enforced Jis not subject to much discussion, nor , ^ should it be. except for the purpose of better enforcement. before he gets through. ed i •ed It her ssed i ■ purely c lugherty Impeachment is not ^ wanted at •eek type at any rate, unless- This is c is are as dangerous as hot local adver ?stic purposes. 3 of the best boo: j Germany wouldn’t wish anything j better than for England and France to j have a rupture and the United States 'to stand off and watch it simmer into lething worse. LOOK! LISTEN! | CONSIDER! Beef, Pork and Sausage are cheaper now than I last year. Our stock is 1 the best; our market is I absolutely sanitary; our price is as low as good service and good food can be sold. PHONE 52 If you are not perfectly I satisfied with your pres- [ ent market service, tr\ • ne time. That t: we ask. There are three more shopping days, inless you try to make some fellow toll you something on Sunday before! .'Iirl'tmaa. ^ j Wouldn’t you hate to be on yourji honeymoon with your second wife and i lave the ghost of your first one haunt j. ays, for it is the er of the ads that Everybody know that Mr. Smith i line of merchan- The best thing a restaurant can do to promote Its business Is to make cleanliness a necessary adunct to all disc, or any of tho other (stores, yet the suggests | special novelty will draw and bring customers. It has been! tried thousands of times and It always j works. The wife thal Tax free securities art us, except that !t makes us pay more taxes, that under other circumstances would be materially reduced. Your vote will count tomorrow Just as much as anybody else's, and you can vote as often as anybody else, and for Just as many candidates. Many a child la very considerate of Its parents and Insists on selecting its own Christmas present, so that there won't be any worry about it. Very few towns, where merchants are big advertisers, fail to draw from the towns where merchants do not take advantage of those opportunities. WHEN BN DOUBT PLAY SAFE, INVESTIGATE Army Goods that includes almost everything. You can’t get stung. A. T. Ctiastain PHONE 192. TAKING A CHANCE Mu; from Michigan by recent appointment, at the present time, worked himself up from the bottom of the financial ladder. He had the stuff to start with, however, and he got the proper Ideas of thrift. He knew that If he Baved his money It would draw Interest, and in addition that an opportunity would come along some time which he could take. This opportunity would have be turned down if he had no ready money. Henry Ford was the opportunity, and Couzens put In hla twenty-five hun dred dollar savings account and came out only a few yeara later with a for tune estimated at many millions. In addition to much Increased usefulness and positions of trnst and honor. What was the key? Savings for the oppor tunity. * • How many of use have missed that same chance that Couzens had, be cause we failed to save something every week or month? There are thou- When any town can gain the ac- sands of men today In this country, tfrfty sad cooperation of the young who bemoan tbelr financial collapse men In all Uses of civic endeavor, that or Inability, but they have no one to «Hy will grow Ilka the proverbial blame but themselves. Had they read g.wea bay tree. a bank's advice and heeded It, they The New London hobo who begged fer a dlma and was turned down, calmly climbed Into his limousine and drove away, disgusted at the stingi ness of some folks. ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD 2:23 am Monto’y-S M js'vllle-Sav ontlceUo 8 (*)Dally except Sunday. ENAMEL RENEWED Let me renew the enamel on your hood and fendera. Can make them look as bright aa new without the use of paint or varnish. DAN ROBERTS AUTO CLEANING STATION Next to Grand Theatrs MADI80N 8TREET Victory Bonds From A to F have been called (or re demption December 15th We will be glad to mske exchange, or sell these bonds for our friends, if advised immediately. Citizens Banking & Trust Co. THOMASVILLE, GA. XMAS GIFTS -FOR- Sweetheart, Sister, or Mother Rings 8 2.00 to $800.00 Bar pins 2.00 to 150.00 Wrist watches 17.50 to 125.00 Toilet seta 10.00 to 45.00 Traveling cases .— 6.00 to 20.00 Manicure aete 5.00 to 19.50 Desk sets 12.00 to 14.00 Fountain pens 2.75 to 17.50 Pencils 1.50 to 9.00 Strands of pearls .. 6.00 to 35.00 Boudoir lamps 6.00 to 10.00 Electroliers fZ50to 35.00 Mesh bags 3.00 to 35.00 Bags - 3.00 to 25.00 Card cases 6.00 to 20.00 ALL GIFTS THAT LAST, FOUND Louis B. Jerger EDDIE LEWIS Fat Cleaning Work* Ladles, Men and Children We have the equipment, exper- lence and a desire to please. 322 WE8T JACKSON 8T. You Are Lucky If you pats through life with out lots of time or property— TAKE A Fire Policy Health and Accident Policy for your protection. A Life Policy to protect your family. W. M. Parker Winns Oranges Best of Indian River Fruits FIREWORKS. -m- J. R. EVANS Phone 128 J. F. PITTMAN Dealer In MILK COWS If you want a freah cow or wan to oxchango your dry cow for freah one, call and see me. Phone 453 or call at roetdono 124 K. Clay ttroot, Thomasville- J. F. PITTMAN SEDAN New Price F. O. B. Detroit Equipped with electric start ing and lighting system, de mountable rims, extra rim and non-skid tires all around—the Ford Sedan, at the new low price of $595, F.O. B. Detroit; is the greatest motor car value ever produced—an enclosed car of comfort, convenience and beauty. Buy now. Terms. Completely Equipped Greetings To Our Patrons and Friends To you and yours we extend right heartily the Season’s greetings. May the joys of Christmas- tide be yours in full measure and the New Year bring ever- increasing happiness and prosperity. Our appreciation of your pat ronage and that of others you may have directed our way, is expressed in this wish to you. Bank of Thomasville ® Designated Depository ef State of Georgia, County of Thomaa and Ctty of Thomaavlllo.