The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 22, 1922, Image 5

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FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 22, 1922. DAILY TIMES-ENTKRPRISE, THOMASVILLE, OEORQIA Have Your Battery BY US JAS. GRIBBEN PHONE 461 We Repair—Recharge and Give Free Service On All Malcea of Balteriee Christmas Specials i lot, Poly Crome Candle sticks and Candles 98c each complete i lot, Smoking Stands $3,56 each Others from $3-.Co to $25.00 each I lot Priscilla Sewing Soxe* 1 $675 each 1 lot, Poly Crome Framed Mirrors ... .$175, each 1 lot, Fine Electric Lamps from $12.50 to $50.00 each I lot, Mahogany Clocks ... .$10.00 and $12.00 each Also the Finest Line of Toys, Dolls and Christmas Presents Shown in Thomasville W. Feinberg & Son Thomasville's Leading Furniture Store Gifts for Xmas Select a Gift from our Stock and you will be well pleased, both in price and quali ty. Our line consists of candy white ivory goods CIGARS, PIPES LEATHER GOODS PLASH LIGHTS JEWELRY Our line of Jewelry is all guaranteed to be best & quality. Come in and get first choice. B* ELMER’S R.,^m. Sparks Pharmacy § Flashlights r ..1°”" »l nd Bsttsrlss Photiell5 7^" | Thomas Meighan With Leatrica Joy, Theodore Roberto and Eva Novak in the 8peclal Paramount Production “The Man Who Saw Tomorrow”- The season’* most unusual picture. In love with two beautiful women,—a bewitching 8outh Sea’s lass and a society bell—that Is Tom Meighan’s plight in this picture. Till suddenly In a marvelous manner Fate reveal* which way happiness lies. Also a comedy. No Matinee. Picture starts at 7:30 oclock. Special printed ticket for tH*y now on sale at box office. Children under 12, 25c; adulta 60c. Every body must havo tickets. All passe* void. —TOMORROW— SESSUE HAYAKAWA *j\i famous Japanese actor in • thrilling modern American story, “THE SWAMP.” Also a fur #rt y ( WO ree | comedy and Fox News. Open 3p. m. Continuous to 11:30. 10 A 25c • Feed One Third Less—Get More Work Don’t that sound “too flood to ba true?” Scores of the owners In thla city ara finding It both flood and true. PURINA O-MOLENE Is not a stock madlclna or oven an “Alfalfa Mula Feed.” If you'va ever seen “mixed feeds” for get thorn, * ‘ A ' m Ltt iis show you a sampie and tail you why O-MOLENE positively costa loss to feed than oat* or corn or mixed feeds. Sold In checkerboard bags only. , GOLDEN BROS. CO. PHONE 184 All hinds feed. Flour-Me.t-L.rd-Sug.r CHICAGO RAILROAD STATION IS BURNED Chicago, Dec. 22.—Fire starting a few minutes before 4 o’clock yester day afternoon, destroyed the Dear born Street Railroad station. Former ly known as ths Polk Street Depot, and left eight railroads homeless in Chicago. The building erected in 1884, was valued at $300,000 but will cost more than 1,000,000 to replace, it was said. Within a little more than an hour after a traffic policeman saw smoke issuing from the roof, the flames swept through the 38-year-old brick and wood structure, once the prida of railroad man, and left only smokeblack brick shell behind. Hundreds of passengers, and 200 ;n and women clerks fled to safety. Mrs. Hazel Locker, 28, a woman clerk fainted and was trampled on by tha wild rush of clerks from the upper floor. A policeman found her lying unconscious on tha stairs and carried her out. Postal clerks with motor trucks res cued 160 tons of holiday mail and railroad employes saved all can la the train sheds. sf 't'itfii Li'” The station wai Owned by the Chi cago and Western Indians Railroad /as used by trains of that line and- the Santa, Fe, Monon, Erie, Chesapeake and Ohio, Chicago-and Eastern Illinois, Wabash Cana dian Grand Trunk. Crossed wires ire believed to have started ths fire. Within fifteen minutes after the fire was discover ed and while apparatus was still arriv ing In response to a series of general alarms, the roof of the north wing fell in. As the swirling columns of fire wrapped around the tall clock tower, nearly 260 feet above the street, hun dreds of pigeons deserted their nest. To the Good People of This Town and County I wish to thsnk you for ths continued patronage that you hav# given mt this yaar, for It la that which has mad# by business grow. I wish each of you a VERY MERRY XMAS and a PROSPEROUS, NEW YEAR GAS, OILS, GREASES REPAIRS s. habisoiTst. C. HFMH MINDteiephohui? ^ Xmas Gifts That make them happy, that ara beautiful and useful In the That man# warn• .rtur.tlnnel WINCHESTER AND REMIND- TON QUNS RIFLES PUXBAK SUITS LEGGIN8 FLASH LIGHTS SPALDING SWEATEPS GOLF GOODS ELECTRIC GRILLS PERCOLATORS WAFFLE IRON* TOASTERS HEATERS IRONS . VACUUM CLEANERS RAZOR SETS Shop Early LOCAL NEWS NOTES YOU SHOW Discriminating Taste When you select a box of HAV-A-TAMPA Cigars as a holiday gift. The man who knows, under stands wist these dgara mean, and they cost no more than the average brands offered you. VALDOSTA GROCERY CO. Distributors Valdosta, Georgia. Country Psopla In Town Today- Cars from the country were rolling in today like it was circus day, and the stores were full of shoppers and the clerks were in a rush. There shoppers from other towns also, and altogether the town put on a Christ- masy look. With the first bright day of the Christmas aeason everybody had a feeling In their bones that Christ- had really come and they had bet ter get out and finish up their shop ping. An Item Worth Noticing— The sun rose bright and clear this morning and has been shining o brightly all day that it was a surprise to look up and see It. It is hoped that It will continue to shins out Just as long as It stayed bid, which wUl Insure bright weather for some time to come. Many people were surprised to e moon last night and to find that was some days old, as it wai first time the clonds had cleared away sufficiently for It to be seen. PJft Damages Residence Of Mr. J. W. Dillon— Fire last /night fUghtly damaged the residence of Mr. J. W. Dillon North Dawson street at about 10 •clock. The fire started in a stove lue at the rear of the hall, burning the woodwork adjacent and going into the attic. The department tlngulshed the blaze without material damage by using the chemicals. The plaster In the hall and dining room damaged by the operations neces sary to get at the flames. Miss Zona Hamilton, and Miss Elizabeth Beverly, have returned from Decatur, where they are at- tending Agnes Scott college and will be here for the Christmas holidays with home folks . CARD OF THANK8. To these friends and voters who ere so loyal to me In my candidacy In the recent primary, I wish to use this method to publicly express to each and every one of you my sincere thanks and appreciation, and wish for i Merry Christmas and a Happj New Year. J. A. HUGHES. ing place and took to the air. The firemen were hampered by poor water pressure and the crowds of Christmas shoppers. Their streams barely reached the base of the tower, and at times the crowd became so dense they were forced to abandon thfeir work to assist police in driving the onlookers out of the danger zone. Fire Chief Seyferlich ordered extra apparatus from 'all outlying statios, but the latter arrivals were j Dr. W. E. Oliver, of Cairo, Is open- tangled In traffic jama which extend-. ing a wholesale and retail mule busl- SEND IN YOUR CHRISTMAS STOCKING . ««€ «*** WWW* «W« fMHHMPeccee «€*««** C«C«C . • ; «** iv « * .fi £ € - , € ... **«* The Tlmes-Enterprise is receiving Christmas stockings for the poor chil dren of the city. Have you sent yours? It will help you to gladden the heart of some child who otherwise would not get one. Many Christmas Stockings Are Brought In— 'Thomasville always comes up all right,” was the remark of a gentle- thls morning, as he brought in a lot of Christmas stockings to the Tlmes-Enterprise. It was thought a few days ago that the stockings were coming in so slowly that there might not be as many as there was last but anybody who sees the number of them in now will be sure that there could not have been more of them, or better ones at any previous time. They are of all sorts and kinds, but all have articles that any child will ap preciate and be delighted to get. They will be distributed tomorrow and will doubtless cause much happiness to the poor little recipients. Carol Singing Sunday Evtning at Court House— Don't forget the carol singing Christ- as eve st the court house. The In dications sre now that there will be pleasant weather for It and the singing will .be out of doors. It will begin at /clock and will be through with In time for everyone who wants to attend the evening services at the various churches. The children have all been taught these carols at school and so will be able to Join In them. ed for blocks from the The eight railroads began reorga nizing their forces while the fire wai its height, establishing offices in the statioif annex, a one-story building and either erecting its site or movnig tbs terminals to other stations. THE FAMILY WILL ENJOY A RADIO SET! There’s a Radio enthusi ast Vi every family these days, and he’ll appreciate one ef our complete re* celvlng Seta more than anything cite you can And there should bo a Radio Set In every home, i structlve and amusing to tha sntlrs family. S. W. RADIO CO. ness In Thomasville. He has made plans to use the large and commodious barns formerly In charge of the Thom- aaville Live Stock Company and will carry a full and complete line of de sirable atock. Mr. Oliver Is one of the prominent business men of Cairo and will make a very valuable addition to local business Interests. The new con cern will be given a very cordial wel come to Thomasville and Thomas county. r appointment' All Kinds of Fresh Meats Chickens Fish Roe, Oysters Star Hams (8 to 10 Ibi) Bread and Butter WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, CHRISTMAS DAY IDE ECONOMY MARKET J. W. Blanton, Proprietor. Phone No. 2-8-7 110 N. Broad Si. A THOUGHTFUL Xmas Gift Bed Room Slippers FOR Men and Women 98c up to $ 1.95 Warshaw’s Cut Price Shoe Store FIREMEN must often de stroy your property in order to conquer the flames. Wherever firs gets a foothold there follows financial loss of some degree. A Hartford Fire Insurance Company policy stands between you and this loas. The property owner pro-v tested by a Hartford Contract need not fear that his dollars will go up In smoke.. J. T. CULPEPPER & SON AGENTS Thomasville, • • • Georgia. Gifts For The Men On f Your List “Just What I Wanted” * That's the thought every man has on Christmas morn, when he 1| receives practical gifts of drees. This Men’s Store takes great J | -* sensible gifts for men; they fll W*. that ..* r *. correct ’ ® ,v# eom,ort i * ft In boxes with Initials; 1-4 dozen and look wall, of Lawhaad. ? in box-Pure linen Melgt Lodge F. and A. M. Elects Officers— At a meeting Wednesday night of the Meigs Lodge, No 455. F. and A. M., the following officers were elected for the coming year: Roy Selgler. W. M.; J. Edd Warren, S. W.; Jno. A. Harts field, J. W.; Dan Willis, Treat.; Jas. N. Isler. Sec.; John Ray Kemp, S. D.; H. W. Moncrief, J. D.: Schley Duren, S. S.; W. J. Sasser, J. S.; D. Blckley, Chaplain. During the evening, the-wives of the members served refreshments to the Masons and tbelr families, which were much enjoyed. BED ROOM SLIPPERS $1.00 to $3.00 AUTO GAUNTLET8 $4.00 and $5.00 DRESS GLOVES $1.75 to $230 8CARF8 $1.50 to $3.50 HANDKERCHIEFS 4 u in dox—Pure linen M $1.00 ana $1.50 TRAVELING SETS SUIT CASES AND HAND BAGS $9.00 to $18.00 BELTS AND BUCKLES 50c and 95c (Silver front) BELTS 50 cents to $130 BELT-O-GRAMS $1.50 to $230 50c to $2.25 GOLF STOCKINGS $1.50 to $4.50 SILK AND WOOL SOCKS 65c and 75c SILK HOSE 60c to $1.25 MILITARY BRUSHE8 $230 SHIRTS $130 to $830 SWEATERS $2.50 to $11.00 PAJAMAS $130 to $238 HATS $1.50 to $730 CAPS $130 to $235 GARTERS 25c to 50c —EXTRA— BOTH BELT AND BUCKLE, $1.00 IN HOLIDAY BOXES As long as they last. Ansley - Pittman Company