The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 23, 1922, Image 4

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oailv timea-cnterprise, thomawilli, okorqia SATURDAY AFTERNOON DECEMBER 23, 1122 • n ■^3 r SAY IT WITH FRUIT Florida Sweet'Uritnges 30c, 35c and 40c dozen Fresh Lpt Nice Yellow Bananas 30c 25c Bru' "• doZ - Extra fancy Apples per 28c to 75c doz. JJ Tangerines, * " 24c & 35c Fla. doz. Grapefruit, each— 6c, 8c & 10c Malaga Grapes 35c Red gfuperpr Oflg s Grspes, Mb. ... ww Jalifornia.jPears 40c Italian demons per 22c & 30c lb. Fresh Cocoanuts (large) -eachr 8C and 1 0C FRESH CELERY, ICEBERG LpTTUCE and ]! " " ” CRANBEftRIES ‘I LET US SUPPLY YOUR CHR1STJBAS FRUITS | PRICES REASONABLE-BEST QUALITY City Fruit Co. 123 South Broad StjuDan Stephens, Mgr. FOR RENT—Two alee unfurnished ms, doee la. Apply US Collect. SML — — GLASS If you have PAINS call the Doctor If you have BROKEN WINDOW PANES Call Us WATT SUPPLY CO. Phone 65 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY WANTS WOOD—Phone U1 your orders to dry pine house or etoro wood. Coca Cola Bottling Co. 1H» WE CRATE end peek your furniture also repair and bay any kind Furniture. We pay big prices * tame. Empire Furniture Store; 14-lm ffOOD, Wood. Wort, Oak or any lengths, delivered es wanted. Phone Neel Brothers' Feed Store. WB BUT ell kinds pecans, paper ah all and seedlings. See ms before yon sell. Jarvis B. Watkins and Com pany. WHEN IN NEED of Fresh Meats, Fish or Oysters. Call Wlahurn'a Market Prices right Phone f». 203 W. Jackson St. *4md IF TOU want to move, P»ons lit Good service. Prices right J. T. Dixen. Alma BABY CHICKS FOR SALE—Seven popular breeds. Eggs hatched #4.00 per hundred. Order early. Thom Se ville Hatchery. B. L. Brewton. Mgr. Thomasvllle, Ga. 4- WANTED—To rent * or more farms; good houses desired. A. B. C-, e/o this office. 22-2td. FOR SALE—Several aharea stock of Kirby Planing Mill Co. W. O. Jelka, at Huston-Jelks Motor Co. 2>-2t FOR SALE—One pair mules, trade for good automobile. J. A. Scoggins, Coolldge, Ga. t2-10t LOST—Cameo pin, set with 4 pearls. Return to the Economy Market for reward. Mrs. J. W. Blanton. 23-2t Dlsooverpr ft -Rubber Tree. The rubber, tree was discovered by Jesuit missionary, Father Man* cel do Esperanae. He found it while of his apostolic Journeys among the Cambelas Indians of South Ameri ca, and gave It the sin guar name of the serlnguelra, because ha remarked the savages used the sap of this tree, which hardens quickly to make rude bottles that wars shaped Uke a syringe. Grand Theatre THOMASVILLE Monday and Tuesday December 25th and 26th WITH BETTY COMPSON BERT LYTELL >ND MAY M c AVOY Set amid New York's Ji slest lights a shadows A big lavish production. George Fitzmaurice uj PRODUCTION // HOUR!: I, I. •, l:«5—BOTH DAY* AFTERNOON! IlKll PERSONALS If You Have a Visitor Phone No. 12 or 66 For Prompt service an* Du Plumbing, Call R. B. Linton, Phom 134, No. 107 Remington Avenue. Mr. A. T. Murray, of Fort Myers, Fla., Is in the city for a short time — business. Mr. and Mrs. June Bailey, of Macon, are here for the holidays, guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Culpepper. Mr. Robert Thomas, Jr., who la at* tending the University of Georgia, at Athens. Is at home for the holidays. Mr. M. Bracey, who la living Greys, la here for the holidays with his family. Mr. and Mrs. John Chisholm, of Val dosta, are spending the holidays here with relatives and friends. Miss Alma Jeter left this evening to spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hines, Jr, at Tampa, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Watson, of Tails- iga, are visitors In the city for short time. short time yesterday. Misa Lila Chastain Is at home for the holidays from the State Normal College, at Athens. Mrs. Pauline Rehberg la spending several months with her son, Mr. L. D. Rehberg, In Palatka, 71a. Friends of Mrs. Harry Linton will regret to learn that she Is very ill at her home on North Broad street Miss Jewell Evans left yesterday Mr. and Mrs. F. Mallory and chil dren, Jessie and Trancla, of Little bock, Texas, and Miss Jessie Harris, of Austin, Texas, are expected this evening to spend the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Harris. Mr. Wardlaw Jones, who Is attend ing Emory University, la here for the holidays. Mr. Joe Robison, also at this splendid school, la with home folks for the holidays. Try me. Dkxle Lend Coffee, freeh roasted every day. Pound, SSe. or 3 pounds for $1.12. J. T. Dixon. Mrs. W. C. Hurst of Macon, and Miss Mildred Andrlsbok, of Birming ham, are here for the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John Andrishok. Miss Sarah Mardre has rtturned from MUledgevlUe, where la is attend ing school, and la with bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mardre, at Boston. TO PROVE OR DISPROVE THE EINSTEIN THEORY San Frandsio, Dec. 23.—Hugs photographic plates bearing pictures which may prova or disprove on Angle of the Einstein theory of relativity were found unbroken yesterday when opened at the Lick Observatory ML Hamilton, Calif., by members of the W. H. Croker expedition, which took the pictures on a western Australian beach during the Septem* ber eclipse, Dr. W. W. Cambell, director of the observatory and head of ths expedition announced here. "Scientific men do not care one way or the other regarding the find ings, 1 * Dr. Campbell said. “We only want to know tha truth It will ba several months before we will be able to complete our measure ments and comparison and arrive at conclusion regarding the Einstein theory. Pictures taken' Ey the Crocker ex pedition are to be exchanged and $$$$$$$$$$$$$ * To Our Friends Patrons ’Tis Christmas Time—the season of good cheer ^ and Santa Claus; and we want to take this oppor- ^ tunity of extending our heartiest greetings, and to ^ wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 4% New Year. And, too, may we say a word of thanks for the @ business you have so kindly turned our way dur- & ing 1922? This business has been sincerely appre- ^ ciated, and we trust it has been so handled as to justify a continuance of our past■« pleasant rela- tions. ^ But now—at this Yuletide Season—we wish ' you and yours a wonderfully Happy Christmas, and a 1923 filled with joy, prosperity and plenty. Cordially yours, GOLDEN BROS. CO. PHONE 184 All kinds feed. Flour—Meat—Lard—Sugar-4% & METCALFE NEWS LETTER Metcalfe,, Ga., Dec. 23—Tb« Christ- «s tres at the Baptist church last night was carried out according to program, and waa voted a splendid success. The church wss Oiled to capacity and every person there re- A. W. Reese, and Bar. J. W. Hammond before Santa Claus arrived, and when he got there the audience waa sur- Office during their absence. Miss HatUe Thomas, who Is attend ing Norman Institute, Is at home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. Truman have been 111 with dengue fever for several days and Miss Julia Maa Hicks has very efficiently held the fort at the Com mercial Bank. Miss May Bess Cone, teacher In the schools at Quincy. Fla, Is spending the hoUdaya at home. 2S££ cables she had a lot of gifts for any one that old 8anta could have possibly overlook ed. The entire evening wss delightful and pleasant The affair was gotten ■p by leaders In both Sunday Schools after Bro. Hammond first suggested it and everybody co-operated to make it a success. This was tha first commu nity Christmas tre here in several compared with pictures taken during years but It is expected to be an tor Wert Palm B««ch. Fla., where ehe,' the «cl!pae tj the Adelaide observe. *> lrom ” will visit relaUves for several weeks. Mrs. John Pasco, of Montlcello, Fla., and her gnest. Miss Jessie Turnbul], of Washington, D. C., were visitors to Thomssvllle yesterday. Toy decks In mahogany and oafc with chalra to match. Empire Fumt ture 6to re. Mr. and Mrs. John Pasco and sons, of Montlcello, will be the guests for Christmas of Judge and Mrs. J. H. i -v' 7 * n '£°* T *» n * then the theory is correct, IFla claim- tory, which bent an expedition to Central Australia. The pictures tak en were of stars near the sun and they will be compared with phottv graphs of the same stars taken at night from Tahiti, in an effort to prove the correctness of the Einstein theory th&flEi'sun’s gravity attracts or “bends" rays of light traveling to ward the earth from stars million of miles beyond the sun. If the stars do not appear in the same position the night and day photographs, ed. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Scott, of Gaines ville, Ga., arrived last night to spend the holldsys with Mrs. Scott’s par 1, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cochran. Mr. Lamar Parker and Mr. Frank Smith returned yesterday from the Georgia Tech, and will spend the Christmas holldsys with homefolks. Mrs. J. S. Montgomery and Master John Montgomery, third, have return ed after visiting relatives for a short time in Paducah, Ky. Mr. Ralph Pike, who is attending Georgia Tech, came in from Atlanta this morning and will spend the Christmas holidays with his family. A necessity for every age, a Fourv tain Pen. We have Parker, Waterman and Edison. Ingram Drug Company. Mr. and Mra. Ed. Rehberg left to day in their car for Columbus, to spend the holldsys with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wood of that city. Mra. Chappell Welch, of Atlanta, will arrive this evening to spend the holi* days with her parents, Mr. and Mra D. F. Woodward, at 704 Young street Gladys Crabb, who will make ber home Every youngster wants a flash- light We have them. Ingram Drug Company. Mlsa Ruth Wilson, who Is attandlng tha Qaorgla State Women’s College la Miss Ruth Dutcher came down from Atlanta this morning, where ahe has been engaged at work, to spend a short time with her mother and other relative* * ^ Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Duncan, of At- nta, are here for the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arnold. Mr. Dun- holds a very responsible position with the A. and W. P. Railroad In At- Miss Evelyn Jarrell returned home this morning from Nashville, Tenn., where she has been attending Vender- blU University, to spend the holidays with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Jarrell. Have Wrong Viewpoint Men ef the world hold that It la Im possible to do a benevolent action, ex cept from an Interested motive; for the take of admiration, if for no grosser and more tangible gain. Doubtless they are also convinced, that, when the sun Is showering light from the sky, hs Is only standing there be stared at—Anon. Normal School at Athens, for the holidays. Miss Emmie Williams, who Is teach ing at Bristol, is at home for Christ- Uves at Vldalia. Miss Catherine Dekle, who Is teach ing school at Havana, Fla., la at home for Christmas, and has had si guest this wesk. Miss Rosa Gay Martin of Quincy. Mias Estelle Cone, who is teaching at River Junction, la spending the holi days with home folks. Miss Constance Blount, teacher In the Iron City schools, is at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mra. A. W. Reese. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ferguson, left today for a visit to relatives In Jack sonville, and Reddick, Fla. Miss Rosa lind Horne will preside at the Post APPRECIATION TO AMERICA Paris, Dec. 23.—Georges Clemen- ceau called at the American embassy yesterday and expressed to Ambassa dor Herrick his deep appreciation of the cordial attitude of the people of the United States daring bis Ameri can tour. He also handed to the ambassador for transmission to the museum at Mount Yernon, a gold medal given him by the city of Mnlhouse, Al sace, on the occasion of his first visit there after the liberation of the district from the Germans, The medal was struck in 1897 to commemorate the centenary of the voluntary onLgn of the free city of Mnlhouse with France, M. Clemen- ceau desired his gift to be taken as a tribute to the American soildiers Alsace “in reparation of the German who so splendidly aided in freeing crime." He mentined to Ambassador Her rick his visit to Mount Vernon, where he was greatly interested in the key to the bastille presented to Tiger made known that during his visit to Washington, he acquainted President Harding wjth his inten tion of presenting the Mulhouso me dal to the museum, Mr. narding heartily approving of the gift II a 9 POINTS On the Rubber Vesta Battery (J)—IT IS GUARANTEED 2 YEARS. (2) —GUARANTEE BACKED ENTIRELY BY FACTORY. (3) —ONE OF THE OLDEST SUCCESSFUL MAKES. (4) —CONTAINER Op CASE 100 PER CENT RUBBER. (5) —POSITIVELY LEAK PROOF. (6) —THE ONLY BATTERY KNOWN HAVING LOCK PLATES (Prevents buckling.) (7) —ABSLUTELY WATER PROOF. (8) —IT IS RECOMMENDED BY THE USER. . (9) —SERVICE EVERYWHERE. (Especially at Smlth-Fleming Co.) *' Smith-FIcming Co Repair All Makes of Battery.