The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 23, 1922, Image 7

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OAILY TIME8-BNTERPRI8E THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA SATURDAY AFTERNOON DECEMBER 23, 1922 & May yours be A Christmas of Much Joy and Blessing and your New Year one of Happiness and Prosperity N. T. PIKE DRUG COMPANY TROOPS GUARD BODIES waters In many years. It would ap pear to be a cross between a whale AT MER ROUGE TODAY *" d * turU< Mer Rouge, La., Dee. 23.—Re latives and friends late yesterday partially indentified the bodies of two wire-bound men cast up yesterday by LaFourche lake as Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards, missing since kid naped by hooded men four months ago, it was reported here last night. Buckles and bits of clothing wer said to have been recognized b friends. The bodies were late yesterday placed by the coroner of Morehouse Into the hands of A. E. Farland, chief investigator of the Department of Justice, and brought here last night under military guard to await the arrival of a pathologist from New Orleans en route here who will deter mine whether the men were killed bo* fore being bound and thrown Into the water- or whether they were thrown in alive and drowned. j The coroner announced an j t0 Lima for mounting and'wliri» will be held here. Fiftjr additional preserved In the University Museum. Fishermen at Lurin, 25 miles from Lima, reported a htige cetacean floundering in the shallow waters ot the bay. Then they sent out word it was an unkonwn monster of the sea, and that they had killed It. The director of the Natural His tory Museum of the University of San .Marcos and the official taxlaei- mist made a trip to Lurin for the purpose of studying and classifying the strange visitor. They found animal with the body of a white, but with a head and extremities sembling those of a turtle. After examination they came to the elusion that it belonged to the family of “Balaenidae” cetaceans, inhabit ing the South Pacific waters. It is supposed that it was carried along by the Humboldt current and thrown the beach by the tremendous surfs following the tidal waves of the Chilean earthquake. The specimen will be brought back -members of the Monroe National Guard ordered out yesterday morn ing to reinforce the troop now hero marched into Mer Rouge last night. GEORGIA MOVIE ACTOR TO MARRV IN SYRACUSE CONSIDER ADMITTING TURKEY TO THE LEAGUE Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 23.—Walter “Fatty” Hiers, the moving picture star, is to be married in Syracuse, N. Y., December 28 and will go to ( ] s strongly urging a special session Savannah after the ceremony, arrir- j the ground that Turkey, as a mem- ing there January 3, according to ber of the league, could, with less Geneva, Dec. 23 A proposal for special meeting of the assembly of the league of nations in Febuary to the admission of Turkey to the league has met with considerable favor among the representative mem bers thus far consulted. Great Britain i just received here. He is to marry Miss McWilliams. It is expected the bride and groom will pay a visit to Cordele, the boy hood home of Mr. Hiers, while they are in Georgia. Hiers is now in California, but is preparing to go east. He has recent- possibility of complications, accept measures deemed appropriate for the protection of the minorities within her borders. Remotely situated .countries v> able to send special delegations to special meeting could it is suggested, be represented by their diplomatic make two reports of their discoveries sending one to their own government in which they referred to the splendid opportunities presented by the oil fields, and the other to the Sultan’s government in which the same oppor tunities were said to be very meagre. The then Sultan, Aboul Hamid, managed to obtain copies of both re ports Concealing his resentment from the Germans, he had the revenues from Mosul transferred from the age of the British and French in terests. * Regarding the other Irak oil fields America and all powers of the League of Nations are given equal oppor tunities. No prospecting so far has taken place. COLOR OF SOOTH SEA LIFE DIMMING IN MODERN TIMES State Department of Mines to his own I Honolulu, T. H. Nov. 27 (By Civil List, in order better to bargain . Mail) The glamor, romance and with former Emperor William. adventure of the South Seat are dis* The negotiations dragged on for appearing before the spread of mod- many years. Meanwhile the D’Arcy crn methods of industry, education exploration of the same field was| and jiving, according to J. F. G. carried out, and two years before: stokes, ethnoligist attached to the the war the mucK desired concession J Bishop Museum here, who has re- was obtained by an international turned from a two year tour of the syndicate, the Turkish Petroleum Austrial islands in connection with Company. The Germans obtained the museum’s endeaver to establish 25 percent of this stock of the com- i lhe origln 0 f the Polynesian race, pany and English interests the other j Even Rap ._the plnpdot island to percent (which became famous as a place tion tu r™ 0 0ilconve "* |where the men were fed by women . . . ranc*. Last .t re tch of coral atiand under shade year h<™»ar. th. American tovan,. ^ p>Im tlJto _ ll besi „„| ng to h * En f l ,how tlle m * Ik ’ of drill** Hon, de- w L,? J ""“J mere,y .pit. th. foot that the ratio of In- asked th. right to .hare in the enter. hoblt „ nce eontlntlM t „ . p p r0 „ m . u ,7 h \‘ m T fonr women to on. man, Stoke, -Id. ed to th. Americana nnder th. now j There are only 23 taxpayer*— agreement is not known, but it will me „ between the ages of 21 and 60 probably only be a nominal |>ereent- —on the island. The rest of the 23b inhabitants are women, young boys and old “All of th. work excep. t’:r fishing is done ly tte women, vc i are come ly, excedingly tall, muscular and hospitable,” Stokes said. “The wo* who first drew attention pa through stories that cha women fed the men, apparently visited the island during a festival, when tli« women fed the men ‘in fan'* Tho women, however, do perform all agricultural work. ‘Despite the heavy ratio of n to men, ‘no man has more than i official wife’. The women are le too willing to marry the of Rapa, as they become little than slaves, once they are married. They have to hold or control their husbands and if they attempt to enjoy the same privaleges as their husbands they are liable to ceive a severe beating. 'The inhabitants of Rapa~are tremely hospitable to white man.' Keep a Historical Scrapbook. Start a historical scrapbook for your boy. Put in It pictures of Important public characters and Items of unusual Interest. When the child Is old enough lot Mm do tho pasting. If he la en couraged he will complete the work when he Is grown, and will have a hook of much Interest and Informs- Suits Dry Cleaned NO DISSATISFACTION WHEN WORK IS DONE Thomasville Laundry French Dry Cleaners MEN’S CLOTHING ly been made a full-fledged star by j officials. Sentiment at tke head- one of tke leading picture interests quarters of the league ia that Turkey Tho Georgia boy in probably thejahould be admitted at tho earliest beat known of the portly eomedinne | poaalblo moment If the league le to in thia country at tho preaent time. I be charged with any aort of euper- He la probably at the top of tho heap rialon under the treaty, being uegoti- when it eomea to fatty tlsaue and stardom. His frienda in Georgia will be glad to weicom him to his native state as a benedict. He visited At lanta s few months ago, speaking from ths platform of one of the local movie houses and was given so ovation. BELIEVE CHILE EARTHQUAKE CONTINUATION OF ANOTHER Lima, Peru, Nov. 20.—(I»/ Mail) _The tidal waves which recently deviated parts of the coast of Chile cast upon the beach at the same time a strange denizen of the deep whose like has not been seen in these ated at Lausanne. The council of the league at its January meeting will decide whether it fs advisable to call a special session of the assembly. MOVEMENT TO REMEDY THE NATIONS DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT ion New York, N. Y., Dec. 33.—With the nid of Secretary of Labor Davis, a movement has been started for observance throughout the. country of Eye Sight Conservation Day in the schools. Federal and state officials university professors, engineers, in dustrialists and civic leaders are co operating with tho Eye Sight Con- Conncil of America JAMES a BURCH Lawyer Civil and Criminal Practice Third Floor Masonic Bldg. THOMASVILLE. OA. F. A. STROBEL.D.C Licensed Chiropractor I relhcdy conditions of vision in class- jroom and factory. j Defective vision among school , children and workers in the industries has, surveys in numerous towns and cities reveal, caused enormous eco- 1 nomic and physical losses, which, I authorities declare, esn be eliminated Secretary Davis Is in deep sympathy with the movement, particularly with regard to children. "I am convinced,”* he said recentl ly, “that mankind owes no higher duty to society and to God than ser- jvice to childhood, and that whatever | we may be able to do to aid the citizen | of the future will earn a great re- : 2* iward.” Every teacher in the coun-i|| j try, according to the Council, Is a' J J potential crusader for better vision.! V Discount Dr. R. B. O’Quinn OINTAL tUKQION Extracting a spatially The Smart Shoppe oi Beauty Culture wmaa—t Wartag |L fa, awit Anna M. Lightfoot Off on Every Suit and Overcoat in stock Just deduct 20 per cent, off prices as now marked and any suit or overcoat is yours, tat^rr^r*” This sale includes such makes as Stein Bloch, Styleplus and Vogue Clothes Dress up in these suits and overcoats before Christmas and get the benefit of this 20 per cent discount Success of tha movement, according J JR to Its sponsors, will mean a definite J | physical advance In future genera-', [ s 1 tion of Americans. TURKISH OILFIELDS MAY SOON BECOME PRODUCTIVE London, Dec. 1.—(By Mai!)—The approaching Anglo-Frcnch-Amcrican agreement regarding tha Mosul oil fields in Asiatic Turkey, brings to an end ths negotiations which have been in abeyanee for two years and which have bean of international interest The Germans wore the first to Interest tbemeslvss la ths possibilities •f theea fields, taking np th* matter early ia tills century. Ths Gertmn -^prospectors, however, took'can to THE FAIR m