The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 26, 1922, Image 3

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TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBE R 26, 1022. DAILY TWES-ENTERFRIMf THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA »h 3 Steyerman’s Style Shop ANNOUNCE A Showing of Ad vance Styles Spring. Capes and Hats BURN MONTEVALLO The World’s Best COAL W.H. BURCH & SON Phone 187 0CHL0CKNE1TES ENJOY A HAPPY CHRISTMAS Ochlocknee, G* Dee. 26.—A very quite, though pjeasant, Christina* ha* been experienced by the people of Ochlocknee with the most delightful weather in many years. Miss Gwendolyn Mills, is home for the holidays, from Valdosda, where she is attending south Georgia SUte Normal College. Miss Mabelle Smith, also a student of that institu tion, is spending, the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Smith. Miss Alma Singletary, of Andrew Female College, is home for the holi day vaction. Ochlocknee Lodge, F. and A. 1 held its regular annual election at recent communication, resulting in the choice of the following officers for the ensuing year: J. Gorham Gsrrison, Worshipful master; R. H. Chason, Senior Warden; J. S. Wilson Junior Warden; B. L. Merritt, Secret tary; R. Singletary, Treasurer; B. J. Mathis, Tyler; J. T. Thompson, Chaplain; P. B. Clark, Senior Deacon; H. J. Thompson, Junior Deacon; W. H. Wurst, Senior Steward; A. E. Sasser, Junior Steward W. H. Wurst, A. E. Speer, J. S. Bullock, Trustees. After the election the officers were duly installed by the retiring Master. W. T. Willis, and Post Master W. H. Braswell, of Meigs. Mr. Preston Singletary, who holds position in Atlanta, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Singletary, *~r a few days. The family of Mr. E. R. Clark, has been quite sick for the past few daya of influenza. They are convalescent however to the delight of many TAHITIANS FLED TO HILLS WAITING FOR TIDAL WAVE BUT IT DID NOT COME JACKSON TERRACE 316 East Jackson Street UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WILL OPEN JANUARY 1st. Newly furnished throughout—Hot and cold run ning water. Polite and courteous Service will be our motto. APPLY FOR RATES. D.D. Pierce, Prop. Papeats, Tahiti, Nor. 26.—(By Mail)—Tahitian*, but not Tahiti, ex perienced a reverberation of the earthquake in Chile when they fled to the high mountelne before a greet tidal wave which the wireless said 'as sweeping across the Pacific. ‘‘Heavy earthquake in Chile with tidal wave, may reach you," read a private radio message received her* November 12 from New Zealand. The message waa shown tho gover- of the colony but ths governor reckoning the 4,000 miles of aea be tween Chile and Tahiti where would have ample space to spread out, thought it unnecessary to alarm the inhabitants. Next day, however, came the press dispatches, making known the news to other Residents, of the iajands among them the mayor. The mayor of Papeete, being the only elective official on the island, is a sort of tribune to tho people and he eaw at once a chance to loom large in the eyee of hie constituency. The mayor gathered about him ■ soothsayers, astrologers and mathematicians, and they figured die conclusion that it would strike the island with devastating fnry on the night of November 16 or the morn* ing of the 16th. Native heralds were sent out with big bases drums to warn the inhabi tants. Panic resulted in many see- The Chinese storekeeper* piled their wares Into all immediate' transportation and headed for tho high hills where they were joined hy a goodly portion of the population bearing banging lafepe, family Bibles «Ight-<Jay 'clocks^ rocking chairs, friends. The Ochlocknee Consolidated school suspended last Friday for a holiday vacation of one week. Appropriate exercises were held in the afternoon in connection with a Christmas tree. The tree, wa* loaded with gift* for the children, the decorations were very pretty, and a good number of patrons attended the exercises. The teachers, who are not residents of Ochlocknee, left Saturday morning for their homes, to be gone through the holidays; Miss Reid, of Amertcus, Miss Norwood, and Mrs. Stephen*, of Thomasville. Mr. T. C. Beverly, spent several days Inst week on a hunting trip, in Florida. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. Smith, have as their guests, this week, ilieih son, of Colutn- CRAZED SEATTLE MAN REJECTED BY GIRL KILLS THREE AND HIMSELF Seattle, Wash., Dec. *».—Rejection of his advances toward Helen Engel, 16 yean old, le believed to have so crazed Emil Neuriter, 40, a ferry boat proprietor, that he entered her home here yesterday and turned Christmas Joy into tragedy by killing her two alatera and one of her brothers, and then ending his own life. Helen said Heritor attempted t: shoot her when she repelled him last spring. Neuriter took to the Engel home yesterday three pistols and two pocketfuls of cartridges. Neuriter, according to the coroner, waited near the Engel home until D. C. Engel, fa ther of Helen, came out of the house, leaving his family around the Christ- distributing gifts. Engel ■aid Neuriter pointed two pistols him and ordered him into the house. “Get Helen for me," Neuriter Is al leged to have shouted. Anna Engel, 17, sister of Helen, sought to wrest the pistols from Neu riter. A bullet tore through her up lifted arm and into her heart. Leap- Anna’s body, according to the atory pieced together by Coroner Corson, Neuriter commenced shooting at Helen, at Erneat, her brother, 15, at Mr. and Mrs. Engel. Helen and Ernest jumped out of a window and the parents fled through the front door. As the parents ran they saw their daughter, Lilly, aged 33, standing In chair with two dolls, just taken from the Christmas tree, hugged to bosom. She later was found dead with a bullet la her forehead. Tho body of Hans, a brother aged 14, and that of Neuriter were found •om. the lad's with a bullet wound In the left temple and the with one in the chest FLATKOATT We have been selling it for FIFTEEN YEARS Your neighbor’s hous e has probably been finished with it already or soo n will be. You don’t realize | what you’ve missed by waiting so long. There is only one space of time during which you cannot en joy FLATKOATT finished walls—that’s while you’re asleep, and even then they promote “Pleas ant. Dreams.” Remember We Guarantee Satisfaction. Robison Hdw. Co. U7-H9 E. Jackson St. Phone 168 Milk Products. Thera art no substitutes for milk and Its products. Milk, butter, cheese and lee cream are protective foods. Indispensable to growth and health, and essential In the perpetuation of the human race. If you use them free ly, you will avoid many physical ail ments and escape disease resulting therefrom. Prof. J. Gorham Garrison, and family are spending a lew days this week with friends in Coolidg.i. Dr. M. E. Winchester, who has recently been elected public heulth Commissioner of Thomas County, leaves next week for Augusta, whera he will make n special study for three weeks of public health and sanitation work. The County Board of Health is to be congratulated on securing the services of so popular and cfllcici physician as is Dr. Winchester, fi this most important position. . A. E. Speer, and family at visiting the formers parents at Pres- Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Andersoi . Thomasville, spent Christmas day with Mr. Anderson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Anderson. The many friends of Mr. May Dekle, a former resident of .Och locknee, but more recently of Pel ham, are glad to know that he, with hia family, have returned to Och locknee to make this their home. It is said that Ochlocknee will have several new business establishments after January first Messrs. John 8egler and son have Juat opened grocery business, Bowman, of Meigs, la to move his stock of goods here this week, where he will conduct a gen eral supply buainess In the building fohnerly occupied "by Mutual Trad ing Co. Among other holiday visitors here thia week were: Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Luckey, of Thomasville, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Glousier, of Pelham, Mr. md Mr*. E. H. Coleman, of Cairo, the guests of Mrs. J. F. Cardin and Mrs. R. W. McMillan. Mr. Ellis Bullock, of Preston, and Mr. Dock Buntin of Albany, are visiting at the home of Mr. W. S. Bullock. fcfr. Will D. Singletary, and wife of Atlanta, Mrs. J. S. Jenkins, and Mrs. Leggette, of Vienna, art visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Single tary. Keep a Historical Scrapbeok. Start a historical scrapbook for your boy. Put In It pictures of Important public characters and Items of unusual Interest. When the child I# old enough let Mm do the patting. Tf he Is en couraged he will complete the work when he Is irrown. and will have a book of much Interest and Informs- VENIDA Clintonic Twin SOAPS Wash the Venida way, for enlarged pores, pim ples, oily skin, white- heads, rough, red and chapped skin, black heads, chafing, excessive perspiration, etc. The latest and positively the BEST Skin Soap yet devised. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFIED —25 Cents— HONIENTA, the great Cough, Cold, Catarrh and Hay Fever Remedy 40c and 75c. J. W. PEACOCK <04 E. Jackson St. PHONE 606. Square Deal Druggist. We Are In Business To Stay BUY YOUR TIRES AND BATTERIES RE TAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. 31x4 33x4 33x4 13.40 13.38 14.15 17.10 18.00 33.00 22.50 33x4% 34x4% 35x4% 30.60 31.20 35.10 Mile basis for Mall orders shipped C. O. D. The Jenkins Company 107-09 Madison St. Thomasville, Ga. portraits of deceased relatives and other precious possessions. Two daya and nights the refugees camp ed in the open, scanning the horizon for the wall of water. On Nov. 17 they returned. What actually happened was a phenomenon of irregular tides on the evening of Nov. 11, when the sea ebbed and flowed at intervals of fifteen minutes, five or six times from extreme low water to above the usual high water mark. In the Marquesas Islands the aea ro6e.lS' feet above the high water mark onI the same date but no damage was LOOK! LISTEN! CONSIDER! Beef, Pork and Sausage are cheaper now Chan last year. Our stock is the best; our market is absolutely sanitary; our price is as low as good service and good food can be sold. 4 PHONE 52 If you are not perfectly satisfied with your pres ent market service, try us one time. That is all we ask. A COMPLETE LINE OF China and Crockery-ware FOR YOUR HOLIDAY GIFTS Yale and National Bicycles —for— YOUR BOY OR GIRL. Tarrish Bicycle! ;& Hdwe. Co. 221-223 W. Jackson SI. Thomasville, 6a. OurlQuality Is The Highest! OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT!! BURSEBVICE IS THElOUICI^EST IN THECITY!!! -Call Us- THEgENTERPRISE {MARKET 301 W.fJackson St. Phone 227. A. C. Walden, Prop. Rx For “Her” Xmas WHY NOT SEND A BOX OF Block’s FINE C HOCOLATES CITY DRUG STORE Agents For Blocks Aristocrat Candles Rx St