The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 30, 1922, Image 4

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FAOt FOUR DAILY TIMES-SNTERPRI8E, THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA SATURDAY AFTERNOON,. .D.^CE^BER .3Q,.\Q22. WILL RAISE DEFENSE . FUND FOR DR. H'KOIN Bastrop, La., Dec. SO.—With the date for the open hearing bat one week my, the beery band of ttyrii law which haa already struck twiee > was still upraised last night over those designated for arrest in con nection with the Morehouse kidnap ing! and murders. -••The-eititens were anxiously await* .fog.the .passing of time which would reveal the identity of those marked. The nature of confessions in which forty;five,ffien were said to be implicated was also the subject of i&lfch speculation. There was no intimation of when the arrests promised by the state Pre-Inventory Sale We find that we ha ve a large amount of remnants in Georgettes, Crejle de Chines, Taffetas and Mcssalines, which will be on sale at, per yard 95c Best quality outings, per yd J5c Dress ginghams, per yd. J5c 54-inch best quality Chiffon Broadcloth, per yd $2.65 54-lnch Prunella Skirtings in Plaids and Stripe, per yard $2.75 Readymade Sheets, each 69c Towels, each 10c H. GOLDSTEIN WE SELL Syrup Barrels Syrup Cans Lard Cans WE BUY SYRUP Neel Brothers Feed Store South Madison St. Phone 780 would be mad*. Opinion was evenly divided upon the theory that the rests probably would uot occur until after the open hearing had been eluded. The state wants to question some of them as witnesses, which privilege would be denied in event they were under charges and diiThot care to testify, it was argued. While a deputy sheriff armed with carefullly prepared requisition route to Baltimore to claim Dr. B. M. McKoin for the state of Louisians on a charge of murder in connection with the robed and masked activities of last August, bis friends in this sec tion of the state ware putting their heads together to raise a suitable fund for his defense. A fund of TlO,- 000 was said by bia friends to be the objective. The plea of the former mayor at Baltimore yesterday that he would rather die forty times than to be tak- back to Morehouse struck a re sponsive chord among many. Lata yesterday his friends here and in New Orleans were reported considering steps to be taken to prortde him with a heavy escort after he reaches Louis- iana in the event he is returned. Sheriff Carpenter of Morehousa Is sued a statement yesterday declan ing he knew there would be some ar- upon the return of the federal I investigators now in New Orleans He said that while forty-five citizens might be involved in the kidnaping plot he did not believe this number was actually participants as his infor mation was there were only eighteen or twenty. In Bastrop, the parish seat, and the nearby village of Mer Rouge, for sev eral weeks the centers of activity in the kidnaping investigation conduct cd by Department of Justice agents in cooperation with state officials, the situation was quiet with no de velopment*. Por the moment the excitement incident to the arrival of state troops ten days ago and the finding last week of the bodies of Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards, whose kidnap ing last summer was the culminating act of the alleged mask band depreda tions, has qnfted and Bastrop' an<* Mer Rouge are taking a breathing spell to await the return of the in- CHIEF JUSTICE FISH TAKES FINAL FAREWELL Atlanta, Dec. 30—In the Georgia Su preme Court room this forenoon, Chief Jdstlce William H. Fish took of ficial farewell of the justices and court attaches and was presented by them with some handsome silver ing a ’ period of verfbal expressions such as seldom have been beard in the hall of that tribunal. In behalf of the court attaches and stenographers the presentation was made by Col. Z. D. Harrison, clerk of the court, and for the associate jus tices the presentation was made by Mr. Justice Beck. The fact brought out that Judge Pish probably bolds the record for Judicial service, not only In this state, but probably Ic the nation. He has served 26 years on the state Supreme Court bench, fol lowing a service of some six years on the Superior Court bench. More than twenty years of the latter service been as chief Justice of the state. Justice Beck in commenting on that service said Judge Fish has “made doubtful lawyers go straight and helped weak ones to become ter lawyers.” a service which Judge Fish will continue to perform for the state as dean of the Mercer Law School, by training young met they should be trained to become the proper kind of members of the Geor gia bar. He said, while he was not in possession of actual statistics, it is his belief that Judge Fish has prob- ably written more opinions and pass- id on more cases than any Jurist not inly In American, but in American or English courts and, as chief Justice, a record which probably is ap proached only by the record of Mr. Chief Justice Marshall. Judge Fish announced that he ex pects to go to Macon Monday morning and take up his new work at the law school cf Mercer University at once iud took occasion to say he felt his selection for that chair a compliment at a member of another faith to with them In the training of the young mind. BULLET IN BACK FOUR YEARS Richmond, Vl, Dec. 80.__A1- though he had suffered for faonths from partial paralysis and an abscess vestigators from New Orleans and ' i° the back, Preston Vial, local postal further developments. I employe and World War veteran, Firing about th. parish Jail, under lilt,e dre * r ”" i th * t his afflicti,m w *» guard of state troops, enlivened the early morning hours yesterday and sent a small army of newspaper correspondents here scurrying from their beds, but it proved a “water haul.” . .. v . was explained that the firing was sentry stationed at an outpost who fired nt persons discovered mov ing about nn adjoining railroad yard who failed to obey a challenge tr halt The prowlers, believed to have been tramps, escaped apparently un due to n atral-jflekct bullet from a German machirrtr gun. Por four years Vial carried the little missile in tho flesh of ‘his back, near the spine, and did not know it Yesterday the veteran went to a locaTTiospital. An x-ray examination disclosed the bullet. It was removed and the patient was reported as rest- ing comfortably last night hurt No importance was attached to the incident by military or dvP officers. PERSONALS If You Have a Visitor Phone No. 12 or 66 For Prompt service anff Durabl Plumbing, Call R. B. Llnaon, Phom 136, No. 107 Remington Avenue. Mr. J. W. Hartley, of Fort Valley. U among the prominent business visitors here for a short time. Miss Miriam Johnson, of Montlcello, Fla., is the guest of Miss Virginia Cochran for the week-end. Mr. Henry Abrams, of Tampa? was among the prominent visitors here with friends this week. , F. H. Butler and Miss Butler I*eft today for their home in Atlanta, spending a week here with horns and friends. The many friends of Rev. Campbell Symonds of the Presbyterian church, will regret to know that be is 111 with influenza and will not be able to fill bis pulpit tomorrow. W. C. Alexander, Mr. L. E. Alex ander and Misses Dorothy and Mil dred Alexander, of Philadelphia, were among the visitors passing through the city yesterday. Mrs. M. L. Fleetwood and children of Carteravllle are spending some time in the city with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith on South Broad. Phone 644, or v to have your eyes examined, glaeeee that i >ensdo a strike! When hens do not receive both the white and yolk- forming elements in.their feed, they cannot layi Missouri Experiment Station tests with 100 lbs. of an average mixed grain feed produced about 224- yolks to 154 whites. Based on data from these experiments, Purina formulas make (above bodily maintenance), as follows: Purina Hen ChoW 247.49 yolks 142.11 whites Purina Chicken Chowder 182.05 yolks 282.55 whites Combined Ration 429.54 yolks 424.66 whites These Purina Chows not only make a practically equal number of whites and yolks but make more of both than .ordinary feeds. Note that Purina Chicken Chowder contains the necemrywhite-lorm- ing elements to balance up the volk-makine erain ration. That s why it makes hens lay so heavily. Purina Chicken Chowder supplies plenty of white for all the yolks in. the hen a body; thus insuring a maxi mum egg yield. That’s why we can absolutely guarantee more egga or . money back- on Purina Poultry Chows if fed as directed. You take no m 'sold er GOLDEN BROS. CO., Phone 184 All kinds feed. Flour—Meat—Lard—Sugar Our Thirteenth Opportunity to Wish You a HAPPY NEW YEAR t *.r > “Start the year most happily” That’s the wish to you from we Who are here to try and see That your wants are sure to be Cared for satisfactorily. All Through Nineteen Twenty-Three. with having forged liquor permits and other papers. statement made public in con nection with the indictments, United State Attorney Heyward asserted that his office had followed the trail of alleged bootlegging even though it led to select circles and exclusive places, and charged that liquor bad been sold on a wholesale scale t elusive clubs and homes of the weal- thy. Federal Judge Knoy received the In dictments on a day on which two other juries—one in the Court of General Sessions In New York and the other in Brooklyn—had handed up present- menu urging repeal of the state pro hibition enforcement act, on the appointment 'ground that it was Ineffective and and look Well, of Lawhead. In discharging the federal Jury, ... „ „ T , ^ I Judge Knox thanked its members, de- Mi„ Nell Harl.on U ependln, Ul. ;ctor| „ , „„„ holld.?. here with her ihotter o. ,„ k „ „ .. broartt „ Eaet Clay St. Ml.. Herrl.on he. been wtlk , on th „ 1° the^nood S.m.rU.n Ho.plUl .t,^ cannot V oI.te.d , ot ” “* " ““ ' with impunity any more than they can Friends will be delighted to know that Mra. B. C. Blanton Is getting along very nicely after an operation for appendicitis at the City Hospital, this week. She expects to be able to leave the hospttal In a short time. Mr. W. J. Upchurch and family left this week for Daytona, where they ex pect to occupy their winter home for the remainder of the season. Mr. Upchnrcb will make frequent vlBlts to Thomasvllle to attend to necessary business matters. WANTS WOOD—Phone 111 .your orders fo> dry pine bouse or stove wood. Coes Cola Aottllng Co. lt-ln WE CRATE and pack your furniture also repair and buy any kind <4 Furniture. We pay Mg price* to same. Empire Furniture Store. 14-1 m FOOD, Wood, Woof.. Oak or pine; any lengths, delivered aa wanted. Phone Neel Brothers’ Feed Store. 1*4* WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER, phone 496. J. O. Baxley. 6-ln* WHEN IN NEED of Fresh Meats, Pish or Oysters, Call Winburn’a Market Prices right ‘Phone 99. 309 W. Jackson St. 6-lmd The principal delendente, nccordln, IF TOO w.* W Mre. Phone 18!. Bond service. Prices right J. T. Dixon, S-lme PROMINENT NEW YORK BACHELORS INDICTED FOR LIQUOR VIOLATIONS New York, Dec. 30.—Investigation by a federal grand Jury into a bache lor’s dinner at the fashionable Racs- quet and Tennis Club on' Park avenue at which liquor was alleged to have followed freely, yesterday brought the Indictment ofthtrteen men. Including four members of the La Montague family, prominent In society. Two indictments were returned, charging a conspiracy to violate the Volstead and Internal revenue acU, through which approximately 10,000 gallons of assorted liquors were al leged to have been illegally sold. Some of those indicted also were charged “WORSE THAN PAIN” ImWua LijjSiji She Hu “H**. «r Fwni Ahjtlin, Better Til* Cinlii (or t Rn-Down Morgtn City, La.—"It would be bird lor me to tea how much benefit I here derived boa the two at Cental," laid Mm. I.O. Bowman, ol 1319 Froot Street, this city. . “I wee eo nut-down to health I could ' ~ Irate. to Mr. Heyward, were Montague La Montague and his three younger broth ers, Rene, William and Morgan. Rene has long been in the public eye as one of the foremost American polo play ers, having several times appeared in international competition. The other defendants were describ ed by Mr. Heyward as the agents of the brothers, listed by the United States attorney as owners of the Green River Distilling Company, Emi nence Distillery Company and E. La MontaEne’s Sons. With the four brothers was indicted Samuel A. Storey, vice president of E. La Montagne’s Sons, Inc. porting concern. The others In the case were said by Mr. Heyward to include: An employe of the three companies, a bonded truckman, two salesmen, a cigar man at foe' Racquet and- Tennis Club, four "fixers” and a garage owner. The Indictments, citing overt acts, charged that illegal sale* bad been made to a number of drug stores In Newark, Long Branch and Aabury Park, N. J.* ^ While prohibition enforcement was occupying the attention of various New York courts, prohibition agents, who claimed to. have given Broadway the driest Christmas Eve in its history, were planning to usher In the New Year. Just as aridly. Aided at so* 'by galea which have dashed several rum qrafton the rocks, dry agents ssboih ' were obtaining scores of injunctions destined to close various cabarets aa public nuiftfpeea. Director Appleby of the TJry } pjvy, POR RENT—One choice apartment *t Parker Apartments, 121 Smith Ava 16-11 WANTED—Either double or two sin gle furnished rooms, by two reliable, young men, In vicinity of Gordon r Remington Ave. Address P. O. Box 301, City. 26-St. LOST—One black and blue setter dog name Bob on collar. Return to or Inform Oriffln Davis. 609 Wright St. Dog manager for Henry Dlston and get reward. 26-5L FOR RENT—My country home, with out farm,*' corner Boston road and Boulevard. Elmo Chastain, phone A "v •'» BABY CHICKS FOR SALE—Seven popular breeds. Eggs hatched 64.00 • per hundred. Order .early; Thom** admitted setdrkl big ships were hov ering oft the babor, but calculated that their chances of transfeirlnjg their, cargo tojbfoff&ctaft i2Rh» rotjghse* decided!y slim. la. 1 had no —. ioraleepweL was so weak, and so v*y nervous, 1 “ to stem* lo mytett suffered soon pain, bat (he wont of my (rouble waa from betas so weak •ad amy to get tired tad ant of heart "Ills nervoos condition tfas worse decided to asett. fMUgr a well? mdeaytUag b Ava&ffssStts&ri Gets bottle ofCarduf, today. NC-I44 (Advertisement) DETROIT-MIAMI HIGHWAY NEW ROADWAY PROJECT Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 30.—The De- troit-Miatni Highway, -another big project which is attracting foe at tention of good roads advocates hers will open up tourist travel possi bilities of capital importance to the South, it whs pointed out here today. It would afford tourists the most direct route southward through Cincinnati, Knoxville, Bryson City, Franklin, Athens, Ga., thence to **" r-^ B r yi y*“. Jacksonville and SL Augustine. Im<u monnUlna skirts In tuti Traneoe., Mon, rri^. ,. mouI .ntrtefi, >nd ihTkLdS^ valleys into Swain county, N. C r np -» « ii ’ - - the Little Tennesseee to Franklin, K N. and through the gap of the Bine Ridge Into Georgia, the traveler would enjoy, some of the finest _ COLORED dining ear waiters aa& sleeping car porters wanted,. Ex- ; perlence nnaeoaeeary. W# tralq ypo. Information free. Writ* 667 RaUwq|r- Exchauge, Omaha, Nebraska. Itt WANTED—To sell second-hand Mon- DAY, ORDERED- THOMASVILLB ICE A MFO. CO., EXCLUSIVE. DEALERS-1 - . 29-St - LOST—Collie dog, n*mrf'* , DoiP ,r ; color' mixed brown and white. Reward. Campbell Ahsleyi * so-sc FOR SALE—Practically new Reming ton twelve gauge automatic shot gun. A. O. Robinson, jo-jt scenery in the Southern Appalachians . No road projected in recent yean, it. la listed here, has promised greater ’• .v.—•- — - - -- s$p; The AahvUle-FuankMn, Atlanta Highway is practically completed. It I* only a few Hour* run to Franklin from Ashvflls, From- the Maco* county seat. In North Carolina, it li --*««**«* uw ouunaanes of GeofgA *laetatl**s In. point©! highway, it is asserted, has no aquala fcT fo* traveler enroute from Ash* vflk to Atlanta, , ... ; ■-