The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 30, 1922, Image 5

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SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 90, 1122. PAW TIMES-ENTERPRI8E, THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA Extra Special l Uot-Fiqe Marquisette Curtains V Sf5eCl4t‘F^,FEW DAYS QNLV : '1 . $1.69.., < 1 X a pair ’ ■* W. Feinberg & Son Thomasyille’s Leading Furniture Store Comfortably Heated . * .Wall Ventilated •THE ^ R A NT\ X —TODAY— -Ly Featuring The Beat Orchestra In South Ga. ED “HOOT” GIBSON in his newest and best western drama “TRIMMED” ALSO A FUNNY TWO REEL COMEDY AND FOX NEWS Hours: 3, 4:45,6:30* 8:15,9:30 10 and 25c WHEN IN DOUBT PLAY SAFE, INVESTIGATE Army Goods that includes almost everything. You can't get stung* A. T. Chastain PHONE 192, __ _ Refreshment* of hot chocolate and j Mr. Wm, Miller Hoet at inY uectssary imalTthine. to auto **«-**« WrretJ,*)[-ta« tbs amolu.. D.llghtful E.nt.rtalam.nt- comfortabfe 20 living-room.. . | Tlu, “ ln,l,ed ,or ' th ® •KuKm *«re: Mr. William Miller wa, the host laat Entering from tha .tract level oh. &•>* P*rke^lne« Praetor, Ell-.evening at a very delightful entertain, comes at once upon the admfnistra- | Gifts for Xmas Select a Gift from our Stock and you will be well pleased, both in price and quali ty, Our line consists of CANDY CIGARS, PIPES STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLES WHITE IVORY GOODS LEATHER G00D8 FLASH LIGHT8 JEWELRY Our line of jewelry is all guaranteed to be best quality. Come in and get first choice,' Ray^iit. 5parks Pharmacy Flaahllahta ' ’ r ". Goodneaa ni Ilf knowa they're Phone 115 *ood. To the Good People of This Town md-County ; \ l^wlih lothankYou Tor the continued patronage that you have glVen hie thle year, Tor It le that, which has mad* by business \ r ''' T ..... f VERY M^RRY.XIdAS wiii ^'PROSPEROUS. NEW YEAR GAS, OILS, GREASES .REPAIRS S.UMIS0WST. C. DEWEY NQflWDQBti™^ GEORGIA CLUB WOMEN TO ATTEND OPENING OF NEW HOME iN WASHINGTON Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 30—.Georgia club women are getting ready.-to at tend the formal opening of the hand* residence on N street. Northeast in the national capital, recently pur chased by the General Federation of Women’* Clubs. Aa the newly elected recording secretary of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, Mrs. James E; Hayes, of Montezume, Ga., who al so is president of the Georgia Federa tion of Women’s Clubs, and of the Southeastern Council of the General Federated Club women, will be among the national officers attend- tar the opening of the new home of the nation’s clubwoman, which takes place January 12.' exclusive a nd fashionable residential section of the nation’s capital, the club how* of four stories and English basement stands, a dignified expression at th* modern club worker, quiet and effective. Much pf the original furnishings se lected with taste and care for its particular placing were purchased with the house from the owners. To these have been added other pieces Rltchie-Russell— Broad Street Paving A Christmas marriage was that of Progressing Rapidly— Miss Johnnie Ruth Ritchie, of this city and Mr. J. H. Russell, of Nash ville, Tenn., which took place on Mon day evening at the'Baptist Pattorlum, the ceremony beifig performed by the Rev. W. M. Harris.' Miss Virginia Cochran Hostess At Christmas Party— Miss Virginia Cochran was the hos tess last evening at a very delightful Chirstmas party in honor of her guest. Miss Miriam Johnson, of Montlcello, and of the girls and boys at home for the holiday season. The decorations were entirely of the Christmas season, and the combination of crimson and green was seen on all sides, giving a glow of warmth and brightnesa to the.' rooms and halL There was also a Christmas tree, and on -it The pavement on North Broad street has progressed to the Intersection of Washington street. The block will be completed today and Mr. King, the engineer in charge, stated that the first block will be opened for traffic tomorrow, so that cars may park In front of the court house and Baptist church. The cars will' not be permit ted, however, to use the Intersections at Washington street, as this must be graded and leveled by the city before It is passable. The work is progress- lng rapidly and is expected to be fin-! lshed by the fifteenth of the month-j The city has leveled the sidewalks In : the first block and there is marked Improvement. The Baptist church fcorner has been changed so as to al low the church to plant grass on what r w 'z er ' y the ,,de, *" t • nd Mn - •*«—p. 1 xst*isr f ° r ,h *, tion offices, filing-and record rooms. Committee rooms are one flight up. A stately salon also is on the second floor. Upper floors are furnished for a few resident “guests,” but most of them are available for out* An automatic elevator, recently installed, is a luxuary which purchas ing and house committees deemed a dire necessity. sabeth Way, Francis Myrlck, Louise I meat given in the grove adjoining his* Mimms, Alice May., Norton, Lucile hqme. The occasion was the anniver- Norton. Miriam Johnson, June Slebert, 1 sary of the visit of Mrs. Miller tc Virginia Cochran and Mrs. Clarence j Thomaaviile, at which time Mr. Miller Palin: Messrs. Fraaif.r Driver, Wannie • met her for the first time, with the Mays, James Groover, Joe Turner,! result that with the aid of Cupid she moat OI men. .re .Tt.ti.Die lor onf *“* u,t ‘ ne Cantleld. Mmod Shumate,:,, Mr,. Miller, of-town clubwomen showing either! Jull “ s Scott - Henry Slebert, Clarence The Pleat, inclnded, beatdea u ntim- their elnb membeiuhip card or a let. p * I,n - Fred Wood,:43batlea Pittman.. ber 0 f ThomaeTllle friends, several ter ?Tom their president Willard Mlmme, rrent Ennis, Peter guests from Weat Virginia, of which Howell, and William Cochran. |Mra. Mlllor la a native. Those wore The Y. M. C. A. Orchestra furnish- I Judge and Mrs. Ewing. of Wheeling- ' ed delightful music during tha even- H on. and Mrs. S. It. Collier: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Parrlot. and Mr. W. R. Rob MIse Cochran was assisted In re- ln>0 „, (athw or Mr , Mm , r colvlng by Misses Emma Hall, Rossle Delicious roast pig. with potatoes Vincent and June Slebert. | a nd all the condiments suitable, con. . _ Intituled the refreshments which, It Is Y Z,T C ° | noodles, to say. were greatly enjoyed "^ Ue * v . ...' by all of the guests present. The annual New Year dance will A number of ah(jrt ^ ye ad . Vn nlipa at til an Pminfpv Pluh otl ' . v ) dresses were made by different ones present, and a vote of appreciation was given to Mr. Miller for one of the enjoyable events of the Ch.-ist- To Every One, We Wish > A Happy New Year May ovary hour ba sunny, «aeh month full of happiness, and tha j I yaar a lucky ona t*T,jrou, May tha cup of prosperity bo filled I J to ovarflowing, and haaith and happlnata be yours always, f% AND Q We also wish to sxpraaa a word of thanka for ypur patronage and want you to know I* was Mnotrtly appreciated, and If In tha future your wants coma under tha haad of Hardware, just call on .ms. Wa are hare to serve. , : -v- Cordially youra, ^ Drink Melrose Tea, ®93t»dh»)» Must Hava Mail Receptacles After January First— patrons of this office that are served by the city carriers: Please don’t forget that mall recep tacles or mall door slots will be re quired after January 1, 1923, for re ceipt of mall delivered by the city car- riers to each residence, and at each place of business that Is not open at the time of delivery. Respectfully, J. B. RODDENBERRY. Postmaster. Postofflcd to Observe Holiday Hours on New Year*— The windows will be open from 12:20 p. m. to 1:80 p. m. The city carriers will make the usual early morning delivery and collection. Respectfully, J. B. RODDENBERRY, Postmaster. Postofftca to Observe Nsw Yoor— The. postoffice will observe Sunday hours New Years Dsy. The stamp, de livery and parcel post windows will be open from ;12:30> to 1:30,. .There will be ope early morning delivery. County Federation of Women's Clubs to Meet— The regular monthly meeting of the Thomas C6unty Federation of Wo men's Cluba, will be held at the house on Tuesday afternoon, January 2nd, at 3 o'clock. A full attendance requested. . , Mr, and Mrs. F- L- Mallory..of Little Rock; Ark!, and lilts Jessie Harris ol Austin, Texas, who have been spend ing the holldaye with Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Harris, are in Florida for a few days, visiting various points of Inter est In that state. They will return to Thomaavllle for a short stay. ANNOUNCEMENT My klndsrgartsn will open January the tenth. Those wishing to enter please make application by nine o’clock the above date. Mrs. R-. H. BuckeUw. HIGHWAYS WEATHER SERVICE Atlanta. Ga., Dec. 30, 1922, AH roads passable, but muddy and slippery. Some stretches bumpy. Fail weather wUl continue through today, and the roads will dry. rapidly.. L. J. GUTHRIE, MsUorbloglst, Temporarily la Charge take place at the Country Club > Monday evening, and is expected be a very delightful aa well as a vei unique affair. It will be a “Sheik" j n dance and every body will wear a cos tume partaking of the East in Its char acter. The decorations will also be Oriental in their nature. A number ol out-of-town guests are expected to add to the enjoyment of the occasion. Hon. J. 8. Hopkins 4to-Appolnted As Oil Inspector In Thomasvlllt^ It has been formally announced that Hon. J- S. Hopkins, has received the appointment as oil inspector In Thomaavllle, from Commissioner J.[hard to J. Brown, of the state department o*j Most Schools to Start On Monday Morning— Thomaavllle schools will open bright and early Monday morning, after being closed for a two weeks' holiday. Of course the children are not very anx ious to begin school on New Year’s Day, but they have had a good holiday of two weeks and it would be Just as week later. the teachers have been agriculture. Mr. Hopklna held the away for the holidays but will Job tot a number of yeara and was m time to take up their classes. succeeded by Hon. James B. Burch two , , years ago. Mr. Hopklna secured the Wesley Class to Install appointment at the expiration of Mr.; Its Nsw Officers— Burchs, term. The appointment will, Officers for the ensuing six months j be known with much interest here; have been elected by the-.Wesley where Mr. Hopkins has many friends. City Court Adjourned Until Tuesday— - City Court haa progressed this week very materially and many cases havs been disposed of. The court was In aesalon again today, and will adjourn this afternoon until Tuesday, when the residue of civil and criminal caaea will be taken up. There will be ao Bas tion of the court on New Yesr-j Day. (Men’s) Class of the Methodist Sun day achool, as follows: President—H. C. Clemen*. Vice President—James Mitchell. Recording Secretary—John Searcy. Treasurer—Tom Park. Membership Secretary—Wm. J. Powell. The exercises tomorrow will Include the installation of these officers by the Presiding Elder, Rev. O. B. Ches ter. Interesting talks will be made by Mr. Chester, by the officers, and oth- A cordial invitation is given all men not now attending any other Sunday school, to visit and Join the Wesley class. Basketball Gams Monday Night— Thomasvllle people will have the opportunity of seeing laat year's Junior “Y" basketball team In action again next Monday night, when the meet the n«w Junior rr In n basketball con- , rtmlt | v , test. The team to play the present [ Pptaf M no _ IT” will not b« entirely ot the old five, I EM „ j M Jennlng ., lor Oroorer and Ennl. will be with ^ OI , k „ present sound. Tbo lineup of th. c , me , lleuKers will be cumpusod oulr ol Bll „ north „„ ... the old county line road at 11:30 o’clock to morrow morning. You are cordially Invited to come and bear this man of * God. | challengers will be composed only bqys away at college, who are here for the holidays, and will probably be, Joe,Robison and Theo Couch, for wards: Ernest Milton, center; Ardls McDougald and Buddie Whlddon, guards. These five players represent Banks to Closa Fi four schools, Emory, Mercer, Georgia Nsw Year's Day- Tech »nd Davidson, and with Flun-| According to their usual custom, alii kstt’s School and the High School; the banks of Thomasvllle will close | eojhposing the uew^Jnnicr T, fans'for the NswJTsM’.. Those who failed; will see a number X/tSchools represent-[to cash their checks today will have A tegai Lamb ’ Ch&MR&f Roast Pork. Ham Veal’Roast Fryer or Hen ' Fresh Fish and Oysters Good Service T^- Call THE ECONOMY MARKET J. W. Blanton, Proprietor. Phone No. 2-8-7 110 N. Broad SI. -: S PtCI A L ! For a Few Days Your choice dI any pair of craMord shoes for men and women. Values Upward to $12.00 Price 0iily i---$5.00 Warshaw’s Cut tfhlce Shoe Store FIREMEN must often de- sffoy your property in order $ f n ~ to conquer the flames. WHinvir firs gets a foothold there follows financial loss of some degree. A Hartford Fire Insurance Company policy stands between you and this loss. The property owner pro tected by a Hartford Contract need not fear that hit dollars will go up In smokj? * • t\ 4rr J. T. CULPEPPER & SON AGENTS Thomasville, . • . Georgia. ii ffo Our Friends and Customers We thank you for the liberal patronage you have given us in the past year, and wish that the New Year will bring you much happiness and Prosperity. We ask a continuance of your business and friend ship during the New Year. Ansley - Pittman Company PHONE 111. 101 1.2 SOUTH BROAD ST. (Next to'jRjitj-MCtSa-'Drug Company)