Newspaper Page Text
BELL founding.
“ U " *»-'•»« Ar,. Ortetn
Shrona^ U Aatl qll i^. * ,
Tbe art of bell founding i» undoubt-
K«nt antiquity. The. Saxons
arc known to have used bells In their
churches, although probably bnt small
ones for the Venerable Bede, writing
ft tho end of the seventh century, al-
luacs to them in terms which se?m to
show that they were not unfamiliar
things. The towers of the Saxon pe
riod have belfries of considerable di
mensions in most cases, and at Crow-
land abbej’, in south Lincolnshire,
there was a famous peal of seven bells
many years before the Norroon con-
treatment.'’ In other words, tjiey baye
made, a homeopathic attempt to stop
thinking by thinking about something
else, a process which might also be
called “elimination by substitution.”
But all thinking, spontaneous or forc
ed, draws more or less' blood to the
brain, prevents deep* Inhalations and
bate the gate to the kingdom of dreams.
ABy device, on the other hand, which
will make one take deep, long breaths
spontaneously, the invariable forerun
ner of sleep, may , be counted upon 4» a
genuine remedy for insomnia. Even
deep breathing whlqh is forced Is bet
ter thah any, purely mental, attempt to
win sleep, but if the deep 1 breathing
can be produced involuntarily ofae Is
sure of a 1 passport to Nodland.
After several nights of experiment
to this desired end the writer decided
to apply the principle adopted by the
masseurs, who begin their manipula
tions “at tbA-point farthest from the
seat of difficulty.” which in the case
of insomnia .would be the feet. Lying
on the right side, with the knees to
gether and 'considerably flexed. - the
victim of insomnia should begin to
pedal both his feet slowly up and
down, with the movement entirely In
the ankles. The pedaling should keep
time with the natural rhythm of res
piration and be continued until it 1i
followed by deep And spontaneous
Several people who have tried this
remedy report that involuntary deep
breathing invariably begins before
they have pedaled up and down a
doaea times. In obstinate cases of in
somnia the patient may need to keep
op the pedaling two or .three minutes
ar even mere, with intermissions. If
necessary. The treatment may also be
varied by moving the feet alternately
instead of simultaneously, though tho
latter method has proved the more
speedily efficacious in the cases known
to the writer. The explanation of the
result obtained is probably simple.
The blood la pumped from the head,
and with the removal of brain tension
a .general relaxation follows, with a se
quent deep respiration and its result
ing 'sleep.—Good Housekeeping.
. For a Disease Germ That Liquoarone Can’t Kill.
On every bottle of Liquozone we pub- the highest price ever paid for $imi
lish an offer of $i,ooo for a germ that it rights on any scientific discovery. I Bef
cannot kill. ; We do that to convince you making the purchase we tested the pn
that liquid oxygen does kill geyxny. uct for years through physician^ in '
Any drug that kills germs is a poisou most difficult germ diseases. We proi
to you and it cannot be taken internally, that Liquozone does what nothing else
Liquozone alone can kill germs in the the world can accomplish, and that 1
body without killing the tissues, too. It results are unvarying,
is the only way known—the only way
one can conceive of—to destroy the cause
of any germ disease.
rip-stairs storage rooms. Now
Room, Room I
Make Room !
50c. Bottle Free.
. e monks at that time and for long,
after were the chief practitioners of
the art of bell founding. Their bells
were rarely without inscriptions, often
m Latin, containing perhaps some ob
scure joke, the point of which is quite
lost More often they were of a re
ligious nature, sometimes. we fear, not
•uniulxed >Vith a (lash of superstition
as when the bell -de^ res tliftt its
sound drives away thc7.omona of the
-air who caused pestilence and famine,
lightning and thunderstorms.
As a rule, unfortunately, they put
no dates on their bells, a defect
which has been in sonic measure over
come by the researches of many en
thusiastic campanologists, but which is
likely to keep the early history of bells
ahroreded in darkness for a long time
to some.—Gentleman’s Magazine.
A iUaurlwMe Itatae.
Some years ago a melodrama was be-
If you need Liquozone, and have never ‘
tried it, please send us this coupon. We
will then mail you an order on your local
druggist for a full-size bottle, and we
will l»yyour druggist ourselves for it.
This is our free gut, made to convince (
you; to show you what Liquozone is, and ■
what it can do. In justice to yourself,
please accept it to-day, for it places you
under no obligation whatever.,, ,
Liquozone costs 50c. and $f.
Kills With Oxygen.
Liqupzonq is sjjnply liquid oxygen—no
drugs, no alcohol in it. It is the discovery
of Pauli, the great German chemist, who
spent 20 years on it. His object was to
.get such an excess of oxygen in staple
form into the blood that no germ could
live in any membr&ne or tissue.
Oxygen is life to an animal—the very
source of vitality. It is the essential part
of air. Its effects are exhilarating, purify
ing. It is Nature’s greatest tonic. But
germs are vegetables, and this excess cf
oxygen—the very life of an animal—is
deadly to vegetable' matter. Liquozone
charges the blood with such an excess of
oxygen that no germ can live where that
blood goes. We spend 14 days in making
each bottle. '
Just in from across *
the water,
English, French and German.
V For 30 Days
I am going to sell Dinner Sets, odds and
ends in Dinner Ware at a Toom-making
price. *
Come talk it over With us. Every
piece of ware that leaves my store car
ries an absolute'guarantee against crack
Now is your golden opportunity.
I have recently entered the real estate
business and have a number of attrac
tive offers to present. .
These are the known germ diseases.
All that medicine can do for these troubles
is to help Nature overcome the germs,
and such' results are indirect and un
certain; Liquozone kills the germs,
wherever they are, hnd the results are
inevitable. By destroying the cause of
the trouble, it invariably ends the disease,
and forever. •
Asthlna Hay Fever—Influenza
for thla oiler m»j not *ppe»r igUn. Flu oat
the blanks «nd man It to tho Liquid Ozone
Co. J21-229 E. Klnzle 8t.,CUeecp.
M, diaeeee Is
I hare never tried Liquozone. but II you
wtU iupply me a too. bottle tree I FlU ttke It.
— —VM.ttuiO " IIO UC-
log performed in a country theater, the
chief actor in which had made himself,
from his haughty and overbearing con
duct, disliked by all. in the last scene
*• was supposed to visit the tombs of
his ancestors. In the center of tbs
stage upon a marble pedestal stood the
atatno of his father. A heavy fold of
drapery covered the figure. Eater Al
bert who thus addressed the statue:
”1 am hare once again to gaxe upon
these features which in life so often
looked on me with teaderest affection.
Father, thy mourning son now comes
t» pay thee adoration. Lot me remove
the veil which from the vulgar gaxe
shields the beloved image of a once
dear parent!”
Off weat the drapery, and, behold,
the father stood upon his head! The
effect cannot be described. It was elec
tric. The shouts of laughter which fob-
lowed the mistake of the super ef
fectually put an end to the scene, which
changed to the next as quickly as pos
sible amid the jeers of the audience,
the angel* of the manager and the un
controllable rage of the actor.—London
A clear moon Indicates frost.
A dull looking moon mea'ns rain.
A single halo around the qyjpu Indi
cates a storm.
If the moon looks high, cold weather
may be expected. ,
If the moon looks low down, warm
weather is promised-
The new moon on her back always
denotes wet weather. •
A double halo around the moon
menus very boisterous weather.
If the moon chudges, with the wind
In the east, then shall we have bad
If. tho. moon be bright and clear
when three days old. fine weather is
promised. \ »
When the moon is visible in the day
time. then may wo look forward to
cool days.
When the points of the crescent of
the new moon are very clearly visible,
frost may Ik* looked for..
If ‘be ’ new moon appear with Its
points upward, then will the month be
dry. but should the points be down
ward more or less raiu must be ex
pected during the next three weeks.—
American Queen.
W • arc the only make in the world with particular and precise
// ir.oc'cls lor every possible build of figure. By buyingthe Erect
f Form you can secure perfect ease—double as much service
' and an resolutely exact lit There are over fifty different
[ • s*} tv s. The Erect Form follows vour own contour—it does not
\ r>er.s k tJ-on the bust or abdomen, but gives a graceful effect to
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Ey«et Form 973 and 701 For medium figures - * 31.00
|\\\\ Erect Form 97A. same as above but madeof finecootfl I.SO
iU\\\ Ereot Form 999 Improved, for average figures • . 9.00
V\\\\\ Ereot Form 979 In batiste. For developed figures.
\ \\\\ _ -Low bust Long over hips »nd abdomen - ' l.RQ
\\V\ Erect Form 962 For stout figures. Long over
X, aBdomen and hips . - - . 9.60
I \ .\v\. Vs ‘ Erect Form 966For full figures—long hips - 3.00
\ Ereot For6» 970 For medium figures.- In
l\A\Vv\ Y* batiste,like973 - - - - I.CO
\ \\ \ \\W v Che Newest Erect Form has a tery long hip.
\ \\ '' V, \ Uheonly proper model for the new tight skirts
\ \\ « Style 711. .t B2. Stylo 713. at (54
At»Ud:il<rs. Ifymirsc*nno^*i!pply you mention hli tuae rad fororiti price direct to
Wcingarten Bros.; 377-379 Broadway. N. Y. {
Feared a Separation.
Her father had read her the parable
of the sheep and the goats at the day
of judgment. She made no comment,
but that night a sound of weeping
came from her room. Her mother weqt
as consoler.
“Why are you crying, dear?”
“About the goats. -Oh. I’m so afraid
I’m a goat.”
“Why. no. dearie. You are a sw«*et
little lamb, and if you should die to
night you would go straight to heaven.”
With this and like ;i
finally pat itted.
TUe next night the
was repeated, and
inquired the reason.
“It’s the goats. I’n
“Didn’t I tell yoi
were a little Iamb?”
“Oh.” she sobbed. "I’m not crying
about myself, but I’m 'frnid you may
be a goat!”—Brooklyn Life.
, her mother
"take war jm. A'
. ;dix Davs and Eat Anvthine You Want”
— , i (Crystalized Mineral Water.)
Positively Cures Stomach Troubles,
Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Troubles.
Over Thirty Years Experience.
.. .Expert Handlers of Sea Island as well as Upland Cotton...
Liberal cash advances against Consignments.
Money loaned Cotton Shippers on Approved Security,
Large dealers in Sea Island and upland Bagging, Sugar*
!ul.,3uine and Ties.
Write For Terms.
Savannah' Ga
afraid about the
Confounding a Doubter.
/ “This paper says thet they have Jest
deescovercd the reemsiins of a twenty
foot saurian on tb’ banks of tb* Penob
scot river.”
^“What’s a saurian?” '
“I dunno. Guess'mebby It’s one •’
them misprints fer « sardine.”
“There ain’t no twebty foot sardines.”
“Well, there might be the cecmains
at one.”
“I don’t believe It Do you suppose
anybody *d want ter buy a box of rich
sardines? 1 guess not”
“You’re too deni critical. Ef there Is
th’ reematns o’ any tweaty foot sar
dines on th* Penobscot don’t you sup
pose there might also be tb’ reemalna
of men big enuff to buy ’em by the
box? You’rp « atheelst, thefs what
you are.”—Cleveland'Plain Dealer.
Odd H«»r Style*.
Some of the New Hebrides people do
their bnir up in a bunch on the top of
the bead and stain It yellow, while the
inhabitants of Ombai island pass it all
through a tube so as to make a kind of
pimne. The Marquesas chiefs favorite
method Is to shave all tho head except
two patclies. one over each temple,
where he cultivates two horus of hair.
No doubt this is to reader him more a
thing of terror to his enemies than of
aZiratio. to hi* friends. Hi«ree*m
for shaving the rozt of J* “
allow more .pace for tattooinc. a. If aU
the available akin of the body were not
enough. —
126 East BayfiStreet,
I Net Sdeidfle Msceveri
* hr tie
“They’re saying you n
the other meinliers of t
mark'd Ilia newl.v
eloao friend. “They aa.r
price.” a
-Tluit’s f Me,” declared
“I thought so.
“Yes. I haven’t got u
hopea.”-»’hl I " a '" ,l,l ‘ L
srd and Tiroes.
' /7T® ollar
C' Watch
This 2s the Infers oil Dollar Watch,
which sells at the lowest price, carries
the strongest guarantee and has a larger
s^e than all other watches. Perfect in
accuracy, size and style, other Ingersolls
at lt.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Sold by dealer* c\> ry-
It purifies the blood by eliminating th*
«vaste matter and other impurities and l»j
iesitroyiuff the germs or microbes tin
infest the blood. . It builds up the blofx
by restoring and multiplying the rtritepr
j-uacles, making the blood rich
It restores and stimulates the'wrn:-s
i-ausing a full free flow of nerve foro
• iiroughout the entire nerve system. I
speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous
ness, nervous prostration and all disease!
cut.* «
<T " P tS.k' «tay the aepot “
my trank *tay I ran
notify m* of ' ' . stay lone
home. .!“°d.
Chicago HeconMIeraw___
F1 ” t hm»( indolence.
dead? — No-en**** 4 '
,’lmt Bachelor
trolt Free Preaa.
ly” , *»ma» 6
•"There wa* *
of if-Llfo-
Dept. 3. 51 McOden^ne. NEW YORK
New York Times.
gt. Dssatu m* th* Dovll.
One of the most famous'smiths of
the Weald was St. Dunstan, archbish
op of Canterbury* Mayfield, in Sussex,
is the site of an ancient archiepiscopal
palace, and here, according to some,
took place the terrific encounter be
tween St. Donstan and the devlL At
any rate, the anvil, hammer and tonga
which are alleged to have belonged to
tbe saint are still preserved at -May-
Bydales liver Tablets cure all liver
troubles. They act specifically dh the
liver, the bile, bladdsr, and Idle duct,
the intestines and bowelaJ They stimu
late the liver and cause a perfect flow of
bile into tlie bowels, keep the bile duct
healthy, increase the peristalio move
ment of the intestines and thus restore
1 Mr. Stephens For Re-election.
Mr. J. J. Stephens hafijannounced as a
candidate for re-election to the office of
city marshal. Mr. Stepliens lias had
churge of police affairs of the city for
several years. The good order and
quiet of Thomasville is a striking tribute
to his efficient and fhitlifnl service. If
re-elected he will continue to give his
best e^orts to tlie office.
UsOt bjr the famous French perfumA Ed.
Piaaud. Like ell** beau” U U widely count
erfeited. -** !—!*«*t— *L—T**yifltfffVlf
ate like the ml article snip la package.
Insist on seeing name as ea the above bottle
SSSTb >?e*& tESrsW ImMMN
h.I* z.l lK*ra Irni
RYDALES TONIC Is a specific for ai
torqis of Malaria. It acts on a new prin
riplel It kills the microbes Jhat .prqduct
Malaria. The cause being removed tin
disease quickly disappears. RYDALES
TONIC is guaranteed to cure the mosl
of Malarial Fever, Chill.*
obstinate , ... ...... .
I'lJ Vwtr, Ague, etc. We authorize a!'
seal*— handling our remedies .to return:
the purchase price for every bottle o!
RYDAl.US TONIC that does not givt
- tatisfaction.
. yoo out driving ycstcrd.yr
out S8 for the rig. Tbe *trl
; the was engaged to another
r la the germ period'a
; it Is the spriurtlmo of tbe
time of s6od suwlns—Toting.