Newspaper Page Text
We Have It
masville’s wHe awake daily
• the effect that the wise wo-
her , Xmas purchases, and
The-weather is advancing, and olbthiiig
must be departing. From now until
Jjan. rst, we are going to run three
special' price clothing tables.... ....
This advice is not only to the wpman but to the wise man;*the wise
child. Get ahead of the crowd—and yea have leisure in making yowr se
lections, and an almost limitless assortment from which to select. • Set?
Now, those in search of gifts suitable for
I want to show them
to you..
The Male Members of the Family, 4
A Ghe- ; On this table will be found!
¥ CT Prims • nits that have been selling
4 $3,!KL. (from $4.00 to $7.50 per. suit.
All to go at one-price..
Gifts-of the sensible, acceptable kind, can’t dp better than scan ' the f#f-
lowing list-which fairly represents what we have in stock. Aside fronrra
nobby suit-of clothes or a nice warm overcoat'either©t which would uiaftc
an ideal Xmas present, our showing inj
Ofte ] On this table suits-
Price jworth from $7.50 to- Jio-
.ur 1... .... f 1,.. I-1
Will he hard duplicate. Everything in SHIRTS, both dreaamd negligee,. ^
Gorgeous Neckwear, Gloves, Handterehiefe, Silk Muf- 4
flers.iFancy Hosiery, Suspenders, Underwear, - ”
Hats ^and'Caps, Sweaters,Smoking Jackets,White Vests,. 4
Lounging Rohes, Macintoshes, Umbrellas, t
’per suit, also on this ta
ble will he found 24 suits S'aters best blue
flannels to go-at same price
sooth Broad Ktroot. Thomanvill#, On
f Walkins Canes, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Soft Cases, Etc. 4
4 ; '4
Stor^piei^ver^veningjjntilf^i’cloclOiaturdavsIatew. ^
ENTIRE TABLE of boys clothing. A-lli of stock
left in this line we are going to.seU at one-fourth (1-4}
off. $2‘suits will be fl.SO; $4 suits will: he f».00.
^ Nothing but cash can get these prices. The prices,
outmost of Iliese suits will mean less- thaa we paid.
Mallard & Varnedoe
Tliomasviilc lodge No; SiWv F. and A.
at its last meeting with the following
result:^* .
W M. t W J. . Taylor.
S. W., S. W. Davie.
J. W., r Pearce,
Secy., M. A. Fleetwood. '
Treas., G. W. Herribjp.
On improved form lands in Mitchell,
Thomas and the eastern part of Decatur
Co., Ga., for five years at eight per cent
interest. Also on- city property in Ca
milla, Thomasville and Valdosta, Ga.
All applicants to furnish good abstract
tiles, Call on or correspond with
A. K. Whitfield, Meigs, Ga.
Manx* Families Moving to Thomi
«Mo arid Baying Property.
Representative of Robinson Amuse
ment Company.
Mr. Sam-H. Joseph representing the
Robinson Amusement Company is
nmmip the visitors who are at present
in Thomasville. -Mr. Joseph is a gen
tleman of interesting personality: and
wide experience. He has been in the
show business for many- years and lias
visited Thomasville before while with
the old John Robinson’s shows and
Forepaugli and Sells circus.
The late HenrylGrady, ip an editorial
published in the Atlanta Constitution,
had this to say of Mr. Joseph: “Have
known-Sam Joseph for over 20 years,
and can vouch for the accuracy of any
statement he may make, as can thous
ands of his other friends in the state of
(Georgia.*’ Mr. Joseph has this to say
of the company he represents:
The extraordinary success achieved by
the great Robinson Amusement com
pany has befefc achieved by a strict ad
herence to the moral views of the most
highly moral class in every oommpnity,
, "Wa offend no sense of *t,he most delicate
decency: we, delight all save those who
are scekiug something suspiciously sha
dy. And we know that we could not
liave secured the big contract from the
citizens of Thomasville had we not been
inp^osiiion to give them the amplest
possible assurance that every feature of
nnr show was morally and artistically
Mrs. Dunbar Dies At Mlnhn
Rev. T. A. White went to Meigs Tues
day to preach the funeral service of
Mrs. O. B. Dunbar.
Mrs. Dunbar was stricken with ape -
plexly Monday monauig and. died at 2
o'clock in the. afternoon-Slje was sixty
years of age and a, consistent member of
the Baptist church. »
Worst of all Experiences.
Can anything be Wdrse than to feelj
that every minute will ,be your last?*
Such was theexperience of Mrs. S, H.
Newson, Decatur. Ala. “For three'years’*
she writes, "I endured insufferable pain
from indigestion, stomUch and bowel
trouble. Death* seemed inevitable when
doctors and all remedies failed. At
length I was induced to try Electric Bit
ters and the result was mnaculous. 1
improved at- once and now I’m complete
ly recovered: For Liver, Kicney.
Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric
Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c.
Its guaranteed by J. W. Peacock, drug
Up-to-Date Merchants,
Triad Monday to County Coovt and
Off not «r* Finn*.
Tile regular civil term of county court
was held.Monday. A number, of im
portant cases-were heard.‘In addition
to these forurnegroes were tried.
John Williams who stole §35 from the
store of Dan Foreman was , fined fifty
dollars and costs or eight months.
Tom plater and Daii McMiiliu two
dice-throwers plead guilty to the charge
of ana each was fined $20 and
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
! For mankind.
The.5-o-.Mit packet k enough ,for usual
occasions. Tlie family bottle [60cts.l
contains a supply for a year. All drug,
gists sell them. 5.9
We make a specialty of 1, 2, 31-2 an*
4 W ^.-r. Gasoline Engines for farm uses,
such as grinding feed, pumping waiter, saw
ing wood, running the grindstore orfor any -
other purpose whatsoever requiring
power. We guarantee satisfaction.
Mow^to Prevent Croup.
It will be good
Snisdl children to learn that
be prevented. The first sign of
the mothers of
croup can
* croup is
hoarseness. A day or two before the
attack the child becomes hoarse. This
.is soon followed by a peculiar rough
cough. Give Chamberlain’s Cough
[Remedy freely ps soon as the child be*
comes hoarse, or even after the rough
cough appears, and *it will dispel all
svmptoms of croup. In this wav all
danger and anxiety may be avoided.
This remedy is used by many thousands
of .mothers and has never been known to
fail. It is, in fact, the only remedy that
can always be depended upon and that
is pleasant and safe to take. For sale
by J. W. Peacock. - dw
Jo!m another gambler wouldn’t,
plead gylty but was found guilty, and
was fined aijd costs or six mouths.
.L T. Weaver of Boston spoilt Frida}
l: Thomasville.
->* trouble preys upon the mind,
iges and lessens ambition; beauty,
W vi S or and cheerful-
ness soon disappear
,when the kidneys are
Iffp 5 ** out of order or dis-
Official Notice.
A white primary election is hereby
ordered to be held at the court house in
this city on Dec. 2#th, 1903. for the pur
pose Of nominating candidates for the
following offices:
For Eight Aldermen.
For Marshal.
For Treasurer.
For Se xton.
For 3 Members School Board.
For or against the election of cit
clerk by the people.
out of order
—n Kidney trouble has
j/- 1) become so prevalent
that it is not uncom-
v mon for a child to be
bom afflicted with
■■i' L 1 ' weak kidneys. If the
child urinateAoooften, if the unne scalds
the flesh,*or if, when the child reaches an
age*4fcen it should be able to control thfe
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet
ting,.depend upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose. ^
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
and bdth need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty- __ py
cent and one-dollxr
size bottles. You may
exas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok
lahoma, Indian Territory,
California, Colorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Iregon, Montana, Washington
and other points
Host, Northwest and Southwest,
Write or call on,
Dist. Passengcr'Agent
o. «• Brown Building, (Opposite Union
Who Will be Queen?
One of the Teetures of the citizens
Gala Week and Fair Festival will he the
election of the most popular lady as tjie
queen of the Thomasville fall festival.
Thelady who receives the greatest. num
ber of votes, will be saluted as queen
and in addition to being crowned as
such will be presented with a lady’s
magnificent gold watch. The votes are
only one cent each and the contest
tamts are not confined to any special
number. As many competitors as de
sired can enter for tlie race. In a fa-
tare issue the various polling places
where votes can be cast and voting tick
ets purchased will be 'announced* The
votes will be counted each day by acom-
mitten of citizens and the result public-
also s
ing *11 about Swamp-Hoot,
ly of tbe thousand* of test!-
b received from sufferers
ittng Dr. Kilmer S: Co.,
1&0O. •" 1004
Taiior.Made Suits,
Shirt Waists,
Wraps, Etc.
Fill: Wiitcr
M is Boi)
Suits, Hats,
Underwear, Etc
Boys and
We Ship C. O. D.
. 1
Suits, Hats,
Overcoats, Caps,
Furnishings, Etc.
To any Express Office, withpriv-
ilege of examination boforo
B. H. LI