Newspaper Page Text
—South Georgia {progress.
i i'f vni,. *>
KN\"- Itl'iiHK. VO!.. 47
\ WHITECAPPED. Council Proceedings. '
—— ^ ThoouuriUe, On., £eb. 1, 1904.
•nr Fredonia In Last Oonnotl met In regular session, Mayor
•w Days. Roddenbory presiding.
_____ Aldermen Hamell, Herring, Beverly,
. , _ . , Lewie and Hambleton,present,
sdonia. Feb. 4, 1904.
tan llTing on Mr J MInntea last meeting read and confirm-
toe lire mllea from town ® 4 ' , .
id by a party of nuuked T? “* **
fehed to tbe committee on Ughta:
To the Mayor and Connell Oity of Thom- '
n Junera waa aerred to
dar on Saturday night Q^^nr-V/*, tbe nDdt „, gn J
olUxena moat reapectfuDy petition jronr
inn. the uniTeraaUat, honorable body for a light on corner ef
>w Academy one night Oalhoun and Orawford Streets. If .your
honorable body will investigate title
c attended pregehing in matter we feel eure yon will grant our
itBunday. • request,
mith preached at New Bespeotfully enbmitted,
lay morning and organ- T. L. Wyohe, -
School'.at. that place. . M.Attell,
preached on Hiaalona in > - T. J. Bottom*
it tlie lame place. and 14 other*.
Irlffln waa at borne on a Lloense of Richard President for one
iniie recently. hone wee transferred to Wesley Had-
l abroad that Mr. Green ***•■; ' ■
1 more to Ohaetaln eome- Foa ° wln * V^tim were granted U-
cento after complying with the ordi-
... nanoe: Pittman & Woodard flihUoenee,
t ed the ging Mart* Kenedy restaurant Iiconae.
Boaton Sunday. The Marshal elect and Clerk elect pre-
Ing Ailed hi* appoint, muted their bonds approved by the A-
I’e day at Mt. Oarmel. ..... committee, and they took the
aid haea Tory flourish- oath of office,
olden Rod. Hahaeorer Alderman Hansell introduced the fob
urolled already and t* lowing ordinance:
it.;, B* it enacted that the license or-
away with Mr. t. W. dinanoe as It now<£lads be re-cnaoted.
.-Sear*; Mr. Wilton was ' On motion the Marshal was instructed
the buggy and slightly to repair the broken plaoein the sewee
running through the Blasingame Plaoo
are busy hauling guano, and keep an account of the expense of
the soli for another har- the nemo.
The committee on sewers are request-
keen w-i,, launder * ota n** the sewer on the Yoon*
system place and report condition of same ■ t6
■——• council.
Mae Alrlna*. On motion tbe Marshal and Sanitary
u and aister Mist Bcrdle Inspector were instructed to take the
med/roma two months city wagons and dean up in the hack
wale Ga. Iota in the businessjjblookl, alleys and
adsar from Cairo spent other pilots' in tho city,
i vicinity andmadeagood Chairman or the Water Works-Com-
tion* for the Presidential mittee was instructed toask forbids to
. , furnish wood for the water worka Bids
i an oyster snjfper at 'the to bo opened the Jftih of Fobrnary at
Iiu#SFton, Feb. .4.—It is rumored
s Jr i wnr has been declared be-
g /Ausaiaund Japan and that hostil-
fra about to commence. It is re-
that all tlx Russian warships
ilcftVort Arthur for an unfcnrwii
nation and that them Is lunch ao-
y among the Russian forces in Man-
FOOT : ' 4
Pointers and Personals About Homo
Folks'and Strangers—You andlYour
“Peoolo and Where You Are Going.a
We doprinting.
H. D. Land and wife of At’.ant
tlie Stuart.
hunch Time employed in Novel Fash-
Ion tty Tourists Yeattrday.
Mr. Oioero Thompson spent yesterday
in Pelham.
The Guest Uoe’s east- bound t^in
whidt passe# her* at half past twp id-
slock, brought in tlx 81 Lonjs Ja&ksou-
yaioPullroan oar ••Kashgar" yesterday
afternoon. This sleeper genenlly goes
through at t a. m. Tho Louisville aad
Nashville train whioli brings U to Moat-
granary was late however, da* to cold
Weather in the north, and Ika fifteen
tourists ou board found themselves
Mr. Frank Spain, Jr.,
was in the city yesterday.
of Qnitman,
Hugh M. Pierce has keen named as
postmaster at Moultrie.
Mr. Walter O. Snodgrass made A busi
ness trip to Cairo yesterday.
D. A. Denmark, the Valdosta railroad
man, waa hero yesterday.
Mr. W. A. Dur&n, a prominent ultima
of Meigs spent Thursday in tks city.
Jndg,D. H. Pope of Albany was hen
last night en route to Baiubridge.
Mr.' Tom Acres of Camilla passed
through tha oity yesterday an runt*
home from Jacksonville.
tt ) frtr ivyi ufasad tot dinner al the
PJflay Woods, s
Tho bua wae tn sraltiagta take them
Xlhe hotel. and th* train stoppe* ns its
swtward jouney, a* the hotel crossing
its pick up fifteen rejuvenated travels™,
who are aunt to have pleasant memo-
rtegof s good dinner in a good town.
Miss T-ota Calvin of Brunswick Will
arrive in the city today to be the guest
of Miss May Hopkins. ' '. ;
Mr. Joe Bun tin aud Miss Jessie Bun-
tin spent Sunday with their father and
Tile Snoday school rally last Sunday
j. M. Norman and J. A. Wilkes, two
well knovfn Monltrie citizens, wart
here yesterday. ^
Oak Hill, Feb. 4,‘04.
There is considerable dlaonsslon just
at present, in the Qak Hill settlement
about the rural free delivery route. Mr.
W.W. Davis, the carrier, wants to
change it by going tlie Hall Road and
returning the Air Lino road. 8omo fu-
Mr. J W. Hall, one of the good
farmers of Meigs district, was in tha
Secretary Hay and Party to Return
WMf w# attended.
Mqssre. Hattteil,Merilll and W,M.Har-
dy and Prof. J. 8. Searoy of Meigs were
among the speakers on; the’, program,
Mr. J. F. Singletary waa elerWed super
intendent aud ilx school will 1m organis
ed nest Sunday p. m. 3 :30 /
Mix Pink Anderson wnsiutown 8m/
day lino Monday, puest- of Mrs. ^D. B,
Anderson, ; -Iv ! 'i
Mpssm. J. H. . and p. ,B. Anderron
vor the change and some oppose it.
Miss Alcorn & quite iU.
Mr. R. M. Dnren has' bought. the
Tliompaou placo on the Coffee road, 6
r dniles from town and is now-ooenpying
Msjor R. L. Wylly went over to
Bainbridge to attend tho Germnu of the
Ladles' Cotillion Club last night.
-party, wholxvoboon tlxguestsol CoL
G. H. Payne, plun to leavo Greenwood
. for Washington luntorrowAiornlug. The
SecietaryT|private car lias been ordered
1 heni and the disting«d*hetd^ri*ltoni ox-
. peot to M*T» foT n0 ^ h Bparfoy at
*:l»a. fn. Tlx Secretaryamveu
Janaary twenty-first atfd plauued to 1 tv-
main but ten days. His itutvorcmei t
in health has ixenao marked and tlie
weather so pleasant * that his stay bus
boon lengthened to more than two
weoks The'presence of tlx distinguish
ed visitor lias beou an lidnor to Tliom-
USViHe, and the people of tlie city hoik
that Ilia annual visits will continue. tu
the futon.
FOR RENT—Su(jarcane form near
Cairo. Sead cana on the placo. Ap-
plyio E. B. Parker.Thomaavlllo- 21
meeting.of tbe council.
Chairman of the Health Committee
instructed to ask for bids for moving
-the garbage of the city. Bids to bo
opened at meeting of tlie council, Fcb-
rnnty 8.
On motion, the account of R. 8. Low
for $85.00 for work “done in tlie new
oemeterj was ordered paid.
Cemetery committee requested to in
vestigate and report at *he next meeting
what it will coat to finish the survey of
thajuldition to the Laurel Hill demote-
ry and also tlx cost of repairing ell of
tlx fences around tho cemetery.
Chairman of Finance committee wax
requested to consult with each of the
Committees of oonncil and get from,
them an estimate of tho amount that
each committee wiU need for tho sever
al departments daring the yegrl
TliA matter of furnishing a policeman
at the Opera House wee referred to tlx
Mayor with power to act.
Following account* were pawed for
John W. H. Mitchell end others
916-00 tor balding election.
New account# referred to committee#.
Oonncil adjourned.
K. T. Maclean, Clerk.
Mn. J.W. Bailor daughter re
turned to Camilla yeaterdny morning
after visiting friends here for ,
was viwting hls olp friend J. A. Pope.
’ He vusdelighted with 1 the section and
' s^pke of oomlng back uext winter.
The social featuro of the week wee a
! party given at the residence of Rev. W,
N. Cain. It was largely attended and
ail reports a delightful time.
Miss Kate Moody' has returned from
a ten days visit to Morgan, visiting ,re-
' latives.
Mr. Charles M. Smith of Tbomasville
general sgent of tbe Prudential spent
several days hero this’week, writing Ufa
1 insurance.
by way of an euBagemonf with a drum-
mtr, where they puiphssed a fine lot
of s|iriiig and summer goods.
Mr J. B. Htuhhs is adding a decided
improvement to hi* farm ui tlx way of
n new wire fence.
Lott of people are wanting to sell seed
cane'and no buyers come to their relief.
Anyone desiring to boy cane would do
well to call on some of our citizens..
Work on the depot extension has at
last began 1 in earnest. Tlx railroad
crow together with Mr. J, F- Lamb add
others came in yesterday and the party
at once set to work clearing a place for
Rev. A. J. Qnattlobaum and Miw
Qnattlebsam went to Thomasrille yes
terday to buy spring goods.
W. D. Dirxoy of Sosiua says lx will
soil tailoring goods, the finest kinds,
cheap. Call and roe him Ho i< agent
for the American Woolon Mills Co. of
Daring this ycar.thero will l-o preach
ing at Pierco Methodist clinn-h ou tlie
2nd Sunday, and Saturday ipstcad ef
1st Sunday, as heretofore.
II. P. STUBBS, i«u or. .
Marriage near lemowie.
On Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 3rd.
at the homo of Mrs. M. A. Jones, tlx
bride's mother, and while a largo at
tendance witnessed,. Mr. A. R. Sessions
and Miss Annie E. Jones were nnited
In the holy bonds of matrimony. Rev.
E. E. Rose of Metcalfe.pronouncing the
ceremony which mu e them one. The
prominence of tlie partii-s made tlx oc-
Ufftrti, one of mooli interest to all in
the community where they reside.
, Mr. Sessions is one of the sturdy and
moat successful farmers of the lamoain
neighborhood and is well worthy of
the bride whom he has won.
Mix Jones oomea from a Use family
and richly deserves tbe confidence and
esteem reposed in her by her many
friends. Immediately after the mar
riage Mr. and Mrs. Sessioos left for the
home of tbe groom accompanied by the
best wishes of al
May they live long together and be
happy and prosperous. B.
Work Soon VBogine Upon Georgia
Northern at <Oxell.
, OxoU, G»„ Feb. 4, '04.
Mis* Emma Maswefi it quite ill this
week and her friends are hoping
for her early recovery .
Messrs. O. H. and F. R. Pjtdoook and
Austin of Moultrie wem down Tuesday
looking over' tlx railroad situation.
He 7RS very snooessfnl and
left very ranch pleased with tho ooon-
Mre. S. A. Cox Deed.
On Jsnnsry 88th nt 4 o’clock p. in.
tlie spirit of Mr*. S. A. Cox, win. d iis
flight to tix God who gave it. For
many weeks six lay monming on a bed
of pain, tho rcsnR of burns sin; received
ou the 8th of Decembor 1903. Her cloth
ing caught fire while slio wa* dressing
and before ariistance could reach her
she was horribly burned, oho hud the
best ofj£mcdical attention, aud touder
nnraing, but all to no avail. Mrs. Cor
waa a native JNorth Carolina, hut for
many years w a resident of Thomas
There was a beautiful marriage at
tlx residence of tbs bride’s mother Mrs.
Geo. Griffins. Tlig high contracting
parties were Miss Carrie M, Griffin and
Mr, Harmon Walls. Immediately after
the ceremony the bridal party repaired
to the home of the groom’s mother
where a sumptons collation was serv-
ad which was enjoyed by all. At a lata
hoar after hearty congratulations and
many good wishes for the happy pair,
tlx crowd dispersed and went to their
and work will probably begin soon.
Rev. D. H. Patter and Mr. Jim Tay
lor of Boston spent Tuesday inOzellon
The lesson comment of Rev. James
McCann at Sunday school last Sunday
was much enjoyed.
There wss a shooting scrape here last
Saturday in whioh Sid Knight shot
Humphrey Sneed. The cause of tho
trouble is unknown
Miss KHa Lastinger has returned to
her home in Doerun after spending a
few day* with friends. /
Mr. Guy Daniels who has been the
guest of hi* brother Dr. B. A. Daniel*
for the last month, left yesterday after
noon for bis home in Nowbemy S. O.
Mr. Daniels mad* many friends while
Quite a number of TIumasvillo people
wont down to Boston hut night. Tho
ladles bad/an entertainment “An
Did Maids invention,” which was
well worth seeing.
The Sanitary Inapeetor has started to
work with a wilL Now if tlx psnnoit
will give tbe city a good Board of
Health to hack np hi* endeavtos, we
will have a dean city this year.
Miss Lena Swift, who has been at Mrs
Scott’s far two weeks, leaves for Iter
home in Atlanta
Friday Mi.-.
Swift is one of Atlanta's most popular
young women. 'in* im • :..,ir , 1