Newspaper Page Text
Fir* at Baltlmor* Slowly Ezhaustlng
• Itself and 6rdsr Balng Restored.
Experience is a dear teacher, ad those who pin their ftrnjKfl Em!
faith to Mercury Cud out sooner or later. This power- VlSMSB jU»F
iul poison combined with Fotash, is the treatment gen- fof [ fH
entity prescribed forContagious Blood Poison, hntfaflnre |\ \ H
and disappointment is the invariable result. These min- Ifr JJ
erals drive in the sores and eruptions, and apparently the -
disease is gone and tiie patient believes the cure perma- /of
nent, but soon learns better when the old symptoms tyWjJB
return almost a3 soon as the treatment is lcit off. You
must either keep the system saturated with mercury or endure the tortures
of sore mouth, ulcerated throat and the mortification that one naturally
feels when the body is covered with disgusting sores, rashes, copper-colored
splotches aud other aggravating symptoms of this vile disease.
Mercury and Potash are poor crutches, and their use eventually breaks
down the constitution, ruins the digestion and cause the bones to decay.
S. S. S., a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, is the
f O, only antidote for Contagious Blood Poison. It de-
V^\ stroys every atom of the deatUy virus, overcomes the
pJJ pOJ bqd effects of the mercury and cleanses the blood and
system so thoroughly tliat never after are any signs
oi the disease seen. Nor is the taint ever transmitted to others.
We will send free our book on Contagious Blood Poison, which is inter
esting and contains full directions for treating yourself at home. Medical
advice or any special information desired given without charge.
Baltimore, Feb- 9.—With the great
Are which ate up property estimated at
from one hundred and twenty-five to one
hond-ed aud fifty millions in value
•lowly barbing itself ont, Baltimore
wokwup this morning to face the situa
tion. Confronting tho officials were
questions of Hid, acceptance or refusal
' of offers of assistance and tho policing
of 140 acres of burned area where lie the
wraped vanlts containing untold wealth
to relieve the citizens from financial
The next seven days have been pro
claimed legal holidays in Maryland.
Three regiments of state troops are on
guard. So thoroughly is the work
of policing done that the national troops
called out yesterday have been ordered
back, aud it is probable that not a Fed
eral soldier will be retained iu the city.
The city is orderly, and martial law is
not In force. ’
No looting is reported. There prob
aby was never so great a calamity with
so few accidents, and no loss of life.
Tbe cold is not so intense as to cause
•offering among the soldiers, polico and
II re men ou duty.
— a
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been
In use for over 30 years, has borrio the signature ot
- and has been made under his per*
/s*jrj&ffo-fo, sonnl supervision slnde Its infhncy.
’Rdfiv; Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations And “ Just-ns-good” arc but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlio health of
Inflmts and Children—Experience against Experiments
Port Arthur, Feb. 9. -A fleet of Jap-
ineso torpedo boat* attacked the Russian
fleet hare during the night Three Rus
sian ships were badly damaged, but the
Japanese ships escaped undamaged.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 9.—An official
dispatoh received here says that Jap
anese torpedo boats have attaoked the
Rnssian squadron in the outer harbor at
Port Arthur, and that three Rnssian
’•hips were damaged. Alexieff’s report
"1 most respectfully inform your
majesty that at midnight, Feb. 8th and
9th, Ja^tneae torpedo boats made a sud
den attac^ by' mines on the Russian
squadron in the outer roads of the fort
ress of Port Arthur, in which two bat
tleships and one cruiser were damaged.
An inspections now being made to as
certain tiie character of the injury. De
tails will follow for Tour majesty''
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare*
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloop.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
jO Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
It in easy enough to cry "best,” ►
but that widen convinces is tiie >
tost. We make strong claims for '
this Shoo. So strong perhaps as *
to excite skepticism In the minds >
of those who do not know. We, , J
however, ask bat a trial that our J
contentions may be proved or dis- »
proved In all fairness. We claim !
a unique, common-souso sole con* *
etrnotlon found in no other Shoe. ►
A system of last modeling which '
makes a Shoe that fits the foot as *
nature Intended. We also claim -
that while quality of mate- •
rial and workmanship may possi- [
bly be eqnaled they caunot be ex- »
celled at the prioe, and that as !
good a Shoe cannot be made and J
is not sold for lets. ' »
I -I-P-N- Tabules
Doctors find
good pretfifription
For mankind.
The 5-cent packet is enough for nscsl
o g ssians. Tho family bottle [60 els.
contains a supply for q year. All drug
gists sell them. * f-9
Wu also carry a foil line of all kinds of Shoes for
Our line of Springuml Summer Low Ont Shoes,of all the newest up-
to-date styles are now iu tho house ready for your inspection, No Old
Stock nor Styles. Gall to tco them. Goods showed witli pleasure.
/ are llio only make In thewocld with pardculs
■ r'Klcls for every possible build of figure. Bybu
Fo.mjou cap secure perfect ease—double as'
ard an rbsolutely exact fit Thera are over
f; .s. The Erect Form follows your own conlon
I -csruron the bust or abdomen, but gives a grac
lire person by keeping the qhoulden in astral;
v 'i&ites'SM's&sssasras.
; 123 Broad Street.
AUUdttlan. lljiwnMitlipl/;
Weingarten Bros., 377*379 Broadway. ]
KoCMMicu Uk*th*pUcaof tU W. B. Elect Tam. Acceptnatal;!.: •«.
Six Dai 8 and Eat Anvt :ite You Wunt”
(Crystaiised Mineral Water.) ^
Positively Cures Sicmach. Trouble
Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia
•.. ■ *'. j
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Trouble
Correspoodence Solicited, end Samples mailed to any address.
Tendency of the Times.
Tiie tendency of medical science is
toward preventive measure*. Tiie beat
thought of the world is being given to
the subject. It is easisr and better to
prevent than to core. It has been fnlly
demonstrated that pneumonia, one of
the most dangerous diseases that medi
cal men have to contend with, can be
prevented by th* nee of Chamberlain's
Gough Remedy. Pneumonia always re
sults bom a cold or tram an attack of
Influents (grip), and it baa been observ
ed that tins remedy soanteraote any
tendency of these diseases toward poeu-
monia. This has been fully proven In
Thoroughbred Chickei
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wy
EGGS. Price $i.oe per setting 15 egg
C. W; COCHRAN &. BRO., - Thomasvi
520 Oak Street, Austin's Old Stand. - Phone 525-1,
haa pneumonia. Be on the safe side and
' taka Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as
.soanaa tbeealdboootnotsd. It always
cures. For sals by J. W. Peacock.
are “LIFE SAVERS,” aiding devch
S RS,” aiding devclopm ept
s them. Csnnct do harm—life been
Sold by Patterson Drug Co. UK.
Berlin, Feb. 9—A spocial from St.
Betershnrg says:
“The Russian ships at Port Artlmr
were severely damaged hut night by
Japanese torpedo boats. Subsequently
a large fleet of Javanese battleships
and cruisers appeared before the port.
la Assured for Boston by Donation of
Monoy and Terminal.
Work is to begin at onoe on the ebange
of the southern terminus of the Georgia
Noftbem road. The Georgia Northern
officials went down to Boston this week
, and held a conference with tiie com
mittee from that place. The committee
informed the railroad men that they
had the five thousand dollars in hand
and were ready to furnish tho site and
right of Way when it had been (elected,
The read will proceed at once to have
the right of way surveyed so that the
committee can eecnru tho use of it. Tho
officials of tbe rood were also shown
several available sites and will in a few
days make (heir decision os to wldeli
they will accept.
President 0. W. Pidcock hns gouo
from Moultrie to Atlanta nud other
pointB to buy equipment for tho change.
He says that the same schedule now in
effect between Moultrie and Albany
will ho run through to Boston. They
will need additional coaches, and lie I
will also bay a big freight eugino for
■ the work between Moultrie and Albany.
By Directors of Young Man’s Chris
tian Association.
The Board of Directors of the Y. M.
O. A. met at the office of Mr.
J. H. Merrill " Tuesday afternoon
for the purpose of electing officers for
the ensuing year. The following were
unanimously chosen;
President J. H. Merrill,
Vice-President, Harley Lawson,
Treasurer, E. M Smith,
Secretary, W. M. Hardy.
The affairs of the Association are, in
good shape.
Took Pises on T*llahass
Tuesday Momlnc.
Mr. Cliarles Chapin gave one of his
famous fox chases yesterday morning.
Thd fox was loosed on tlio Tallahassee
road at the three mile post. Four ladies
and eight gentlemen took part iu the
chase. The fox was oaug'lit after a short
and spirited chase of about two mile's.
Sir Hoynard wus captured nlive and
will furnish material for another clijise
next Tuesday morning.
Country Club
Tbe afternoon wits spent very pleas
antly at the traits of the Country Club
by a number of enthusiastic sportsmen
end their friends yesterday. Tiie event
was a live bird shoot and about 200 in
all were disposed of. The occasion wits
a most en joyablo one to participants and
on-lookers. The first event was a sweep
won by Mr. H. Yale Dolan, of Philadel
phia. Then followed the shoot for the
cap, of ten birds. Mr. Dolan won this
ulto, shooting straight. Messrs. Cbv
pin, Masnry and Bailey each missed bat
one bird. After tbe cop event, a half
dozen five dollar sweeps were snot. In
these, first, second and third places were
taken by Msssre. Dolan, Chapin and
New Photogragher Hero.
For some time Mr. W. 0. Pittman
luu had men at work fitting np in haud-
i some stylo tho rooms in his building,
over Andrishok's tailoring establish-
| meat. The work lias just been com
pleted and their occupant Mr. J. T.
Winburuarrived iu the city from Al
bany yesterday morning. Mr Win-1
burn is accompanied by his daughter.
He will conduct an nfl-to-date photo
graph gallery and comes with an estab
lished repntstion for flno work. He will
he welcomed to the business circles ,of
Two Wanted; Two Gotten
The county officenf have been doing
some good work dnring the lost few days.
John Boone an iumate of Brice's camp,
who escaped, was recaptured bore and
sent back to Brooks egonty to serve ont
his term. Sam Lawyer who was want
ed in Leon County Fla. for burglary was
sent there, having been captnrod by the
officers here.
•Unde” John McKinnon toft Ttes ^ dBltog ^
dsyfor a visit to Tampa. Mr. McKin- pnraleooe of odds and grip in reesat
non baa been tick for several «-*•[$$£££ IMaSSn^
and il ia the hope of his many friends snlta from a slight odd whan no danger
** ‘change ofairma, bdphim
eosnpbte-raogvery which h* has lately ty in breathing and pains In the chest,
bean approaching. ‘ 1 t “* n
The Thomasville Ice Company
Wood, soft and hard Coal, Texas Rust Proof Seed Oats, Corn,
Hay, and Feed Oats, Cotton Seed Meal and
Hulls, Soda Water and Siphons.
.. .
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