Newspaper Page Text
" lIa^Is to
Russiarn Battleships Vacate
Harbor at Port Arthur.
Colds Invariably Result in Catarrh, Which Sets Up a Host of
Distressing Diseases.
PE-RTJ-NA. Both Protects and Cures a Cold—Bead
Cssfi Expdst* Immtdlete Opening at
Hostilities—Sensational Uncon-
Armed Dispatch Sent Out
from 8t Pateriburg.
In responie to Japanese var meas
ure*, important naval and miUtarr
movementa have been effected at Port
Arthur. The Ruaalan squadron here-
talon lnalde the harbor, conilatlng ol
the vanhlpa Retvlaan, Pereivlet, Fro-
myatchek, Orel, Smiely and Sehaata-
pol, have Joined the outside fleet, con
sisting of the battle ships Probleda,
Petropavlavislr, Poltava, Diana, Palis-
da, Aakpld and Varyag, the torpedo
gun boat Bakan, and the cruiser Boya-
rla. The laat named vessel had Just
arrived from Chemulpo, Korea,. with
complete Japanoae charts ot the Ko
rean coast.
In consequence of the narrow and
dangerous entrance nt low water, It
took the warships three days to get
out of the harbor.
Simultaneously the third brigade of
fromm r
■ Miss Rose Hennessy, well known as™
a poetess and elocutionist, of Lexington,
Ky., tells how she was cured, of uterine
inflammation and ovaritis by the use of
Siberian rlflea and two batteries of ar
tillery atarted for an unannounced des
tination from Ilao Yang. Altogether
about 9,000 troops have departed, leav
ing 10,000 men at Port Arthur, exclu
sive of the troops manning the fortlfl-
In consequence of the military an-
thorltlos monopolizing the use of the
railroad, the latter has declined to
transport any more commercial
freight The telegraph companies de
Improve, Oho of Mo'ftmUeaCin the
Bomeyiad afbottle of Peruna and she
advised mate try that. Shortly after
J began using it I felt that I had found
the right inedfefne. I «eed|two bottles
and they restoned; mo oasjtly and
pleasantly to perfect health. While ,Should n<
myltomachwatvcrv delicate,Peruna
did not nauseate mo in tho least, but
pave ms pood appetite, anil * wish
to express mv gratitude toy off for re
stored health."—Hiss Bosalte Fon
Mils .Bom Gordon. 2192 Oakland av.,
Oakland Heights, Madison, Wis., writes:
"A few gears'ago I caught a severe
cold,'which resulted in chronic bron
chitis and catarrh. Our family phy-
tioian "prescribed medicines which
pave temporary relief only, I began
taking Peruna anti improvecCatonce.
Two bottles cured me. I recommend
Peruna to all sufferers, and am most
grateful to you for your vaiuahle^med-
icine."—UtsaBose Gordon.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
M Dear Mrs. PmxnAM:—I hare been bo blcaaedhrhelped through the use
of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound that I feel it out just to
acknowledge it, hoping that it may help some other woman suffering aa I did.
" For years I enjoyed the best of health and thought that I would always
do so. I attended parties sad receptions thinly olod, and would be suddenly
•chilled, but 1 did not think of the results. I caught a bad cold eighteen
months ago while menstruating, and this caused inflammation .of the womb
pad congested ovaries. 1 suffered excruciating pains and kept getting worse,
ily attention was called to your Vegetable Compound and the wonderful
cares It had performed, and I made up my mind to try it for two months end
see what it would do for me. Within one month I felt much better, and
[at the elose of the second 1 was entirely yrell.
'* I have advised a number of my lady friends to use it, and aU express
[themselves os well satisfied with the rc ults os 1 was."—Miss Ross Kona
Hexnemy, 410 8. Broadway, Lexington. : y.
The experience and testimony of some of the most noted
.women of America go to prove be rond a question that Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound \t II correct all such trouble and
tat once, by removing the cause, tod restoring the organs to a
J^?rmal ana healthy condition.
^*D»ar Mrs. Pinkham : — About wo years ago I consulted a Phy
sician about mv health which had hi tome eo wretched that I was no
longer able to be about. 1 had seve e backache, beating-down: pains,
pains across the abdomen, was very nervous and Irritable, and this
trouble new worse each month. Thi physician prescribed for me, but
I soon discovered that he was unable to help me, and I then decided to
try Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetablcfJompound, and soon found that
it was doing me good. My appetite vas returning, the pains disappear
ing, and the general benefits were w41 marked.
H Tou cannot realize bow please/1 was, and after taking the medi
cine for only three months, I found that I was completely cured of my
trouble, and have been well and herfty ever since, and no more (ear the
monthly period, aa it now passes wipoutpsdn to me. Tours very truly,
Hus Pearl Ackers, 327 North Summer St, Nashville, Term."
When a medicine has been successful In restoring to health
more than a million women, yonlcannot well say without trying it
“I do not believe it will help mi.” If yon arc 111, do not hesitate
to get % bottle of Lydia E. l’lntham’S Vegetable Compound and
consumption nave been sracbed, it will take
much longer to effect • ctfar- .
It aeems strange that ss well known and
these factS are aiiv one
to proflt by thro, and yet
■ oTh^7nd Wh «SKb|f;
cold, acquiring chronic catarrh, brtMcmua
and consumption.
Catarrh May ParweatMlw Wholo §jr*t«m,
Mrs. Mary E. Samwqn, Weal Derry,
Rockingham County, N. H., writes:
“I had terrible headaches, both eara run
and I waa nervous all the time, also had
trouble each month; waa deaf in one ur
for thirty years. I took six bottles of re
runs ana one of Manmlin, and am happy to
say that it is the beat medicine that Tovar
used. I am not ao nervous, my appetite id
good, everything I cut .frees with me, and
T am feeling better in every way. I think-
Peruna it a godsend to women and a blew-
ing to suffering humanity. — Mary K.
•WTi. no. derive prompt and satirise-
toiyrrenita from the use of Peruna writ*
at ongoto Dr. Hartman, giving,» Ml ■•*»*►
ment of your cue, and he will be pleased
•to give yon his vsluable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, Preaident of Tho
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
clins to accept say morq preaa or pri
vate messages, ao that they have tc
be handled via Che Foo.
Movement ot Japanese.
A special from Toklo says: Events
ot Wednesday Indicate that the pro-
longed tension has reached a climax.
The Merquli Ito, preaident of the priry
council, was summoned from the coun
try and the emperor roceiveu him at-
a council which waa held with the
war minister and three admirals. The
highest officials made no pretence ot
concealment of their exasperation at
the tardlaeas of the Russian reply.
The patience of the government is
Washington,D.G.,60QIl street,'ll. IF.
Dear Dr. Hartmam: "lusedtothink
that the doctors Icneto 'oil about our
aoAee and pains and werS&he proper
ones to consult when sick, but since I
have been sick myself I certainly had
pood reason to change my mind.
During the winter I caught a heavy
cold, which developed Into catarrh of
the bronchial tubes and an inflamed
condition of the respiratory organs.
The doctors were afraid that pneu
monia would act In and proscribed
'pills, powders and packs until Xsicbl
cned of the whole thing, as l did not|
F. the of Meat WlWar All*
mend—Pe-rnon*' Protnete Agtlut
•ml Carei CikiId. ■
runa before -each meaT during • the winter
seaaoiv will absolutely protect a pereon from
would bo gated, and tent -of thousands of
caaea of chronic catarrh prevented,' by thia
aimple precaution within retu;h of every
one. • - if
After a cold haa been contracted a tea-.
becoming exhausted, and If the answfer
Is delayed many days longer the leiu*
once of an ultimatum by Japaq will
become inevitable.
. A Washington special says: It looks
more like war botwoen Russia and
Japan now than It haa at any time
during the present atatua of tbo nego
tiations. The official conviction that
It can hardly be avoided la based on
telegrams from St. Petersburg, which
Indleate that the Russian official* do
not expect the Ruaalan reply to be ac
cepted by Japan.
Wednesday nlgbt Routers’ Telegram
Company, the largest pros* association
In Europe, sent out froq Bt. Peters
burg the following sensational dis
patch: ,
“The Ruaalan general staff bat au
thorized Admiral Alexleff to declare
war and open hostilities on his own
responsibility If ha soca it necetaary.
manifesto la expected
The only birds that sing as they fly
the skylark and woodlark.
Men who know when they get enough
may M too full for utterance after getting
•1-aa South Forsyth Bt., Atlanta,
most have a sufficient supply of
Rheumatism's Killing Pain.
Left in quick ordsr after taking 10 doaea
of Dr. Bkirvin'a Rheumatic Cure, in tablet
form. 25 doace for 25c. f postpaid. Dx.
Bkirvin Co., La Cross*, Wu. [A.C.L.]
All woman were born to love and be
loved, and they fight it out on that line.
Knowledge From Experience.
Is what wa understand when Dr.
Spalding, on eminent Baptist divine, of
Galveston, Texas, writes “aend mo two
bottlaa of Taylor’s Cherokoo Remedy of
Sweet Gum and Mullein. It is for a
friend suffering from consumption. It is
a prepetition I know from experience to
hyfinitglats. 28o„ 60c. and $1.00 a bqttle.
Lota of people would rather not own tho
things they can borrow.
—AlsU RliU'O Uf—
in develop into it crop.
No amount of Phosphoric
Acid or Nitrogen can compen
sate for a lack of. potash in
. i - fertilisers [for
S0KyPA - grain and alt
NNfcKn Jjft 2 other crops],
w « shall b. glad
YiTt tr* TIi Va,. f.«.. m,.1I..I.Iww,V
An Imperial
shortly declaring war if Japan does
not accept Russia's proposals.
No conflrmatlon of this Information
can be obtained from any aourc. In
Washington The state department
has no such advices, nor ft aa cither
th. Russian ambassador or the Japan-
At the asm a time the
It’s the thoroamly modem and ados tide system of load-
Ing and the me of only the beat materials which make
winchester Factorb Loaded “New Rival” Shell* give bet
ter pattern, penetration and more uniform results gener
ally than any other sheila The special paper end the Win
chester patent cirrogated head used In making “New
Rival” shells gke them stteagtb to withstand reloading.
things they can borrow.
Rellabi* Frick Englnoa. Boilers,
Sixes. Wheat Separators.
TllbCciNand BUCHU
To all who .offer, or to tbs friend* of tho«r
who .offer with Klancj, Liver, Heart, Bladdrr
or Blood DIm*m,o Mmpl. bottle of Slaart'-
Oln sad Bocho, the amt eonthem Kldoey and
tint Midteini, will b. .rat abMluutr fro. ol
OMI. Mention thi. Moor. Addreu STUAtll
DRUG M’,0 CO.. M (' .II St.. AtlnntA, On.
ese mlnlktor.
feeling Is strong In official and diplo
matic circlas that tho dispatch, com
ing from sack a source, Is highly sig
nificant of the conviction on the part
of the Russian anthoritlea that Rua-
sla’s reply will not be acceptable to
Japan and that war will follow.
Cotton Gin
Largs Engines and Dollars su
promptly. Shingle Mills, Com
Circular 8aws,8aw Teeth,Patent
Steam Oovtmors. Full line Engl
Mill Supplloa, 8«nd for fro* Cata
vraajrf c«r.nrR«A«h.? . -
TaK * cApudijve,
Admiral flchlty Has Attaok of Grip.
Admiral W. 8. Schley is confined to
his home in Washington by an attack
of grip, bat expects to be out In a
with Baga's UnlTvr^kl Ia* Brant,
ear.Bimultanmus S«t Work* and
enek-KIng VsrUMr r*r«I Work* a
relied (or accosact, cimpmoitt.
itt AXDiAiaororuuTiox. Wrli
500,000 BUSHEI
#i nak* tbo
itaesfu is tha wu
.. ,^1 mcythiag mno«d shoot a Cotua Ola.
Witts foe Illustrated Cetnlegm.
Continental Gin Co.,
Has Sinking Spalls, But Showt Excel
lent Rallying Powsr.
A Washington dispatch *sys: Sen
ator H. A. Hanna had a setback Wed
nesday afternoon which, for a time,
considerably alarmed his family, and
while not ao well as early In the 'day,
fbowed excellent rallying power end
an Improvement over hla condition
at sundown. The setback cam’o In the
for,m of an attack that resembled sick
spells that have seised the senator on
two or three occasion* In the put few
has a feeling of eonSdtoca la n
his cartridges. They don’t I
misfire and alwnjra shoot when *
yon aim. ‘
Tell your dealer U. M. C. g
when ho sake “What kind?” m
Band Or tiara lag.
The Union Metallic Cartridge Co. *
llUf uatU ki b*g»n Ukln* you CMfrartU. filac*
• luktfBiuklniCucutU hra ku buh bad
k* b—dMk*. Th«y kin •otlrcly eared him.
Mtinti do what jou rvcoauBtad tacat to do. f
111 fit* jo« tha prlvlleg* of aalac hla aam*. M
r The Dowels ^
up (ferw. w
Maryland Democrats Finally Nama
Candidate After Long Wrangle.
Eighty-nine of the ninety democrat
ic members of the Maryland general
assembly met In caucus at Annapolis
Wednesday night, and after parleying
Discriminating sportsmen are
tic over the many novel features o
less, shoots the short, long and Ionj
ridges allin the same arm, and it:
This is What Yon Want 1
\8ge Yofl Aflj Malarial Troibla?
mai¥!^ASU’Slft , BS8S!?-’ u ~
BEfill MEDICINE C0„iI Stamford, Bui.,