Newspaper Page Text
A few of the many kind comments
made by oar brethren of the press o*
tlie subject of the consolidation of oar'
two papers are reproduced herewith.
With thanks for the expression ofj good
(From The Valdosta Times.)
The Moultrie Observer, which .recent
ly absorbed the Moultrie News, has the
following editorial reference to the con
solidation of the Thomasville Times-
Enterprise and the Sooth Georgia
“The Thomasville Times-Enterprise of
Wednesday announces that a combina
tion has been formed by it and tits
South Georgia Progress of that city.
Blanton of the
Manufacturers of
We Have Two Tables Left of Our
h Art Winter Suits
Knife is goinjf to Cut and the Prices are going to
White Madras
. 12 l-2c.
By the deal, Editor
Progress goes with the combined paper
and by centering forcqp they intend to
make the new paper better and much
more widely circulated than either, has
been in the past. It is following the
md that is going to empty those two tables. They
/, well tailored, the best fitting, the most durable, the
styles and the best values in the world for the money,
compelled to make room for our large Spring and
White Oxford
Black Polka
Spot Madras.
20 c.
Stock coming in.
High Art Majestic $J.25 Shirts
tics’ are new for <1. Our furnishing stock always fresh am
Jersey Fleece Lined Under Suits,
Costume Lin-
3 yards, $1.00.
Of good taste in Jew
elry and the allied
wares, have full sway.
Our ideas are goD c|,
and yours are good, so
40 inch Lawn,
On account of the weather
was over from
i lotEmbroid-
Soft Finish
Thomas County Taaehars Making
War Against tgnoranoa*
last week, we have decided to
0 only elnvon
ity baatile.
bor lot schools in operation
in Thomas county than
ever before at this season of the
year. Heretofore about half of
the Bchools were taught ill the
spring and the other half in the
fall. This is not the case this
year, however.
There are new in operation in
the county 41 white schools and
20 colored, making in all 70
Our efficient School Commis
sioner, Capt. K. T. Maclean, has
his hands full looking after so
many sohools and settling with
tli? teachers.
Mre. S. D. Groover Deed.
The death of Mr». S. D. Groov
er which occurred at her home in
Boston on Wednesday morning,
Was quite a shock to her many
friends in this oity.
Mrs. Groover was a daughter of
Prof. A. Q. Moody, Rjridow of the
late and lamented Sam D. Groo
ver, who died nearly two years
The Times-Enterprise extends
its sympathies to the bereaved
Dr. J. B. Watkins has moved
from his suburban home to his
new purchase on the oorner of
Love and Warren streets. We
are glad to have the dootor closer.
1 lotEmbroid-
India Linen
12 l-2c.
jest* Blanton is taking a •course
of keeping at Stanley’^.
Mis M.itii'l.i of Tallapoosa
is the guest of Mrs A. N. McBride
i lot Embroid
12 l-2c '
Dotted Swiss
For Dress,
1 lotEmbroid-
Red and White Onion
D. H. Tuokcr, country
nit of tear Oohlockouon.
the city Friday.
Mr. T. H. Dekle a promiuout
farmer of Decatur county was a
visitor to pn« city Friday. | i &£
Also a complete line of
Garden Seed.
Mr. Roiul, son of Rev. K. Head,
ill probably toaoh a school at the
Louis Steyerman
Walker academy at Pine Park.
Mrs. 4, 8. Groover of Oohlocko-
»ier, was shopping in the oity Fri-
Corner Broad and Jackson Street, Thomasville, Georgia.
Mre. Simms of High Bpriugs,
'la-, is the guest of Mr*. 0. M.
Messrs J, L. nud 0. H., Stewart
mud W. T. Lacy came over from
Ochlockonee trading Saturday.
Vfr.W.TOrswford.the handsome
and clever asiistnut postmaster at
a visitor to the city
^Wanted to Buy
Ten nillion
-Car Loads.
j -of-
Cow Hides,
- Fuir, -
r - Etc. -
Highest Cash Prices Paid.
ij. W. Watkins &Co.
J. B. WATKINS, Manager,
: Office at Williams’ Stables, 228 West Jackson St.,.
Thomasville, Ga.
I have office boon all day long
at my atore and jut love to
have yom oome to me with your
An you in trouble about that
top all cm ked; ii it a good ba
ker that wen’t bake?
Well! coma tell me about it and
I will ahow yon a remedy for it
and the
1 audio eaayto meet that yon
wont know that it u going on
i ft-S-d&w
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There ii e disease prevailing In this
Milt Dillon of Clarkston has
eutered Young Female College.
She is a neioe of Mr. J. W. Dillon
of this city. ,
us because aodecep-
, tive. Many sudden
1 deaths are canted
by it—heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
apoplexy ere often
the result of kid-
uey disease. If
kidney trouble la
allowed toadvauce
the kldney-poiaon-
Ms.J. Smith and JMra. J. M"
Spence of Camilla are the guests
of Mrs. Smith’s father, Judge 'W.
teck the vital organs, causing catarrh of
the bladder, or the kidneys themselvr-
break down and waste away cell by cel
Bladder troubles almost always resu
from a derangement of the kidneys an
a cure is obtained quickest by a prop)
treatment of the kidneys. If yon are fee
inn badly yon can make no mistake 1
taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tk
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
. It corrects inability to bold urine and'
acalding pain in pairing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to go often through the day,
and to get up many times daring the
Messrs. Willie MoMillin and
Joint W. and M. W. Wilsou, all of
Merrillville were visitors to the
.It! KVi.ln-.. ,
J as. Grib ben
Thomasville, - Ga.
, Mr aud Mrs. Walter Williams
!/ who have been the guest Jof Mr.
L ‘Williams father here for several
veeke have returned to their home
in Havana Cnfea.
Miss Dorothy Wise Abrams,
jfr Mi*e DorftfQr \\'iee Al>rame is n
B fife’parents, Mr. end
fbnime. They are epend-
im'e at thb home of Mr.
ng lady arrived yester-
was the second auniver-
• parent* marriage.
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing eases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is
sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and
one-doflar aiae bottles. Yon may have a
•ample bottle of this wonderful new dis
covery end a book that tella all about it,
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil
mer* Co., Binghamton; N. Y. When
writing mention reading, this generous
offer m this paper. Don’t make any
mistake, but remember the name,Swamp-
Root, Dr. Kilmer’a Swamp-Root, and the
t will be glad t* make contracts tor or
superintend aUcWr»et, of buildings, pub
lic or prrvan, a either brick or wood
lie or pnvalt, a either brick or
Will furnish plans and specifications ti
required. If you want any buildi.
done call on me and 1 w submit esti
mates. whether contract awarded au
or not. 1 refer to' tbe r my building-
erected by me in Thoms rilie, and to all
parties for whom I have worked. Shop