Newspaper Page Text
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l -J. J- _ ■!
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Syrup Refinery WtlCBe Located Bt
tween Railway* atfEdge of Town.
Ur. A. L. Smith, representing
the Georgia Caue Syrup Company
haa changed hie plane in regard
to the location of the plant. Sev.
oral weeks ago he pnrchaeed one
hundred ocree near toon, adjoin
ing the Atlantic and Birmingham
Ur. Smith fondd, however, that
the bneineet from the very begin'
ding'would exceed hie expecta-
(ione. He readily eaw the advan
tage that a site bordering on both
railroade .would be to them.yuid
he hae finally necnred one. The
100-acre tract he has'eold to Mr.
John I. Parker. He haa purchased
a tract of land near the Enter-
price Milla from Mr. J. A. Chae-
tain. Thie afford* easy acceee to
both the Atlantic Coaet Line and
tHe A.- and it. without trauefer
chargee and ie an ideal location
for hie plant.
When the big syrup mill geta to
running that particular'neighbor
hood will be one of the busiest
places in town. With the refin'
ery, the basket works, the Enter
prise Mill'and the planing mill,
all running away, Thomasvilie
people will see a sight that ought
to make them all proud. This
quartette of busy industries, all
of recent organisation, mean much
for the welfare of the town.
Strikers Held Meeting.
A number of the striking track
men in and around Thomasvilie,
held an important meeting at the
Masouic Hall Saturday uight. The
meeting was held behind closed
doors, and no information of its
results could be obtained.
' Plantation Sold.
Mr. R. E. McDonald has eold
for hie mother, Mrs. M. A. Mc
Donald, her plantation. The pur
chaser was Mr. A. J. Cumbast
and the tract of land contains
News Expected* of Big Conflict on
Land. Naval Fareas Quiet But Japa
nese Merchantman Reported Sunk,
London, Feb, 18.—The associat
ed Press understands that the
Japanese are advancing rapidly
toward the Yalu river. There, it
is expected, they will meet and
engage the Ruesiau forces. The
Japanese declare that tl)e num
bers of the Russian troops are
greatly exaggerated.
The plan of the Japanese ap
pears to be able to take the road
which leads almost straight to
Mukden. They profess to have
no doubt that they wilL be able to
drive the Russian forces toward
Harbin. ‘ •-
In spite of the lack of news it is
confidently held here that the Ja
panese lend forces are actively en
gaged in a most important move
ment, which will come to a climax
swiftly as did Japan's first
naval attack.
Yokohama, Feb. 18.—It ia re
ported here that four Russian war
ships Bank the Japanese meachant-
man Akaura Mara off Hokkaido
Walter Craigmiles is bustling
things on his farm four miles
from' town on- the-'Tallahassee
road. He is making some elegant
improvements to his residence
Waiter is an unusually successful
farmer. He killed 87 porkers
last year and has over 100 sboate
coming on for this year. He has
also purchased 1600 acres of land
in Leon county.Fla. perhaps, the meet remarkable
school in the county. He hae
Mr. J. M. Ferril one of Met- about 40 pupils and about oce-
calfe’s prominent citisens spent half of them will average 0 years
Father and Mother of Cel. W C
Snodgrass to Become Permanent
Among the new residents who
will locate in Thomasvilie in the
near future it the father and mo
ther of Ool. W. 0. Snodgrass, who
will arrive from New Orleans
this week. They will ocoupy the
elegant residence in Fletcbervil]p
owned by Mr. S. Sampson.
Thomasvilie will welcome this
splendid addition to her popm
Cuban Loan to Bo Taken by 8payor
& Co. at 92. i
Havana. Feb. 18.—Speyer &
Co. bave agreed to take the thir
ty-five million dollar Cuban loan
The price it ninety-two.
Rallroed Changes.
Mr. R. L. Atkinson who has
been transfer clerk at the.Atlantic
Coast Line left Saturday for Way'
cross where he wilt occupy a simi
lar position. Mr. WillBlockshear
will be promoted to take Mr. At
kinson’s plsce aud Mr. Martin of
Cbattanooga arrives tomorrow to
take Mr. Blankshear’s place. Mr.
Martin is a brother-in-law of Supt
D. F. Kirkland.
Satorday in Thomasvilie.
Roeentl Plnoy Woods Arrivals.
Among the arrivals at the Piney
Woods are:
Mr. and .Mrs. Chas? Spratt,
New York; Mr. A. J. Spratt, Chi
cago; Mr. and Mrs. A D. Brown,
Cincinnati; Mr.and Mrs. W. 11.
White, Bazins City, Mich.
U. A. Hioks, nee Gandy, was
born Ootober 27, 1887,-- departed
this life January 14,1904, at Lake
Park, Georgia.
Sister Hioks joined the Metho
dist ohuroh in youth. Her later
days were spent in the service of
the Lord, £he was not as demon
etrative as some, yet she lived the
religion she professed. It was
this writer’s privilege to be her
pastor sor four years, and during
that time ahe was never found
wanting in looking after bis needs
and comfort. It was her delight
to help the needy: 'She loved the
church, and gladly responded
to her calls. She leaves two sons
and °ne daughter. Besidea bar own
children she has partially reared
(our of her grandchildren, who
were left without a mother. ’Tis
true they will raise her sadly, and
many friends outside the family
oirele will miss the cheery com*
pnnionship, but we who knew her
best must know that such a life
hae been orowned with joy.
• W. C. Glenn.
Mr. W. W. Linton came home
from Ochlocktiiee Saturday af
ternoon. Mr. Linton is teaobing
a flourishing school at the Stana-
land school house. There ie no
better teacher in the county than
W. W. Linton and the cause of
education was the gainer.when he
decided to go back to teaching. ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Van Dyke
aro rejoicing over tho arrival of a
plondid baby girl, who .will be
called Catharine. The young la
dy came yesterday evening.—Al
bany Herald.
Judge W. M. Jones, our veteran
Ordinary, has issu>d'l2 marriage
licenses during the mouth of
Prof. M. Pope of Abridge was J four wl,ite a,,d ei 8 ,,t
m tbe citv yesterday. He ban, co ore * .
Mr. T. J.' Brandon of Sunny
Hill was hers on Saturday. Mr.
Brandon, receives a hearty wel
come whenever he comes tip from
his Florida home.
of age each.
Thoroughbred- Chickei
Barred Plymouth Rock and White
* ■■ EGOS. Price $i.oa per setting i£
C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Tho