Newspaper Page Text
Established 1893.
Incorporated 1895.
The Duchess of Manchester, whowas i
Kiss Helen Zimmerman of Cincinnati j
before she was married, has canned a ]
sensation in.England by bringing over i
from India a Buddhist doctor to attend j
the dnke, who has been 111 for some
time. .Several of the moat famous'
British physicians bare been engaged
upon the esse, bnt now the duchess has
sent them all adrift. '
The dacbess apparently delights In
doing and saying things that run afoul
Ladies Hosiery
just in.
Manufacturers of
Tin Cans, -■
Tin Foil Cans,
i 7
Paper Cans,
Our new stock is daily arriving, and we want you to see it
and pass your opinions »
We Have Two Tables UL of Our
ligh Art Winter Suits
w&i ’
sLa «■ MAteir v Pm* tVid* Prime arA rrnitirr tn
The Summer Girl
the Knife is going to Gut and the Prices are going to
tnd that is goipg to empty those ( two tables. They
r, well tailored, the best fitting, the most durable, tb$
styles and the best values in the world for the mohey.
compelled to make rocm for our large Spring and
:r Stock coming in.
Will appreciate the special values offered this week.
Seed Irish Potatoes,
Red and White Onion
of the traditions and customs of her
adopted borne. At a dinner party In
London lately the duchess was taken
down by an Englishman whom she dis
covered to be a fellow of the poyal
Geographical society and who bad the
.reputation of knowing by name all the
bo a complete, line of
Garden Seed.
)ur High Art Majestic $1.25 Shirts
abile they ate new (or It. Our tarnishing stock always fresh an
Dur Jersey Fleece Lined Under Suits,
i will go for 7$ f cts.
cap you warm.
allard <& Varnedoe'
40 ineh
27 inch
in all the
Evening .
the map of England. The
duchdss had long straggled with such
names as Cholmondeley (Cbumley),
Crichton (Cryton) and the rest, and
this struck her as nti opportunity.
“As a royal geographer/*
Cold weather is ahead ol us. to come right along and
. she said.
“you will be able to tell me where
Winkle Is/’
The royal geographer was puzzled
and asked If she was sure she hatl pro
nounced It properly and how it was
“I pronounced It In the most English
way I could/’ smiled the duchess. “It
is spelled W-I-n-d-s-o-r o-a-a-t-l-e.”
all colors,
Agents Jacob’s Candies.
Mr. F. A. Bolcher s merchant
>f Cairo come over Friday..
Mr. E. L. Rainey
from Bqb^ Friday
Rev. T. H. Brunson,of Pelham,
wai among Friday’s visitors.
Mr. B. R. karrison a prominent
citizen of near Cairo, was a Fri
day visitor to the city.
A Cairo farmer informed the
Times-Euterpriae that he made
last year /7GO.00 clear of ait ex
penses on a 2-mule farm. Qood.
Mr. W. H. Herring and wile,
who have been spending ten days
with relatives here, have returned
to their home in Clinton, N. 0.
Ninety-nine people out of every
one hundred will weloome the ar
rival of spring. We have had
enough cold weather for one win
plauting lime,
ing time is "nearing
came over
‘•greens" will aoonjbe on
Grant R.ajl--- in Conrrm.
Senator Hou. .u ...e only member of
either brunch of 'congress who drawa
oa tho Congressional library extenslve-
ly for the Greek and Latin poet*. He
■till delves In the rlcuea of tie ■‘Iliad’’
.and the “Odyssey” and enjoya reading
anew the vivid adventures which Vlr-
(II so ably told. The Massachusetts
aonator la an eager reader of many, oth
er hooka In the big library, but since
Representative Elliott of South Caro
lina retired from public life be la about
tho only reader of books In foreign lan
guages save Senator Elkina of West
Virginia, who occasionally sends for a
volume In 8psnlsh. Not long ago the
West Virginian bad from the library a
copy In Spanish of "Don Quixote,” and
during agitation of tbe Caban question
in tbe last congress be drew upon tbe
rich sources of Spanish history for In
formation about that Island and about
South American countries under Span
ish rule during.tbe Aral bait of tbe last
Captain John Lamb of Virginia la an
omnivorous reader, devouring every
thing from dime novels to learned es
says, and almost equals tbe record made
by tbe Hon. William E. Chandler of
New Hampshire when he wad in tbe
came over from
of Berwick wna
of Pelham was
Qf good tas^e in Jew
elry and the allied
wares, have fulFsway.
Our ideas are good,
and yours are good, so
produce always brings
o in Thomaavjlle.
[. Curry, a prominent
“Come and see” is
all we ask.
indoraon a prominent
Ooblookoneo, was in
Messrs. A. Conolly and J. T.
Groover were down from Oohlooh-
onee Thursday. They are prom
inent oitixona of their commu
Rev. A. C. Stephenson, the vet
eran Baptist preacher, and Messrs.
Willie McMillan and "Gum"
Dykes, were among th^Mbrrill-
. J. Quattlebaum, of Och-
, was in 'the city Tburs-
Corner Broad and Jackaon' Street, Thomaaifille, Georgia.
What klxoa Exp-jets.
Lewis Nixon, tbe shipbuilder, who
has recently been brought prominently
before tho country through too investi
gation of the shipbuilding trust Is a
target tor tbe men with new nautical
Inventions. Of lata thero baa been a
marked run of submarine boat archi
tects. The other day, after listening
In bln New York office for half on boar
L. Adams, morchnut, of
i a prominent visitor to
South Broad Street, Tlioausvillo Go.
-ra. Walter Singletary and
Groover were among the vis-
frorn Ooblookoneo Thnreday.
rater* are going right ahead
farming operations. Pro/-
y lends enthusiasm to their
ville visitors Thursday.
The Times-Euterprise garden
seed are jnst about ont. They
have been going like hot cakes for
tbe last ten days
Itiasurprised to find so many
odds and ends of staple dinner
ware patterns on my shelf, I don't
want them there, do you want
them, if you do you can have them.
Inst come down and get them,
what about the price yon aay;
well I will sell lit m forso little I
would hate to publish the price.
Don’t you know what it in, well I
s. will tell you, it is the little house*
wife that has one—the Wheeler
& Wilson or New Home Sewing
/ Machines. All sunshine and hap
piness where C. B. Quinn sends a
W. & W. or New Home.
across tho Ochlockonoe rife, on
the Jones' river bridge rontB&jh'o-
Mr*. Graham, who has boon
spending some time with the fam
ily of Mr. C. 0. Stone, left yes
terday for her home-in Xmericus.
S ogar.Cnmd Hints,ipeifpouud
t’s Breakfast Bacon, per pound *
Beat^Engfleh Sugar Curpd Shoulders, per pound..
Uncanvassed Sugar Cured Shoulders, per pound.
i der remedy.
I It Is the great med
ical-triumph of the
.nineteenth century;
: diacoveml after yeeta
[ of acientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
Sntn C. Benuett, one of
illlnnt young lawyers o(
... « *— came over
520'Oak Street, Austin’s Old Stand. Phone 525-1,
hwest Georg
Camilla Frit
bladder specialist, and it wonderfully
m Annie and Rhoda Lester
nted their residence at 210
>n street to Mr. and Mrs.
>’s of Chicago.
P- F. Dyson, the hardware
f Meigs, a at looking after
a matter* in the oity Fri-
- nawm kiios.
to explanations from s man who dear
ty savored of the crank, Mr. Nixon ven
tured to show a lack of faith, which -
caused tbe Inventor to gather up his
plans and depart In great indignation.
Those submarine fellows on get
ting on my nerves,” remarked Hr. Nix.
«a to a friend
That dap wants to build a boat
Your Checks
work nod In private practice, and has
proved to successful In every case that a
special arrangement boa been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail .also a book tell-
ing more about 8wMp-RooL«d howto
M. E. Church 8outh, Hickory, H. O.,
toys; "I h*ve used Rydalea Stomach
Tablets for indigestion and regard them
oa a perfect remedy for this disease. I
take pleasure in recommending them
to all sufferers tram indigestion. Urn
Rydalea Stomach rabhETte yi5
atomach trouble and you will join Hr.
Holmes in this strong endorsement.
These tablets wUldigeot the food your
weak atomach cannot, and thus nourish
Are Valuable.
they are valuable. You would have to glv« money tor what yen Can gat
with them. » . ’
When yon accumulate (10 worth of chocks, we accept them an cash tor
the amount specified on them. Ton need drug store goods; why ms gal
them her* where you can get good quality at n lew prise and get 4 dto
count for puiac cash.
, J. W. PEACOCK, Drugs,
Agency ghsrwtn Williams Points, th. Greatest on garth.
Spence and wjfe
among the prom-
to the city Fri-
the body and prevent the partial starva
tion, from which all dyspeptioa mite
and which causes tbe loss in flesh and
strength all dyspeptioa experience.
Those tablets leUeve all disagreeable
symptoms at onoe. They will inenoas
yoor strength and flesh, almost from
*•* to* 8»js «“• totowii soon restore
you to perfect health. J. W. Peacock.