Newspaper Page Text
New Scries, Vol XIV—No. 33
A Great Religious Awakening at the
Baptist Cltureh.
The most aw«keued protracted
meeting that, has ever been held
st the Baptist church in Thomas-
ville is now in progress there and
has been since Sunday morning.
It is a regular old fashioned Geor
gia meeting. The pastor, Bev.
Alex W. Bealer, ia.being assisted
by W. D. Upshaw, who, although
he has never been ordained, like
the great evangelist, Moody,
preaches with great power.
Mr. Upshaw ia a man of ster
ling personality one who possesses
jn a remarkable degree the power
to touch the hearts of men. He
is magnetic, eloquent and earnest,
and be has talked to crowded
bouses every nigbt and the-con
gregates in the morning ljav*
been remarkably large. He has
been wonderfully blessed of God
in this kind of work and possesses
ihe rare power of leading men and
women into the Kingdom of God.
This morning from 9:80 to 10 :-
80 the service will be -for mothers
and fathers. Friday morning the
young ladieB of Tbomasville will
,be the guests of honor at the
meeting. All who have ever been
young Indies or wbo like them are
invited to be present Friday af
ternoon from 8:80 to 4:80 there
will be another service for the
school boys and girls. The last
service of this kind wus so largely
attended and so enjoyable that it
L !r _ has bffji determined • to hol'd an-
singing is spirited and adds
f to the meeting. Every
body is invited to attend.
News of the Pitt Week In the Syrup
Brooke County Will Furnleh Succoe-
oor to Sonetor Hopkins
At the coming state primary in
April, the people will ohoose a
senator from the seventh senato
rial district to succeed Senator H.
\V. Hopkins whose term expires,
after the next session of the sen
ate. The Seventh district is com
posed ot the c. unties of Colquitt,
Thomss and Brooks who furnish
the senators in rotation. Ex-
Senator J. B. Norman, of. Col
quitt, was succeeded by Mr Hop
kins who will in turn give place to
some Brooks couuty man. ' So far
hut little interest has been taken
in the race and no formal an
nouncements have yet been made.
Dr. S. S. Gaulden, Brooks coun
ty’s present representative, is fa
vorably mentioned for the place.
Ill the lost issue of the Quitman
Advertiser Hou. J. Fondren
Mitchell has a lew words to say in
regard to the Doctor's candidacy
and says that if the people of
Brooks can secure the services of
Dr. Gaulden in the senate they
will bej'ortunate and the whole
district will be represented by a.i
able, faithful and conscientious
Hon. S. S. Bennett, mayor of
Quitman, has been urged to make
the race and aud may do so. In_
the person of Senator Hopkins
the distriot has beeu represented
by one of the ablest men in public'
life in Georgia. His successor
will have a shining record to live
up to.
Mr. Ira L. Hurst had the mis
fortune to lose his best horse re
' -oently. One of his horses is i
great tense and the other one' was
trying to got,away from him, at
tempted to jump a fenco of sharp
pointed palings. He was almost
balanced aud the sharp point
stuck in him producing a fathl
wound. The Veterinary Surgeon
of Thnmoavillewas summoned but
nothing could be dune.
Mrs. E. A. Vanlgndingham who
ibis been on an extended visit to
ber sou’s near J'orry, Ga. has re
turned. i
Misses Johnnie and Katherine
Brown have gone to Atlanta where
they will study the new spring
styles aud purchase the spring
‘ millinery for Miss Jonnio D Brown
<fc Co.
Miss Crosier, who was quite
tick of lagrippe at the lust writ
ing is at ber post of duty again.
She visited her mother Saturday
and Snnday last and returned in
better spirits.
Miss Lilly Saunders of Calvary
is visiting relatives in the city.
Mrs. M. A. Roddeubery who 1ms
been on a visit to Tbomasville has
returned home.
Elder-Brantlett of the Prime
' tire ehurch.prcached at the Meth-
[ odist churfch Monday evening.
The lectnre by Prof. Marvin
[William on.Sunday evening was
sell attended.
Mr-John F. Parker.
In this issue of the Times-Eii-.
terprise'Mr. John E. Parker slates
that he is U candidate
tion as county treasurer. Mr.
Parker hits held this office for a
oont'edrable time and their line
nover been a complaint made of
his administration He is a care
ful, and conscientious officer, and
is one of the most popular men in
the county. His frionds predict
his re-election without opposi
Affidavit of Postmaster Dismuko Shows That One Issue of the
Weekly Times-Enterprise Now Weip.hs 346 POUNDS—
Paper Reaches Nearly Every Family-in Thomas County.
Everybody knows that til” Weekly Times-Enterprise -us proba
bly the largest-circulation of any weekly piper in Georgm outside of
the five largo cities. Even in t-lie face of this, people will ho sur
prised to know that- one issue of the wceklyweighs 840 pounds. But
the meat in the cncoaimt it found from a comparison of weights for
the last two years, showing an inarease,of more than six times in 24
Every pound of newspaper mail that enters tile postoffioe is careful
ly weighed, and u record niadenf it. In order that the figures might
be more convincing, no affidavit- has been obtained from postmaster
Dismuke showing the exact figures for one issue each in the mouth of
February, 1902, 1908 olid 1901. This affidavit- speaks for itself more
loudly than any oomment can do:
ThoMtsviaie, 0*., Fsb. 34, 1904.
2, P> 0. btsauks, being duly sworn,
do,d»post and tar that I an Postmaster
at Thoaagvilie, qsl., and that the fol
lowing figures do well and truly show
tbs' lumber of pounds of the Thomasville
Weekly 'Tinos-Diterprise entered in this
office on the dates designated.
1902 65 lbs.
1903 —— 65 lbs.
1904 346 lbs.
Sworn to and subscribed before me,-this
34th day of February, 1904.
Registration Round.
In today’s paper appears the re
gistration notice of Tax Collector
and registrar P. S. IleotIt. Mr.
Heeth start* his round next week
und will visit every v. ting dis
triot in the couuty. He fu<d plan
ued to make bis round with, the
tax receiver but will start out
earlier in order that every one
may have an opportunity to re
gister, and to vote in the coming
Ordination Ceremonies.
The ordination of elder* and
deacons will take place at the
Spring Hill Christian ohnrch next
Snnday. Rev. J. B. Smith will
couduct the ceremonies which
will be of much interest. The,
public is invited to attend.
FOR SALE-3,000 fin# sand cans
by C. B. Quinn. d-w3w
Mrs. Logan Berry who has been
spending several days here return-
e 1 to her home in Bainbridge ye.-
The woijlit record hi I in einilt eu o is ilia' -.f u single ordinary issue
of thepnper. Thomas county pgqplBslt'ttlil he proud of this tin
mistaknhle evidenco of the growth of their county.
Two Cairo Negroes Reoolva Heavy
Sentences Wednesday
In county oour. yesterday, two
Cairo iieg-oes wete found guilty
of selling liquor Henry Lump-
"kin was fined $?25 ai d costs
11 months at the convict camp
nr.d Zeko Jordan $25'.) or 12
mouths. The ovideuee "against
the men wn«x unmistakable. The
marshal of Cairo arrested the
men and brought them here. A
number of Cairo citizens testified
against the men and the liquor
they sold was ou exhibition in
the court room. Solicitor I,uk«
represented the stnte and C--.1. It.
B. Terrell pf Whignm the defeud-
-Messrs. B. W Adkins and Eu
gene Kolbie'of Cairo were visitors
to Thomasville yesterday; These
gentlemen are with the “Messen
ger” Cairo’s bright weekly pa
per. - -
Mrs. Manldiu’s father from
[Houltrie spent his' 95th birthday
[with ber Tuesday.
pt. and Mrs. Oliver are in At*
[Did you ask “for.what?” Well
lose, spring bats, of course
bu know the ladies will have to
ig.bats soon.
Mr. J. C. Mauldin and Mi-e
Lena Mauldin of Cairo were
among the visitors to Thoriins-
ville Wednesday.
When In need of Monuments, Iran
Fencing, Etc., see R. A Weldon of the
Thomasville Marble Works. 1tdw
Mayor R. L. Vanlandingham
of Cairo was among the promi
nent 'visitors to Thomasville on
Dr. 41. R. Mallet te came he me
Hon. J. F. Mitchell came home
from Atlanta yesterday ihorm: g.
Ho was present at tho gathering
of state' politicians who wore in
the Capital City during the meet
ing of the State Executive Com
□arwlck News Items.
Prof; Chan. Lane lectured hero
in tho academy 1 lust night to a
large ami appreciative audience.
He gave hie noted leuturo on
"Lessons Not Learned inn Book.
It seems that we tiro having an
epidemic of the “grip” around
Barwick. Tho culy thing uhout
the “grip” that we like, is that
the writer has had it and is again
able to navigate.
' Mrs S. E. Sanchez’s mother,
Mrs. G W. Ken, and little sou,
Geo. Pierce Kee, and her grand
mother. Mrs. Jones, of Atlanta,
arc spending a while with Dr. and
Mrs. Sanchez.
Mrs. R. I. Stripe of Dixie is
spending this week with her moth
er, Mrs. R. H. Redfearn.
Elder Hanes, of Kentuoky,
preached at. Harmony Saturday
and Sunday and at Mr. T. M.
Massey’s Sunday night,
Messrs. M. E. Pope and J. A
Barrow have purchased the Bar
wick ginnery from Mr. C. C Foss
and they will operate it. in the fu
ture and will rnako tho ginnery
an up to date one.
Mr. T. J. Baruett, who is saw
yer at n mill ou tho South .Geor
gia R. R. betwoen Quitman and
Greenville, Fla., spent Sunday at
home. '
Oohlockonee Nows.
Mrs. T.-T. Thompson went to
Meigs to visit; her daughter and
son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. E R.
Rev. J. R Vaughn from North
Carolina) lectured at the Metho
dist church Sunday night, sub
jeot, "Toriipernnce ’ The house
was fiiled long before the hour to
Mr Rumor Singletary one of
our thriving country merchants
went over to Thomasville one day
this week and in his hurry to get
his mail and trying to Htteud fti
other business while the passen
gers were getting off, he left, his
“all” (purse) with Stephens and
Calhoun and forgot to get it be
fore the train left, but I don’t
think he lind beeu drinking any
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Anderson
and their daughter Miss Danie
came over from Wbigham Friday
and woie with us until Monday.
Mr. H V. Buntin was in town
Sunday from YVhigham.
Cane planting is now the news
of the day. Messrs BulJoch Bros,
are planting seven acres and Mr.
W. H. Groover's field just iu front
os the Methodist church.
Mr. Bob Evans and his daugh-
tor Miss Osie spent Sunday with
Mr W. H. Hudson and family
MrB. D. L. ’Bulloch who has
been suffering terribly from Rheu
matism is considerably better;
Fishing season seems to be up
on us, Alroudy the 'little boys
are beginning to cull for the fish
honks inul liues and your corres
pondent has seen some real uice
strings of fish, mostly cat.
Mr. II C Barwick who attends
the water mill owned by Mr. J.
A. Bulloch brought in a large Bald
Engle yesterday measuring five
and one half or six feat from tip
to tip of tho wings
Miss Pearl Stubbs left for
Americus where she will spend
several weeks with friends.
On Sunday Judge P. P. Dixon
united in the holy bonds of mat
rimony, Mr. T. D. McGnrrah
and Miss Lt.vella Bird.
Rev. J. F, Durkin, of Ozolle,
Mrs Ela Franklin has just re
turned to her home near Boston
after* visit of several days to | came up to Berwick Monday,
friends in -Pelham Mrs. Frank- g E( Sanchez made a trip
hn is a daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. j Whiham Su=d w , K . r0 he w / a
R. L. Stephens, and was recently ° , „
. , .* T „ ... called to see a patient,
married to Mr. D. J. Franklin:
one of this county’s prominent 1 Messrs. H. E. Davis and Mary
yestordt^ afternoon from a busi-1 citizens. Both were in the cily Barrett made a visit in the An-
ness trip to Qoitmau. [Wednesday. tioch community Sunday.
Metcalfs Mentions.
Mrs. J. B. Watkins of Thomasrllle
visited her son Dr. W. , B. Watkins
Mr. “Doo” Brown of Sunny Hill
spent Snnday here among friends.
Mosers. J, R. Jones aud Emmet At-
kivaou of Ismonia section were here on
business interests one day recently.
Mr. G. W. Swift wto some time since
porchasod the Massey home is having
some extensive and substantial improve,
menta nude wliioh add much to the
sppearanoe of that part of toWn.
Mr. Herndon Brandon one of Thom
asviUe’s hustling merchants was here
tor a short while Tuesday.
Mr. Claud Copeland ran ap to Thom-
asville Monday on a painful mission—
doutai work.
Mrs. A. F. Berry returned from Mou-
ticello a few days since where she had
gone to attend her little grand-con who
hod been sot upon and horribly mangled
by a dog while the child was playing
near its parents homo. For some time
fear was entertained that tl.e child
wonld die, but at last account it was
doing well with prospects of recovery.
Mr A. J. Stsnsland-
Mr. A. J Stanaland announces
his candidacy for re-election to
tho offlee of comity surveyor in
today’s paper. Mr. Stanalaud is
admirably qualified for tbe office
and fills it with perfect satisfac
tion. . Hit candidacy will elicit
strong support.
Miss Young of Waycross is the
guestof her cousin Miss Lucile
Linton. - -
Merrillville Notee.
Mrs. Mollie Wilkes of Meigs
hns been the guest, of Mrs. Vetitia
McMillin several days.
Miss Bell Duren spent Friday
Saturday and Sunday at horns.
She brought MissMargaret Looney
of Thomesville witli her.
Mrs. Luna F.vnns from Brim’s
mill was u pleasant visitor here
one day List week.
Mr. Boh Duron from Thomas
ville was tho gue-t of Mr. P. F.
Duron Sunday.
Dr Finney cniiie over twice
from Touraine last week to visit
Miss Fannin Rngan who was quite
eiok for several days.
Measles are raging here, five
cases if town, two at Mr. P. F.
Durens, two at Mr 'Pattersons^
one at Mr. W R. Lunsfords, one
at Mr. Floyds the Marshal, and
Mr. Will Matthews .
A large crowd of Merrillvillites
attended preaching at Big Creek
Sunday. They report having
heard an eloquent sermon deliver
ed by Rev. H. B Nesmith.
There will be an tillday sing
ing at Big Creek church' the se
cond Sunday in March. Every
one ia invited to come und bring
a well filled basket. Dinner will
t^Pspread. Tho singing will 'be
conducted by Prof, O. B. Bunyon
of Pavo.
There will be preaching hore
Saturday and Sunday at eleven
o’clock*' by- Bev. Wells.' Snnday
school at 8 in the afternoon.
Prayer meeting on Sunday night
conducted by Mr. Overton.
Mr. W. M. Alvin went to Tiiom-
nsville Friday ou business.
Mrs. S. A. Pierce has been quite
Mr. G. hi Dykes and son Rog
er went down to Tbomnsvillo Sat
urday on business.
Mr. Jim Megaliee of Coohdge .
was a welcome visitor Sunday.
Mr. C. L Lane and Panl Allen
of Touraine came ovey Sunday.
The C. M. A. bey’s concert was
atteuded by a large , crowd, and
was very enjoyable.
Mrs Matthews let a few of the
yoang people gather at ber house
Saturday night. They played *
few games and enjoyed themselves
vory muoh.
The Young Ladies, Missionary
Society will meet Saturday bven- -
ing at half past two o'olock.
A crowd of men went oat to Mr.
Jesse Browns Saturday to slthot
doves. The birds were very wild
so they did not heve' much suc
Fanners are making thoirunoke
Merrillville Old Maid.
A happy marriage took place at
the home of Mr. W. H. Waldron
a' prominent farmer of the Cairo
district, Wednesday afternoon,
the parties being iMiss India Wal
dron and Mr. Jus. A. Hinson.
Miss Waldron is a young lady of
pleasing address and has many
friends. Mr. Hinson or “Jim” "
is clever and well liked by every
one. Refreshments, were served
at the home of Mr. R. ‘ r . Hinton.
They received a number of nsefnl
presents aloug with the congtafu-
lotions of their friends. The cel*
ernouy bythoRev.B. D. Stinson,
of Climax, was very . impressive
and witnesied by a large num
ber. The attendants were Hn
Rtohard Williams and Misses Rn
by and Eveline Williams,of.Cairo, -
also two sisters of the bride, Mise-
os Anna and Zerelda Waldron.
Mr. W. H. Waldron and family
lire good Presbyterian people. .