Newspaper Page Text
No Exequatur Awaits Edward
Morgan ac Dalney.
United State. Informed that Political Stand In the Way—-A*
tlort I. Considered a .
A Washington epeclel eaye: Secre
tary Hay hae been Informed that Ed
win Morgan will not be granted an exe
quatur by the Russian government au
thorising him to aot as United States
consul at Dalny. Mr. Morgan Is now
on his way from Washington to his
post He will sail from San Francisco
and touch at Yokohama, Japan, at
which point the etate department will
be able to advise him a month hence.
This decision on the part of the Rus
sian government was not altogether
unexpected, but it la the subject of
grave consideration by the state de
partment officials. Secretary Hay re
garding the matter of sufficient Im
portance to warrant a personal visit
to the white house, where be present
ed the facts to the president. A de
cision has not at this time been reach
ed as to the answer to be made to .he
Russian government.
It Is said'the reasons assigned for
the declination to receive Mr. Morgan
are entirely' Impersonal. In fact, Mr.
Morgan has brfen for several years one
of the American secretaries of embas
sy at St. Petersburg, Is very popular
with the Russian officials, who wquld
be glad to receive him as consul If po
litical .consideration did not forbid. It
Is explained that the reason for Rus
sia’s action Is purely military; the ar
my officers desiring that there' shall be
no foreign officials on the Liao Tung
peninsular during the progress of hos
They tear that they may not be able
to afford such officials a proper meas
ure of protection In times of violence.
It Is also suggested that as the United
States consul would be charged with
the responsibility for the protection
of the Japanese there would be many
chances for severe friction, which It
is desirable to avoid. But many things
may happen, It Is pointed out, before
Mr. Morgan arrives even at Japan,
which will determine the course of the
stste department, and It Is suggested
that there Is a possibility that the Rus
sians may not bo master of the Llqa
Tung, peninsula when the consul ar
Winter Catarrh.
I N EVERY country of the civilized
world the Sisters of Charity ere known.
Not only do they minister to the spiritual
and intellectual needa of the charge* com
mitted to their care, but they alao minister
to their bodily needs. e
Whenever coughs or colds, la grippe or
pneumonia make their appearance among
the children thee# Sisters are not diacon-
oerted, but know exactly the remedies to
with so many children to take care of
and to protect from climate and disease
thase wise end prudent Sisters havt found
reruns a never-failing safeguard.
Mrs. Haskell, Worthy Vice Templar, Inde
pendent Order Good Templars, of Silver
Lake, Mass., tells of her cure by the use of
Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" Dbab Mas. Fnnunx: Four yearn ago I was nearly dead with laflam-
vnatton and ulceration. I endured dally untold agony, and life waa a burden
to me.. I had used mediclnea and washes internally and externally until I
made up my mind that there was no relief for me. Callinr at the home of a
friend, I noticed a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkliam’u Vegetable Compound.
S friend endorsed It highly and 1 decided to give It a trial to aae If it would
p me. It took peticnce and peraevcrenco for I waa in bad condition, and I
used Lydia E. Plnkhnm’s Vegetable Compound for nearly live month!
before ! waa cured, bnt what a change, from deepair to happlneee, from
mi eery to the delightful exhilarating feeling health always brings I would
aot change back for a thousand dollars, and your Vegetable Compound la a
grand medicine.
*' 1 wish every e'l<
Hassell, Silver Lskt
proving vaincreee eua
Last spring I went t<J Colo-,
rado, hoping to be benefited
by a change of climate, and
while there a friend MMaM -
me to try Pcruna. After using two bottle/
I found myself very much Improved.. The
remains of my old disease, being now so
flight, I consider myself cured, yet for A
while I intend to continue the tine of .re
runs. I am now treating another patient
with your medicine. Sue. ha* been sick
with malaria and troubled with leucorrhaea.
\ iiave no doubt that a cure will b* apeed-
ly effected."
These are samples of letters received
>y Dr. Hartman from the various
trilcrs of Catholic Sisters throughout
he United States.
The names and »ddr«wes to these let-
(its have been withheld from respect to
‘lie Sisters, but will be furnished oil re
One-half of the diseases which afflict
.nankind are due to some catarrhal de-
angement of the mucous membrane lining
ome organ or passage of the body.
A remedy that would act immediately
upon the congested mucous membrane, re
storing it to ita normal etatO, would con
sequently cure all these diseases. Catarrh
ifi catarrh wherever located, whether it be
in the head, throat, lungs, stomach, kid
neys or pelvic organs. A remedy ‘hat will
cure it in one location will cure It in all lo
cations. Peruna enrea catarrh wherever
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the uso of Peruna, write
at once to Dr. Hartman, givlnf a full state
ment of your case and he will oe pleased to
girc you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0.
Sisters of 8t. Joseph, of the Deaf Mute Institute, 1840 Cass Ave., St. Louis,
Mo., writes:
u Wo appreciate Peruna very much. It certainly does good work
with catarrh and alee with colds and la grippe. Wo have faith in Pe
runa and have inepirsd many others with same. We do not like to he
without it. It has certainly kept us from being very sick. It did a
world of good lastwinter for our little ones. Thanking you j%r your
kindness to us and our afflicted ones, we renmin,'yours gratefully,
We began to use it and experienced
such wonderful results that since then Pc
rune haa become our favorite medicine to-
influenza,' catarrh, cold, cough and bron
chit is."
Catholic Sisters from all over the United
States. A recommend recently received
from a Catholic institution in Detrdii,
Mich., reads as follows:
Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio:
ttoar Sir :— t, The'young girl who used
•* I wish every sick women would try It end be convinced.”—Mbs. Ida.
Basull, Silver Lake, Meat. Worthy vice Templar, Independent Order of
Good Templars.
When * medicine has been successful in more than a million
cases, Is it Justice to yourself to oay, without trying it, “I do not
hollore It would help mo”?
Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, and sick and dis
couraged, exhausted with each day's work. You have some
derangement of the feminine organism, and Lydia E. Pinkhara’s
Vegetable Compound will help you just as surely* as It has others.
His. Tillie Mart, ot Larimore, N. D., says:
“Dean Mss. PoraUMi I might have been
(pared many month* ot suffering and pain if I
had known of the effioacy of Lydia E. Pink*
jmpyr.-A ham’s Vegetable Compound a few month*
Jgm&F.'ff:' ! A sooner, for 1 tried many remedies without find-
’ \ In ft anything which helped me before I tried the
/Buy a?.- Vegetable Compound. I dreaded the approach
afli L-BjiT Thin o{ the menstrual period every month, as It
Babes'" meant much suffering and pain. Some months
AiSBBW-'/*' / r ! '4(3 * he flow was very scanty and others It waa pro-
Cx ' fuse, but after I had used the Compound for
YrfSojSftS two moot' 11 ' 1 became regular and natural, and so
I continued until I fait perfectly well, and tba
ySllP-rt* were strengthened to perform the work
without assistance and pain. I am like a differ-
ont '-Oman now, where before I did not car* to
I live, and I am pleased to testify as to the good
Isr Vv\Vjfy*o*gSr vgft. f your Vegetable Compound has done for me. -
A3S8St 8 |n o*re)y yours, Mb,. Tnxrx Hast, Larimore,N.D.
\\wSwBHKffatfmS7 Be It, therefore, believed by all women
\ VtV^BHRmliy who are 111 that Lydia E. Plnkhnm’e Vege*
Mil WKlgj# table Compound U the medicine they
VffflflU W should take. It has stood the test of time,
XfflXeEUW end it has hundred, of thoniandi of our*.
\ f7-.4SUrTKv to its credit. Women should consider It
wMaBSMEr unwise to use any other medicine.
Mrs. Plnkham, whose addreM Is Lynn,
Mass, will answer cheerfully and without
-vwamsass, wiu, IUU|U SUU lirUU
Another recommend from a Oath
olio institution of one of the Centra
States written by the Sister Superioi
reads as fotlows:
“A number of years ago our Attention
vrss called to Dr. Hartman's Peruna, and
since then we have used it with wondr X
results for grip, coughs, colds and' ca
tarrhal diseases of the head and stomach.
‘‘For gtfp and winter catarrh especially
it has been of great service to the inmate?
of this institution."
sisters' of charity
All Over the United States Use Pc-
. ru-na for Catnrrli.
A recommend recently .received from a
Catholic institution in the Southwest reads
as follows:
A i mminent Mother Snperior Sayat
“I can testify from experience to the
the Peruna was euffering'frem laryn-
gltis, and loss of voice. The result of
the treatment was most satisfactory.
She found great relief, and after
further use of the medicine tee hope
to be able tg say she is entirely cured.»
Bisters of Charity.
This young girl was under the csre of
the Bisters of Charity and used Peruna
for catarrh of the throat, with good result!
as ths above letter testifies.
Prom a Catholic institution in Cen
tral Ohio comes the following recom
mend from the Sister Superior:
"Some years ago a 'friend of our insti
tution recommended to us Dr, Hartman's
Peruna as an excellent remedy for the in-
fluenxs, of which we then had several cooes
whioh threatened to be of a serious charac
efficiency of Peruna os one of the very best
Cotton Gin
Danced With Sixty-Seven.
Mils Margaret Costello and John
Pollnekl of Jersey City were marrlod
at the Polish Roman Catholic Church
at Bayonne. A reception followed at
their home at Pine street and Com-
munlphw avenue.
The bridegroom told his wife that
It was a custom ot hla country for
tha bride to dance with every malo
guest at the wedding. There were
slxtyseven men guests, and Mrs.
Pollnakl waltzed with every one ot
them, concluding the final waits by
falling unconadous.
Ot tha 391 different kinds of British
birds, only 140 are resident all the
It Is said In Washington that
after all the Russian course is consist
ent In that that government has stead
fastly refused to receive any consuls
at Dalny, and the only official the
United Statea has ever had there was
a commercial agent
The announcement la made that the
decision In Mr.-Morgan's case does not
Apply to the newly-appointed United
Statea consula at Mukden and Antung.
These conaulatea are In Manchuria
and the state department, taking the
ground that that province la part ol
China, would apply to tha Chinese
government for exequaturs tor these
consuls, not recognising tha right of
any other power to Intervene.
To all Who suffer, or to the friends of those
who suffer, with Kidney, Liver, Heart, Bladder
or Blood Disease, a sample bottle of Stu*rt‘»
Oln and Boshu, the great southern Kidney and
Liver IfedJelns, will he sent ahsolnteJ/ free ot
cost. Mention this paper. Address 8TUAR1
DRUG ITFO CQ..» Well Bt.. Atlanta, Oa.
Small Potatoes
result from a lack of
w« BUI IS. m»t complete lia. 01 m
,onc«ra IS the woilj. W, «!io mate
m mU every thing nssded stout a Cotton Gin.
Write for Illuitrated CnteJogue.
Continental Gin Co.,
Birmingham, Ala.
in the soil. Potash pro
duces size and quality.
W, have, . ^.
books which -jT|h, 1 y, jB|
plain more I
fully th.jfcr- r—B—
Secretary Hay Haars from Hla Propo
sition Regarding Status of China.
Russia's reply to Secretary Hay’s
note on China was handed to Ambas
sador McCormlok, at St Petersburg,
The reply was given to Mr. McCor
mick by Foreign Minister Lsmsdorf
and was promptly dispatched tg Wash-
Ington. The terms ot the reply have
not been divulged. It It known, how
ever, that they are along lfhes previ
ously IndlctTH, being a virtual accept
ance In principle, with the exception
of Manchuria, which la now the thea
tre of war and whers Russia's special
Interests lie.
ot Petadh. *
w, win
end them ~*A» ZaSuWSl
fre« te. any /_ IDmWjii
farmer Who Li
write* i cr
iwcTwh-asaw.,jw-w. n „
Malsby & Co.
41 South Forsyth St, Atlanta, Ga.
^rir-ZS| with trlctUa feed as 1 leg tamer.
A. B. Fsrqnhar Co., Ltd.
^91 York, Pa.
fuLIt will stop th, toothach,etono*.aed
nUev, hcsdcch, and aetatlca. W • recom
mend it a, the beet and eefeet ntenil
If it wasn’t for hla fool luck th* fool
wouldn’t have the money to part with.
Why Do We Die ?
’Vital itatiatica elauified allow the re-
apiratory organa to be the feeble point in
man. Diaeaam of th* lnnga nr* ont of all
proportion in fatality. Take Teylor’e Cher
okee Remedy of Sweet Gum end Mullein
for coughs, colde and consumption.
At druggists, 23c., 80c. and 11.00 a bottle.
Make the beat ol the troubles you have
Portnblo anil Hint
Russian Government ad Last Consents
to Dissemination of Nsws.
Tha Russian gorernmenq, Friday,
abolished the censorship apon all news
and other telsgnuns going abroad.
The lifting ot tho embargo, which
has existed for generations upon tha
free. transmission of nawa from tho
Russian empire, cam* as a direct re
sult ot consideration of the aubject by
the caar blmelf and In soma respects
this abolition la regarded as the most
important act since tEe emancipation
of the serfa.
Saw Mills
CoippUU Hu carried tn afcri for
IUMZDUTJ! iMpmrnt.
Beatlladllaery.Vnre««Prlcca»ud lle.t Terraa
Write us lor catalogue, prices,
etc., before buying-
UIPM.biia TOSV saieav wwawsaams
itejvirriUntkDown,*l*o asancxternal
ody for pains In tho chsst and stomach
ats. A trial will prova what waclaim
ichold.M.ny people aar^ltlat
at your preparation!- Price
Irnaal eta or other dealers, or 1
When the eye la In trouble uaa a 1
reliable remedy.
$VE sal^
oaeh Patent VarUbla Prletlon Faad
I with 4 h. p. enta a.ouo feet per day. All
prices to salt. DeLoach Shingle MilU.
trimmer*^. Planers: Corn and Bohr
iter Wheel*, Lath MU la. Wood flaws.-
home new Catalog will interest you.
' u.u ua, n,, . litaata r.a
ih Hegs’a UnlTer-*l Ix>g Beami
led for AcctrtACT. iinrucirr.
orlptlvn siren la rs. Mannfaetu
In th, world bow I mined myaelf. You can ,
the acme at your home Id three dayl. Hn
dreds ot grateful lettrre to me from etammerr
DoLriSF WwSl!SIBa8i|W
.tl. Slri^a,. ATLSKT*. OS. T -.
and Inflamed eyes. One bottle usually
effects a complete cum.
IRON wor. Kit.'vin»tnn-
Lleutenant and Six Privates Loss Llfs
j , While Doing Patrol Duty,
j A Manila special says: Lieutenant
' MscRae and six privates of the con-
' stabulsry have been killed by s bolo
. rush of 500 fanatics while pntrolllng
, the cost coast of th* Island of Samar,
j Private 8 atom an, ot th* Fourteenth
cavalry, stationed at Jolo, baa also
been: killed by boloaan.
Together with an Incubator and brood
er catalogue, containing among much
Give th* name of this paper when
writing, to advertisers—At9-04)
other valuable and lntereatlng Informa
tion s colored piste, showing by eigh
teen views tbs development of tho
chick In the shell, free, by sending to
Oso. A. Stahl, Qalncy, III,, four cents