Newspaper Page Text
stbeTCSt. .
(to liavebitn
■ of wealthy fathers are
e Hagse peaoe conference is hav
■ spring vacation., I
i still witting for that Busso-
Jingcsqne poem.
John Bay's tag reads “Re-made in
Jeotgla."—Macon Telegraph. .
e sign of spring is the fact that
s spinning tops.
Being on the ontside isn't so bod al-
f debt for inatanoe.
Thomas county is doning tlie bluali-
! peach blossom raiment of spring.
Between mnlea andimobiles the Thom-
pedestrian} leads a strenuous
■ has a girls walking club,
i it begins with "t" some-
Though Thomasriile is not financially
Ms to afford streets paved with asphalt
and macadamlited roads, it is able to af
ford dean streets and roads..
There is no comer upon cleanliness,and
that is one .blessing which the poor pan
share with the rich. There is small
ground for complaint in regard to the
houses and yards. They ore as neatly
painted and as cleanly kept as could be
wished. But the streets and roads are'
not so free from trash.
Those same careful housekeepers or.
der their servants to dispose of the trash
and inquire not es to the manner of the
disposal. The consequence is that the
roads in and near the city are lined with
scraps, trash, old papers and garbage.
It jars the aesthetic sensibilities of our
visitors and home folks, to see a tin ean
•ticking dp its label along side a bunch
of jessamine, and a bargage pile dwell
ing in unity and brotherly love with
dog-wood blossoms. '
Besides this the trash piles scare hom
es, qndanger health and disfigure the
landscape. A cheap and easy method
Is to burn the trash.. Why not start the
new month by a new resolution about
clean streets and roads?
State News.
a regard to ttfe cor flic ting war news
i jmy your money and take your
3 peach tree* are now In full bloom
l ore making south Georgia a land
- x that it Is all over the people wlio
s said needlessly unkind things Marat
dr. Graves ought to be sorry.
■ papers all over the state are com*
[ that the Calvin vagrancy [law
Hotter. It is not so in Thom**-
■' Bradstreot lias discovered that 81 per
cent of the merchants who failed In
MOSdidtnot advertise in the nowspa-
ptn.. #
For every pine treo that is 'felled in
South Georgia twolstalks of sugar cane
ore’springing up.How is that for bust
The ThomasvlUe people will hope that
great good may result from the [meet
ings now in progress at the Baptist
A word about the streets, tills time
nun different line from that of. iwprov.
lug their phytical condition, abont
which wo have so often complained.
Tlie practice of driving herds of mules
through the'streets resulted in a serious
accident to a citizen of the town on
Friday night. It seems that some me
tliod ought to be devised to provide for
a safer and more qnlet system. Tiie
stork dealers of tlie city, regret more
deeply tlian anyone else, (lie accident,
and the suggestion that more care shonld
be exorcised will no doubt be acted Up-
$ bn by them in tho near futare.
No argument need be addneed to show
that the present system is not safe. It
onght to ho changed to a safer one and
the city conncll shonld if necessary take
steps with that end in view. -
ffJohp Greer, of tlie Waycroes Journal
will havo to nurse lus oinappuiiitmont
ovar our [lack of a governor, for two
years more,—and eight months.
When a girl Is 16 and poetio she ssys
a great deal abont Falso Friends, Fickle
f . ness and her mother's fondness for cab-
bago, remarks tho Atliison Uiohe.
Thomas Oonnty has one candidate
for}.the legislature. Evidently "dir
tanos.loads enchantment" to tlie obllg
lnglson* ofJDooatur —Balnbrldgo Argus.
One reason tlmt Secretary II i.v on.
joyed hia visit to TliomaaviUe so mnoli,
b$hat Itallanjorgau grinders make [Ills
street la W Mhlugton a^favorlto rends-
Tlie ThomasvlUe Times suggests that
"it might be a good idea to give up bor
rowing daring Gent." If it U not lent
how osn we borrow?—Macon News.
, 4? TJss a little sleight of hand.
The Atlantio Ooeet Line has completed
. its extension from Panta Garda to Fort
Myers, Fla, a dtatanoe of 38 miles. |
The Ooest Line Is a greet roan ana Is
growing greater.
Several weeks agoljwe said that we
were nojpolitical prophet bat that we
were willing'to predict that Hon. John
Temple Graves wonld decline to ran for
Governor. He has declined and we arc
beginning to think we ave a prophet at-
ter all.
Tlie Times-Eaterprlae supposed that
it had.eaougli gordsn seed to supply aU
4 Thomas oounty, bat saoh was not the
case. The seed liosJaU been distributed
and no more remains. To the late sock-
era after seed we cau only say “oome
agalujroxt year."
Hon. Joasph^B.|Pottle is a candidate
l to the National Convention
from the sixth; district. :
i know.this, brilliant gentleman
■ with as la hoping {that those
t the delegatee mey be ee day
Ono of the best measures now before
oongroas is the biU by Mr. Griggs to in.
crease the salaries of rural free delivery
maU carriers from (BOO to $7DO per year,
•aye the Ttfton Garotte. Atpreeent tlie
rant carriers reoeive only a little over
half what is paid those in cities, and out
of this most furnish tlielr own horse and
vehicle. Tlie meagre salary now al
lowed leaves scarcely living wages to
the carrier after his expanses are paid,
and he should certainly have a fair com
pensation for his work. Batter- sala
ries mean better carriers and better car
riers a better servioe. And good ser
vice is what tho people are entitled to
and shonld have.
"When the butter won’t
come put a penny in the
churn," is an old time dairy
proverb. It often seems to
work though no one has ever
told why.
When mothers are worried
because the children do not
gain strength and flesh we
say give them Scott’s Emul
It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
istonishing about it.
Scott's Emulsion is simply
i milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hypophosphites
ispecially prepared for delicate
Children take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be
cause it is so perfectly adapted
to their wants.
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scott’s Emulsion
is the most satisfactory treat
We will send you
the penny, /. e., a
sample free.
WLloSZ ** -
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
pasaijMSt stdregglea
Former'State Entomologist \V
M. Seott was in Atlanta recently
haring just returned from the
Fort Valley peach district. As
the representative of the Bureau
of Plant Industry, United States
Department of Agriculture, Mr,
Scott is in Georgia, 'Studying the
brown rot aud other diseases of
peaches. Speaking of the peach
crop,'he said;
"The Eiberta buds are just be
ginning to open, showing now
little of the piuk. Frost w< uld
not hart them, bat a heavy freeze
would. The present weather is
calculated to hold back the crop,
and with favorable weather from
now on there is every indication
that Georgia will have a magnifi
cent crop of peaches.'’
Two new lodges of Odd KelJows,
numbers 217 aiid 218 were iusti-
tuted last week. They are at
Lumber City and Eastman.
Tennille T.ibune: Farmers in
Mjddle Georgia are selling their
1004 cotton crop in advance. The
cotton is sold fot September mid
Ootober delivery, aud several large
farmers have sold crops ranging
from 100 to 200 bales at from 11
to 12 cents. In gome cases the
entire crop is sold.
Tho programme of exercises for
the next commencement of the
University of Georgia has been
mndo up, and it containa many
features of grent interest.
• The progress in Georgia nduk-
trial development for the week
just closed, ns reporied by the
Tradesman, includes the follow
ing new organizations ns among
the most important:
Bliikelv—Turpentine plant.
Cutbbert—$100,000cotton mill.
Augusta—$20,000 turpenti n e
Valdosta now claims 0,000 in-
habitants and bases its claim on
a directory census. '
The registration books for Quit-
mau’s coming municipal election
will close Mareh 7. So far there
are only abont one huudred and
fifty voters registered.
Indications are that more short
staple oottou will be planted
Lowudos county this year and tlie
acreage of sea island, reduced.
Congressman J. M. Griggs, of
the second Georgia distriot, was
expected in Atlanta yesterday,
but it is stated that he is sick in
Washington, and will not be able
to oome for several days. Friends
however, look for him in Atlanti
by t|ie latter pnrt of the week
Congressman Griggs has been
prominently mentioned in connec
tion with the position of one of
the four delegates from the state
at large to the national conven
tion at St. Louis.
Captain J P. Hester, obairmau
of the Albany committee appoint
ed to secure subscriptions to the
John B. Gordon monument fund,
has in ban] $200, which will be
forwarded to the treasurer at At
lanta. >
The Standard Turpentine Com
pany, of which Thomas Dixon"
Jr is president, is to erect a $00,.
000 plant at Savaunab. It manu
factures piue products under
patent process|and already has
plant at Waycross.
The Athens Womans Clnb has
deoided to fit up a rest hall for the
wives and daughters of farmers
doing trading in Athens. A com
petent woman will be placed in
charge of the hall and every con
venience will be provided for the
ladies who take advantage of it.
This would be a good idea for
Thomosville to adopt.
A communication to the Even
ing Star, Washington, D. C. says;
“The large appropriation recently
made by Congress to investigate
the cotton boll worm evil and re
port upon oome method of con
trolling it calls to mind the fact
that the greatest enemy of that
insect has been nearly exterminat
ed in Louisiana by ruthless hun
ters and trappen.
. . - -
And many other painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be- avoided by the use of
“Mlffal'l Flint* This great remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
No woman who uses ‘'Mother's Friend''.need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; foritrobi the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
also healthy, strong and
good natural. Our hook
“Motherhood,” Is worth
its weight in gold toevery
woman, and will be sent free in plain
envelope by addressing application to
Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta,Ga.
The boy or girl with a
Has the joliiest vacation.
For |16.00, 630.00 and $30.00. Several hun-
dred Discs to select from; also a good selection of
Musical Merchandise, Sheet Manic 10c. op. A
No. 1 Goiter for $2.75. Mandolins $2.00 op.
Banjosj$2.fi0op, etc., can be found at"
Tuttle's Jewelry Store.
ThomasvUle. Georgia.
Wmmmm Wlrm Wrmer, Firm Pr—fFmmlUijr, Sgray Pump*, Mmmmn, MmFmm, Smpmrmtmrm,
W* wiN Mah* H t* Ya«r laterat to Ftfor* wife Us.
Boiler Works
Shops and
Ever tried making pictures
from start to finish? It’s fnn
with the right material. Let
us show you!
$i and $2.
Brownie Developing Machine,
10 Copies of Eev. T. DeWitt Talmage’i
“Travels in the Holy Land”
—WUl be-
In the Times-Enterprise “Dot” Contest.
These books are on exhibition now at
our store. They ore splendid works,
which sell for $2.75 each and will be an
ornament to any home.
J. R Robison & Co's. ‘
Book Store,
Broad Street, - Thoinnsville, Ga
Over Thirty Years Experience.
— Expert Handlers of Sea Island as well as Upland Cotton....
Liberal cash advances against Consignments.
Money loaned Cotton Shippers on Approved Security,
Large dealers in Sea Island and upland Bagging, ugar
Cloth Twine and Ties.
"Write For Terms.
126 East Bay Street, : „ Savannah 6a?
I Headaches are
caused by disor
dered stomachs.
“blues” don’t I
bother folks, who!
occasionally-’ usel
Ramon’s Pills. 25c I
The Thomasville Ice Company
Wood, soft and hard Coal, Texas Rust Proof Seed Oats, Com,
Hay, and Feed Oats, Cotton Seed Meal and
Hulls, Soda Water and Siphons.
’Phone Number 6
Qialnl, Queer snd Curious Salt Lake
Thq Isle Col. John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said “There are three uni-
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City.” it is not only uni
que in its temple, tabernacle and other
Mormon church institutions, but quaint,
in appearance, with its wide streets, im
mense blocks and martial rowsot shade-
trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions
to the square yard than any city In the
country, and its climate, while temper
ate all the year round, is particularly
delightful in summer. The Great Salt
Lake, with its magnificent Saltair resort,
where the water is "deader and denser"
than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
is an attraction in itself that people
come miles to see. There are many
cool mountain and lake resorts near by,,
also numerous very pretty canon add
park drives, and hot sulphur springs,
Fishing and hunting can be bad in.
direction; The trip from Denv<
Salt Lake City and Ogden, via thq’
:t &. Rio Grande and the Rio Gram
vVestern, is one of unsurpassed pli
■re. Here nature is found in her stern
est mood and the whole line is a sue-,
cession of nigged canons, waterfalls
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can compare with it in graudeur on
scenery. - During the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Salt
Lake Ci'y and contiguous country. It
Is on the road to the Pacific coast, if
that be your destination. Write S. K.
Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo.,
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets!
8-1-03-1 imos
too near north.
Thomssvile People Can See That
F’sud Ctuid Not be Attempted.
enough to Thomnsvilfe so that any at
tempt to deceive would bo futile, de
clare that Doan's Kidney Pills cure kid
ney- diseases and backache and they
•tend by what they any. It la easy for
any Thomasville sufferer to verify this.
^ Mrs. Annie Woodall, of 167 Brood
street, Alhany, Ga., says: “I have de
rived a. great benefit from the Die of
Doan’s Kidney Pills. My hack was
reusing mo almost continual misery.
The pern wes right across the small of
It—a heavy, dull, bearing-down pain'
and a weakness. I need many differ
ent medicines, without apparent result,
and also tried liniments, but this pain
still remained.. I saw Doan's Kidney
Pills Advertised and got a box and
gave them a thorough trial. I
• ' id with
much pleated
the results. The
in every way. Ton are
to nee my name as a reference."
Emphatic endorsement can be had
right here in Thomasville. Drop into
R. Thomas, Jr’s drag store and ask
what hia customers report.
Sold for 50o per box by aU druggists.
Foster-Milbum Oo., Buffalo, .NT T„
Bole Agenta for the United States.
Remember the name—Doan’s ■ -and '
take ho substitute.
Safe Transfer and Luggage Service
Established 1885. Landaus, Nice Olose Carriages (or parties of Sex.
Meet* All Trains, CAREFUL HANDLING, Prompt, Polite and Relia
ble Service. ANY HOUR, day or night. Terras Reasonable.
Corner Stephens St., and Took* Lane WESLEY WILLIAMS
Late Porter Piney Woods Hotel, THOMASVILLE, GA.
at do harm—life be tomes a plea
They overcome Weari
ness .increase vigor and
dr equals them. Cannot doharm—lift ben
MAIL. S '" ~ “ —
IICAL CO., Clcre-
12 inch Cane Mill,
M inch Cane Mill,
1$ inch Cane Mill,
18 inch Cane Mill,
$14 00
18 90
M 90
39 4
We can furnish the above in iron
frames at a small cost. It will pay yon
to call on na before you bay.
Weeks rear LO.LE.R. Depot.
P-'O. 109; Telepkoase 1941