Newspaper Page Text
are now doe and
at my office fr
1 April 1,1904.
, City Treasurer.
» filed, signed
E., T. J.
■king for a public
jat the west end of Mar
the corporate line of
east to Oaky
nteneota the
Sail petition
reported by die-
• •
1 potitlou
r meeting
. Smith, Obairmau.
stale and couth
’ Dnvsl county,
i Oil and Oinning
io term for whloli peti
o be incorporated is twenty
the privilege of tenewal at
of that time.
The Capital Stock of the cor
poration is to be *36,000.00, divided into
fhares of *100.00 each; petitioners, how
ever, asking the privilege of Increasing
said Capital Stock from time to time as
they may desire, not exceeding in tho
aggregate *360,000.00.
fourth. That of said Capital Stock of
«»,000.00, more than 10 per cent has
already been actually paid in.
Fifth. The object of the proposed
coronation is pecuniary profit and gain
to its stockholders. Petitioners propose
to carry on the bnsinesa of buying, leas
ing, building and operating Cotton Seed
DU Mills, ginning cotton, and dealing
in cotton-seed, cotton seed meal, hulls,
and fertilizers, and gllproduots usually
produced by cotton gins and cotton-seed
oU mills; and to act as general orspocial
agents for other persons or companies
io selling or handling any article or oiasa
of articles appropriate to the business
aforesaid, or usually of conveniently
connected therewith; and to make con
tracts, and aot as sudh agents and to ex
onfise the'usual powers and to do all
usual and neoessary sots which pertain
to or may be oonnected with the busi-
'Wt Aforesaid.
Sixth. Petitioners desire the right to
boy, sell and hold real estate, to borrow
money thereon or each other collateral
a* they may datlre to nee, and to'exe
cute all neoemary laithimonta of writ
ing to evidence the same or to eeonn
the same, and to have all the genera
cowers of corporations a* provided in
the Code of the State of Georgia. .
They desire that -tho per.
g County.
Under and by virtue of an order grant
ed by the Hon. Ordinary of said t ,'oontv
on the first Monday in January, 1004,
will be sold before the Court house door
in the County of Thomas, between the
legal boon of sale, on the first Tuesday
in February, 1004, tlie following de
scribed property to wit: Ail of the saw
mill privileges on 80 sores of land lying
in the northern portion of lot of land
number 001 in tint 13th district of
Thomas County, Georgia. Said prop!
tny being sold as the property of J. W.
Pearee, deceased. Tern: of sale
Mrs. 8. A. Pcuroe,
Administratrix'estate J. W, Pesrce
o cessed. 0-1
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom It may concern:
M. A. Fleetwood, county administra
tor, having mado application to me in
doe form to be appointed permanent
administrator upon the estate of W. R.
Moore, late of said county, notice is
hereby given that said application will
be heard at the regular term of the
oourt of Ordinary for said connty, to be
held on the first Mondayin March, 1904.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, tills 1st day of February, 1904.
Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom it may concern: Var-
nedoe M. Heeth having, in proper form
applied to me for permanent letters of
administration on the estate of N. R.M.
Heeth, late of said connty, this le to cite
ell and singular the credltori and next
of kin, to' be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law, and
thow oaose, if any they can, why per
manent administration should not be
granted to TaraedoeM. Heeth on N.
R. M. Heeth’a estate.
Witness my hand and official signa-
‘ 28th day of Janaary. 1904.
tun. this
Wm. M. Jonas,
Seventh. .
zonal liabilities of the stockholders of
add corporation shall be limited to on-
paid (took subscriptions.
Eighth. Tits principal office of said
proposed corporation will be in the city
of Boston, Said Kate and connty; peti
tioners, however, ask the right to estab
lish branch office* and plaoe* of business
it such points, either in or out of the
state of Georgia, as they may desire.
Wherefore,petitioners pray to be made
% body corporate under the name' and
style aforesaid, entitled to the rights,
'privileges and immunities and subject
to the liabilities fixed by law.
This February eighteen, 1904. ”
> B.M. Comfort,
R. H. Blood,
J. J. logon
W. 0. Snodgrass/! Petitioners.
Petitioners Attorney.
GEORGIA—Thomas County:—
thereby certify that the above and
foregoing is a true and correct copy of
original petition now on file in my office.
Feb. 24, 1904. J. W-Grover
2-20-4 Clerk.
I cheap-*
res, ‘
Sc Sen,
Petition for* Discharge
OEORGIA—Thomas County:
M. A. Fleetwood, administrator upon
the estate of Leon Sauls, late of said
county, deceased, having fil^d hit pe
tition for discharge, this is to dtp all
persons concerned to show cause against
larcb 7tH.
Everybody is invited, and Everybody’s coming—Mothers, Fathers, Brothers and Sis
ters, and fill their cousins. If you want to see them, you come, too.
As good a selection, of the lines we sell, as we have ever shown. Pretty, Serviceable,
Seasonable goods, Attractively Priced for V ,
Road Citation.
And Churns
Stockton, Qa.
Wo mannfnctnro this claaa of goods
1 can supply you promptly and can
tare you money.
Registration Notice.
1 will heat the following place# on
dhto* named, for , the purpose of
registering the legal rotor* of the coun
ty. All of thoee registering when they
paid their n™ for the year 1908, are
legally registered for the elections of
thleyear:-,. •;
Duncanville. Monday, March 14.
Boston, Tuesday, March lit.
Glasgow, Wednesday, March IS.
Oooltdge, Thursday, March IT.
Meigs, Friday, March 18.
Merrillville, Monday, March 91 a. m.
Patten, Monday, March >1 p. m.
Pare, Tuesday, March 22.
Ochlockoues, Wednesday, March 88.
Spence, Thursday, March *4 a. m.
Renter. Singletary's store Thursday,
March 24 p. m.
Cairo, Friday, Marches p. m.
-Cairo, Saturday, March 98 a. m.
Metcalfe, Mouday, March 28.
ThomasrUlc, March 81at to April 9th.
P. S. Hectli,
dwtd. T. O. and Registrar
A petition having been filed by W.
. Yvhite, C. R. SaKer and others of the
Meigs district asking for the establish
nent cf a public road from I. M. l'il
her’s place intersecting the Cairo and
Vlcigs road nest J. W. Hall’s, said peti-
ion having been acted upon favorabl)
>y Road Commissioners of Meigs dis-
rict, notice is hereby given that thi
-'ontmissioners of Roads and Kevenne
if Thoms-county will pass upon aaio
petition at the next regular meeting in
April loot.
E/M. Smith,
3.364 . Chairman.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom it may concern:
James M. Rnshln having in proper
form applied to motor permanent let
ter* of^admlnistration on the estate of
Fannie M. Groover, late of Mid comity,
this is to oita all and singular, tho cred
itors and next of kin of Fannie U. Groo
ver, to be and appear at my office on
the first Monday in April next, and
thow oanae If any they can, why perma
nent administration should not te grant
ed to James M. Ruthin on FaunieM.
Groover's estate. Witness my hand
and official .rignaturo. This the 19th.
day of February 1904.
Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
day in April looi.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA— 1 fhomat County*
M. A. Fleetwood, Administrator upon
estate of George W. Larey, late of
said connty. deceased, having filed hit
petition for discharge, this to cite all
persons concerned to show cause against
the * L: - J1 — l *— -* *’
regulwis evstn u. Ike 4VMII VI VAAUIIIMrjr
for said county to be held on the first
Monday in April 1004.
wm. mTjones
i. Ordinary.
GEOROIA—Thomas County.
By virtue of an order of tho court _
Ordinary of said county, will bo Ibid at
public outcry on tho first Tuesday in
March, HUM, at the court houso in
Thomnsvlllo, said county, betweeu tho
legal hours of sale, the following real
ostato to-wit: Hurt of lot of land num
ber 890, in the ejtlr district of said
county, containing thirty-fight (88/
aorcs of land, more or less, and lot of
blacksmith's tools. Terms cash.
M. A. Fleetwood,
■S-4 Admr/Peter Lacy
OEORGIA—Thomas County,
To all whom It may concern:
M. \ Fleetwood, having mado at
cation Id me in duo form to be appo
ed guardian of the person and property
of Jennie Dunlap, notice Is Mleby given
that said application will be heard 'at
the regular term of the oourt of Ordina-
r of Mid county, to he held on tire 1st
ionday in Marsh, 1904.
Witness my hand and official signs
tore tills the 1st day of Feb., 1904.
Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
Road ^Citation.
A petition for the establishment of
public road filed with the Commission-
ersby J. B. Allegood, T. A. Dekle and
others running from W. W. Dekles to
John Folsoms, said petition having been
„ a ^1 . Jonn roisoras, said petition having been
Petition for Discharge- published and acted upon favorably by
r - Road Commissioners 01 that district the
Lawns, Ginghams’ Etc.
28 (n. Batiste Lawns, all combinations of colors,
worth 7oyd; Opening Sale Price yd.... 5o
Fancy figured Lawns, yd ,
IOC Lawns, w* have taken lots of tremble in gettihg up
this line of goods, and In it you'll find Lace Stripes, Sat
in Stripes, Batistes, etc , worth up to ISc yd., all
goes during opening, yd 10o
27in. StripedMudnaGinghams, yd...... —7o
88 in. Stripe Madras Ginghams, worth 18j-c yd. any
where, we out the price to yd —. 10c Extra Flue colored striped shirting Madras*
15c goods, an auction purchase, for sale, yd lie
40 in. White Lawns, yd —Bo
Extra quality"40 inch White Lawns, worth up to
20c yd., butjeomes in small pieces at, yd lOo
40 Inch Colored Lavras, at yd 10c
P. K’l., 80 inch good quality wlilte cord P. K. You
can'fget It elsewhere at tho price; yd...... 10c
Mercerize! Madras, Etc:
Ton'll find wlrat you want in these and at an aveiago
saving of 90p*r cent, on any body else’* prices. •
Embroideries and Laces.
Our Vnl Laces wifi be here on time. Embroideries may be
a few days late, but we expect main'aln our reputation
as Bargain Given in this lit* o good*.
SPECIAL. Aboot 500 Dozen, cotton wash laces, worth
op ta 15c yd., Specially Priced this sale, yd Bo
Wo can unit yon in a writ for Eastor. Men's
Wool Crash coat and pants suit, Specially Pricedl. .$1.85
FANCY FLANNELL coat and pants suits, worth
$5.00, if yon bny during sale yon get it for suit... V$U9
B'ue S-rg Suits, coat, vest and pants, coat un-\
lined, pants with belt straps, woith $5.00; OpeuA-
r Sale Pr ~
woi th $5.0
ing Sale Price, suit.....t.... !.. .$3.49
Men’s Summer Pants 49c to $i 87
(AU latest clothes and correct cut.)
* Shoes, Oxford?, Etc,
Not space to specialize, but if you are looking for honest
treatment and your money's worth of shoe leather,
You Can’t Afford to Pass Us By.
For Out of Town Customers.
^Receivers Sale.
By virtue of an order of the Judge of
the Superior Court, I will sell before the
I House door in Moultrie, Ga. dor-
legal hour* of aale. on’Saturday allowed by law, and show cause, if any
12th. 1804. thirteen (18) mnlw. they can, why administration de boms
- — non should not be granted to Vamedoe
M, Heeth on Mrs. L. J. Hceih'a'estate.
GEORGIA—Thomas Connty.
To all whom it may ooooern:
W. W. (Alexander, administrator on
the estate of J. R. Alexander, Into of
•aid ooonty, deceased, having, filed his
petition for discharge, this is to cite all
persons couoerned to thow canto against
the granting of this discharge at the
regular term of the oourt of Ordinary
Tor said county to beheld on the first
Monday In April 1904. 8-4 4.
Wn. M. Jones. Ordinary.
GEORG4A—Thomai Countv.
To all whom it may concern: Varne-
doe M. Heeth having, in proper form,
applied to me for letters of administra
tion de bonis non on the estate of .Mrs. I..
J. Heeth, late of said county, this is to
cite nil and singular the creditors and
next of kin oi Mis. L. J. Heeth to be
Oommisaioners of Roads and Rev
enue will pass upon said petition at their
regular meeting in April 1004.
, E M/,Smith,
3-26-4 Chairman.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
M, A. Connell having made applica
tion for twelve month'* rapport ont of
the estate of W. T. Connell, And ap
praisers duly appointed to set apart the
same, having filed tlteir return. All per
sons concerned are hereby required to
show oanee before the court of Ordinary
of said county on the first Mol,day In
March 1904, why,»idapplication should
not be granted.
This Jan. 14th 1904.
1-80-4 Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
.... (18)
AU bids subject to con-
i by the court-
R. E. Plowden
r fee Baker and HU1. d&vrlt.
>IA—Thouxs County
I whom it May concern:
havingapiJiod for gar-
> perega' and property of
ett and Annie May Jar-
i of Ida M. Jarrett.
, deceased, no'ioe is
swill be heard
t a. m. on the
'Hilt Feb-
Witness my hand and official signa-
28th day of lanuirv, 1904.
Wm. M. IONES, Ordinary.
tore, this
OEORQIA—Thomas County.
J. H. Merrill, Executor of the Estate
of Artlmr Fatten, Into of said connty
deceased, having filed, his petition for
Discharge, this is to cite all persons
concerned to show cause against the
granting of thi, discharge at the regu
lar term of th*. Court of Ordinary for
said county hellion tho first Monday in
Wm. M. Jonos, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Ordinary’s Oourt, Feb. 1st, 1901,
Mrs. V. A. Dixon having made appli-
oatlsn for twelve month’s rapport ont
of the estate of J. B. Dixon and apprais
ers duly appointed to set spurt the ram*
having filed their returns. All persons
oonceraed are hereby required to allow
cause before the oourt of Ordinary of
said county, on - the first Monday In
March, 1904, why said application should
not be granted This R*. 1, 1904. .
Wm. M- Jonm. Ordli ary.
Road Citation.
A petition liaving been filed by Ira J.
Simms, Redfearn, and others and pub
lished praying for the establisliment of
a public road and said petition having
been referred to Road Commissioner* or
Favo district and they having reported
favorably on same,notice ia hereby given
that the commissioners of Roe da and
Re venae for. Tbonui« ooonty wlU pass
.upon mid petition at tlteir regular meet
ing in April, 1908. E. M Smith,
We Beg you to Com'e, We Expect you
And if you Don't, You'll Regret it.
Starke Corner, Thomasville,. Ga3