Newspaper Page Text
Holds Mooting—Schoo Matters Dls>
ousted—Sslsrloe Fixed.
Young Man Well Known Here Killed
In Street Duel.
Two Got Away From Convict Camp
v Monday.
Failed to Bottle Up Port Arthur
But Sink Russian Vessel.
For Infanta and Children.
^Vegetable Pr cpatalionfor As-
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-
ness and Rest.Contains neither
(Mum,Morphine nor Mineral.
Not "Narcotic.
Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Lo89 of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Relieve* Instantly or Money Refunded.
And all Throat Inflammations. It Cools.
It Soothes. It Cures.
Sold only la 35c., 50c. & $1.00 Bottles. At all food Druggists
Correspondence Solicited, and Samples mailed to any
KALOLA COMPANY, Manufacturer*. S A
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
The 6-oent packet It enough for n
ogasioiu. Tlie family bottlo [80
oontalns a (apply fora year.*. AU d
gists tell them.
It purifies the blood by eliminating the
waste matter and other impurities and by
destroying the germs or microbes that
Infest the blood. It builds up the blood
by restoring and multiplying the red cor
puscles, making the blood rich and red.
It restores and stimulate* the nerves,
causing s full free flow of nerve force
throughout the entire nerve system. It
speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous
ness, nervous prostration and all diseases
of the nervous system.
R YD ALES TONIC i. a specific for .11
forms of Malaria. It acta on a new prin
ciple. It kill, the microbe, that produce
Malaria. • The cause being removed the
disease quickly disappears. R YD ALES
TONIC Is guaranteed to cure the most
obstinate rasee of Malarial Fever, Chills
and Fever, Ague, etc. We 'authorize all
dealers Handling our remedies to refund
the purchase price for every bottle of
RYDALES TONIC that doe. not give
Till, is not a gentle wor
yon think bow liable yot
pnrehase the only, remedj
known and a remedy that I
largest sale of any med
world since 1888 for the on
meat of Consumption and
Lung troubles without los
popularity all then yean.
Parker Holmes, !
Ohnich South, Hi
Rev. Parker Holmes, Pastor of the 1st '
M. E. Ohnich South, Hickory, N. 0., Adjudged Insane,
says; “X have need Rydales Stomach ... „. , _
* * * *— * *'w 11 i rpgRrd thflm A colored woman named IS
m a perfect remedy for this disease. I uie Bush was tried before a Ii
take pleasure in recommending them ,,
to all sufferers lrsm indigestion. Use ®y commission m ordina
Rydales Stomach Tablet.' for your -court Thursday and adjudged
stomach trouble and yon will Join Dr. a . . . 8
flffimw in this strong endorsement. sane* one will be sent to
These tablet, willdigert the food yonr asylum.
weak stomach cannot, a»d thus nourish J ■ - ■
tiie body and]prevent the partial starra- Mr. J. W. Britton, of Thon
villa a. ... aimnlakinv am
Tablets for indigestion and
* Tokio, Fab. 27.—An official re
port from Vice Admiral Kami-
mum says that last Tuesday five
merchantmen were sunk near the
entrance to the harbor of Port Ar
thur by their own crows to block
the entrauce, which afterward
proved not . successful in
blocking. The crews escaped
safely. Afterward the hafbor was
bombarded and one Russian tor
pedo boat was sunk.
Holds Annual Meeting and ElsetaOf-
fleers and Governors.
The annual meeting of the
Country Club was held Monday.
There are twelve members ot. the
Board of Governors four of whom
are elected each year for a term
of three years. Messrs. J. C.
Straw-bridge, li. H. Wright, H.
W. Hopki»s and 8. J. Drake were
chosen yesterday for the ensuing
term of three years. The officers
are elected annually. Those who
will serve during the coming year
are as follows;
President Justus C. Strawbridge
Vice President Clias. M. Chapin
Treasurer B. H. Wrigh.tSecretnry
H. W. Hopkins./
The institution is oue in which
Thomasville takes a great interest.
Its golf links, shooting traps and
grounds are among the finest in
the south and all will be pleasod
to learn that it is in a. flourishing
Two convicts made their escape
fpoin the camp at Coolidge Mon
day . morning. The . men took
flight just before day break. Their
absence was soon discovered and
the Messrs. Bell, the convict les
sees, immediately 1 put men and
dogs on their trail.
The two men were Will Madison
and Tom Brown. The latter had
less than 2 months to serve but
could not bide his time for re.
lease.' He was captured four
miles north of the camp aud made
a desperate resistance. He
fought fiercely and did not sur
render until he wsb wounded He
was shot through the thigh by a
Winchester, but is not seriously
hurt and will recover.
The other negro. Will Madison,
struck off towards Moultrie aud at
a late hour Monday night had not
been removed though men and
dogs tyo on his track. He is a
bad negro and goes under the alias
of the ‘‘Alabama Kid.” He is
one of the men who escaped from
the Thomas comity jail a few
weeks ago. He was serviug a ten
mouths sentence and had been at
the camp less than a month.
These escapes were the first made
from the camp since its establish
ment. ■
Ct.pL e. M. Smith.
In this jhsue will be found tbo
announce/uent of Oapt. E. M.
Smith, who announces his candi
dacy for/re-election In the office
of commissioner of rnndB and re-
veuues/of Thomas county.
Thomas oounty has never had
, a motp faithful and efficient puli-
vant than county commis
sioner E. M. Smith. He is well
known throughout the county fis
an able financier, a wise counselor
and a high-toned Christian gentle
man. Hid past services have been
such that he will h irdly have any
When a man has lost his grip, on the
affairs of life, feels incapable of perform-,
iu g the ordinary duties that business
requires, Body languid, brain dull.
His User is ont of order, Rydalee Liver
Tablete are whet he needs. One dose
usually will, two always will restore
normal condition of body and mind, and
fit a man for the dories and pleasures
of life again. Bydale# Liver; TnUets are
easy to take, pleasant in effect, satisfac- j Chicago and the west may jnstly be
The Illinois Life Insurance Company.
The Illinois Life ■ Insurance
Company is spoken of as follows
in “The Spectator.” This is the
leading life insurance magazine
of the country and is published
at New York. It says;
“The Illinois Life Iusnmuce Com
pany’s statement, issued early in Janu
ary, is tho record of another highly suc
cessful year for this young Western in
stitution. Tho results of tho business
during 1808 should be very gratifying
to tlie company's polioyholders, agents,
and to tlie management. Daring tlie
year the company increased its insur
ance in fierce to 186,500,000, and it paid
to beneficiaries and polioyholdert. in the
way of dividends, annuities, cash bene
fits and endowments, $780,000, mean
while inoreadng its net admitted assets
by almost $1,000,000. The fact that not
withstanding the large increase in poll-
oy reserve liability a gain was made in
aorplns of over fifteen per cent of the
increase in liability, is especially note
worthy and commendable. Tlie sclied-
nle of the company’s net admitted as
sets of *.’.,015,058 shows weU-distribnted
investments. The broad and progres
sive spirit that in a comparatively few
years made Chicago one of tlie great
cities of the world seems to permeate
the management and agenoy force of
this typical Western company, and to
be making of it an institution of which
Baiubridge was the scene of an
awful tragedy .Saturday morning
which resulted in the death of Mr,
Joliu Hunter and the wounding of
Mr. Mercer Baggs. The two young
men'had been partners iu the
furniture business, but had dis :
solved partnership. There was
some difficulty about the settle
ment of accounts and it was known
that bad blood existed between
the two men, but no one expected
a tragedy.
The two met just in front of the
old court house square on Broad
street, and without notice to any
one began firing at each other,
,Iu all eleven shots were fired
both pistols being emptied and
when the smoke cleared away
Hunter was found upou the ground
dying and Baggs seriously wound
ed by a bullet in the arm and
Hunter was shot in the breast
and groin, four bullets taking ef
fect, death issuing almost instant
ly, or as soon as he could, be mov
ed to his room ot the Bon Air.
Boggs was shot in the uock and
arm. The former is a flesh wound
and the latter' painful but not
Both young men were well
known here Hunter was an am
ateur ball player aud had ofton
played iu Thomasville. His re
mains were met hero on the 2:15
p. in. train by his father Dr. Hun
ter of Qnitmnn and Mr. M. Baum
He was buried in Quitmipi Sun
The Board of Education of
Thomas county held an important
meetiug in the office of Comity
School Commissioner, K. T. Me
Lean Saturday morning at ten
County Sohool Commissioner
K. T. Maclean was re-elected for
four years. Capt. Maclean has
served iu this capaeity for nearly
18 years, rendering always satis,
factory and praiseworthy service.
The entire board was present
and considerable important busi
ness relative to the public schools
was transacted. The amount to
be npropriated to the schools was
fixed, and aid was extended to
several weak schools that are just
being organized.
A report from some of the
schools showed that the average
attendance is larger than last
Mr. Wltherlngton's Condition.
Reports Saturday night from the
bedside of Mr. Bob Witherington
Patient Doing Well.
Mr. William J. Jarrard, who
was so badly injured on the rail*
road Wednesday evening is doing
well at the City Hospital here. He
stood the shock of amputation of
his left leg well. His right foot
was split open bat gives promise
of healing. His brother L. M
Jarrard is here from Albauy and
is with him.
The yonng man it a son of Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. Jarrard of Al
bany. The Albany Herald says
of him:
Mr. Jarrard suffered an attack of fe
ver several months ago which left him
inawtak mental and physical condition,
He grew tired of Albany and decided
to go to Thomainrille. In vain did his
people try to dissuade him from Ms
proposed trip, but in spite of their pre
cautions he succeeded in getting some
money and started for time city yester
day afternoon."
tbry in results, economical, 50 chocolate i .
coated tablets in a convent mi box, 25c. I P ron “
J. W. Peacock | K. T. Maclean of Thomasville
ip general ageut for this company,
Pelbatn, Ga. Feb. 27, 1904.—
(Speoial to the Times-Enterprise.)
»—In the prohibition election here
today Mitchell county went wet
by a majority of thirty.
It is probable that a dispensary
system will be established* The
county has beeu dry for four years.
Naina Changed.
At a meeting of directors yes
terday morning it was decided to
change the name of the Vashti
Blasingame Industrial Home. This
name was considered too long and
in the future it will be known as
the Vashti Home.
Notice to Debtors.
All acoonntt and notes due Groover,
Singleton & Co., at Ochlockonee have
been put in my hands for collection. I
am authorized to say that prompt set
tlement is demanded. Further expense
to yon will thus be saved.
P.P. Dixon, J. P.
Ochlockonee, Ga. 8-4-2.
gold wave coming.
If yon have Rydales Elixir in the
honfe when a cold wave is ooming, yon
nead not fear attacks of Bronchitis
Pneumonia, Cough, Cold* elm Rydales
wu«<y taken when attack^ bejina^r
He has a large territory and de
sires to secure a number of
Valuable Book Froo.
If any reader of this paper will
send a two centptamp to pay for
postage to The N. K. Fair bank
Company. Department 625 Chi
cago, 111., he will receive by re
turn mail, free of all charge,
copy of “Heme Helps,” a valu-
e book edited by Mrs. Sarah
Tyson Borer, the famous authori
ty on cooking, and which contain*
800 choice recipes originated by
the most noted ;cooks in the land.
MumfOrd'a Band Coming.
The Boys Band from the Mum-
ford Orphanage who pleased a
large audience here last fall are
coming again on March twelfth.
They are now touting Florida.
Rev. Mumford offers a gold watch
to the little girl selling the most
Flro at Klngwood.
Monltrie, Ga., Fed. 26.—Tho big
supply store of Finch, Hum
phreys & Co., at Kingwood was
destroyed by fire last night.
Nearly all the contents of ' the
store were lost, They earned a
$15,000 stock and were insnred
in the Aetna for (8,000, The
postoffioe, which was Id the same
building, was also burned.
Vagrants Will Work.
Three white tramps went to the
convict camp at Coolidge Thurs
day to serve sentences of three
months each. Two wero arrested
at Boston aud one here. "They
were suspected of beiug the meu
who robbed J. W. Horne’s safe at
Metcalfe. They were able to prove
an alibi as to this charge but plead
S iiltv to vagrancy befofie Judge
an jell, and are now at work.
Tho Baptist Masting,
The Baptist meetings now in
progress are proving Very success
ful. Rev. Alex W. Sealer states
that the attenaance has been lurg.
er than ever before known at
the ohurch. Meetings are held
twice daily, from i.9:80 to 1080 a.
m. and at 7:80 p, m. At yester
day morning’s meeting the house
was crowded. Among the congre
gation were the members of Stan
ley’s Business College who
attended in a body. Mr. W
D. Upshaw is assisting thy pastor
in the meetings.
iudicate that ho will recover from
the injuries received Friday even
ing, though he ib in a serious con
dition. His priycipal injuries
seem to be about the head, aud
his physician fears concussion of
the brain. He has. not yet re
gained full consciousness. There
Booms to lie some doubt as to how
ho was hurt. Tho leader of the
drove of mules claims that Mr.
Witherington was on the oppo
site side of the [street, while wit-
nesoB say that the leader’e horse
knocked him from his wheel.
Enjoyad Good Sport.
Mr. S. J. Drakej’of New Yorjt
is one of the best known visitors
to the city and has been coming
here for many years. A Times-
Enterprise reporter inquired for
him at the Piney Woods Hotel
the other afternoon and., learned
that he was ont of the city. He
was one of a party of four gentle
men who enjoyed a few days
shooting at the plantation of Mr.
Daniel* Hebard. In the party
were Mr. Hebard of St. Louis,
Judge H. W. Hopkins, Mr. Drake
and Mr. Daniel Hebard.^Tbey
report a splendid time and good
sport. One of the great {attrac
tions of Thomasville is the num
ber of hospitable homos audjjflne
shooting preserves near the city.
Japanese Sugar Cans
Japanese sugar oane is finding
its way into Thomas couuty.'JJIt
is something new but has been
triedin Florida for some years.
It is said that one planting of this
cane lasts a life time. It is small
er than our Georgia {cane, but is
said to yield quite as much syrnp.
Mr. E. R. Whaley brought a few
stalks to town yesterday and quite
a number of gentlemen inspected
8ix Davs an 1 Eat Anr-hir e You Wan.”
(Oryitallzed Mineral Water.)
Positively Cures Stomach Troubles,
; Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspeps
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Troubl
Mrs. Spain Dead.
The funeral of Mrs. F. J. Spain
who died Sunday took place in
Quitman yesterday. She bad
been in ill , health for several
months and her death was.not un
She was prominently connect
ed throughout South'Georgia and
left a husband,two sons and three
daughters. Mrs. Spain was well
known iu Thomasville and has
many friends here who will sor-
row at her demise.
Among the prominent railroad
men iu the city Thursday were
Mr. W. P. Gloverof Valdosta and
Mr. E. fi. Clark of Albany.
Adjudged Inaana.
A colored woman named Nan
nie Bash was tried before a luna
cy commission in ordinary’s