Newspaper Page Text
Take Advantage of
M. W.Govington, a former ren
der, t of this state and county, but
now of Jefferson county Fla., vis
ited his sister, Mrs. - J. A. Horn of
this city lest Thursday.
Judge Mills, the dispens*! 1 ' of
justice in the Pavo district, was
transacting business in our burg
last Friday.
Mrs. Dyal and grandchild, Wil
ma Smith of Madison Fla., are
visiting the family of Dr. H. A.
Mr. Oarson Adams of Jasper
and both on good digestion. How can you expect digestible food to bS
made from a product obtained from swine ? It Isn’t reasonable to expect
And yet many people keep on using lard—an enemy of good digestion-
through ignorance of something better. It doesn’t pay. Your stomach Is
your best friend, and t’will ba a sorry day for you whan it goat back on you.
Eia., hss been visiting his daugh
ter, Mrs. B. L. Lewis of this city,
also his daughter, Mrs. H. F T.
Cone - Who lives near Auticch
Mr. Tim Brine and wife of
Tallokas, Brooks county, visited
our city last weok.
Geo, M. Dekle and family of
Ozell Ga, spout lsst Sunday iu
lloston.iho guests of Mr. aud Mrs
J. C 4 Neel.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo S. McAlpin
of New York are stopping iu our
city the guest of Mrs. J. T. Rogers
at her hbme ou Stephens street.
William Pray ot Boston Mass.,
who has been a yearly visitor to
our oity for several years has been
here this week, the guest of Hotel
Ruby. Brother Pray is always
welcome to Boston’s hospitality.
Our new mayor, W. 7, Brantley,
presides over his courts like a vet-
ornn, and when an offender is
brought before his honor and the
he can suy
Circulation 3,350.
1 collectors ware Marching around
ShrtBBJwrfcoi-Lort&wwfifc ^
Csttolsns Is the product which will set you right. It Is the beet and
purest frying and shortening medium in the world—far superior to lard Of
cooking butter, it contains nothing but refined vegetable oil, with just
enough choice beef cuet added to give proper consistency. Cottolene le a
vegetable, not an animal product v
For your stomach’s sake, use Cottolene for cooking. . You'll never go
back to lard. Cottolene is never told in bulk—it comes only in sealed
white tin pails with red label and band. In the centar of tbo label ie our
trade mark—a steer's head in cotton plant wreath.
Any up-to-date grocer can supply you with Cottolene. Ask today.
USX fj LESS. Cottolene being richer than aithar lard or cooking
butter, one-third lest It required.
FREE SSffl ‘sSrcMSi
from tbs country's noted cooks. -
Mods only by THE n"g, fAIRBXNK COMPACT, Dept 626 Chicago. e
a long bill.
ivnwhen propairing for
i bird aenaon ie drawing to a close
10 fish are beginning to bite.
1 primary means that some
idatef will be April fooled.'
Senator Baoou has sounded the {trait*
1 of Georgia made syrup as the best
1 purest in the world.
The Macon News says that in spite of
the foot that this is leap year no one
will leap into the arena to oppose Gov.
oruor Terrell,
A Kansas liquor
evidence justifies, it,
floWtd cost or 20 days hard
labor on the street so compla
A. G. Steed of Brooks county
advertisement con
tains the words “not a eroM Word In a
hundred barrels.” Mast be almost ns
mild - ns South Georgia syrup.
A man who begins to Investigate ’the
advantages of Sooth Georgia ie a citizen
half-secured. Thomasvillo ought to
have some way of folly informing pros
pec tire investors. \
If Presented Before March 8th.
Ga., whither he gets to take the
management of a paper published
nt said place.
Wo wore pleased to m?ot in our
sauotum, Mr. Wilson M. Hardy,
one of the editors of the Times*
Enterprise, who Was oalled to
Boston on business last Wednes
day Come again and often.
lYr. R. A! Shine, of Tallahassee,
Fla., who has bem spending
some days in our city tho guest of
his father-in-law, W. M. Brooks,
left for hts home last Tuesday.
Miss Clara McElveen, of Camil
la, Ga., who has been visiting
Rev. H. C. Jonos and family at
their home on Stephens street,:
New Sarlsl Story.
L great many people like to read a
id serial story. To snoh we would
read the opening chapters of “Hold-
mrtt Hall” it). this iisae. Yon will
1 it interesting from the vo,y flist
I It is with the greatest priiln that tho
Tlmes-Eatoprise calls attention to tho
affidavit of postmaster Di.-iniiko to he
[ found on tho front page. ( -
Tito figures allowing an increased
mallagc ot more than six times iu two
yean were so astonndiug Hint wo dared
. «not present them without tho signature,
of tho postmaster. Figures when fol
lowed by an affidavit of this kind n:e
facta, and fncts can uot lie.
Tho Si pounds of mail matter record
ed iu February 100) represent acirccla-
B tiou of ehoat J00. four page papers. The
Sit pounds recorded iu February loot
represent one issue of a twelve pugo pa
per lutvlug a sworn circulation of WC5.
Thin enormous increase is a hotter in
dication than almost ally tiling else could
* be of the enormous growth of both
Thomas county aud tho Timef Entcr-
: Vpriae;
K XhoinaovtUo people as well as ti c
■Misu of the comity, should not fuil
HH to appreciate the advantage ot thoir bo-
H uto with each
ommon mouth
sally every fnm-
rhouiasviUo in
thoir command
ie people 'that
ingers to their,
king man can
1 be catered .to,
in the town
Imt they want
liants do want
W this wish by
e public prints,
Official Paper ofTbomas County
Spring ?
And the Good Weather to buy a
Or some other piece of harvesting
machinery. Don t <* ait until summer
when you will have wasted your time
with worn out Machinery v \
I have just taken up the machinery
business. Come and see my
Plano Machines
at my stables in Boston, Ga.
“In the Spring a farmer’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of”
I handle every kind of hardware tlmt a
Farmer Heeds.
Watch this space for bargains,.
1 Cut it out and bring it to -us
j " """" 7 of Any to f
g If presented before March 8th, 1904, to |
| Boston, Ga. 5
g o
Wo are glad to report Mr. \V.
R. Brantley, who hat been quite
ick at hiu residence in North
Bouton ns convalescing.
Owing to press of business, this ItoHoltoltoKottoKoltoltottoRoKottoktostoitoitoitowoitoitoitoStoKowosto.M
scribe Ims not been able to give
his weekly report ou the mutri-
ntonittl status -if Boston, though
he thinks tlmt there are no Hue-
tuatious since his last budget. If
so, Itis “fair” reporter lias failed
to advise him.
Miss lieltie Stattnlaud, of Edge-
wood, a suburb of North Boston,
and Miss Wessie Ansley, of this
city, spent last Sunday with the
latters mother at her home in the
Prospect neighborhood.
Boston’s artificial - gas aided by
her natural product, is lighting
up the dark places of our city aud
it wout be long ere we can smile
at Deacon Rockefeller's IT cent
kerossne. Likely the deacon will
quit endowing negro colleges after,
awhile aud then we cun look for
Mrs. Maggie L. Wade visit, d
the county’s oapitol this tveok,
For Iafants and Children.
Tba Kind You Han Always Bought
A Boston Offer
Tho Boeton Mercantile Co. are mak
ing a most unusual offer. They outer
the Times-Euterprise columns this week
for tho tint time aud in their space ii
found a coupon. As many of these cou
pons as are presented to them before
March 8th will bo redeemed nt twenty
five cents each in merchandise, tho
j merchandise to be made up of anything
in their line of hardware, dry goods etc.
The Bostou Mercantile Co. arc hust
How badly is the course of life ad*
justea that where sweet roses bloom
there thorns abound. The beauteous
spring time brings the shapeless Pan-
Boston Advertisers.
In this issue of the Times-Enterprise
are to be found the Advertisements of
the Comfort Trading^Co. the Boston
Mercantile Co. Jno. G. Burney and B.
H. Foy all 0# Boston. These* are lead
ing business concerns of Boston, and
their advertisements will be well worthy
of close examination. The Boston cir
culation of tho Times-Enterprise has*
increased so much lately that hustling
merchants can not afford not to be re
presented in it.
Tlioronghbrcd Leghorn Eggs, 51.00
ter retting. Can fill orders by express.
1-4. E. Leon Neel, Boeton, Ga,
Ho! For Bargains
Look at These Comfort Prices:
r ;
25 Overcoats worth ^ 44.00 at $2.10
, r 7 Overcoats worth..... ' 5.00 at 2.90
3 Overcoats worth ...* 12.50 at 8.40
13 Suit* worth , .* 77- 0.00 at 4.32
28 Suits worth .. ^ 13 50 at 9.00
10 Suits worth 15.00 all 1.40
8 Suits worth 18.00 at 12.00
20 Pairs Pants worth 4.00 a t 3,00
19 Pairs Pants worth 5.00 a t 8.00
9 Five Tooth 1 Horse Cultivators worth../. 5.00 at 2.90
4 Five Tooth 1 Horse Cultivotors with sweep attachments.. .7.00 at 4.38
8 Fourteen Tooth l Ilorto Cultivator . 5,50 at 3.00
4 Fbnrteeu Tooth 1 Horse Cultivators, lever attachment 8.00 at 3.00
8 Two Horse 4 Shovel Cultivators worth /f .40.00 at 30.60
3 Two Horso 4 Shovel Cultivators worth ....26.00at 18.60
Open Bagioi from .....* . 32.00 up....
Top Buggies from 45.00 up....
Snrries from 70.00up....
86 10 lb. Caddies Sweet Pea Tobacco worth 3.80 at 2.g0
89 101b. Daddies Cherry Bed Tobacco worth 4.00 at 3.15
32 Caddies “Cinch” Tobacco worth .* 3.90 at 3.05
365 yards Embroidery worth 7 l-2c at ^5
290 yards Embroidery worth, 9c at 7c
266 yards Embroidery worth 12 l-3c at 0
939 yards Emtrn i lery worth ....» 15c at ! 1
495 yards Embroidery worth.. .-. 20c at 15
55 pairs Shoes worth. .• 4.00 at 3.12
58 pairs Shoes worth 3.00 at 2.52
99 pairs Shoes worth 2.50 at 1.92 J.
137 pain Shoes worth 2.00 at 1.48
92 pairs Shoes worth 1 GO at 1.25 -
55 pain Shoes worth 140 at ^18
17 pairs Shoes worth 1.23 at og
With every 25c Cash Purchase you get a ticket en
titling you to a change at the handsome Runabout Buggy
which we will GIVE AWAY to our customers on March
Comfort Trading Co.,