Newspaper Page Text
Life Insurance Issued and Paid for during 1903 including )
Ordinary Insurance ($102, 822,648, over j
Assets, end of ^903, over - • - . -
Income, during 1903, over - -
Paid Policyholders, during 1903, over -
Surplus, end of 1903, over - - - / -
Number of Policies in Force (5,447,307), over
Increase in Paid-For Insurance in Force, over
John f. Dnvden. PiwM«nt.
Issue D. Ward. Edga« B.Wabd.
Vice rieridrnt. *d \ ice Ptei
Forrest F. Dryden, *1 l“re»Uent.
Edward Kanouse. t. C E. Blanchard,
Wilbur 5. Jo:
Jacob E. Ward,
F. C. Blanchard, sapor
Coward H. II- 1
Edward Gray,
Robert l. -Burpac
Valentine Riker.
Frederic a. Boyle,
Leslie P. Ward.
Assistant SeutUiy.
Willard I. Hamilt
Frederick H. Johnston. Associate Actuary.
Henry Overcnb. George W. Munsick.
Supervisor. Supervli
WM. Perry Watson. Assistant Medical Direct^.
. Frederick L. Hoffman, statistician.
GEORGE H. KIRKPATRICK. Assistant Actuary.
Paid-For Insurance in Firct* over 931 Millions
Total Payments to Policyholders in Twenty-eight Years, over 79 Millions
_ Twenty-eighth Annual Statement
January l> 1904
Bonds and Mortgages,
. 313,138,291 49
Real Estate,
. 12,063,757 29
R.R. Bonds and Stocks (Market Value) 20,862,307 50
Municipal Bonds (Market Value) .
8,428,728 00
U. S. Gov. Bonds (Market Value)
109,500 00
Cash In Banks and Office ....
. 7,610,148 22
Interest and Rents, due and accrued,
488,593 45
Loans on Collateral Securities, . .
• 5,761,775 00
Loans on Policies,
1 1,614,325 08
Premiums Deferred and in course
collection (net),
• *,635,009 41
. $71,712435 44
Reserve on Policies, .......
. >61,410,965 00
All other Liabilities
■ 1,167,445 81
Surplus to Policyholders,
. 10,134,024 63
. I72.7U.435 44
♦ .
Write for
Insurance Company of A_merica
in Thomasville.—- C - H - Smith, General Agents, Ordinary Department, Thomasville, Gi.
Kcprescntatives in 1 nomasviue. E R Black( Mlnage r, Ordinary Department, Prudential Building, Atlanta, Ga.
h6use rosbeo.
And Thl.v.s Taka Fifty-Two Dollara
And Kaya.
The residence of Mr. N. W.
Chism on Walcott street wn* en
tered by robbers on Sunday night
They evidently canto in through a
wiudow and went out through the
door, The family were not
aware that they lmd had'unottlrtf-
al visitors until Monday morn-
Mllaaoflca. OAK HILL SUNDAY SCHOOL SAME ACREAGE Russian Ships In Suez Canal. • Mrs. J. MoR. Williams, of Ma-
TheTunes-Enterprise is in re- o» Su... c.», other “"f 2 ' Egypt, March l.-The con, is the guest of her father,
cei|>t of the Providence, (R* I») Has Been Organized. Watermelons News From Soutn Thomas. RofSiau unttloship ^Oiltibya, the Mr. G T# Stuart.
Daily Journal. The Thomasville piantsd. BasabaliTalk. ~ transport Saratoff and five torpe- £
visitor, who are enjoying spring- . Mr. Willis Quarterman passed do boat destroyers will enter the Hon. J. B. Ronntree was shak-
time sunshine and /lowers will be „ , , through on hie way to Thomas- canal tomorrow. The Russian i»g hands with his host of friend*.
. . Oifr Snnrlfiv Sithonl ivnn orrmn- e*.1 1 4.t.„ . . «*.*.'.•« . . il. -*a_ m n
interested in learning that there
, u ,, r ,^ j-h.i.iuk v.scv vase«■. . O lt r Sunday School was organ- ville last Friday. He relieved the nrmored cruiser Dimtri Donskoi in the city Tuesday. .
, . n . ■ used Inst. Sunday with Rev. T.'C. situation ot a scarc'rtv of green i. oa
" huge t,e g-rge ... the Oat.w s- 8ulJwin * Ill u«.t a, d G. food by presenting us will, a very .m Mr ' A ’ W ’ I^gueoueot thegood
sa river ^Pennsylvania. li e ^ , )avi9 #< ‘ ecref m „ d trcag . fine cabbage. ' •
ice rises thirty feet and extends to • '
, , , *\ „ 11 1 ury. Mr. J. M. Blnckahear, Jr, who
the river s bottom. Huge blocks , •, c .
The Dobson Saw Mill will move ™ ei > «o»fined to th« house
main here for repairs, which will oitiz( /„ 9 of Ochlockoneo wasavis-
probably take a fortnight. tor t0 the oity Tuegday .
of ice as large as houses are car
ried into the Fields near the river.
this, week about two mile's east of with 9iok " e99 ' is out a « ui, ‘’
Rations Shortat PortArthur. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Hatiaw
New York, March 1.—A report are now at San Antonio, Texas.
Suubury. Pa., is in danger of be- Merrillville.
The intrnders took fiftv-two
dollars in money and the k-ys to
Mr. Chism’s store. They did not
however, visit th» store room oil
Sunday night and if they do so
later they will find a warm recep
These burglaries are growing
quite frequent in Thomasville
and the officers are 01. thealertfor
the thieves
Mr. S. M. Beach has sold 276 received from Port Arthur states Mrs. Hanaw wss Mias Steyorman,’
ing wiped otf the map when the Mr . C . H. McKinnon is the ear- * cr " timbered land to Floyd that the town is already short on of this city and her husband spent
. . . . .. . Howell A Co. rations and that the prices of several winters hern.
breadstuff's are exorbitant.
gorge breaks. The paper was sent man we have heard of. He is
by Sir. Tom C. Davenport ot 188 through plnnting watermelons
Fountain St., Providence. He is | low .
a former resident of this bity mid
his friends hero will be glad to
Messrs. C H. McKinnon and was ho I don that day.
Alan Johnson etteuded an enter
Col. T, N. Hopkins and son,
Norman, canto down Saturday. Japanese General
The regular term of Justice Court Staff B oee to Chemulpo, their regular meeting Tuesday
County CommlMlonoro Met.
The county commieaiouerB held
Bllcuuou „„ ■■■■ Paris, March 1-The general ® nd ‘Mooted routine businej
learn that he is not qGite frozen t Jagt Fridav I-arge qua,.titles of guano rfre gtaff of the j apaue3e army ig re . All the members were' present,
up in his northern home. . , P being hauled by the farmers. ported to liave left Japan today Yesterday-was also legal salos day
hut there was no be
sold. *
At Mrs. Meilette'e.
The following party are guests
of Mrs. Mallette, at her home, on
Dawson street.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Peters,
of Chicago; Mrs. Merritt Starr,
Winetka, 111; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Williams, Philadelphia;
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thomas,
Miss Eleanor Tliomas, Miss Alice
Thomas, Minneapolis Miss Mary
Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward K. Putton, Miss Patton,
Or Interest to Colored People.
The rally at St..Thomas A. M
E. church was as follows.
S. S. department
Class Leaders
Trustees -
Stewards -
Volunteer - - -
_ . There are now no cases of any for Chemulpo, Korea.
Everybody that is interested in infeotious digeage in thja district,
our bate ball team will please re- ita o( the re rtg to tho
i>ort at the ball grounds Saturday 0Jn ^ rftr y #
* ogaa evening before the second Sun-
ro no doy in March. c “ ue Panting is now the order
152 00 of the day.
78 00 nr- —. i ... J
At The Plney Woods.
Among the late arrivals at the
Piney Woods are:
The office of the Southern Bell
Mrs. H. J. Patten, Miss Patten, Company is being re-floored and
. ,.,eday. As far as we can as- Evanston, 111; Miss Gale, Detroit, the hello people will have a firm
„ W.° af , e 9 “ r 5{ 6a , rU ‘ 18 certain, the acreage in this dittcict Mich; Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bab- foundation hereafter.
171.00 writing that Mr. Charlie MoKm- wUl not be increaged over that oock / Pittgbar Pa . Mlgg Ha rri
nan is very sick at bis fathers „ n...
of last year. The slump in the gor> Somerset, Pa; W. H. Bose,
Johnstown, Pu; E. H. Hammond, nonneesas a candidate forre-elec-
Mr. John F- Howard.
Mr. Jpbn F. Howard today an-
Miae Viola Wilson is on nn ex- erdor of several would’-be-plaut- nonneesas a candidate forre-elec-
The remstration in the Colored . J o Vlo “' , . q t ers. Babcock, Ga; G. W. Holden, tion to the office of taxYeceiver.
Ihe registration m rne . uoiorea tended vlglt to relatives in Sparks. Springfield, Moss; Mrs. Wm. Mr Howard has served one term •
City Schools is more than ever be- n;■ ° 1 __ _ _ mr. no warn nas servoa oneierm.^ *
fore. The primary department is Death of Mr*. Smith.
packed - - M ”y° A Sm ; lh ' a hi f^ r °-« from 6onth a p* rfec ‘ wm:?; Morn;; SXoTZmmm
March 10th.
When In need of Monuments, Iran
Fencing. Etc., see R. A. Weldon of the
‘ Thomasville Marble Works. Itdw
Chafing Dish Party.
Miss Annie Laurie Fuller enter
tained Saturday night at her home
on Warren street at a delightful
chafing dish party.
The guest of honor was Mies
Alum Owens of Moultrie who is
visiting Miss Fuller.
" The Industrial department of gpe oted lady of Pleasant Grove stranger, is winning golden opin- r pi. KnwVnrW- F F ffimd- ?' •' . , 9 l®?.* *. j
Clay Street Schodl will give a vtemity, died on Jsn. 81st. Her ions by his gentlemanly conduct, f’fCt sll M 'L! legion feel that he w.U be compL
grand money prize entertainment death was caused from Cot,sump- and G,e ^recess he is having J* '£* Xs S228S
Think about it. t ,on. The deceased was 64 years P1 Thomas, Portland, Me; Mrs. A. PP
Bonney, Boston,. Mass; N. P.
Hamlen, Manchester, Ma^s.
T P Rountree for re-election to to her room moBt of the time, she writer t happened, while n—i.
■ i', •_ thiai.. hotelier affliction with fortitude talking to Jim Blackshear, to say "J
the leg . ppe * hud only waited for her summons something about 8-2-2 tuano. Ask Capt. John , riplott came home
suo. As a legislator, Mr. Rom- t0 coma> Hur | ngt - ■ •
tion. The deceased was 64 years
of age. She had only been a resi- Hr. 3, M. Beach made a trip to
Hon. J. B. Rountreo. dent of this county for seven Thomasvillo Tuesday.
The announcement of Hon. years. Although she was confined
■Twould Spoil Thle Story to '
In the Headlines.
words to her Jjm what those figures stands for Tuesday night from Atlanta where " ”
tree rendered most acceptable ser- loved ones were: “I will be with if you want a laoith. he attended the meeting of the tm, “
vice. Heesa man who can be my^father tonight^ 1 14 ‘ “ “ nea
depended tipon always and in ev
ery place. Read his announce
ment. Smith, both of this countv. The who declared for a “sound conser
She is survived by two sons, two
sistere and one brother. Her sons
are Messrs. C. W. and P M.
Democratic Executive Committee.
Mr. J. D. Barrow.
The above named gentleman an-
Captaiu Triplett was one of the 0 f the present
fifteen members of the committee Nrs. John E.
Smith, both of this county. The nouaC e8 his candidacy for re-alec-
funeral services were conducted-., _ L ,_ U L . ;
tunerai services were couaucieu- . , . ~ . . ■ vative candidate.” Six were for Col )9 h
by her pastor, Rev J. P. Swann £ “^Iv hat of conn Cleveland, five for Gorman, four
- ot Pleasant Grove church ot which fills so acceptably— that of coun- _ . , . vToarat throo pneomonia, bnt one of”
- .u ....miiniiw i.« fflimmluiniur. Mr. Rnrmnr ia for Parker, three for Hearst, three P,, , ... ? *
For A Misdemeanor.
Officer Z. E. Norton of Pelham
brought to the Thomasville jail
Monday, Mr. Joe Hancock, .a
Thomas county man, who is
•waiting trial before Judge Han-
sell for a misdemeanor offense.
A Regimental Band.
The Fourth Regiment of Infan
try Georgia States Troops, to she was a member. ty commissioner. Mr. Barrow is told me liow this remedy
which the local military company . The interment was tn (he fsmi- one of the c anty's staunchest <ar ***# Hear,t 0De KgSl?5J2?i~
is attaohed, is likely tp have a ly ,ot ttt th,, plaC0- A Friend citizens and is very popular in the nou-committaL SStUy'ySnk 4
new np-to-date brass band which
will be known as the Fonrth Rogi-
eastern part of Thomas where he Mr. Remer Singletary a
nrna. Ohambeiioin’s
pr dog so great*
The carpenters commenced resides. His past experience and perous country merchant of near icannot
ment Band, with Columbns, as its work Monday on the new post bis natural ability make him ad- Ooblockcnee, was in the city
headquarters. office flooring. mirably fitted for the place. Tuesday. I was.” For
iedv. “Last
To u8o an eighteenth century
an "o'er tree tale.” Hay
pened in a small Virginia I
winter of 1903, it is a story
int. Up to a s
E. Harmon,
tion, Va„ bad no personal kno
the rare enrativep '