Newspaper Page Text
The Remarkable Experience of a
Prominent Statesman—Congress
man Meekison Gives Pe-ru-na
a High Endorsement.
Congressman Mceklsoh of Ohio.
Hon. David Meekison is well known
not only in his own State, but through*
out America. He was elected to the
Fifty-fifth Congress by a very large
majority, and is the aeknowledgedleader
of his party in his section of the State.
Only one flaw marred the otherwise
complete sac&es of this rising states*
man. Catarrh with its insidious ap
proach and tenacious grasp, was his
only unconquered foe. For thirty yeo?s
he waged unsuccessful warfare against
this personal enemy. At last Peruna
came to the rescue. He writes s
“ I have used several bottles of Pc*
rt:r.a and I feel greatly benefited there•
by from my catarrh fmjbe head. 1
ted encouraged to be I lie that iff use
U a short time longer I umil be fully able
to eradicate the dlseasebf thirty years 9
standing. 9 *—David Mecjklson, Member
of Congress. f -
J* you do not derive prompt and satis*
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at onco to J)r. Hr.rtman, giving a
full statement of your case and lio will
» isod to give yon his valuable ad-
Address Dr. TIartman, President of
The Hartman Kan tai lum, Columbus.
Ohio*. } *
Ask your Druggist for a IS04
Peruna Almanac free.
* If It Is
You Need v
We Have Them
We guarantee our goods to
be fresh aud of the highest
quality. Our salesmen are
ever ready to serve you
whether your order be small
or large.
If you are not already our
customer, try us.
(. B.
'Plione "5-2. \ 108 E. Jackson St
I have a few more bushels of Cdl
Reddiug’s famous Schley Cotton Seed
than l shall plant, aud offer them for
sale. Guaranteed to be well selected
and sound. Address
F. J. Winn,
3.4. Thomasville, Ga.
Nothing ha« ever equalled it
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King’s
New Discovery
A Perfect' For All Throat and
Cure: Lung Troubles.
Monty back If it fall*. Trial Betti*. fHa.
Get Prices from
him befne
I AX1>
“Star Brand. Shoes are Better”
Our stock of the famous “Star Brand” Shoes we / were
telling you about last week is now coming in. We want
y ou to come and see them. We will guarantee every pair to
be as represented. Do not-forget this.
T. J. & H. Megaliee,
Shoesl Shoes! Shoes!
Hor County Treasurer.
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate for re-election m Treasurer of
Thomas county, subject the action of
the Democratic Primary.
I am very thankful to the people for
the favors and confidence shown me in
the past, and pledge, if elected, my
very best and most conscientious efforts
to give them faithful, efficient, aud sat
isfactory service.
I earnestly solicit your support and
friendly co-operation.
Gratefully and faithfully voors,
. For Couuty Surveyor.
I announce my candidacy for re-elec
tion to the office of county aurveyor of
Thomas county subject to tho action of
the Democratic primary. If re-elected
I wiU continue to give the office my best
attention. I solicit the support of tho
voters. Ai J. STAN ALAND.
Working Overtime
' Eight hour laws are ignored by those
tireless, little workers—Dr. King’s New
LifePiUs. Millions are always at work,
night and day, caring Indigestion, Bili-
onsuess, Constipation, Sick Headache
and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel
troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure.
Only 33e at J. \V. Peacock’s drug store.
County Commissioners’ Proceed*
■ logs.
March 1,1904.
Board met in regular sdteion.
All present.
Minutes pt last meeting read aud ap
proved. ’v
Mr. Charlie Mimms was Appointed
road commissioner in the place of Mr.
Youngblood, ho liaring moved out of
the district. ‘ ,
Mr. W. A. Carter resigned as road
commissioner of Ocblock nee district
and Mr. Will Willis was appointed in
his stead. *
Petition for new Militia Dist. at
Merrillville referred to county attorney
for investigation and direction.
One hundred dollars were appropria
ted to rebuild Justice Courthouse whioli
was recently burned.
Chairman Smitii was appointed a
committee of one to ascertain the cost
Of placing patent shelves for protection
of county records in the offices of the
Clerk of Superior Court and Ordinary,
Mr. W. F. Lacy was appointed road
commissioner for Ochlockonec District
to take the place of J. T. Thompson re
J. S. Searcy of Meigs district resigned
audT. W. Carter was appointed.
W. L. Hancock was given permission
to straighten road on his land.
Petition for tnmpike at Miller's Mill
and a similar place in Swain road near
E. C. Redfeuni's wa» referred to Com
missioner Barrow aud diftrict commis
sioners to investigate and report at next
Mr. T. S. Chastain resigned as road
commissioner of the Thomasville dh-
District aud W. W. Smith was appoint
ed in his place.
Mr. W. C. Snodgrass agrees to remove
obstruction on Hall road at intersection
of Moultrie aud Thomasville road.
TJio road commissioners of the couuty
were requested to file a list of sign
boards needed with Capt. Smith before
next mooting.
On motion an appropriation of $5.00
for this month was given to Jim Pettis,
he being indigent and helpless.
Tho petition of J. T. Carlisle and oth
ers was referred to Chairman *Smith
aud.Oommissioner Bryan for report at
noxt meeting.
From balance on hand as per
last report $15 042
From P. S. Heetb, T. C. T. C.
Gen’l Taxes for 1903 1 054 00
From B. Singletary, -sale of
old lumber
From Chas P. Hansel!, J. O.
0 , Co. court costs. .$ 63 00
Jail fees 3 43
Lease of convicts 644 00
Fines and forfeitures. 5300— 663 45
For legal indebtedness of the *
County gf
For building and repairing
085 5a
courts house, jail, bridges,
ferries, and other public im-
provements.... ...........
For Sheriff’s, jailer’s, and otb-
453 59
er officers’ fees
For bailiffs at court, non-resi-
706 21
dent, witnesses in criminal
easel, servant hire, station
ery, and the like
45 So
For jurors at court
For support of tfyepoor of the
48 OO
138 28
For insolvent costs
53 00
For other lawful charges
■9 45
Gash—Balance on hand 12
'195 95
$16 764 48
Respectfully submitted.
' ' Treasurer.
Meigs, Ga., February 27, 1004.
To tire Honorable Board o? Comity
Commissioners of Thomas County,
Your petitioners respectfully show
that they desire a publio road granted
bjgiuuiug at the east end of Marshall
street at the corporate limits of the
town of Meigs and running east to Oaky
Woods creek where it intersects the
Meigs and Moultrie public rood. The
proposed road touches only the lands of
Thomas W. Carter and Mrs. A. B. Car
ter aud is uow worked up in perfect
condition and opened according to law.
Your petitioners further advise that
they have reached a compromise wherc-
limits of Meigs.
Thomas W. Carter, Mrs. A.B. Carter.
Land Owners.
E. E. Wilkes, J. N. Carter, T. J. Wil-
iis, J. H. Pullen, Mayor and Council-
men, of Meigs.
W. T. Wliite, E. White, District
This u to certify that the above sig
natures of W. F. White and E. 8.
White wore made in my presence.
C. F. Stubbs, N. P. Ex. J. P.
February 27, 1904. >
To Hon. County Commissioners:
'Gentlemen—l have the honor to re
port that I have collected and paid
over to tbo County Treasurer for the
month of February:
From fines and forfeitures $ 53 00
From jail fees 3 45
From county court costs.. v ... 63 00
From hire of convicts—net 544 00
$663 45
Yours truly,
Chas. P. Hansel!,
Judge O. O. T. O.
Monthly report of County; Physician:
The fail and poor house are well kept.
At the latter, one has been received, and
one discharged;and none have died.
Respoctfully submitted,
L. B. Bouchelle, M. D.
Thomasville, Ga., Feb. 26, 1904.
E. M Smith, Esq, Cltm’ri, Commission
ers Roads and Revenue, Thomasville,
Ga. -
Dear Sir.—In reply to your inquiry
as to tho effect of the system of work
ing tho public roads in this couuty, of
the various tpnondfnents exacted in 1893,
'96 and 1897,1 bog to advise you fchat/the
method for working the public roads
now and heretofore of force in this
county is that prescribed by sections
608 to 573 and 684 to 599. Yol. 1st, Code
of 895, and is not, in my opinion, in
any way affected by the several amend
ing acts above referred to.
An examination, of the several acts
passed in 1893, '90 07 and 1903, bIiows
that they were intended to apply only
to what is known as tho ‘'Alternative
Road Law,” approved Oct. 21,1891, and
which has'never been, pnt in operation
in Thomas county. Tnis latter system,
os you know, provides for the payment
of a commutation tax, reduces the num
ber of working days, and exempts all
male citizens from road duty, except
those between the ages of 21 and 50
years. This act of 1891 also contained
a provision that it should not go into
effeot in any county “except upon tho
recommendation of the Grand Jurp.”
The Act of 1896 provides for the hold
ing of an election, to be held upon the
filing of a petition signed by not less
than 150 voters of the county, at which
the question of adapting the alternative
road law can be determined.
Further reference to these amending
acts is deemed unnecessary, as they sim
ply affect the details for carrying out
the Alternative Rood Law/’J^
I therefore oonolude that tho restric
tions of public rood duty to citizeus be
tween the ages of 21 and 50 years is
wholly without force* in tills county,
aud that all make inhabitants of the
county between tho ages of 16 and 50
years, except such ns aro exompt yuder
the General Law, aro subject to w«x*k
on the public roads.
Very Truly Yours,
W.-M. Hammond, Co. Atty.
Following^accountsordered paid:
road shall remain as it is.
E. M. Smith....
$5 OO
H.C. Copeland
5 OO
J. D. Barrow .S
5 00
W.A. Pringle
5 00
J. Q. Bryan
5 00
Judge (j. P. Hanscll
■83 33
L. B. liouchpllc prof, services
20 04
Joe Callaway.
15 OO
J. S. Montgomery
Ellison Broom pauper
5 00
Gordon Hattiway pauper
5 00
P.A. Adams, pauper
7 00
E. Carter, pauper
5 OO
Redden Carter, pauper
5 00
V Haskins, pauper
5 *o
Wm Hurst guard
30 OO
A J Stanalaud
3 00
H. Rawls
1 3 00
Dan Ward
32 00
E M Smith
4 4t
W B Fambrough
4 80
N G Dusenbery...
53 OO
J M Massey
2 16
Nelms Lumber Go
6 49
A McDougald & Son.,
12 65
12 25
Mize Lumber Co
363 i6
J R Burch
ti 63
Evans & Sen
3 20
R President
* 75
James Watt& Bro
60 22
J. ,T- Pittman & Son, p’r house
44 7*
WI- Ball
3 10
B F Cochran
5 OO
Jim Pettis, pauper
'5 OO
Our Meigs Department
By J. S.
Mrs. J. D. Atkinson of Doer an has
been visiting the family of Mr. W. E
Davis this week.
* Miss Genie Stubbs spent Inst Satur
day and Sunday in Thomasville with.
Miss Tabitha Dureu.
Miss LiUa Forest who teaches a thriv
ing school at Pine -Hill south of town,
went Saturday to visit her home folks
at Boston.
Miss Elia Butler who ifr teaching at
Williams, spent Sunday at home in the
Center Hill community. She was ac
companied by Miss Berta Ragans.
Mr. W. H. Boswell went to Moye
Saturday to visit relatives.
Mr. Marshall Ross of O.rdele, who
has been ou a visit here for a week, has
returned home.
Rev. Mr. Vaughn delivered a temper
ance lecture at the Methodist church.
The lecture was well received but not
so well attended due perhaps to tho
lateness of the time of meeting.
I am indebted to two thoaghtful
friends for “greens” this week. One is
a preacher and the other is almost one,
which, of course, made the greens of
excellent quality. “The Lord will pro
Several days ago news of the dange
rous condition of Mrs. G. L. Bunch of
Whigham was received here. She was
suffering of pneumonia, and it was
stated that her life was dispaired of.
It is hoped that she will recover. She
was the first assistant teacher in the
Meigs graded school for several years
and there are hundreds of children
whose heagp will sAdden at the news
of her serous illness. She prof ed her-
solf to be a Christian woman and capa
ble in every emergency.
Mr. W. N. Atkinson of Pelham wus
a visitor hero this woek. •
Miss Wells Simpson and J, J. Parish
went down to Thomasville to look after
some personal matters.
An order has been placed for chairs
to seat tho auditorium of the school
Mtb. T. E. Walton spent Sunday in
Thomasville. ,
. Miss Kate Fleetwood of, Ochlockoneo
spent a few days of this week in the
Center Hill, neighborhood with Miss
Gladys Lindsey.,
Miss Annie Wilkes who has been on
an extended visit to points in Florida
to the great delight of her numerous
friends has returned home.
Mr. Thomas Davis of Pino Park wjm
boro Wednesday. 4
Mrs. W. H. Boswell left Thursday
for Obe‘to spend a few days with her
children who are attending school
there. ' O »
Mrs. p. J. Franklin of Boston lms
been spending a few days with the fami
ly of Mr. C. G. Battle here.
Capt Maclean* visited the Center Hill
school Wednesday. He was accompa
nied by Editor' Blanton. They both
made fine talks.
Capt. E. Aultmau, father of our
townsman, Dr. Aultman of Reynolds is
a visitor here this week /
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Notice in hereby given to all creditor,
of tlie estate of William Moore, late of
said county, deceased, to render in an
ncconntof tiieir demands to me within
tli* time prescribed by lew properly
made ont. AU persona indebted to said
deceased are hereby requested to make
inunodiate payment to the undersigned,
M. A. Fleetwood.
Administrator of Wni. Moore. E-4 fit.
It Saved Mis Leg
P. A. Danforth of LaGrange, Ga.,suf
fered for six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg; bnt writes that
Bnekleu’s Arnica Salve wholly cored it
in five days. Fqr Ulcers, Wounds,
Piles, it’s tbe beet salve ii* the world.
Core guaranteed. Only 3S cts. Sold by
J. W. Peacock, druggist. • .
. Mr. Renter Nicholson of Cairo
was here Wednesday.
• Disturbances of strikers are not near
ly as grave as an individual disorder of
the system. Overwork, loss of sleep,
nervous tension will be followed by
utter collapse, unless a reliable remedy
is immediately employed. There’s no
thing so olficient to core disorders of
tho Liver or Kidneys as Electric Bitters
It’s a wonderful tonic, apd effective
nervine and the greatest all aromid
medicine for ran down systems, it dis-
pols Nervousness, Rheumatism and
Neuralgia aud expels Malaria germs.
Only 50c, aud satisfaction guaranteed
oy J. W. Peacock, druggist.
J. J. Parnmore of Boston was
hereon Wednesday.
Tregsdy Averted
“Just in tiro nick of time our little
boy was saved” writes Mrs. W. Watkins
of Pleasant Clty.Ohio. ‘‘Pneumonia had
played sad havoc with him and a terri
ble cough set in besides. Doctors treat
ed him, bnt he grew worse everyday.
At length we tried Dr. King’s New Die-
oovery for Consumption, and our darl
ing was saved. He’s now sodnd, and
well.” Everybody onght to know, it’s
tlie only sore core for Coughs, Colds
and all Long diseases. Guaranteed by
J. W. Peaoook, druggist. Prioe 60o and.
*1.00. Trial bottles free.
More Riots
B. Ai Alderman, a prominent
citizen of Pine Park spfent Wed
nesday in Thomasville.
iece of public road above referred j hoard adjourned,
t >, which Is flat yards in length and en- ^ J’ S '
ten Marshall strfcet at llte corporate
M. Smith,
Just Received at
I'A Tons of bar iron, all sires. I ton extra fine carriage and wagon -
bolts, all sizes. 3000 feet rubber and canvasa-belting, 3 to lOlhrfies.'
2000 foef piping, all sizes up to 3 inches. 1000 feet y, inch 6-8 inch '
wire rupe. . I carry the best line of Cook Stoves and Stoveware on. tbe
market. I have the largest and best line of General Hardware ever '
brought to town. I manufacture Gulvanized Steel Tanks for i
cooking by steam or otherwise. Also Log Csrts, Lumber Trucks,
and Lumber Wagons, Buggies aiid farni Implements. Send in
orde'r for Syrup Tanks r rvi/CAAl
before it is too late..... | , I, Ul jUll,