Newspaper Page Text
Tfc- «iAcf InnttianmA an A twnnlatTra rtf all VVwri
The most loathsome and repulsive ot all 'QMtlffllf Jm
living tilings is the serpent, and the vilest and ^ ToP-
most degrading of all human diseases is Contagious Blood Poison. The
serpent sinks its fangs into the flesh and almost instantly the poison passes
through the entire body. Contagious Blood Poison, beginning with a little
nicer, soon contaminates every drop of blood and spreads throughout the
whole system. Painful swellings appear in the groins, a red rush and
copper colored splotches break out on the body, the mouth and throat
become ulcerated, and the hair and eye brows fall out; but these symptoms
are mild compared to the wretchedness and suffering that come in the latter
stages of the disease when it attacks the bones and mere vital parts of the
body. It is then that Contagious Blood Poison is seen in all its hideous
ness. The deep eating abscesses Sod sickening nlcers and tumors show
the whole system is corrupted and poisoned, and unless relief comes soon
this serpent disease tightens its coils and crashes out the life. The only
antidote for the awful virus is S. S. S. It is nature’* remedy, com.
_ 1 . ’■ posed entirely of vegetable ingredients. S. S. 8,
fM./M fp5 destroys every vestige of the poison, purifies the
VH VS- VS. blood and removes all danger of transmitting, the
lO) O) hp) awfnl taint to others. Nothing else will do this.
S< > ✓ Strong mineral remedies, like mercury and potash,'
dry up the sores and drive in the disease, but do not cure permanently.
Send for our home treatment book and write us if in need of medics]
Directions* '
Use one leveled teaspoonful
to s quart of rifted flour;' add
enough; tour milk to knead the
When sour milk is not used,
two parts of Cieam of Tartar and
one of Snccess Soda are the cor
rect proportions.
11 an surprised to nnu so vnauy
odds and ends of staple dinner
ware patterns ori iny shelf, I don
want them there, do you want
them, if you do you can have them,
dust come down and get them.
What about the price you say;
well I will sell 'hem for so little I
would hate to publish the price.
Don't you know what it is, well 1
will tell sou. it is the little house-
wile that has one—the Wheeler
We Have Two, Tables Lef-of Our t
High Art W inter Suits
For the Knife* is going to Cut and the^frices are going to
Tallc, and that is going to empty thosejjtwo tables. They
are new, well tailored, the best fitting, the most durable, ^the
newest styles and the best values in the>orld for the money.
We are compelled to make room for our^large Spring and
Summer Stock coming in.
advice, or special information. This will cost you nothing.
Now is the time to look after the san
itary condition of your premises.
4nst received a barrel of
Our High Art Majestic $L25 Shirts
l go while they are sew for $i. Our furnishing stock always [freita ar
Our Jersey Fleece Lined Under Suits,
the “fln de seiele” dien/cctnnt. Also
$i will go for 75<cts. Cold weather is ahead ot us. so come right along and
I keep you warm.
Moth Balls, Chtqride of Lime,
allard fe Yarnpdoe
Messrs. F. A. Belcher, B H.
Harrison and C. R Mudgridge, a
trio of most excellent Cairo citi
zens, came over Monday on busi
ness. ^ w
[». B. B. Hearn is visiting her
ants in VVayoross.
. -. ■ —-
i r . \V. A. Mod roe came over
n Metcalfe Monday.
\ —-
irs. W. A- Britton will euter-
ain at cards this ‘afternoon.
ir. Fred Smith came up from
tman and spent "Sunday here.
— —■—*" .
[r. J. A. Bulloch came over
n Oohlocknee Monday.
Dixon was ovor
Sole,Agent Jacobs Dandies.
Mrs. Geo. A. Patrick of Augus
ta is the guest of tier sister, Mrs.
K. Reed at the Methodist parson-
Messrs. J. N. and T. M. Carter,
two prominent citizens of Meigs,
were in this city Suuday.
Col. J. H. Merrill left Monday
afternoon for Savannah , on legal
1 Lot Ladies’
I Lot Ladles’
^ For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for re-election to the office of sher
iff of Thomas connty, subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. If
re-elected I will continue to give the
office my personal attention and will
discharge its duties to the 1 est of roy
T. J. Higlit.
P. P-
ilooknee Monday.
South Broad Street. Thoim svillel GaJ
Anderson of Valdos-
to spend Suiida)
no over
riends here.
One Lot oi Hemmed Towels, Linen, dos.........
One Lot of Hemmed Towels, Linen, dot
One Lot of Hemmed Towels, Linen, dot
One Lot Fancy Hemstitched Towels, Linen, dot
One LotJBath Towels
Misses Ida Cassady and Daisy
Dekle, who have beeu spending
two weexs in Tallahassee, have re
turned home.
For Sheriff.
I heaeby nnnonnee myself as a candi
date for Sheriff of Thomas connty, sob-"'
ject to the action of the Democratic pri
mary, and solicit the support of the vo
ters of the connfy. If elected I will
Dr. 3. E. Sanoh
wiok waB in the ‘ city
time Monday.
Mr. Lester Cone "
Mrs. M. G. Martiudale, nee
Miss Mamie Vann of Baltimore,
is visiting her jnothor, Mrs. D.
M. Vann.—Boston Times.
discharge those duties to the best of my
One Lot ut Linen Napkins, dor.
_ , -—~—~— • Ono..Lot of Linen Napkins, dot.
Prof. W. B. Fambrough of Bos- .Better Grades, dot,, from $a 48
top and bis charming daughter,
Miss Fannie were among our visi- All of our Table Line
tors Mouday. will have to see them to
J. J. Cose, tf
Mr. J. S. Stewart, one of the
sterling oitizeus of Oohlocknee,
For Representative.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for ropreeentative subject to tho
action of tlio Democratic primary. If
re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful
porformonctt of all tlio duties of the offi
ce. My peat record in tlio office ia open
to inspection and relying upon this I
submit my claims to the voters of the
county and solicit their support.
Jolin-R. Singletary
was a visitor to the city Monday
Mr. H. F. Lawson waa-called to
Macon Monday by the death of
his aunt there.
Mr. J. D. Blanton and eon Jo
dy were among the Meigs delega
tion Monday.
Mrs. TV. P. Blasingame ts in
Tbomasville for a few days. She
is now a r.»»ident of TallaHasiee.
Mr. Ohas. Harris after spend
ing aeveral days here in the inter
est of hii firm has gone to Florida.
Messrs. Gilbert Nioholls and
Walter Forvargue came home
Monday from a triumphant golf
tour through Florida.
Mist Cora Stephens, a popular
lady from Thomasvjlle, is
•tw— sjpp vjRffiw
Fresh Fish and Green Groci ries
Geo. Sampson,
00 Jacksor Street, next to Pringle.
Mr. N. H. Atkinson, a prominent
business man of Meigs, passed
compliments with his ThomaB-
ville fjiends- Mouday,
Mrs. Logan Berry, after a visit
to homefolkt iu Thomasville, has
returned to the city.—Bninbridge
Miss Olive, Quattlebaum, cf
Oolilockonee,'Jeft Saturday morn-
Dii-4Bed Spreads.
Lot Fringe Spreads
iug for Atlanta to spend three
Hearken unto the^warning of the cock, for judges of good things
give these BARGAINS theirjapproval.
, For Tax Receiver.
I hereby annouuce myself us a can-
didatejor re election to the office of
Tax Receiver of Thomas county subject
j«ae One Week Only.
Kidney trouble prey* upon the mind,
Iscourages and lessens ambition; beauty,
a. Vigor and cheerful-
tfc'jLA j* JPw ness soon disappear
when thekidneysare
ffifinCi kMt—• out of order or dis-
zttifljKjlfcj: Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncorn-
y mon for a child to be
J bora afflicted with
waak kidneys. If the
■ '.an tftha nrina a/Httds
the guest of Miss Ollie McElroen
ou Jane street.—Way cross Herald.
Mr. Max Nuebaum and wife of
Bainbridge are the guests of Mrs.
Nusbaum’e parents Mr. and Mrs.
Bov. J. B. Smith went to Quit-
man Monday to attend a district
conference of the Christian
Misses Hattie Doss uud Willie
Bottoms who. have been in St.
V Louis for the la.tteu days came
-home Saturday morning. Miss
Annie Bottoms who went with
them will, uot return for several
to the action of the Democratic 1
If re-elected 1 wiU give the of
same careful attention as in the pat
I solicit tho support of the voters of t!
John F. Howard.
Ready Made
Shirt Waist.
>f; Madras,
=12 l-2c
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
For Cqjirtty Commissioner.
I hereby nnnonnee myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commis
sioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas
connty, subject to tlio afction of the
Democratic primary. I solicit tho sup
port of the voters of the connty.
CornerZBroadlandlJackson Street, [Thomasville, Georgia.
child urinates too often, if the nnne scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
j. w. Watkins & co.
age when it should be able to control the
— - 1a 1. ■ h,. n IP a ot n/1 mlfrk kjwl.waf.
It is yet afflicted with bed-wet-
paaaage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet
ting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty it kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organa. This unpleasant
trouble ia due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys, and bladder and not to a
.habit as most people suppose.
Women as well — ———
able with kldnei
and both need
J. B. WATKINS, - - - IManager-
Office at Williams' Stable 228 West
Jackson St., Thomasville, Ga.
[Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
EGGS. Price $1 .oo^per setting 15 eggs.
... - - Thomasville, Ga.
For Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself »• candidate
for re-election to fhe office of Oommis-
missiouer of Roards and Revennee of
Thomas connty, subject to the action of
the Democratic primary, and solict the
support of the voter*,
d&w J. D. Barrow.
Well Again.
The many friends of John Blount will
be pleased to learn that he has entirely
recovered from his attack of rheuma
tism, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm cured
him after the best doctors in the town
(Monon, Ind.) had failed to give relief,
fhe prompt relief from pain which this
iniment affords is alone worth many
imes its cost. For sale by J. W, Pea*
•ock. '
„„„ ite effect of
Swamp-Root is toonrealired. Itil.old
•tie bottles. Y. ■; \Tr - '-‘.,1
have a sample bottle
by mail free, alto a, BsaOim —w
pamphlet telling ell about Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y-, be sore end mention
this paper. Don’t make any mistake,
bet remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, end the/ed-
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every
The doctrine of ’’sweetness and light”
made famous by Matthew Arnold hat a
new meaning since the discovery of
South Georgia syrup and South Geor
gia sunshine.
Our attention has been called to the
fact that the steps of some of the city’s
play house
Robert Sprstt Cochran
of Tallabuesee spent Sat-
Bd Sunday here. Judge
■ supreme court justice
He and hii wife ex-
hem selves as much pleas-
’homasville and.tho beau-
r mile drive between here
Attention, Cane Planters!
We ore prepared to make contracts
for the purchase of cane for fall deliv-
ery. Price $8.60 per ton. Those in-
forested will please write ns at once as
chnrchesjfare being used
by children. Some times we are told
that it is difficult to put the steps in a
otean condition for Sunday’s use.
Wouldn'ltit he a good idea to keep the
steps forjthelporpoee they were inten-
dedf, .
The alliterative formula of soap, soap
ind salvation, adopted by the Salvaticdi
Army might he improved by the add
don of syrup—especially 'if its South
Georgia syrup.
contracts are nearing completion.
A. L. Smith, Supt.,
dwSaim TbemasviUe, Ga.