Newspaper Page Text
l'n Hansell.
a Democrat, of
r called to meet
i ThomasvUloon
16th, 1904, at 11
> of elect-
H> to serve
•; to make nr-
6 the Primary or-
t Committee for
I, and to take inch othi
i aa may aaemmei
r to raid mam meeting.
, P. Hakbxll,
Bzecatlre Com-
and Melga paper.
i for Discharge.
-Thomas County.
!, adminUtt.tor opon
Lap.ty, late ol
having filed hi*
... (hi. to cite all
show cause again.t
discharge, at the
court of Ordinary
held on the first
M?JONES, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:—
To The Honorable The Superior 1 Court
Of Bald. County:
The petition of B. M. Comfort and R.
U. Blood, both of mid mate and coun
ty, and J. J. Logan, of Dural county,
State of Florida, reapectfully shows.
.Pint -.That they derim tot them-
Mirer, aMOdatee,euoee«eotaandaerigiia,
to become incorporated under the name
and ttyle of the Beaton Oil and Ginning
°8eraui r ' The term for which petl-
S ere uk to be incorporated i» twenty
5, with tM reirltege of renewel at
end of that time.
Third. The Capital Stock of the cor-
poratlon ia to be gZS.OOu.OO, dtridedinto
abarea of (100.00 each; petitioner., how-
oror, asking the privilege of iocteaaing
•aid Capital Stock from time to time aa
they may desire, not exceeding in tlio
aggregate (160,000.00.
Fourth. That of laid Capital Stock of
9*5,000.00, mare than 10 per oent haa
already been actually paid in..
Fifth. The object of 'the proposed
. . . . and gain
GEORGIA—Thoma. County.
Under and by rirtua of an Order grant
edhy the Hon. Ordinary of aaid tlounty
on the lint Monday in January, 1004,
will be aold before the Court houae door
in the County of Thomaa, between the
legal boon of aula, on tbtf first- Tnaaday
in February, 1004, the following de-
eeribed property to wit: All of the aaw
mill privilege* on 80 acme of land lying
in tl>» northern portion of lot of land
number 001 In the 18th diatrlet of
Thomaa Cpnnty, Georgia. Said prop-
any being aold aa the property of J. W.
Pearce, deceased. Term of Mleoaan.
Mrs. 8. A. Pearce.
AdministratrixTestafn J, W. Pearce
tdeaaod. • 9--1
corporation la pecuniary profit a
to ita stockholders. Petitioner, propose
a try on the buaiueaa of buying, Ieas-
building and operating Ootton Seed
Milla, ginning ootton, and dealing
in cotton-seed, ootton Med meal, holla,
andfertilfxen, and all prodoota niually
prodncod by ootton gin. and ootton-aeed
oil milla! and toactaa general orapecial
aganta for other petaone or companies
iu Boiling or handling any artiole or olaia
of articlea appropriate to the business
GEORGIA—Thomaa Oonnty. -
To all whom it may concern :
M. A. Fleetwood, county adminiatra-
tor, haring made application' to me in
dnefotm to be appointed permanent
adrb iniatrator open the eetate of W. B.
Moore, lata of aaid oonnty, notice ia
hereby given that aaid application will
bo heard at the regular term of the
The beat and cheap-
cat lot of
Pocket Knives,
Razors, Shears,
Axes and Hatchets
to Sen,
1 ' v' Order your
Flower Pots
And Churns
timerman jua co.,
Stockton, Ga.
. We jnnnufaotom thl* elaaa of good*
aid can aupply ycm promptly and can
«avo you money,' -
Receivers Sale.
Us the legal hoora of Bale, on Saturday
March 18th. 1804, thirteen (18) reulea.
Terma oaah. AU bid. aubjeot to oon-
flrmntlon by the °°|Jt j piawdan
Receiver for Baker and Hill. dAwlt.
appropriate , „
aforesaid. or oaoally of conveniently
connected therewith; and to make eon-
tracta, and aot aa tnoh aganta and to ex-
erclao the uaual powera and to do. ail
uaual and naoeaanry acta which pertain
to or may be oonnected with the bori-
neat aforesaid.
Sixth. Petitioner, derim the righWo
boy, aell end hold reel eatate, to borrow
money thereon or riich other ooUateral
aa tlioy may daaire to tue, and to exe
cute all neoeaaary Instruments of writ
ing to avidanoa the tame or to aeouro
the same, and to have all the general
powera of corporattona aa provided U
the Codeof the State of Georgia. -
Seventh. They dealre that the per-
aonal Uahilitiea of the atookhollers of
aaid oorporation ahall ba limited to no-
paid stock subscriptions.
Eighth. The principal office of aaid
propoaed oorporation will be in the city
of Beaton, aaid abate and oouc
Uonera, however, aak the righl
liab branch offices and place!of business
at such points, either In or out ofthe
state of Georgia, aa they may derim.
Wherefore,petlttooera prey to be mede
a body corporate under the name and
style aforeeaid, entitled to the rights,
privileges And immunities and subject
to theHabllltleefixed by lawTv)
R. H. Blood,
J. J. Loan
W. O. Snodgrass, [Petitioners.
Fetitlonars Attorney.
GEORGIA—Thomas County:—
It hereby certify that the above and
foregoing ia e true and oorraot copy r*
original petition now on file in lay otto
Feb. 14,1904. | J. W. Grover -
8-86-4 Clerk.
conrt of Ordinary for aaid oonnty, to ba
held on the first Monday in March, 1(04.
Witness my (land ahd official slgna-
, this 1st day of February, 1904.
Wm, M. Jones, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Thorne^ County.
To all whom it may concern: Var-
nedoe M. Heeth having, U proper form
'led to me for permanent letters of
infiltration on thq estate of N. R.M.
Heeth, lata of aaid county, this la tooite
all and singular the creditor! and next
of kin, to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law, and
ahowoauM, if any they can, why per.
manent administration abonld not be
granted-to VarnedoeM. Heath on H.
It. M. Heath's eatate.
Witness my hand and ottolal signa
ture, this 38th day of January. 1901.
Wm. M. Jones,
10-4 Ordinary.
Road [Citation.*;
A petition having been filed by W.
P. White, C. R. Sasser and others ol the
Maiga district (.king (or the establish-
ment cf a public road fromj. M. Pil
cher’s place Inteneeting the Cairo and
Meigs road near J. W. Hall’s, aaid peti-
tion having been acted upon favotabl)
by Hoad Commissioners of Meigs dis
trict, notice is hereby given that thr
Commissioners of Roads and Rrvenne
of Thoma* county will pass upon Mid
petition at the next regular meeting in
April I904., _ „ .
t. M. Smith
3.364 . Chulrmi
' Application for Leave to Rail.
Notice la hereby riven that I will
apply to the court of Ordinary of Thom-
aacSmty,Ga., at the AprilUrm 1904
thereof, for leave to sail all of the real
eatate of William Moore, deceased, att
ested U the dty of Thomaavllle, Thom
as county, Ga., for the purpose ofdla-
Adm’r aetata of William Moore. 8-19-4
Attention, Cane Planters I
Vi am prepared to make oontraota
f er the purclutae of caoe for fell drilv
try. Price (8.80 per ton. Those In
. taraatad wiU*pieaM write na at onm aa
•antracts an nearing completion.
A. L. Smith, Supt.,
dw(81m Thomaavills, Ga.
Letters ol Administration.
Ta all whom it may conoern:—
M. A Fleetwood, county administra
tor, having made application to me U
ator upon^Eeeatata of J.
lata of Mid county. Notice ia
tub that aaid appUoaUou will
at the regular term of the court
ef Ordinary for acid county, to ba held
an the firm Monday ha April 1904. -
WltosMmyhaad and ottctal signa
ture tMa the Tth day of March 1964.
Wm. M. Jonas,
(-11-4 Ordinary.
Millinery Opening.
Wednesday and Thnraday,
9th & ioth,
V , from a. m. to 10p.m.
WtMeanliallyUvitad. Pleasant aales
... Indian to wait on and show goods
I - whether vou buy or not.
* Citation.
GEORGIA—Thomas County. _
“Vo ali'whom It may concern: Varne-
doc M, Heeth having, in proper form,
applied to me (or letteri of administra
tion de bonis non on the esiate of Mrs. L.
J. Heeth, late of aaid county, this ia to
cite all and singular the creditors and
next of kin ol Mrs. L. J. Heeth to be
end appear at my office within the time
allowed by law, and show cause, i( any
they can, why administration de bonta
non should not be granted to Varncdoe
M. Heeth on Mra. L. J. Heeth'a estate.
tore, this
Witness my hand and official signs-
' 38th day uf lanuary. 1004.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Thomas Oonnty.
Ordinary'^Oourt, Fob. 1st, 1904.
Mra. N. A. Dixon having made appii-
aatlan for twelve month’s support out
of the estate of J. B. Dixon and apprais
ers duly appointed to set apart the aame
having filed their return*. All persons
concerned are hereby required to show
cause before the conrt of Ordinary of
said oonnty, on the flret Monday in
March, 19W, why raid sw
not be granted. This Fel
stinllcabcn should
tea. * ms Feb. i, 1904,
Wm. M. Junes, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Thosus CocxtyJ
To all whom it may ooncera:
E. O. Jarrett having applied for gar?
dianahlpof the person and property of
Erma Lee Jarrett and Annie May Jar
rett, minor children of Ida M. Jarrett,
late of said county,(deceased, no'ice ia
given that said application will be heard
at my office at ten o'clock a. m. on the
first Monday in April next. Tld* Feb
ruary 93, 1904.
Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary,
GEORGIA—Thomxb Ooinrrr.
To all whom it may oonoern:
James M. Rush in having In proper
form applied to me for permanent let-
tm of administration on tha tttnfft of
Fannie M. Groover, let* of laid county,
this la tooite all and singular, the cred
itor* and next of kin of Fannie M. Groo
ver, to be and appear stay office on
the first Monday in April next, and
show cause If any they can, why perma
nent administration should not be grant
ed to JamiM M. Ruahin on Fannie M.
Groover's estate. Witness my hand
and official signature. ThiJ the 19th.
day|of February 1904.
Wm. M. Jonas, Ordinary.
Petition for Discharge
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
M. A. Fleetwood, administrator upon
the estate of Leon Saule, late of Mid
county, deceaeed, having filed hit pe
tition for discharge, this is to cite all
persons oonremed to ehow,cause against
the (ranting of Ibis discharge, at the
regular term of the court of Ordinary for
•aid county to be held on the first Mon
day in April 1904.
WimM. JONF-S, Ordinary.
For next weak we offer *nme additional speoial values, aa an inducement for you to come iu and
inspect our SPRING and SUMMER GOODS. From now on we will receive new goods every week and
you'll do well toi inspect onr stock before baying.
OBOROIA—Thomas County.
By virtu* of an ce-der of the oourt of
Ordinary of aaid oonnty, will ba aold at
public eatery 00 the first .Tuesday in
March, 1(04, al the court hotuo In
ThomaavUle, aaid oonnty, between the
legal houn of sals, the following real
•state to-wit: Part of lot of land num
ber 196, in the eyth district of raid
oennty, containing thirty-sight (88)
acres of Iandrtoora or leas, and lot of
blacksmith's tools Terms cash.
M. A. Flcetwoad,
-6-4 Admr. Peter Lacy
GEORGIA—Thomaa Oonnty.
To all whom it may oonoern:
M. A. Fleetwood, having made appli
cation to me in dno form to be appoint
ed guardian of the person nnd property
of Jennie Dnnlap, notice is hereby given
that aaid application will he heard at
the regular term of the court of Ordina
ry of aaid county, to be held on the 1st
Monday in Match, 1961.
Witness my hand and official rigna
tnre this the 1st day of Feb.. 1904.
Wm. H. Jones, Ordinary.
Road 'Citation.
A petition for (Re establishment o!
a public road filed with the Commission
en by J. B. Allcgood, T. A. Dckle and
others rnnnlng from W. W. Deklea to
John Folsoms, said petition having been
published and acted npon favorably by
Road Commissioners of that district the
Commissioners of Roads and Rev
enue will pass upon said petition at their
regular meeting in April 1904.
" mT Smith,
GEORGIA—Thomas Oountr-
M.’A. Connell having made applica
tion for twelve month's rapport out of
the citato of W. T. Connell, and' sp-
pralmrs duly appointed to mt apart the
same, having filed their return All per
sons concerned ate hereby required to
show cause bofore tho court of Ordinary
of raid county on the flret Monday In
March 1KH, why said application should
it be granted.
This Jan. 14th 19M. ,
1-80-4 Wm. It Jones, Ordinary.
Road Citation.
A petition having been Died by Ira J.
Simms, Redfearn, and others and pub
lished praying for tho establishment of
a public road and said petition having
been referred to Read OommlMionare of
Pavo district and they haring reputed
favorably on samc.notice'ia hereby given
that the rammisslonere of Kosida and
Rovcnnnfor Thomaa county will pam
upon aaid petition at their regular meet
ing in April, 1904. E. U Smith,
8-86-4 Chairman.
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA—Thomaa County.
To all whom It may concern:
W, W. Alexander, administrator on
the eatate of J. R. Alexander, late of
•aid oonnty, deceased, haring, filed his
petition for diaoharga, this ia to cita all
persona ooocerned to show oanae against
the granting of this discharge at the
tegular term of the oourt of Ordinary
for said county to beheld on the first
Monday in April 1904. 8-4 A
Wat. M. Jons, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
J. H. Merrill, Executor of the Estate
of Arthur Patten, late of aaid county
deceased, haring Hied hla petition for
Discharge, thia Ta to cite ail persona
concerned to show cause against I ha
[renting of thia discharge at tha lun
ar term of the Court of Ordinary for
•aid county held-on the first Monday ia
Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. '
50c Wrist and Hand Bags.
Wa’U pat them all on tala next weak, tot a leader 84c
YoaH find Wrist Bags, Hand Bags, Ohataluina Bags,
•to., in ail oolore, and Mina aa good aa other* 7Do bag*.
GIsm Dippers lOo; 14 quart Tin Dish Fans I80; 17 quart
TinDiskPatisMc; 17quartRettned Dirh Pane 96c.
BiggaMlo and lOo Tin Milk Cans in town.
Fall line of Enameled Milk Pans, Boilers, eto., at out
T7mL*/%i/1os4oe! h,T# °° m# ta. “A 7“ I®**
nmoroiaenes ought to umm. They™
etinnare at tha email prioe wa are getting. '
One lot lOo to 16o lawns brought oyer from last sea
son, special at, yard, 7 l-9c.
Lawns, Ginghams' Etc
88 iu. Batiste lawns, all combinstiona of colon,
worth 7o yd; OpeaiugSnle Price yd Sc
Fancy figured Lawns, yd Sc
I oc Lawns, We havo taken lots’ of tremble in gettihg np
this line of goods, and iu it you'll find Lace 8tripea, Bat
in Stripes, Batistes, etc., worth up to 16c yd., all
goaa during opening, yd 10c
87 in. 8tripod Madras Ginghams, yd To
88 in. Siripa Madras Glngliama. worth ltjrc yd. any
where, we oat tha price to yd 10c
89 in. Extra Fino colored striped shirting Madraaa
ISO goods, an unction purchase, for sale, yd
40 in. White Lawns, yd Sc
Extra quality 40 Inch White Lawns, worth up to
0 ya., butjoomea in small pieces at, yd 10c
40 inch Colored Lowna, at yd - PR.. iOc
P. K's., 86 Inch good quality whit* cord P. K. You
can't gat it elMwhare at the price; yd. 10c
Mercerize 1 Madras, Etc.
You'll find what you want in those and at an avaiaga
aaviug of 90per oent. on any body rise's prioea.
- A Mg lot from Kelly stock at wholesale prices.
1(1.6* Shoe for (1.0*
A (.60 Shoe for 1.68
Kiser and Reynolds |8.60 Shoes, several styles....... 9.6S
One box Ladies Shoes, (1 to (8 values 68
ly oomple e. Wa sail cheap shoes, 'Us true, but for ladies
wa hare "Julia Marlowe", Sandals and Patent Calf Tien,
“Radcliffe” Colonials, Tim, etc.
"Roxte Ward” one of the finest and best Shorn on tha
market today sailing at (.00.
"Dixie Girl,” beat in the world at the prioe; we hare
fire style* to ohoose from. (1 wear in every pair for (1.49
Good Ovforda for 78
One Oxford, not guaranteed a day at 49
Didn’t forget the children. Wejcan (It auy sire child,
nt most any price.
Men's Monarch 83.60; Oxfords and genuine Patent
Calf Ties, (8.49.
SPECIAL. About BOO Dozen, cotton wash lace*, worth
ap tj 16c yd., Specially Priced.till* sale, yd 60
Ask to see NEW MODEL GIRDLES for shirt waist
costun^ea. -*
We can suit yon in a suit for Easter. Men's (7.60
Wool Crash east and pant* salt, Specially Priced.. .(4.86
FANCY FLANNELL coat and pants suits, worth
(6.00, if you buy during sale yon get it for salt. (3.49
B'ue S rg Suits, ooet, vest end pants, coat un
lined, panta with belt straps, worth (5.00; Open
ing Sale Prioe, soil (9,49
Men’s Sommer Pants 49c to (f. 87
(AU latest clothes and correct cut.)
* Shoes, Oxfords, Etc
Not space to specialise, but if you ore looking for honest
treatment and your money's worth of shao leather,
You Can't Afford to Pass Us By.
For Out of Town Customers.
Something doing in our Muslin Underwear Sale March
21. Watch for it.
Starke;jCorner, Thomasville, Ga.
S' le Agents New Idea 10c Paper Patterns.