Newspaper Page Text
John F. Dryden. President.
Leslie D. Ward. Edga* B. Ward.
Sm*. Of Real Estate.
Jacob E. Ward! Wilbur S. Johnson.
Couatrl. Cut4|HnkH«r.
F. C. Blanchard, supc»» '»•» t-©an Department.
Edward Gray, Edward II. Hamill.
Secretary- Medical Director.
Valentine Riker. Robert L. Burr age.
Medical Director.
Leslie P. Ward. John K. Gore.
Asalstant Secretary. Actuary.
Willard I. Hamilton. Frederic A. Boyle.
AMfctut Secret ary. Catldtr.
Frederick H. Johnston. a«*ocuw Actuary.
Henry Overgne. George W. Munsick.
Seperrlaor. Sjpetvisoc.
WM. PERRY Watson. Anlttiat Medical Director.
Frederick L. Hoffman, statuucue.
George H. Kirkpatrick. Aniatut Actuary.
Life Insurance Issued and Paid (or during 1903 including 1
Ordinary Insurance ($102, 822,648, over J
293s mii -u'
Assets, end of 1903, over
Income, during 1903, over
Paid Policyholders, during 1903, over -
Surplus, end of 1903, over
•Number of Policies in Force (-5,447,307), over
Increase in Paid-For Insurance in Force, ovei
' 5
Paid-For Insurance in Force over 931 Millions
Total Payments to Policyholders in Twenty-eight Years, over 79 Millions
, Twenty-eighth Annual Statement
January 1, 1904
Bonds and, Mortgages,
. In,((8,291 49
Rail Estife,
. 12,063,757 29
R.R. Bonds and Stocks (Market Value) 30,862,507 50
Municipal Bonds (Market Value) .
. 8,428,728 00 '
U. S. Gov. Bonds (Market Value)
109,500 00
Cash in Banks and Office...»
. 7,610,148 22
Interest and Rents, due and accrued,
488,591 45
Loans on Collateral Securities, . *
• 5l76l.775 00
Loans on Policies
. 1,614,325 08
Premiums Deferred and in course
collection (net),
. *,6(5,009 41
. 872,712435 44
All other Liabilities,
. 1,167445 81
Surplus to Policyholders,
. 10,134,024 63
UP TO $100,000 ,
Insurance Companv of A.merica
Representatives in Thomasville.
A (cents
,C. M. & E. H. Smith, General Agents, Ordinary Department, Thomasville, Ga.
E. R Black, Mtnager, Ordinary Department, Prudential Building, Atlant'a, Ga.
Better Stay South.
New York, March 8.—All pueu-
Congreealonal Committee*
The members of the Democratic
Paesed Away at Sevan O’cl jck Tues
day Night
j- —
It ie the sad duty of 11-«- Tim.-s-
Knterprise to chronicle the ti.-ui I,
of Dr. S. Alex Smith, which oc
curred at his homo on Jetfersou
street Tuesday 1 ijht at seven
o’clock. He had been in ill health
for some time. His large prac
tice made heavy demandshipon his
time aud strenghth, ai d he kept
at his work until his health failed
completely. A complication of
diseases seized upon him, and h«
had been confine' 1 to his bed for
about three months. He wont to
Atlanta for treatment and’ nil
that medical skill con d devise
was done tn prolong his life, hut
all to no avail, ami the end came
last night.
Dr. Smith was thirty-eight years
of age and was one of the most
prominent physicians of the city.
His untimely demise robs the
town of an energetic and" useful
citizen, and many Of the poor and
ufllictdd will miss’his minis! m-
tious. His personal friends mourn
tbe loss of a genial and honorable
He leaves a wifo and one young
sou, Raymond. He was a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Redden Splith, i-r.,
and a brother of Redden Smith Jr.
His sisters, Mrs. Wylly of Savan
nah and Mrs. Seymour of Cordele,
were suthmoued to his bedside and
were present at his death. '
How often yon hear it romi
Are Men Coneerned In Sueina Mur- Win Thomasville Hava • Teem Thle monia and general death records Kxeoutive Committee for the **7 odd,7 and » few
derof Lest Sunday.
Colds Are Dangerous.
How often yon hear it remarked: "It’s
inly a odd,'’ and a few days leant
, , , . ... that the man is on hi. back with phen*
are shown to be broken by the re- Second Congressional Distriot are mania. This is of inch common ooonr- "
port'of the health department of ordered to meet in Albany At noon renoe *hat a odd, howeversUght.shonld
. _ ,1. I. WI-I. mi. J— «r.-L “°‘ .“ disregarded. OltamlMWfKggg
The men concerned in the kill- j„ spring a young inau’i
iug nf the Susina negro, Ed Lur- f ftn0 y ]ightly turn* to thoughts
ry, nro in jail here, awaiting tri- ] ove —and base ball. For the past nneumonia nrlm.rv Tho data will dnnht
al. Sheriff Hhrht and Denutv <• „ P ne '* m0HIa ' primary. The date will doubt-
Singlctnry returned late Monday [ J aIld ’ uo actil)K 0 “ to Jrtof W.H agsio. «™ d A P rl120th l °
night from Susina bringing with mi* ... . , The many friends of John Blount will the trouble and oxpense of two
night trom susiua bringing Thomasville. Plenty of people m pleased to learn that he his entirely primaries, Capt. John Triplett « bouse when s odd wave Is doming, you
If yon have Rydalos Elixir in tbe
them, Hefiry Mitchell, n brother still remember the days of the not recovered from his attack of rlieomv . V . ... need not fear attacks of Bronchitis
of the accused. He is charged diatlln . Bal . whell mhonmevilla "T**' ° f the C0D "” lttee
the acoused. He is charged distant past when Thomasville f,im rfter the “Setdwton in So'town f rom Thomas.
witl^ b«ing an accessory to tfte was the premier ball town ot south (Monon, Ind.) had failed to give relief. *
crime, and had a hugo revolver Georgia, aIld when the ^Thomas- iii\ e mom m a P fronU rf ir 0 donfworth C umuy Many Tourists Here,
concealed on his persou when ar- y j j | g Turks” won’victories like times its cost. Fortaloby J. W, Pen-
Pneumonia, Cough, Odds, etc. Kydales
Elixir taken when attack begins, 1
1 of the
fails to check the program of the du
ll. ^F.
rpL„ It is equally successful in chronl
The towu 19 busier now than it oases of throat lnug disease. J. W
has been at any time 'during the Peeoock,
rested. Jordan Mitchell, whr. did^ those of the Jupanese of 1 today. 1
thf killing surrendered votheSu- Many sigh for a return of those* The friends of Snpt D. TE. 8eaaon . The tide of northern —“s-hs
sii .1 officers early yesterday morn- old day8 alld . the qneition ..j 8 Kirkland will be pleased to learn traffic is homeward bound at pres- John G. DaVidSOH,
iug mid J. M. Hlackshear., brought there going to be a ball teum this thflt he > 8 BMually improving ontj and the trave i ers jj nd
him to Tuonissville Tuesday and yoar? .. i8 a frequent one. from his recent, illness. It is to Thomasville a most convenient
put him in 'Jin • A recent urticlo on the sporting be hbped that he will be able to place for rest and recreation. The
✓ SATISFACTION. page of a metropolitan daily save * je out a 8 tt ' u soon. Waycross piney Woods bus is well filled af-
it is always » source of sutisfaction to that a south west Georgia league Herald. ter the arrival of every train and
reiiod on in cinoTOonctM and wlam^are including Thomasville, Valdosta, DANGER IN COLD WEATHER. all the other hotels are busy.
Ntxt door to Evans A Son.
Solicits your patronage.
< >•
Tliera U dangor in cold weather be-
m^rn»h| , ,Vlvccidont ell aiid It Emorvcncv in this vicinity, is contemplated, cause it produces conditions favorable
Liniment ernr produced, aud is JustM None cf the local poop hi h»ve ^ ^ Ho 1 ”® 8 'P“*«r of Oie 1st
FatiAfactorv in all cases where a Lini- . , ... e , ewo* known n Isgrippe, Pucuraoma, H. E. Church South, Hickory, N. O.,
metn is minired. J. W. Peacock. beard Anything of the matter Row- Bronchitis, Consumption, ore. These „y, ; "I have used Rydalos Stomach
ovor Mr Horaco Cochran Who * re contracted while tho muo- Tablets for indigestion and regard tliom
The oDen solf tournament the Horace uoenran 'H'O oa B membraneoftlie tliroat gnd lungs M »perfect remedy for this disoase. I
1 he open gon tournament, tne wa8 manager of the team last year is weakened by inflammation resulting take pleasure in recommending them
nmixnl event of the Country Clab received several commumca- ,romft< » 1 i- It is dmigerous to neglect to all snfferers lrsm indigestion. Ut-
will Lenin on March 10th this i- roCBitea several comniunica e vou a slight cold. Help nature to ward Rydalel stomaoh Tablets for your
will iifgin on araren u>tn tins tions from players who want post- off disease by using Rydsles Elixir, stomach trouble and you will join Dr.
tions, but no steps have been taken
toward the formation of n team
Messrs. H. J. Hart, Dr. Vf. M. „ .
Searcy and Dick Pearce came over' Here “ a 8“ d f u , n0 ° for so1 ^
from Cairo Tuesday and took a O110 J lo * : \ bel " ,,<, th *
side-line degree in K. P. ism last aud afford fiome a “'' 8B "»-'"‘ for
n j j lt the long summer days.
Tliis modern scientific remedy can al-
ways be relied on in all diseased condi
tions of the throat and laDgs. .T. W.
Holmes in this
These tableta will
weak stomaoh cannot, and thus nourish
1 strong endorsement.
:• will digest the food your
Neatly and promptly done.
the body end prevent thcpartial starve- T5_J tj.„ „ 1,1«
tion, from which all dyspeptics snffer A DC6S Xt63SOQ8.D10,
Mies MeClellan Dead.
People in Thomasville will re- TheS’tablots retleVe' all ditagreeablo \A/AMTCH TD DIIV
gret to learn of the death of Miss symptoms at once. They will increase WMIl I LU I U DU I
and which causes the loss in flesh and
strength all dyspeptics experience.
“ ' 'relieve a
Saturday in Belton, Texas, where you
Mr. E. H. Lake of Atlanta is in
the city accompanied by his wife
and brother-in-law, Mr. Sample,
of Ohio. Ho will retnrn to At
lanta next week but Mrs. Lake
and Mr. Sample will' spend some
time here.
, , D „ * READ .t through
Messrs. VV. H. Blalock, B. M. -
Comfort and John Burney, promi- .|. wogM spoil This story to Tell It she has lived for some time. She
nent citizens of Boston, were la tbe Headlines resided in Thomasville for many
among the, visitors to the city To use an eighteenth century phrase, years and was known to every cit
first days t
to perfect
health. J. W. Peacock
Registration Notlee.
I will be at the following places on
... , .... , , „ „ , . „ , . dates named, for tho purpose of
this is an o «‘rue tale. Having hap- lze n of the plac *. SI10 ,kept a toy registering tho legal voters of the eoun-
Mr 1 H Jeraer is renairinv P elled in *^irginta town in tho ttn d stationery store at different, ty. AU of those registering when they
Mr. L. H. Jerger .. repairing winter of 1903. it is a story very much place8 iu th / city g ho left here paid their taxes forTho year 1903, are
, legally registered for tlie elections of
Mr. J. B. Way of Boston spent
Tuesday in Thomasville.
and painting his fence to make it of the present. Up to a short time ago .
harmonize with his handsome Mrs. John E Harmon. of .Melfa St.- about 1892, and more than sev-
home on Fletcher street. v » - f “f ao P 8 ' 80 ^ 1 k “^ ed « 8of e,,ly - vea i r9 of °* fi ' Duncanville, Monday, March U.
tlie rare curative properties of Chamber- Boston, Tuesday, March IS.
'Last January,” LOST HI8 GRIP Glasgow, Wednesday, March 16.
~ 1, Thursday, March 17.
‘ ' ‘ March 18.
Mr. D W. Walker of Susina
was in town on Tuesday.
Mr. M. B. Holloway came over
from Pavo Tuesday.
Mr. Mika Atkina who baa been
at home for several daya left on a
trip up tbe Albany divieion
ly morning.
Tbe benefit concert and dance Iain’s Cough Remedy. “Last January," LOST HIS GRIP,
of the Shannon Orchestra will be she "“J b * b / sdreadfulcold ^Vlien a man haslost liis grip, on the
given at the Piuey Wood* hotel on8 1 feered she woold have lffainl 0 f life, foot.incapable of perform- Merrillville, Monday, March 21 a. m.
Sn March 18th pneumonia, but_ one of my ne^hbor, „ e ^ ^Ttta, bnliDeu Patten^tonday klirch Sl p. m.
on March lotn. told me how this remedy had cored her . tv-i- i.„^.m win anil P*vo, Tuesday, March S3.
Hon. "Stanley Bennett and Cr"? Liver *
Capt j/G. McCall, two promi- ^1 T thank tL^nfactorer,' of ^
nent attorneys from Qmtman, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for pla- noimid condition nf body and mind, aad Cairo, Friday, March 38 n m.
were in the city Tuesday on legal ring so great a cure within my reach. fitamaaforMe ifaulM and pisesatfs gjjgr.yK™?; m '
. ■ ' * . I cannot reootnmend It too highlvor say of life sgain. Rydalos liver. Tablets ais Metcalfe, Mooday, Msrch 38.
business, t oanmw leoommona it nigruy orjay mht ^ tak „ i Dt ^ aut to afracL Mhofoo. ThomssriUe, March Slit to April Mb.
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
■otlev, Bs, Express Co. 8-?-8 A
Office at Williams' Stable 118 ’
Jackson St., TbomasviUe, Ga.