Newspaper Page Text
To b. mad. for P.n.m. C.n«l of ton
Carroll of Albany is in
ir and will bo here for sever-
.. B. Blain, formerly of
y, but now of Tifton, was
A. Adams of Pavo was
ng the prominent visitors to
9 city on Thursday.
'. J. H. Adams and Rev. D.
er were among the promt
liters from Boston Thurs
. R. C. Diekinsou" came home
ay afternoon from a visit
al weeks to Madison, Fla.
i Jennie Veresn and Mrs. P.
i visited Thomasville this
c.—Moultrie Observer..
eWitt Roberts of Vnldoe-
o has been here for several
t for home yesterday -af-
, D. H Parker, who has
tiding the Baptist meet-
j returned to his home in
i Friday afternoon. . J
dr. and Mrs, J. G. Conant of
n, Mass., are hereenroate to
Franoisco, Gel.- and are the
i of Mr. E. B. Parker;
. J.. A. Jerger and daughter
ne of New York arrived
| to visit Mr. L. H. Jen
his home on Fletfi&er
r VVm. Proctor, Jr., wife and
>, left Friday afternoon
avannah. Mr, Prootor’sfa*
, and his sou goes to be
Patterson drug company
1 a fine soda fount yester-
uoon, abd will proceed
parched palates daring
Washington, March 8.—The
Secretary of the Treasury today
will’call on the depository banks
of New York city to deposit 20
per cent, of their government hold
inge in the sub-treasury. The
money is to be turned oyer today
to J, P. Morgan & Co., 'as the fi
naneial representative of the re
public of Panama on account the
Panama banal purchase. The 20
per cent, will aggregate about
eight million dollars, and the re
maining two million will be taken
from the snb treasnry.
The Ordinary’s Office-
WJudge Wm.|M. Jones announces
this morning for re-election to
tbe office of ordinary. Judge
Jones bas> held the office for four
years to the eminent satisfaction
of the people of tbe county. He
is ons of the most popular Con
federate veterans in all this sec
tion and he carries into his polit
ical life the same honest sense of
duty that oaTried him into the
war. His announcement will be
tbe signal for the enthusiastic
support of hundreds of friends.
At The Pinsy Woods.
L. K. Copeland and wife, jMra.
Eugene Goldman and children,
Chicago: Mrs. J. Block and Miss
Beatrice Block, Oinoinuatti Ohio;
L. S. Beckwith, Cleveland Ohio;
J. F. Stoer, Philadelphia; Bf G.
Scaram, St. Paul; Miss Laura
F. Dudley, Miss Frauces S. Dad-
ley, New York; Miss Julia S Win-
terhoiT and maid. New York; Mr.
and Mrs. tihas. H. Hilliard and
•on, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Stpin
New York; E. G. Thomson Savan
nah Ga.
to .
the coming summer.
Mrs. R. W. Glading and Miss
Gliding, of Obioago, are
for the remainder of the sea-
They formerly lived here
are warmly welcomed by old
Judge R. G. Mitchell, of Thom-
asville, was in Tifton a few honrs
Monday, on bis way borne from a
trip to Nashville, where he held a
speoial term of oourt Monday
morning for the purpose'of grant
ing a charter for the Adel Lumber
Co. Judge Mltohell appears in
remarkably good health, and in
excellent shape tor his spring w ork
—Tifton Gaiette.
Mr. R. L. Ireland and a party
of friends who have been his
guests at '‘Pebble Hill" left Thurs
day for Augusta. Mr; Ireland
will return for the remainder of
soason, next week.
■ ■II
Misses Marion Hayes, Ohar-
lotto Ward " and Mr sirs. Walter
Hammond and Frank Ansley
were among a congenial party
who went up to Pelham, Thursday
night to be the guests|of Miss Irene
Hand. •"
Mite Cornelia Ahlenm who was
recently the gneet of Miu Luoile
Antley here it visiting Misses
Sarah and Violet Harrie in Ooala,
‘ Fla The Ocala Banner telle of a
delightful reception in her honor
at the Harris home last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Grinner,
ohild and maid of New York arriv
ed laet night and. are at the Piney
" Wood*.' Mrs. Grimier is a daugh
ter of Mr.Simeon J.Drake and has
often visited Thomasville. Their
return is witnessed with plensnre
byall. ~
Mias lionise Slater waa called
to Cairo Friday morning by the
death of her mother. Miss Slater
is a teacher in the Thomasville
public achooli and her hosts of
friend* hue will join in extending
* gmcere sympathy in her sad be
The tri weekly sleeping car ser
vice over the Coast Liao from
Thbmaanlle to the West ie prov-
i great convenience Travel-
r Agent Bottoms baa
I up a good' patronage for
It leaves Thomasville
ay and Fri-
l.for paaseu-
Building Rsmedslsd.
Work is now going on at the
bnildiug on Broad street owned
by Afta Merrill- The store room
will be enlarged and a suite of
offices built np stairs. Contrac
tor H. N. Stanton has' the work
in Charge, and this is a guarantee
that it will be well done.
Early Planting.
The farmer! are at least four
weeks further along with their
spring planting than they were
last year. A prominent farmer
who visited the city yesterday
said: "Tbe first week iu March
1004 finds me further advanced
with my orops than the first week
in April 1008.”
Mrs. Walter Higbt, of Way-
oross, who has been spending sev
eral days days in Valdosta as tbe
gneet of her parents, Col. and
Mrs. G. Whitaker, was joined yes
terday by her hnsband, who will
spend several days here.—Val
dosta Timet.
. Pint of ths Season.
The first spring thunder shower
came Thursday evening at seven
o'clock. Hard rain and heavy
thunder mukp people know that
spring is really here.
Auction Party.
The guests of the Mitchell
House eutertained at an auction
party in the hotel parlors on FH-
day eveuing.
Mrs.’Frank Smith aud yonng
ton are the guests of relatives in
Of MsrKmnnshlp by Professional
BQunners Friday.
The exhibition shoot at the Fair
Grounds Friday afternoon by
tbe Southern Squad of the Union
Metallic ' Cartridge Company
iiras a most: interesting affair.
The team is composed of five ex
pert gunners,' and they were tbe
guests of tho Cracker Gun Club,
The shooting Friday was a lit
tle off from the experts usual
form but was. nevertheless very
The Bcores were ns follows each
shooting 100: Capt. T. A. Mar
shall, 89, R. O. Heikes, 88, C W.
Budd 81, W. H. Heer, 98, and
Col. J. T. Anthony 91.
Captl Marshall and Mr. Heer
each have a record of 100 clay
straight. Mr. Heikes has shot
199 oat of 200 and Mr. Budd has
killed lOt) live birds, straight
Several members of the Crack
er Gun Club-abut against the pro
fessional, but they,- too, were off
form. Their scores were,
Lake 78, Cooper 69, Watson 78,
Peacock 42 ont of 60, Martiudale
81 out of 50.
A number of spectators enjoyed
the exhibition, and the visit of
the professional! was of much
pleasure to the locals..
The squad left on Saturday
morning for Jacksonville - Mr.
Hood Waters of ths L. and R
Powder company and Mr. H. 0.
Leslie J. Staudish of the U. M. C.
Co. are with tbe squad x>n their
To Toooh at Agnes Scott.
Miss Josephine McSwain of
Laurens S. C. has been elected to
the chair of French and German
at Agnes Scott IuBtitute. She
will spend the summer in Paris
in preparation for her duties.
Miss MoSwain is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. L. S MoSwain,
formerly readmits of this city,
and a of Mrs. Mike
Atkins She has ' visited
here of recent years and her many
Thomasville friends will learn
with pleasnre of her advancement
in her chosen work.
Mr. ronaron mitsnun.
In today’s paper Hon. Fondren
Mitohell announces his candidacy
for re-election to the House of
Representatives. During his past
service in that body he lias won a
reputation second to none, and is
oue of the leading members of the
Honse. His record of clean and
efficient publio service will doubt
less entitle him tore-eleotion,and
no opposition has been hinted at
from the county.
Should Mr. Mitchell be ro-elocted
it is practically certain that he
will make the race for speaker of
the House. If he does run there
is small room for doubt of his
eleotion. Thomas comity would
feel honored at having its repre
sentative in the chair, and ho
would fill the position with digni
ty and credit.
Candidates Have Nsarly All Daelsrad
Themselves and Campaign Will ha
The political campaign promises
to be a quiet one in Thomas coun
ty this year. AH of the present
county officers whose terms expire,
with a few exceptions have an
nounced themselves for re-elec
tion. The three present membere
of the honse of representatives are
all in tho race to succeed them
selves, and political wiseacres say
that they will have no opposition.
Iu the pest few months the names
of many men have been mention
ed as possible candidates. Among
them are John B. Eason and J. B.
Way of tbe Boston district. Dr. J.
Frank Harris of Pavo, J. F Stone
and Jule Forrester of the Cairo
district, and several others. At
one time it was soppoaed that tbe
dispensary question might figure
in county politics, but it seems
that this issue, and all the gen
tlemen named have preferred to
remain in the background.
Sheriff T, J. Hight is opposed
by Mr. J. J. Cone and both are
making an aotive canvass. Tbe
principal interest of tbe campaign
centers in this race.
Ordinary Jones, Coroner Gandy,
Surveyor Staualand, Commission
ers Smith, aud Barrow,' Treasurer
Parker and Tax Receiver Howard,
have all announced for re-election
and present indications are that
they will go nook into office un
The term of County Commis
sioner H. C. Copeland of Metoalfe
expires, bnt it is 'not known
whether or not he will again bo a
candidate. The friends of this
efficient and popular officer are
nrging him to serve again and he
will probably accede to their re
Tax Collector P S. Heeth has
not announced for re-elfctiou but
it is generally understood that be
will do so.
Clerk J; W. Groover roar or
may not ran sgaiu. He has not
announced his intention.
It seems now that save iu the
case of the sheriff’s office Thomas
comity’s campaign will be as
smooth and quiet as a summer
sea, bnt politics and a jnry are
uncertain things and no one knows
whut the next few days may bring
jg Your’e Hunting
for big values ii
We’re Hunting
for you.
jjj Wei Meet You 8
m (fi
||| with more and better jjjj\
(fi values than ever. (f\
| At My Store *
ft 8
H| You’ll find genuine
ft Mains Seed Irish Potatoes, (lit- ft
(ft lerent varietiea,something that (f*
rn yon can rely on. Thepriceon (ft
i these goods is advancing, bat i
I (halt sell at same old price— (T.
‘ a very low price. (fl
m Don’t forget that I keep a
i complete line of aU goods kept
(ft in a Flnt-Class Grooery Store.
/|| Prices low as the lowest.
1 No, 311 E,
1 Jackson Si,
Thomasville. • Georgia.
Mrs. Jas. Denham is visiting
relatives In Thomasville— Monti-
cello News.
Mias Mataie Hopkins is at home
again after a visit to Palm Beach,
St. Augustine and Brunswick.
Mr. Charles Gandy.
One of the most highly respect
ed citizens of Thomas county is
Mr. Charles Gandy whose an
nouncement as a candidate for
re-eleotion to the office of coroner
appears today. Mr. Gandy is an
old Confederate soldier and has
hosts of friends among those who
served in the war aud of
younger generation also. He has
made a splendid record iu office
and will bo warmly supported for
To Discuss Telegraphy.
Tile meeting of. the Private
Commercial School Managers’
Association will take place iu St.
Louis from July 5—9 this year.
Mr. G. W. H. Stanley of this city
has been appointed to disouss the
question “Is telegraphy a Desira
ble Branch.”
Mr. Stanley is one of the best
knowu business college men in
the country and the compliment
is a well deserved oue.
K Moore of Quitman waa a vis
itor here Friday. #
Maintenance of Way Emplcyaaa Loaa
toCoaat Lina.
Wilmington, N. C., March 4.—
(-ipecial.) President - John T.
Wilson, of the maintenance of
wuy employees. isso«d an order
yesterday calling off the strike on
the Atlnntio Coast Line.
Snch an order has beeu expect
ed for some time, as it was seen
that the strike was not effective
and very few vacancies existed iu
the eutire system.
The strike was called on Febru
ary 11 because the compauy re
fused to grant tbe demand of the
track meu for shorter hours and
increased wages.
Most of the Thomasville strik
ers returned to work two weeks
ago and the others have been
gradually dropping in one by one
8iuse that time.
Puzzled by Disappearance of Jap Flsat
From Port Arthur.
St. Petersburg, March 8.—Since
the disappearance of ths Japanese
fleet from before Port Arthur the
Russian authorities are anxiously
awaiting for the next move of the
Japanese on sea.
It is learned that the Russian
plaus for checking the Japanese
advance in northern Korea have
been perfected. With a new aid-
iug built along the Siberian rail
road, the authorities hope to run
eleven . trains in each direction
C. T. Hopper of Boston spent
Fyiday in town.
A Wonderful Saving.
The largest Methodist Church in G
gia, calculated to use aver one hundred
gallons of the usual kind of mixed paint
in painting tneir church.
They used only 32 gallons of the Long
man & Martinez Paint mixed with 24
gallons ot linseed oil. Actual cost of
paint made was less than $1.20 per gal
Saved over eighty ($80.00) dollars in
paint, and got a Dig donation besides.
EVERY CHURCH will be given a
liberal quantity whenever they paint.
Many houses are well painted with
four gallona of L & M. and three gallons
of linseed oil mixed therewith.
Wears and covers like gold.
These Celebrated Paints are sold bv
O. W. Cochran, Thomasville, Ga.
G. L. Duren, Meigs. Ga.
Low One-way Settlers’ Rates to
the Northwest and California.
Prom September IS until November
SO, 1003, the Burlington makes very low
one-way colonist rates to California,
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana.
The reduction la from SS to 40 per cent,
from the regular rates.
The Way to 60.
The Burlington, with lta strong mam
line* and free chair care, heat reaches
the West and Northwest via Denver,
Billings or St. Paul.
“Tho Bnrlington-Northsrn Pacific
Express" la tbe great dally through train
with chair car* and tourist sleepers via
Billings, Montana, to Puget Sound and
intermediate pointa.
Homesaekers’ Excursions
These are ran the first and sliird Tues
days of each month at approximately
half rates for the round trip.
It will be a pleasnre for ns to give yon
an aocurate and informative reply to any
J. N. Merrill, Gen’l. Southern Agt.,
Atlanta, Georgia.
L. W. Wakeley, Gen’l. Pas. Agt.,
St Louis, Mo
Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It
la tha Headlines.
To oae an eighteenth century phrase,
this is an “o’er true tale. ” Having hap
pened in a small Virginia town in the
winter of 1303, it is a story very much
of the present. Up to a short time ago
Mrs. John E. Hannon, of Melfa Sta
tion, Va., had no personal knowledge of
the rare curative properties of Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy. “Last January,”
she says, “my baby took a dreadful cold
and at one time I feared she would have
pneumonia, bnt one of my neighbors
told me how this remedy had cored her
littlerboy and I began giving it to my
baby at once and it soon cored her. I
heartily thank the manufacturer* of
Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy for pla
cing so great a core within my reach.
I cannot recommend it too highly or say
too mnch in its favor. I hope all who
read this will try it and he convinced as
I was." For sale by J. W. Peacock.
Office 104 up stairs.
Broad 8L,
Thomasville, Ga.
Sf Money To Loon on Thomas. County Res]
Estate at 7 Par Cent Per Annum.
Office over Nations! Bank,
' Thomasville, Ga.
Phono no-a.
Fag-Work Guaranteed.
All Graduates Successful
Every student taking combined
course goes direct to a posi
Executed at any
time by ,
Experienced Stenographer
Work Called for
and Delivered...
Jits. McKHim,
Headquarters for
Hay, Corn Oats and Bran.
Meal And Hulls.
Field Seeds of all Kinds.
'Phone 156—3
129 Jackson St., - Thomasville, Ga
Texas, Arkansas, Louisians,
California, Cloorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest
Dizt. Passenger Agent, .
Represent* all Makes
Oaah or Installments.
Band and all kinds Mnsical Instrument
furnished. Experienced Factorywork.
Toning, Regulating and Repairing.
Out of towh orders solicited.
Address, Maeury Honse, Thomasvills,
county I would be glad to make von
prices on your Fertilisers, can giro
A n6w business in
—Wo have established a—
Fire, Life and Ac
cident Insurance
Let ns insure your
J. 0. Bell, Manager.