Newspaper Page Text
18, 1904.
Entire stock just received at
Mallard & Varnedoe’s
500 hundred High-Art $1.25 Shirts to go while they are new
FOR #100
Our entire line of Hosiery, German made, Egyptian thread,
imported and domestic, made up in high colorings,
medium and plain, from 10c to 65 cts per
pair. The best ever shown in this city.
We are already receiving our large and complete stock of
We still have a few suits in Fall and Winter weights
that must go at a price to suit the customer rather than carry
them over. Also a small line of fleece lined and woolen uu
derwear to close at a price.
Our 50c negligee shirt is a world beatei at
Mallard. & Varnedoe-
Mr. M- Baum, and Dr,
of Quitman were in the
Messrs. Goorgo Brown and Dook
of near Pavo were here
Dr. W., 8. Brown
Tuesday from a short trip to Bos-
1 -
■S Hr. T. J. Willis, wholesale gro-
oer of Meigs was in the oity Mon
Mr. W. H. Boswell and daugh
ter, Mias Emma, -were visitors to
the oity Monday.
Mr Ed Johnson, of the Quit-
man Marble Works, was nmoug
)ur visitors Monday.
Mr. Sam Wolff left yesterday
for the eastern markots. He will
be away, several weeks.
■ ■
Rev. W. R. Owings is at home
after a few days spent with rela
tives at Valdosta.
E. W. Cooper ef Pelham, spent
Sunday in Thomasville the guest
of his brother, 0. W. Cooper.
Mrs. C. H. Williams of Atlanta
is the guest of Mrs. Royal J. Mil
ler on Dawson street.
Mr. John Davidson, who is
bnllding a railroad near Moultrie,
spent Sunday here.
Mr. Arohie MacIntyre spent
fennday with home folks, Ha has
a position in a bank at Valdosta.
Dr. T. S. Dekle, who has been
on a ten days visit to his daugh-
, ter in Cochran, Ga., has returned
much improved in health.
1 Elisabeth Tatum of Talla-
< is the guest of Mrs. A. C
owu. Miss Tatnm is a very at-
ctire young lady.
Miss Margaret Gardiner of Co-
1 has gone to Mew Mexico
» spend several months. She is
sister of Mrs. John L. Turner
d has often visited here.
. J. T. Lamb and Mrs. Z. I.
(sailed on Sunday from
Havana Cuba. They
delightful time so
. B. Walworth of the
1 Ship Company was
r and Monday. He
1 by sea has been
• and that his
more people
year than ever
arth was ac-
fe and they
Poods hotel
Business Portion of the Town Almost
Amerions, Ga., March 18.—The
business portion of^eston, coun
ty site of Webster oonnty, was
praotioally wiped out by fire this
The losses are:
Cobb & Montgomery, nearly
Stapleton Nicholson Co , *1,600
Welch & Majors and R. L.
Nicholson also lost heavily.
The town has no fire protection.
. There was little, if any, insur
ance whatever on tho property de
Wssthsr Bureau Reports It as the
Worst of tho Boston.
Milwankee. Maroh 14 —A severe
blizzard began here at midnight
and is still raging. It is report
ed by the Weather Bureau to be the
worst of the season. Seven in
ches of snow had fallen at 8 o’-
olook this' morning. The storm
this morning was more severo
here than elsewhere in the ' state.
E. M. Mellette, the real estate
dealer, has sold the Vanghn prop
erty corner Madison and Clay
streets to Mrs. Dr. J. L, Foster.
The property will ,be gteatly im
proved by the new owner.
Oftoa Tho Kidneys An
Weakened ly Orer-WerL
PJl J Is an ordeal which all
nothing compares with
the pain and horror of
. . child-birth. The thought
** suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother
•f all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women
have found that the use of Mother’s Friend during pregnancy robs
confinement of all pain and danger, end insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother’s Friend
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use
gently prepares the system for the coming'event, prevents “morning
sickness,” end other dis- *
containing valuable information free. BBP" r> B f t
Tho Brad field Bognletor Co., Atlanta, Go. B tffiaBLEwEfJJ
For Sheriff.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Mood.
It nsed to be considered that only
urinary and bladder troubles were to be
traced to the kidneys,
bat now modern
science proves that
nearly all diseases
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these most important
fET* kidneys filter
and purify the blood—
that is their work.
Therefore, when your kidneys are weak
or out of order, you can understand how
quickly your entire body ii affected and
how every organ seems to fail to do its
It you are sick or. ** feel badly,’* begin
taking the great kidney remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon
as your kidneys are well they will help
all the other organa to health. A trial
will convince anyone.
If you are sick you can make no mis
take’by first doctoring your kidneys,
ild and the extraordinary effect of
The mil —
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful caret
of the most distressing caees^andjssold
on its merits by all
druggists in fifty-cent
and one-dollnr size
bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
by mail *
how to i
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co. { Bing*
hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottla.
e a sample nottie g—» ocsiwum
mail free, also a pamphlet telling yon
r to find out if you have kidney or
Idcr trouble. Mention this paper
i Lot of
Sold for 15 end
20c, now
1SS 1-iiC.
The unfortunate sailor, who has been shipwrecked, and is
being tossed about upon the angry billows of the
mighty ocean, the light of a ship, even though it be
many miles away, is a welcome sight, for it
gives hope.
To a Drunken flan
groping his way on a dark night the electric light is a wel*
come sight, for he knows that near at hand, is a
post upon which he . can lean his weary
body or try to dodge the monkeys.
an advertisement sparkling with bargains, is a light which
burns brilliantly, and guides him tp the place where he can
that the articles mentioned in this space are BARGAINS:
3 dozen pair, of “Girl-of-today” Shoes worth $2.25
1 lot Val Lace—no match sets—any old price.
1 lot black Press Goods—once on a time $1.50 to $a.oo
per yard, now. 75
1 lot Summer Corsets, formerly 50c, now 25
The Grand Lodge Knights of
Pythias will meet in Albany in
May. . '
I hereby annonnee myself as a candi-
> the
Col. A. T. Woodward of Val
dosta wants to go as a delegate to
St. Louis.
date for re-election to the office of sher
iff of Thomas county, subject to the
action of the Democratic primary, if
re-elected I will continue to give the
office my personal attention and will
discharge its duties to the test of my
T. J. Hight.
For Sheriff.
The Democratic primary for
Colquitt connty will be held on
April 20th.
A Parker club has been organiz
ed in Atlanta. The Gate City has
gome redeeming features.
I heaeby announce myself as a candi
date for Sheriff of Thomas connty, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic pri
mary, and solicit the support of the vo
ters of the connfy. If elected I will
give my personal and undivided atten
tion to ths duties of the office and will
discharge those duties to the beet of my
ability. J. J. Cone, tf
The cjty of Bainbridge has pur
chased the old court house square
from Decatur connty and will
make a public park ont of it.
For Representative.
I hereby annonneo myself as a can
didate for representative subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. If
•re-elected I pledge myself to a faithfol
perfonuouco of ail tiie duties of tlie offi
ce. My past record in the office is open
to iuBpoctiou and relying upon this 1
Clark Grier postmaster of Dub
lin will oppose Congressman
Bra'ntley, as a Repnblican candi
date. We have heard of ferlorn
hopes, but this is the limit
submit my claims to tho voters of the
county and solicit their support.
John B. Singletary
Mr. Martin F. Amorous, the At-
lanta [councilman, who is well
known iu the railroad circles
tbroudhout South Georgia an
nonnees that he will-uot be i
candidate for mayor of Atlanta
though he has been urged to make
tho race.
Itisaaidthat John M. Egan,
former president of the Central of
Georgia railroad will be at the
bead of the Apalachicola Northern
railroad. This road is yet to be
built, but will run through the
richest timber section of Florida
from Apalachicola to River Junc
tion with a branch line to Quincy.
State Entomoligist Newell de
clares that [the boll weevil may
attack the whole cotton belt. He
says that the only way to keep
off the pest is to plant early cot
1 There is no practical way to ex
terminate or kill, the insect. It
is about an inch long with wings,
and whenever a person approaches
it flies away to other fields.
There is bnt one way to get rid
of it, and that ii to plant early
cotton. The weevil does not do
rnnch damage until the middle
of July or first of August, and if
the plant has matured its bolls by
then, it is safe from the ravages
of the inseot, as the weevil does
not attack the stalk that late. So
keen is its seuss of looating the
cotton plant that often single
stalks around cotton gins and
railroad tracks are visited by
‘them. If they ever reach the sea
islands they will be taken there
iu bay. or by some means of that
FoUow the well lighted path and profit thereby
Corner Broad and Jackson Street, Thomasville, Georgia.
Directions' for Making Good Bread:
Use one leveled teaspoonful
to a quart of Bifted flour; add
enough bout milk to knead the
When sour milk is not used,
two porta of Cream of Tartar and
oneof SocoeaaSoda are the cor
rect proportions.
Best and Cheapest.
For County Commissioner,
I hereby annonnee myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commis
sioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas
county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. I solicit the sup
port of the voters of the connty.
H. O Copeland.
This is not a gentle word—bnt when
yon think how liablo yon are not to
purchase the only remedy universally
known and a remedy that has had the
Largest sale of any medicine in the
world since 1888 for the cure and treat
ment of Oonanmption and Throat and
Long troubles without losing its great
popularity all theee years, you will be
thankful wa called your attention to
Boaobee’s German Syrup. Thera are so
many ordinary cough remedies made by
druggists and others that are cheap ana
good for light colds perhaps, but for se
vere Coughs, Broncldtia, Croup—and
especially for Consumption, where
there fa difficult erpeotoratian and
ooughing during the nights and morn
ings, there is nothing like German Syr
up, The X taut size has j oat been in
trednosd this rear. At S. H. Prioe O
State School Commissioner W.
B. Merritt has sent ont a letter
to the various counties fixing the
time for the examinations. He
“The usnal snmmer examina
tion of applicants for licenses to
teach will be held on the 27th
and 28th of Jane. I snggest that
teachers stndy as basis for this
examination the following; Page's.
Theory and Practice of Teaching,
Rook s Methods in • Education,
some history of education, the
common school books adopted by
the state sobool book commission,
and some special topics to be an
nounced a few days later for stndy
in the auuual institutes. Those
special topics will bo largely based
on the common school books. A
few authors whu66 selections ap
pear in the Lee reader will be
studied each year. In the annual
institute of this year I will sug
gest special stndy of the writings
of Longfellow, Irving, Scott,
Macauley and Grady.
To Echols Court.
Judge Robert G. Mitchell left
Tuesday for Statenville. He
will convene the March term of
Echols connty * superior conrt
there this morning. This is the
first conrt of the spring ronnd
that the jodge will make.
For The-Legislature.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to tho Legislature sub- '
ject to tho Democratic primary. Hav
ing served the people te the very boat of
my ability in the last legislature, I feel
that I rau confidentially and conscien
tiously Vilieit their support in the ap
proaching primary.
J. B. Rountree.
For Representative.
To the people of Thomas county:
Appreciating the past honors you have
confirmed upon me I ta
take tills method
of announcing that I am a candidate for
re-election to the House of Representa
tives of Georgia. In the discharge of
ray duties in the past as your represen
tative I have to the beet of my ability
worked for your interests and the in
terests of the whole people of Georgia,
I again ask you** support. My candi
dacy is subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
Fondren Mitchell.
For Tax Collector.
I most respeotfnlly announce myself
as a candidate for re-election to the of*
flee of tax collector subject to the ac
tion of the Democratic primary. In
making tide announcement I beg to ex
tend my thanks to the voters of Thomas
oonnty for their kindness to me during
the past and to solicit a continuance of
their rapport. P. 8. Beith.
For Tax Receiver.
I hereby annonnop myself as a can
didate for re-election to the office of
Tax Receiver of Thomas oonnty subject
to the action of the Democratic primary.
If re-elected I will give the office the
same careful attention as in the past.
I solicit the support of the voters of the
John F. Howard.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce mjKclf a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commis
sioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas
county, subject to tho action of the
Democratic primary. I solicit the sup
port of the voters of the county.
For Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commia-
miselouor of Roerds and Revenues of
Thomas connty, subject to tho action of
the Eemocratio primary, and solict the
support of the voters.
dAw J. D. Barrow.
For Ordinary.
Desiring first to thank my old com
rades, and friends generally, for their
four yean gift of the office of ordinary,I
hereby annonnee myself as a candidate
for re-election, subject to the the Demo
cratic primary, promising if elected, to
do my utmost to perform all the duties
of the office faithfully in future as I
have tried to do in tho post.
For County Treasurer.
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate for re-election aa Treasurer of
Thomas connty, subject the action of
the Democratic Primary.
I am very thankful to tho people for
the favon and confidence shown me in
the put, »nd pledge, if elected, my
very beet and most conscientious efforts
to give them faithfol, efficient, and sat
isfactory service.
- I earnestly solicit your rapport and
friendly co-operation.
Gratefully and faithfully yours.
For Coroner.
I take this means of announcing for
-e-election to the office of coroner of
Thomas connty subject to the action of
the primary. U elected I will give the
duties of the office the same careful at
tention that they have heretofore re
ceived at my hands. I appreciate the
support that my friends nave always
given me and their many kind expres
sions of satisfaction. Thanking all my
supporters and hoping for a renewal of
tho suuport. Iam faith tolly,
CiiAS. Gandy.
For County Surveyor.
I announce my candidacy for re-elec-
tion to the office of oonnty surveyor of
Thomas county subject to the action of
the Democratic primary. If re-elected
I will continue to give the office my best
attention. I solicit the rapport of the
A. J.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby annonnee myself a candidate
office * of Commis-
for election to the __
sionerof Roads and Revenues of Thomas
county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. I solicit the ran.
port of the voters of the connty