Newspaper Page Text
•Bnfldi up the Syitem," .
Hou. Joseph H. Ridgewsy, Secretary
of the American Anti-Troat Society,
writes the following letter tr$m the
Grand Central Hotel, Ht. Paul, Minn.:
“Itis with great pleasure that I en
dorse Pcruna as
an honest medi
cine, competent
to do all It
claims. I have
used It several
times and know
of nothing that
cures so com
pletely, and at
tho same time
builds up the
“I have rec
ommended It to
Our Meigs Departm*
iveals .That “Pe-ru-na is Calculated to
Tone up the System, Restore the Func-
Miss Hottio Lightfoot of Williams is
visiting tho family of Mr. J. M. Pilcher
this week near town.
Mr. Otlmiol Collier from near Ocli-
lockonce, lias entered Center Hill school.
Mr. and Mrs Math Maddox and their
danghter. Miss Qossie of Chipley, Fin.
are visitors here. Mr. Maddox 1b a for
mer resident of this county and thinks
of moving Ills family back.
Mr. W. J. Stubbs of Glenmore was
here several days last week. He is R.
R. agent at Glenmore, and by his strict-
ly-to-bnsiness way is working to the
front. Ho is on his way to the West
for a short visit. •
Master Robert Scott of Albany is on
a .visit to Eddie Carter.
Miss Laura Viok and Emma Boswell
and Robert Hall who are attending
school at Norman Park have returned
to their studies, after a few days visit
to home folks.
Mr. G. W. Chestnut of the Times-En-
terprise was hero Saturday. He in
formed me that his initials do not stand
for “George Washington," and that
his conscience will not allow him with
out protest, to bear inch a name, the
emblem of truth.
iuimitablo lectures at the auditorium a.
few evenings since, His subject waa
“The American Boy.” I should bo.
obliged to him to come back and tell
me how to raise about four of the
tions and Procure Health.*’
There was a short conference held at
the MelhodiBt church Sunday afternoon
bat little work was done besides revis
ing tho church register. • .i‘
Joseph Ridgeway.
ing work done. Since the appointment
of Mr. Mitchell there is a visible im
provement in the condition of our
The farmers are busy planting torn
and from all accounts and appearances
the acreage wilt not bo decreased.
Mr. Le Roy Dickey was exhibiting
the skin of an enormous rattlesnake
which he killed on the home place last
Wears pleased to see our valued
friend, Mr. W. ,T. Diokey out and
about. Ur. Dickey is seventy-seven
years young.
Some of the farmers who formed*
clnb to bny guano, have not been able
to get a-pound shipped on their order.
Mrs. MoJjillen of Camilla came down,
a few days since visiting her daughter
She luurleft and. is
friends end always feel that I do them a
service for I know how satisfactory the
results invariably are. I only wish
every family had a Ijottle—it would save
Mrs. W. A. Daren,
now at-Ooolidge.
Mrs. Jackson, mother of Mrs; T. W,
Carter is here.
Mr. R. R. Sapp of Fernandinn Fla.
is here to see home folks.
Mrs. Cranford of Alabama is visiting
Mrs. Dunbar, her daughter.
Meigs will, perhaps, announce- anoth
er candidate for representative. As
soon as we hear from the powers that
be, we shall let yon know. The pow
ers may not want os to ran tbit time,
Bat for very private reasons 1 should
be glad to notice the ortlole of a short
Ae to the
much sickness and doctor bills.”—Joseph
H. Ridgeway.
"hfll Better Than for Vive Years.**
Mr. James B. Taylor, Roberts, Ind,
“I am at the present time entirely
well. I can eat anything I ever conld.
I took live bottles of Poruna, and feel
better now than I have far flvo years.
1 have doctored with other doctors oil
and on for fifteen years, so I can recom
mend your medicine very highly for
stomach troubles, I take great pleasure
in thanking yon for your free edviae
end Perana-V—James B. Taylor.
“I Enjoy my Meals as 1 Used,to."
Hr. J. W. Pritchard, Wolf Lake, Ind*
“lorn pleased to say that 1 have been
cured of catarrh of the stomach by Pa
rana. I could hardly eat anything that
agreed with me. Before I would get
half through my meal my stomach
would fill with gas causing me much
distress and unpleasant feelings for an
hoar or two after oach meat. Bat,
thanks to your Reruns, I am now com
pletely cared, and can eat anything I
want Jo without any of tho distressing
symptoms. I can now enjoy my meals
ss I used to do, and it is all due to Dr.
Hartman and his wonderful medicine,
“It has been one year since I was
cured, and I am all O. K. yot, so I know
I am curod."—J. W. Pritchard.
Dyspepsia is a very common phase of
summer catarrh. A remedy that will
time ago, signed "Voter. 1
term “prohibition,” it is.
Call it temperanoe, or any thing. So
far aa an "ardent prohibitionist" say
ing that “prohibition don't prohibit,”
I'll bet anything he ismotardent enough
to make a shadow for the cause of temp
eranoe. His backbone is as weak aa a
cotton string soaked in dish water. Aa
"ardent” prohibitionist is not mode'of
the kind of staff to drink all he can get
and sea blind say "prohibition don't
prohibit.” What a miserable apology
for a man. Knowing his wrong is too
weak' to resist it. Find out the foot, lie
lays It to the laws or his good wife, and
’i prohibit." It
Therofnre I will
moke them stand for "Gee WMal” em
blematic of the way he gets around.
Mrs. O. R. Jenkins of 'Pelham and
her sister. Miss Litaie Hallyot Midway
Ala. were pleasant visitors here last
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Proctor of
Pelham were visitors here a few days
Mrs. Edna Coach of Douglas is visit
ing Misses Pilcher here this wpek. '
Charlie Blackifitn
and sister, Miss
Kato of Pelham were welcome visitors
here Sunday.
Lost Saturday afternoon was a pleas
ant time for quite a number of children
of this place. Some time ago some of
tho ladies of tho Motliodist,chord: gavo
out a number of ‘mite’ boxes, for the
purpose of collecting money for tho Mo-
Eocliera Orphan Home. 1 They wero
opened Saturday afternoon, and nearly
1000 pennies were oonntodL Light re
freshments wero served to the children
which they enjoyed exoeedingiy. The
ladies in charge desire to thank Mr.
W. H. Vanlandingbam for special fa-
says "prohibition
ia,the argument of tile weakest weak
ling, Do any laws prohibit? Do any
of the laws delivered to Moses from, the
lofty sumit of Sinai, amid thunders of
Ueavon, prohibit any of tho thousands
of crimes tliey include? Do any of the
penal lows of the glorious state of Qeor.
gia prohibit or jiresont any of the thou*:
ands of crimes mentioned in her uu-
wieldly code of laws?
Voter intimates tbat it is the right
time of the moon to take primary ac
tion on the dispensary and bar room
question. “Let the people say,” Great
Scott si where have yon bean for the
pout four years? Where were you when
the poople “said” in a majority of about
two, and since thenfDo yon wont a man
to ran on that issne? Well I'll try to
get out one of tho best to ran on that
Uokotto see what can bo done for him.
Go Stay back, votor, and take a front
seat on the bock fence. You are a*
Prof* L. J. Miller, lato Professor of Chemistry and Botany of the Itlgh School
Of Ypsllanfl, Mich., writes from 3327 N. Clark Street, Chicago, 111., aa follow*:
“As several of my friends have spoken to me of tho favorable result* obtained
through the use of Pcrnna, especially in cases of catarrh, 1 oxamined it most
thoroughly to learn Its content*.
A' - **I found it composed of extracts of herbs and barks of most valuable medicinal
qualities combined with other ingredients, delicately baliincod, calculated to tono
Vp tho system, restore the functions and procure health.
ir «/ consider Peruna one of the most skillfully end scientifically prepared
medicines, which the public can use with safety and success. ’’•••PROF. L J.
If It Is
“Star Brand Shoes are Better”
Our stock of the famous “Star Brand” Shoes we were
telling you about last week is now coming in. We want
We will guarantee every pair to
Dr. J. N; Ioler of this place was called
to Oohlockonee Wednesday on profes
sional buslliass.
Mrs. William Bollock, Mrs. Josh
Groover and Mm. Bart Andaman of
Oohlookanee have been here daring the
you to come and see them,
be as represented. Do not forget this,
We guarantee our goods to
be fresh and of the highest
quality-. Our salesmen are
ever ready to serve you,
whether your .order be small
or large.
If you Jire not already our
customer, try us. _
Mrs. T. W. WU1U, after (pending a
1 week with her parents in Thpmesiille is
at home again on College street.
■ Lott week "J. L.” the little son of
1 Mrs. Ida PUoher, a few miles from town
1 came near happening to a serious sod-
' dent. Having gathered a handful of
wild violet* he placed a chair in front
of the fire place, to got a vase from tb*
mantel. The chair dipped, and falling
in the fire, he waa savpd from serious
result*, by tba prompt action of some
one who was present. As it was, be wss
quite painfully burned about the faoe.
Beoentlythis town has "sho” been
over-sliowed. Several nights (go we
two shows and a prayer meeting. After
wards we hod on entire week of the
Kalol* show. This week w* are enjoy
ing Hr. Hackney's show. Mr ; Hackney
is no stranger in these parts, and gives a
dean entertainment.
Hr. Clem Hackney complimented the
appearance of our anditoiinm saying
that it was the nicest he has ever seen
in so small a place, and that lie had seen :
even in city opera houses that wen ^
not so pretty. v 1
Mr. Marvin Williams made one of his 1
T. J. & H. Megahee,
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
for a week with fever. Itlsh
she will soon return to her stn
Rev. H. E. Mumford of the
Industrial Home stopped ov<
liours Tuesday and allowed t
hia boy* play. I knew the dot
he ansa boy as printer, when
grown ss on editor, lawyer *:
ter. Hi* record is ss dear ss' I
Don’t ask for
awhile, owing to protracted ill
ness from whiob be i* just recov
A fishing crowd composed of
yonng men and boys from here
stent down on the river Saturday
night and returned early the next
Mr, K. J. Stanaland was in
town this week on profenional
. Pavo Points.,
Mis* Susie Smith, of Boston, i«
visiting her sister, Mrs. 0. T.
Beggs. |
Miss Percy Harris, of Abbe
ville, S. C., came home on Wed
nesday on a visit to his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P. Harris.
Prbf. J. L. Burns, went to
Thomasville Saturday on busi
of Moultrie,
Being Circulated In the Oehlockonae
Neighborhood- Other Nows.
Not Dead.
It was currently r
night that Dane Tayl
gro who was stabbed
Nothing has ever equalled it
Nothing esn ever surpass
Eugene McGuire, had died,
report proved untrue. Altli
Taylor is in a very serious'c
tiou, he was not dead np to i
hour Wednesday.
No warrant has yet beonii
for McGuire. , The sheriff vi
his father’s bouse on the nig
the stabbing in search of him
failed to find him.
New Discovery
Mr, T. J. Groover went to Thom
asville Tuesday on bnsiness.
Mrs. Kisie Groover went to
Meigs yesterday where she will
speud a few days with her broth
er, Mr. E. R. Singletary and
The farmers are planting corn
and preparing cotton land already.
Mrs. J. L. Rehberg who has
been quite sick fbr several days
is now improviug.
Mr. K. McGraw,
visited the home folks last-week.
Mr. James Robert and family
leave this week for Brunswick
where they go to live. Pavo re
grets much to lose them, but
wishes them well.
Mr. James McGraw and family,
of Moultrie, spent Saturday and
Sunday visitiug relatives here,
Mrs. Davis is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. R. H. Barwiek. 1
We regret to learn of Mrs. Paul
having pneumonia.
The many friends of Mrs. John
L. Bush, nee Misa Elisa BriCe,
will regrqt to learn of her serious
illness at her home at Meigs- ,
Mr.D. P. Ward, farmer and
merchant of Pine Park, was iu the
oity on bus in set Wednesday.
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure: Lung Troubles.
Money beck If It fells. Trisi Botttasfre*.
2J4 Tons of bsr iron, all Sixes. Iton extra fine carriage
bolts, all sizes. 3000 feet rubber and canvass belting, * I
3000 feet piping, all sixes up to 3 inches. lOOOJfeet jj' ine
wire rope. I carry the best line of Cook Stoves and Store:
market- I have the largest and best line of "General Har
brought to town. I manufacture Galvanised Steel jTanki
cooking by steam or otherwise. Also Log Osrts, Lumber 1
and Lumber Wagons, Buggies and farm Implements. Set
order for Syrup Tanks -j- [- AVCftlM IU-,!
before it is too late I I". IIY>II V. . ¥101
Dr. J. Frank Harris, a well
known and'popular physician, of
Pavo, was circulating among his
Thomasville friends Wednesday.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
f lot be is hereby given to all creditor*
the estate of William Moore, lata of
laid ooanty, deceased, to render in on
account of their demands to ms within
th* time prescribed by lew properly
made out. All persons indebted to add
deceased ore hereby requested to make
Miss Edna Nussbanm of Bain-
bridge is the gnest of Mr*.Absams
on Love street.
!5££ d ’ tiat church last Saturday and
Mat. Sunday, the first time in qnite