Newspaper Page Text
ThomtfcvUle,- Ga.,-March
Egg* per daz , 12 1-2 to 15c. Best
80o. Medinm butter, 250 to —
ens, fries, 28 1-2 to85o; hens 85 to 4Cc.
Sweet potatoea, 55 to 60s per bn. Fodder
per 100 lbs, SOc to 81.00. Seed oats, per
bn.. 65 to 75a Country hay, per lOOlbi.
60e. to 75c; New Syrup,. 22* to 26c.
local' gELLray prices.
ThomasviUe, On., March 24, 1904.—
Coffee, nrbnctlee 15c. Green coffee, fair
lOo. choice 12 l-2c. White gnfoulated
sugar 5 l-2.conta, Brown Bugar 6c. Sue.
soda per lb. 5c; crackers 10 to 20o. (tick
candy iOo; Kerosene oil 20c—5 gala 90c.
Side meat per lb 12 1-2; Meal 75c per
bar Floor $5.65 to$6.76per bbL- Weatem
ham. 161 -2 to 28c. Lard, compound 10o„
Leaf 12 1-2; hay, 81.25per 100 lba. bran
81.25 per 100 lba. Cotton seed meal 21-40
per 100 lba. cotton aeed bulls 60c per 100
lba Book.
Your health very largely depends
upon your own prndenco and can
tion. It isn’t enough to be care,
fu] about exposure, ote. >
The system is btmnd to get out of or-
do' and run down, and thou yon need
toning up. Prevention is better than a
pound of curt.
Our Dr. Radam’aCcmp. Ext. 8erf
saporilla is an ox silent ton!
per bottle. ■ ^
Franklin Ufa Makea Prompt Payment.
Leary, Ga.. March 18, 1804.
David O. Barrow, General Agent Frank
lin Life Insurance Co., Thomasvillo, Ga.
Dear Sir.—1 beg to
cofpt of the company’s check No. 2115,
for one thousand dollars. In full settle
ment of policy No. 44888which my hus
band held In your company. 1 wish to
thank the company for its protnjitnees
in settling this claim, and feel that lean
justly recommend the Franklin to any
one wishing good reliable insurance at
reasonable rates, - 0
Gratefully Tours,
Not the costly kind, but some
thin# most anyone can afford
wear and t-l a price anyone bo they
ever so poor.- stingy or economical,
can afford to buy.
Corset Covers
Nicely trimmed, and of fair materi
al, special price
AlF»rortte Bemody for Babies.
Its pleasant taste and prompt cures
•lave made Gluunberlain’a Cough Reme
dy a favorite with the mothers of small
■dren. It qnioklv cures their coughs
colas ana prevents any danger of
— other serious eonso-
>nly cures croup, (but
a.«on..,,,e = c To h
^Weekly Times-Enterprise.
i Ont.
I Tennyson's "Bing.
; line, Molly,” he asked,
t’Bln, In the newP I’ve forgot-
--no have t," aba replied, "but bow
Whl this do;
Was out tbs oli,
Bias In tbs new r’
—Atlanta Constitution.
He had it set .the old way, tire taken
off and heated red hot, put on the rim
and burnt it; then when cold water was
poured on it to cyol it, the boiling water
scalded the wood and - ruined its
strength; tire also was close fit and
heavy and was too hot so that it ahrunk
too much thus ruining the hub at well
as tbe fellow, bu< bring your tires to us;
we shrink them just right without ta
king them off the wheel. We do not
burn tbe wood nor ruin the hub; we use
no water but set your tire without beat
in 5 minutes, and this settirfg jis worth a
dozen done in the old way and much
cheaper. Farmers Shop on Meveni St.
Weekly Times-Eutorprlse 1 year and
a iplontlidmafi of Georgia, the United
Status and the world, 81 00. -
(The map alone is worth the money.)
Weekly Ttmc4-Enterprise and the
Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal, both one
year 81 40.
Weekly Tiroes-Euterprise and tbe
Semi-Weekly Savannah News both one
gearfl. 50, , ,
Weekly Tbhoe-Enterpriae and the
Three Times-Week New York World,
both one year 81 50.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Booton Times, both one year 81 85.
Weekly Timea-Enterprise and the
Sunny South and the Weekly Atlanta
Constitution, all one year 82 00.
Almost any other combination yon
can want at a price to suit yon. If one
of them combinations doesn’t suit write
uaiwhat yon want.
> ThomasviUe, Ga.
Two (prices, but a good assort
ment of styles, some trimmed with
lace, and some embroidery, all tin
usual values, and only offered for
one week at the special price “
48c and 98c
Ladies Pants
Two prices iu this lot, both prices
small, but lig qualities ip esch lot;
Tucked, lace ’ot embroidery . trim
med, all full sized'and latest styles,
ut the old price of ■
A better assortment containing
garments worth up to • 76c at
pr. 48c
Mght Bobes or Gowns
Two lots of these—oho lot good
materials, nicely made, finished and
trimmed; containinglvaluee up to 76c
Garment 48c
Club, wtm Members Talk Mach.
Clubs where tbe,members talk much
arc generally to be avoided. Talk makes
mischief. There ere one or two rather
well known literary and profeaalonal
clubs In London, where members ere
freely introduced end personal gossip
'the fashion, which have been pronounc
ed too dangerous to be need by some of
tbcao who, for old asaoclatl„n's sake,
•till keep their names upon the booka-
Engllah Country Gentleman.
i *a..r«.uuy Puua.
- *1 put 810 la the bank today,
'ou’ff hare a tidy little snm there
you keep on. Going to buy some-
tag nice with ltr
‘Mercy, not That’s my divorce sar
in case l need it” — Cleveland
Wary’s Choice,
Sawyer, what la your
w Mary going to be when she
Whiskey and Beer Habit
Physicians pronouuea drunkenness u disease at tbe ntrvou. systsvi, craulsg u morbid
cruel.f (or u tttm.luM. CoutldMd Indulgence In uklukny.hMr or wins tut. nvuy tu
tnwuca lining end the digestive organs, thus dtitroyis* lb. dlgMtioo sod
reining thu health. No ”11111 powur* cun heal tan InOsmed stomach mrmbrnnss.
"ORRINB" psnnsosslly removes tbs craving tor Honor by acting directly os tat
uttered nerves, restoring tbs stomach and digestive organs to normal conditions, Impfortug
ths tpptUre sod mstorinf Ua hsnlth.. Caa bn given tncreUy U desired-
pure Effected or Money Refunded.
Atkyourdruggist wJum he thinks of ORRINE; he wiil indorse
our statements a* truthful In every respect. If ORRINB fails to core wd will reload
you every penny paid (or it at cheerfully u we took it
■ No Sanitarium Treatment.or'PublicItyl -
No Abawnow from homo or lots or time!
Mothers, wives and sbtera yon cannot core those who are afflicted with this most
“ terrible ot ell diseases by yoor fervent prayers, or eyes red with tests, nor by yoor
hope that they, may stop drinking. It can be done only with ORRINE. You nav
tktracssdy —
buy ORR1
Finer goods, some handsome gar
mente’in this lot, trimmed in em
broideries laces and ribbons, and
Worth np to$l’50, but'for one week
we offerjch'-ice of lot for
/ 98c
Don’t miss this sale. The goods'
will be attractively displayed and
will be on^eale all next week ns long
os they last, beginning Monday,
March 24.
J. W. Peacock Offers to Return Money
If Hyomei Treatment Fails to Cure
Catarrh Without StomachJDoslng,
If for a few minates toot times a day
you breathe Hyomei, all eatarrlial
germs will be destroyed and tbe irritat
ed mucous membrane restored to health
With every Hyomei outfit there is a
neat inhaler which can be carried in tbe
pane or pocket. .Hyomei breathed
through this contains the sime healing
balsams that are found in the air upon
the moan tains, where catarrh] is no-
It destroys all catarrhal germs in the
air passage of thojieod, throat and now,
and makes a positive ned permanent
cure of catarrh.
She complete outfit costs bnt 81,
jvhile ektrabottles of Kjcmei can be ob
tained for 50c., making it one of the
most economical jtreatmentsfor catarrh.
J. W. Peacock believes so thoroughly
la the merit of Hyomei, that, ho truaran-
tees to return tbe money if it fails. This
is certainly ths strongest evidence lie
can give of his faith in the Hyomei
treatment. It enables any one to use
Hyomei without risk of spending money
Ask J. W. Peacock to show you a Hy
omei outfit and explain to yon what a
simple and easy way it is to relieve
and cure your catarrhal troubles.
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomas county.
To alt whim it may concern:
W. T. Owens, having applied for
guardianship of ths persons and proper-
ortygf Win. G. Owens, fei-.B. Owens,
Edv. in P. Owens and ‘ Lpta Owens, mi
nor dal lr. n of J r.— Ii “ Owens, lateof'
sold county, deceased. Notice is given
that SAid-apiJii nuou wUl be heard at
my office at ten o'clock a. m. on the first
Monday in May next. This March 17,
1904. 7 Win. M. Jones, Ordinary.
3-18-4. t
Petition for Discharge,
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
M. A. Fleetwood, administrator upon
be estate of George W. Larey, late of
said county, deceased, havingJiled his
petition for discharge, this to cite all
persons concerned to show cause against
the granting of this discharge, at the
regular term of tee court of Ordinary
for *said county to be held on the first
Monday in April 1904.
Win. Nf. JONES, Ordinary.
Order your
Flower Pots*^
And Churns
Sfpckton, Ga.
We mannfactnro this class of goods
and can supply, you promptly and can
save you money.
of most any description,
'erger's is the Mecca.
You can't afford to
go home without car
rying back some me
mento. Get one that is
worthwhile. We have
ots of different kinds.
South Brood Street, ThomasviUe- Ga.
»« college!'
I. I kinder ti
reckon she’ll tench
She thinks she’d like the vs-
Hsroer’a Knur
ots tad Children.
Nan Aivajs Bought
the remedy—WiUyou use it ? If yon desire to cure without the knowledge of the patient,
URINE No. 1; if the patient desires to be Cured of his own free will, buy
““.No.* Foil directions found in each package. Price $ I per box.
wilt gladly furnish a treatment tree ot coot to gey phys
ttumstrste that Orritte Is a positive specific for druakem
All Correspondence Confidential.
For free book—Treatise on Drunkenncsa and how to Core it—write to
THE ORRINE CO., INO-. Washington, D. C., or call on
Broad Sheet, ~ : ThomasviUe, Ga.
Safe Transfer and Luggag a Service
Established 188;. Landaus, Nice Close Carriages lor parties of Sex.
Meet. AU Trains, CAREFUL HANDLING, Prompt, Polite and Relia.
ble Service. ANY HOUR, day or night Terms Reasonable.
Oomer Stephens-St, and Tacks Lane WESLEY WILLIAMS
Lata Potter Piney Woods Hotel. ‘ J THOMASVILLE.IGA.
Embroidered collars, same goods
others are selling for 86 and 60c,
yon can come to the Cnt Price
Store aud get them for
special lot at a special price to
help cat underwear sale. Good
cambric with deep ' work, full
width, fiom 13 to 17 incliea wide,
easily worth S5c, but choice out of
patterns for one week
yd. 19c.
AUover laces, Allovcr Embroid
eries, Etc.
A. F.
& Co.
Stark Corner,
ThomasviUe, Gs.
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom it may oonoern:
w. W. Alexander, administrator on
the estate of J. B. Alexander, late of
raid county, deceased, having, filed his
petition for discharge, this is to cite all
persons concerned to show cause against
the granting of this discharge at the
regular term of the oonrt of Ordinary
for said county to beheld on the first
Monday in April 1904. 8-4 4.
Wx. M. Jokes, Ordinary.
Attention, Cane Planters i
We are prepared to make contracts
for the patch**® of cane foiF fail deliv
ery- Price 83.50 per ton. Thoee in
terested will please write ns at once as
contracts are nearing completion.
. A. L. Smith, Bnpt.,
dw321m Thomasvillo, Ga.
Application for Administration.
GEORGIA—Thomas Couktt.
To all whom it may concern;
James M. Ruthin having in proper
form applied to she for permanent let
ters of administration on the estate of
Fannie M. Groover, late of said county,
tbis is to cite all and singular, the cred
itors and next of kin of Faunio M. Groo
ver, to be and ""appear at my office on
the first Monday in April next, and
show cause if any they can, why perma
nent administration hhoeld not be grant
ed to James M. Bushin on 'Fannie .M.
Groover’s estate. Witness my hand
and official rignatnro. This the 19th.
day of February 1904.
Wm. M, Jones, Ordinary.
■ 8-4-4t.•
Letters of Administration.
To all whom if. imiy concern:—
M. A. Fleetwood, connty administra
tor, having made application to mb in
due form to be appointed permanent
administrator upon the estate of J. W.
Wheeler, lato of said comity. Notice is
hereby Riven that said application will
be heard at the regular term of the conrt
of Ordinary for «dd county, to he hold
on the first Monday in April 1904.
Witness rq/lmna and official signa
ture this the 7th day of March 19C4.
Win. fil. Jones, f
8-11*4 Ordinary, 1
Road Citation.
A petition having been filed bv W.
P. While, C. K. Sasser and others of the
Meigs district asking for ihe establish
ment of a public roan from J. M. Pil-
cher’s place Inter-ecting the Cairo and
Mtiga road near J. W. Hall’s, said peti
tion havim.’ been acted ucon favorably '
by Road Commissioners of Meigs dis
trict. nonce is herebv given that Ihe
Commissioners of Kosds and Kevenne
of Thomas county will pass upon laid
petition at the next regular meeting in
April 1904.
E.;M. Smith,
3-26 4 ‘ Chairman.
GEORGIA—Thomas Coi'.vrr,'
To all whom it may concern:
B. C. Jarrett having applied for gar
th anship of the person aud property of
Erma Loo Jarrett and Annie May Jar
rett,xninor children of Ida M. Jarrett,
ate of said countj,*deceaaed, notice is
given that said application will be heard
at my office at ten o’clock a. m. on the
first Monday in April next. This Feb
ruary 23.1904.
’ Wm. M, Jones, Ordinary,
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA—Thomas Connty. ’
J. H. Merrill, Executor of the Estate
of Arthur Fatten, late of said connty
deceased, having filed his petition for
Discharge, this is to oite all penoca
concerned to show cause against tbe
granting of thia discharge at the regu
lar term of the Court of Ordinary for
said connty held-on the tint Monday in
April, 1964.
Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
' Notice of Sale.
Under an order of Hod. Alexander
Proudflt, referee in Bankruptcy, will be
sold at the Court Honsudoor in Thom-
asville, Ga., on the 1st Tuesday in
April, 1904, within legal hoars of sale
one brick machine and one lot of broken
brickesitnated on the Miller brick yard
6 miles from Thomasrille. Terms cash.
Wm. H. Mitchell,
Trustee Eel. Wm. Miller, Bankrupt,
3-18-8 ’
Petition for Discharge
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
M. A. Fleetwood, administrator upon
the estate of Leon Sauls, late of said
connty, deceased, having filed his pe
tition for discharge, this is to cite all
persons concerned to show cause against
granting of this discharge, at the
regular term of the court of Ordinary for
said county held on the first Mon
day in April 1004.
' Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
Application for Leava to SalL-
Notice is hereby given that I will
apply to the court of Ordinary of Thom
as county, Ga., at the Abril term 1904
thereof, for leave to soil all of the real
estate of William Moore, deceased, sit
uated In the city of Thomaaville, Thom-
Road Citation.
A petition having been filed by Ins J.
Simms, Redfearn, and others, and pub
lished praying fo? the establishment of
a public road and said petition having
been ref. -red to Road Commissioners of
P»vo district and they having repotted
favorably on same,notice is hereby given
that the commissioners of Roads and
Revenue for Thomas connty will pass
upon said petition at their regular meet
ing in April, 1804. E. M Smith,
<3-26-4 Chairman.
Road Citation,
on for the establishment of
a public road filed with tbe Commission
ersbyj. B. Allegood, T. A. Dekle and
others running from W.'W. Dekies to
John Folsoms, said pelitioo having been
published and acted upon favorably by
Road Commissioners of that district the
Commissioners of Roads and Rev
enue will pan upon said petition at Ibeir
as connty, Ga., for tbe Iprpose of dls. enue will pan upon said petition at their MtaJI
tribntion and payments 3 debts, ' regular meeting in April 1934. jPjB
Adm’r estate of Wili am Moore^”Su.4 2-25-4 Chairman. /