Newspaper Page Text
! .'.'J'Sy . N - * > } - ' v 7 - ’ '
Blakely ii laid to be booming.
. Good, sound sweet potatoes an now
•bringing *1.85 per bushel on the Car
rollton market.
The convention for the sixth senation-
al district will be held on Wednesday
May 4,18M, at Valdosta W. S. West
will be nominated without opposition.
■Last week Mitchell county voted
bonds to the anionnt of $75000 to build
a new jail. This is a mnch need im
provement as the present jail at Camilla
is insecure, and many important pris
oner* are quartered elsewhere. There
are several in the Thomas county jail
at present. .
Child labor is an issue in Colquitt’s
legislative race. W. A Covington is
stumping,the county and making this
-question the principal plank in his plat
form. Re lias announced that should
he be elected, he will introduce a child
_ -labor bill at the flrat session on theline
of the one defeated In the present legis
The following new industries were
organized in Georgia last week.
Columbus—$10,0000 coffin factory.
Amoldsville—Knitting mill.
Atlanta—$100,000 implement works;
$40,000 coal mining company to operate
in Tenhesaee.
JPelbam—$76,00 oil mill and guano
A petition signed by about S00 voters
of Dougherty county has been present
ed to the county Democratic- executive
-committee requesting that opportunity
be given the voter* at the coming pri
mary to express individually their
-choioe for president and that the coun-
tyis'delegates to the state convention
be requested to govern themselves in ac
cordance with the expressed desire of,*
majority of the voters.
As announced some time ago the
Georgia Saw' Mill Association lias
Agreed to furnish the necessary lumber
• for the construction of the Georgia
building at the World’s Fair. Contrac
tor W. H. Spooner, of Tifiou, has been
-employed to uee his bust art ami skill in
preparing a fine hard finish to the
-'Georgia curly pine” to bo used h) this
building. When finished, these boards
will present the odd beauty of the curly
pine to a strikingly attractive manner,
and w 11 nodoabt eho.v the rape 11 ity or
the Georgia pine. 1 •
O. Gr Whittle, the oldest man to Col-
qnitt county’ «ay* that lib was bom to
the part of tiro state that now constitutes
Twiggs county in February, 1804 His
father moved to south Alabama when
the country was a wilderness, scarcely
any white people living there, but In-
, diaua were plentiful. His father dicing
to I8S6, left the family at Enfanla, Ala.
when only one log cabin marked the
- place. He says that he. has seen one
thousand Indians there at a time on
trading expeditious. Mr. Whittle looks
to be hale and hearty and says he nevor
was sick a day in his life.
Pension Commissioner J. W. Lindsey
has completed the payment of pensions
tot 19J4. He has paid oat o total of
$801*215- The total number of pension
ers paid bas been 4,571.
Of the pension fund of $879,000, $5,
000 will be need to pay the expenses of
the State ltost-.r Commission. This
leaves an unexpended balance of $3,785,
Commissioner Lindsey says it will re
quire ail of this to pay a number of
stragglers, who have not yet been lo
cated, but whose applications have
been approved. Last year there was
tamed back into the treasury about
$16,000 out of the same amount appro
Commissioner Lindsey estimates
roughly that it will bo necessary to have
$890,000, or an increase of about $10,000,
to pay the pensions for 1003. He will
not have his applications to when tlie
Legislature meets, so will have to base
hit estimate upon past experiences.
Coroner Gandy Held Inquest cp Body
Discovered Inear Chastain.
On Sunday Coroner Charles Gandy
went to Chastain to investigate a grew-
some discovery made there by fisher
men on Saturday evening. A badly de
composed body was found to a slough
about a quarter of a mile on the other
side of the river from Chastain. It was
impossible to tell whether the body was
that of a white or a mulatto. A cleft
to the skull caused the ooroaer’s ju
ry to bring in a verdict of death by vio
lence at the hands of parties unknown.
The jury was composed of T. W. Oarr,
foreman, J. M. Dekle, J. W. Sobers, J.
J. James, W. B. Crawford and 8. O.
Qutdj. ,
The body was dressed to the garb of a
convict and a weeding hoc wad attached
to the waist. These circumstances lead
the corouer to surmise thattho man was
an escaped convict from tlve camp of
Holmts and Allen to Colquitt county.
The cause of death and the whole affair
is shrouded to mystery.
If troubled with weak digestion, bel
ching or sour stomach, use Cnamber-
lnin’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and
jou will get quick relief. For sale by
. W. Peacock.
d w
Terrific Storm.
Louisville, March 26.—Eight per
sons were Injured, some fatally, and
extensive property damage waa done by
a storm whioh swept over this city and
vicinity thie morning. , - i
The storm was centra! over- the Mi*,
•tatfppi and Ohio valleys and moving
northeast' to the Atlantic ooaet, with a
cold wave following. T
The wind reached sixty miles an
hour here and rain fell in torrents ac
companied by terrific lightning. The
entire city is flooded.- Third avenuei
near the Confederate monument, is un
der thee feet of; water. It is reported
that one hundred and fifty buildings
were unroofed to the eity. All tele
graph wires to the south are down.
If a cold lingers, there
pneumonia. . If LaGripj
longs to an inflamed condition, there is
danger of
leaves the
great riaugor of pnenmonia. Prevent
tills fatal ilisease by using Rydale's El
ixer; it cores colds quickly and leaves
the throat and lungs sound. It is the
best reu^dy for that peculiar Inflamed
remedy for yonng and old, in' all threat
audjupgdisciscs. J. W. Peacoji.
Inflammatory Rheumatism Cared
William Shaffer, a brakeman of Den
nison, Ohio, was confined to his bed for
several weeks with inflammatory rheu
matism. *‘i usedmanyreraedtes,''hejsays.
‘Finally J sent to McCaw's drug store
for a bottle of Chamberlain s Pain Balm
at which time I was unable to use hand
r foot, and in one week's time was able
— . —*: as happy as a clam. For
“ ok. d w
$400,000 Lota to NSW York Busl-
, nets District Yesterday.
New York, March 20.—(Bulletin).—
The building at sUty-oun Broadway,
occupied by the Morris -Express Com
pany,is burning. The flames are spread-
lng'rapidly and the occupants arc be
ing taken ont by loddora
New York, March 26.—All Wall
street and the down town section of
Now York were thrown into unnsnal
excitement today by a fire, the most
spectacular -the day tlmo fire for
greak while. The fire started lu tiro
bniidtogat atxty ouo Broadway, oceu
pied by the Morris European and
American Express Company. The
burning building'reached through to
narrow alley on the rear and the wind
swept cicada of smoke sb that only the
occasional red glare of the flumes conld
bo seen. Close after the first alarm
followed the “two-nine,” the dreaded
general alarm. Great crowds filled the
streets and impeded the engines and
oilier lire apparatus. Five hundred re
serve policemen were called ont to aid
the firemen. Broadway was blocked
by cars for miles both ways.
The fire loss is placed at about four
hundred thousand dollars.
Waived Committment Trial.
Cliarley Lewis the blind tiger man
appeared before. Judge Hanscll Satur
day morning and woired his committ
ment trial. Unless he is snccessfnl to
giving bond ho will remain to jail, until
the regular term of county court on the
second Wednesday to April.
It Saved His Lag
P. A. Danforth of LaGrange, Ga.,suf
fered for six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg; bnt writes that
Bnckleu's Arnica Salve wholly cured it
to five days. For Ulcers, Wounds,
Piles, it’s the best salve to the'world.
Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cU. Sold by
J. W. Pleacock, druggist.
.V' • '
Best Remedy for Constipation!
“The best remedy for constipation t
ever used is Chamberlain's. Stomach
and Liver Tablets,” says Mr. Eli But
ler, of Frankville, N. Y. They act
gently and without any unpleasant ef
fect. and leave the bowels in a perfectly
natural condition.” Sold by J. W. Pea
cock. d w
Sore Muscles or painful joints, may
mean an approaching attack of rheuma
tism. Elliott’s Emulsified Oil Liui-
meut, robbed on the affected parts will
relieve the pain and soreness, and pre-
veut rheumatism. Elliott's Emulcifled
Oil Liniment is a satisfactory rubbing
Liniment for all soreness, stiffness ana
lameness of joints or muscles. J. W.
Registration Notloa.
I will be at the following plaoe* on
date* named, for the purpose of
registering the legal voters of the coun
ty. All of those registering, when they
paid their taxes for the year 1803, are
legally registered for the elections of
this year:
Spence, Thursday, March 24 a. m.
Remor Singletary’s store Thursday,
March 24 p, m.
Cairo, Friday, March 25 p. m.
Cairo, Saturday, March 26 a. m.
Metcalfe, Monday, March 28.
ThomaaVille, March Slat to April 9th.
P. 8. Heeth,
dwtd. T O. and Registrar.
Our language contains a word ending
with ”S” that denotes anxiety, worry,
etc., add to this word another' “S” and
it will denote affeotatlon, joy, etc.
Find this word to the paragraph below.
• "Cares” bring anxiety and worry,
these bring derangement of tlie diges
tive organs, usually resulting In indiges
tion. Rydale’s Stomach Tablets cute
indigestion. It matters not whether
your stomach trouble is caused by wor
ry, over work, neglect, malaria i or-any
other cause, Rydale’s Stomach Tablets
will bure you. They insure perfeot di
gestion and assimilation. They, tone
and strengthen the difeqtlve orient, r*
health Will bless you and fortune
“Caress" yon. J. W. Peaoook. j
Handsome patterns, Ready-to-wear
Hats, Flowers,' Laces, Ribbons, Orna
ments, Untrimmed and Lace Hats of
all the new and pretty shapes. Pleas
ant sale* ladles. Experienced Trimmers.'
AU will be fonnd at Mrs. J. A. Epply’s
Millinery Store to Hasnry Hotel Block.
'Phone 171. Gentleman and ladies
straw and felt l\ate also cleaned at 50o.
It is Up
To You.
K e patterns on my shell, f
t them'there, do you want
1 i as surprised to find so many
' a
. nt
them, !f you do you can have them,
lust come down and get them,
wliat about the price you sayj
well I will sell them for so little 1
would hart to publish the price. ,
Don't you know what it in. well 1
will tell you, it ip the little house
wife that, has dne—the Wheeler
& Wilson or New Home Sewing
Machines. All sunshine and hap
piness where C, B. Quinn sends a
' W J . & W. or New Home.
People to Marry on April
Invitations were Issued yesterday to
the marriage of Miss Nancy Kate Hall
and Mr. William Martin Singletary.
It will take' place Tueaday evening
April 12th. at nine p. m. at the resi
denee of Mr. O. F. Coleman 418; East
The announcement will be of interest
to many people in Thomasville. Miss
Hall came here from North Carolina
about two years ago and has been nnrse
at tlie Charity Hospital daring her reel,
donee in Thomasville.
She ia a charming young woman with
a host of friends. Mr. Singletary is
chief of the fire department, a promi
nent Odd Fellow, and a splendid young
Those Chosen to Head Thomasville
Lodge Number 638 Last Night
The annual election of Thomasville
Lodge Number 688 P. O. E. was held
last night. At an enthusiastic meeting
the following were ohosen.
Exalted Ruler, Martin M. Cooper.
Leading Knight, W. Irwin MacIn
tyre. «
Loyal Knight. R. L.Wylly.
Lecturing Knight, Fred D. Dlsmuko.
Trecsuror, E. H. Smith.
Secretary, H. Ainsworth.
Trustee, Jas. Gribben.
one of the city’s moat deserving tostitu-
Thomaevllle ladies.
:cre*m supper is already assured.
- i -.hi Broke the Record.
1 The basket factory near town^is ■
le at the factory and Mr. R O. Bal-
faotory. At any rate yonng Mr. Mall
ard is an industrious youth and
will.dispute that fact.
Every Two Waeka.
From this timo on, through the sum
mer mon. hi, the city eonnctl will meet
every other week, instead of weekly as
lias been their custom daring tho win-
ter.' There was no meeting last night.
The mooting next Monday will be an
important one as tho committee on hold
ing an election on tlie light question
will report.
Promotes DigestlonJCheerfuK
nessandRest.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine norHineraJL
Vox Karc OTIC.
joq ssKvmmaui
A perfect Remedy forConstipa-
iion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OP SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
sr 1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
• a '7~:. t . ..."'.jj—■—; ;—; r—: r—“r—-i
M is Rdf
'.it '' •
j For Men ’
For Ladies
* vho cannot come to the city
t when ih need of clothes we
make a specialty of fitting
you at your home. , Wo
carry the fineBt makes of
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
and Underwear, and no mat
ter what your size is, stout,
slim or short,
We CanJFit You.
who do not find it conveni
ent to come to the city.
We make buying an easy
task by sending to your
homes two or three stylos of
garments to select from,
We carry
SHIRT WaisTS, ’ •
‘ ' '' , * -'
j . .Jrr:-.-., .•
Sole Agents for
In Our Boys' Department
can be ha d everything
ready-to-wear fur boye, ex
cept shoes.
B. H. LEVY, BRO. & CO.
sA. VjviviSrk.«, g-a.
: Don't:
metallic boxm, *,Uh Ma* ribboa.
Buy of poor DnifgM,
The Best Cow Food to
Cost less and is the greatest
milk and butter producer
• on the market. -
Put up by the Ralston Pi
rina Co.
Come down and let us talk to yi
A cold i» bad etfoagh, bnt
it can be cared if taken lu
time. : • :
pglecfc a cold and the probabilities
it will grow worse and dually de-
velope into some serious possibly fatal
of a reliable medicine may savo a big
doctors bill. Wo recommeud and guar
antee Dr. Radams’ 83 rap, Yellow Pine
Sole* Agept Jacobs Candies
Tregcdy Averted
‘Jnsfc in the nick of time our little
boy Was saved” writes Mrs. W. Watkins
f Pleasant City.Ohio. “Pneumonia had
•layed sad havoc with him and a torti
le cough pot in besides. Doctors treat
ed him, but he grew worse evoiy day.
At length we tried Dr King's New Dis
covery for Consumnt ion, and our darl
ing was saved. He’s now sound, and
well.” Everybody ought to know, it’s
the only sure cure for Coughs. Colds
and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by
J. W. Peacock, druggist Price 60c and
•1.00. j Trial bottles free.
We have jiist received a car of Woo
bridge Jellico.
The Thomasville Ice Com]
Dealers in Ice, Soda Water, Wood,'Coal, Hay and Ora
Mr. J. G. Taylor of Boston was to the
city for s short time on Tuesday. Ho
luft at eleven o'clock for s business trip
to Texas.
The Piney Woods has a number of
guests whd will remain until April fifth.
The hotel will remain open until that
Safe Transfer and Luggage Se
Established 1885 ' Landaus, Nice Close Carriages ,or par| '
Meets AU Trains, CAREFUL HANDLING, Prompt, Polita'asHl
blc Service. ANY HOUR, day or night. Terms Reast
Teiepb>nex6i \A/CO| FV
Corner Stephens St., *nd Tceks Lane * * LULL I
Late Porter Piney Woods Hotel. .