Newspaper Page Text
Florida’s Famous
A Wonderful Saving.
The largest Methodist Church in Geor
gia, calculated »o use over one hundred
gallons of the usual kind of mixed paint
in painting uieir church.
They used only 32 gallons * (the Long
man & Martinez Faint mixed with 34
gallons ol linseed oil. Actual cost of
naim made u s le*s than $1.20 per gal
Saved over eighty ($ dollars in
paint, a no got a big donation besides.
EVKRY CHURCH will be given a
liberal quantity whenever they paint.
Many houses are well painted with
four gallons of 1. & M. and three gallons
of linseed oil mixed therewith.
Wear^ and covers like gold. .
These Celebrated Paints are sold by .
O. VV. Ccn.hran, Thomrtsville, Ga.
G. L. Uuren.Mfigs.Ga.
I.Transient Trafflc'But Cottagers Will
Remain ForSeveral Weeks.
The tido of travel is taming north
ward now. Tlx Florida resorts Imre
been sending their t«nporar< residents
toward cooler realms for a somber of
flats now aud aery few are going tliat
(hr south.
These northward bound tonrists And
Thomattrllle a favorite stopping {dace
in their northward journey, and sinoe
early in Maroh tho city has been fall of
them. The warm weather of the past
few days lias made them move on still
farther, however. The tram-lent gnests
who stay bat a few days at any one
place have already gone or are going
dally, to Aagnata, Aiken and Asheville
The cottage colony Is still intact how
ever and none of them think of leaving
until after the first of April. The ma
jority of them plan to remain until May
first, and thus carry out their plan of
coming earlier and staying later each
Both the Hney Wood# and the Milch-
ell House will remain open well into
1st. On April
. G. McLendon,
Low One-way Settlers’ Rates to
the Northwest and California.
From September 15 until Novemlier
of the day
cause people to open their
»y April 28th. Is Governor’s
try Day. The boys ofOom-
lad in their new khaki unt-
1 bo there In full force, and
mrt In tho parade of the Sec-
er days also will be of special
Jacksonville to Cblcego and St..Louis.
Pullman Vtstibuled. Drawing Room,
Sleeping Cars, Irom Jacksonville to
Chicago and St ‘Louis via Tilton, Ms
con. Atlanta, Chattanooga, (Lookout
Mountain) and Nashville.
Leave Jacksonville 8:oj p. m., arrive
Chicago, (j-,15 a. m. St. Louis 7:00 a. m„
Natnre-s Giftsfrom tty Sonny South
from the regular rates.
The Way to Go,
' The Burlington, with it* strong mam
Sunny South
lines and free chair cars, best teaches
the West and Northwest via Denver,
Billings or 8t. Paul.
“Tho Burlington-Northern
Express” isthegr^tdr-ilj
with chair cars and tourist sleepers via
Billings, Montana, to Puget Sound and
intermediate points.
Homeseekers’ Excursions
These are run the first and third Tues
days of each mouth at approximately
half rates for the round trip. '
It will be a pleasure for us to give you
an aocurate and Informative reply to any
Billings or St. Paul.
“The Burlington-Northern Pacific
Express” is the great daily tjiroegh train
with chair cars and tourist sleeper.,. ~
Billings, Montana, to Puget Sound and
ipeakers will bo found
ing, D. D., Bov, John E,
Ilev.H. Stiles Bradley,
lory Bpoer. State School
W. B. Merritt, Hon.
Governor Jos. M. Ter-
l-Biohmond P. Hobson,
Shortens your fcod-Logftou your, life
because it makes healthful and delicious food.. As a frying and shortening
medium It has no equal. It it far superior to lard or cooking butter.
Cottolene is healthful because it is a product, of nature, being made cf
refined vegetable oil pnd choice beef suet. We guarantee the purity.
Cottolene is abo a clean product; the fact that it cornea in securely
sealed tin palls insure, this. Bulk lard, on the other hand, is open to re
elect all the dust and odors imaginable.
Cottolsne-eooked food is more digestible than food made from beg
lard, it makes food rich but not greasy—food which any stomach can
digest. If purity, heatthfulneeot cleantinm* .and economy appeal to you,
' ljSE^$ LESS. Cottolene being richer than either lard or cooking
butter, oM-thlrd lets it required.
Mae, only er thi g, k. rAntajutg coupAwr, Dm*. 526, ammo. «
Opinion That she Will kbandonNou-
trality Is Expressed.
J. N. Merrill, Gen'l. Southern Agt.
Atlanta, Georg
L. yr. Wakeley, Gen’l. Fai. Agt.
New York, March 24.-A Berlin dit-
path to the Herald eaye that a well
known diplomat In Paris asserts that
a most pessimistic view la taken of the
tension whloh, be declared, haaeetin
between Russia and China.
All the fears regarding China's atti
tude In the war teem to be approaohlng
realisation. Dispatches have been re-
cclvod from Pekin In which the Chinese
deny tho in teuton of VKandnMing the At*
tltude of neutrality, bat everything,
the diplomat aven, shows that It la on
ly awaiting a favorable opportunity to
take part in the hoi till ties.
ICrop Was Shown to be Short
And Prices Went up.
hbred Leghorn Eggs, gl.00
. Can fill orders by express.
E. Leon Neel, Boston, Ua.
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, 0k>
California, Cloorado,
Utah, ‘Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
Whiskey and Beer Habit
Physicians pronoases draakenneas a dlasass of the nervous system, creating a morbid
Craving for a stimulant. Continued Indulgence in whiskey, beer or wine eats away tbs
stomach lining and stnpefles tbs dlgsative organs, thus destroying the digestion and
raining tbs hsalth. No “will powsr” can heal the Inflamed stomach membranes.
"ORRIlfE" permanently removes the craving for liquor by acting directly on tb*
affected nerves, restoring the stomach and digestive organs to normal conditions, improving
tbs appetite and restoring the health. Can be given secretly U desired.
Cure Effected or Money Refunded.
Aik year druggist whom you know what he thinks 6t ORRINE; he will Indorse
our statements as truthful In every respect. If ORRINE fails to cure we will refund
you every penny paid for it as cheerfully as we took it.
No 8anltarlum Treatment or Publicity!
No Abawno* from home or lost of time!
Mothers, wives aud sisters, you cannot cure those who are afflicted with this mort
terrible of all diseases by your fervent prayers, or eyes red with tears, nor by vdur
hope that they may stop drinking. It can be done only with ORRINE. You have
the remedy—will you use It ? If you desire to cure without the knowledge of the patient,
buy ORRINE No. 1; if the patient desires to be cured of his own free will, buy
ORRINE No. 3. Full directions found in each package. Prloo • I per box.
We will gladly furnish a treatment free of coat to any physician «=2wfy
trSk to dsmonstrate that Orrino Is a positive specific for drnnkeauess.
All Correspondence Confidential.
f'or fra* book—Trtith. on Drunkenness and how to Cure U—write to
To California.
The Burlington’, weekly personally
conducted California excursion, in
through tourist sleepers are just the
thing for epast tourists and settlers.
Tho route is Denver, Sconio Colorado
and Halt T-kn '
We would like to ask.
wewouiauze to as*, turongn
eolums of your paper, if thore la
lereonwho has used Green’s At
('lower for the cure of indigestion,
West, Northwest and Southwest
lepsie, and liver Troubles that lias not
leen cured—and we also mean their re
mits. such ad sour stomach, ferments
tlon of food, habitual costivenesa, ner
vous dyspepsia, headaches, despondent
feelings, sleeplessness—in faet, any
trouble connected wfth the stomach or
Arruhgsmcnta. Judge Roddanbary
Will 8peak and Crosses of Honor WII
| be Delivered.
Dist. Passenger Agent,
The daughters of the Confederacy
have already began to plan for the ob
servance of.Memorinl Day, April Mth
They have ohosen Mayor 8. A. Hodden-
bery a* orator of the day, and on such
an oocadon that brilliant orator will be
athlabeat. Crosses of honor will be
delivered to a nnmber of veterans who
have not yet received them. Tlio usual
oeremoolee of deooratlng the’graves at
the cemetery and the monument on
Broad street, will be observed. It is
poiraibla that Tip Harrison, of Atlanta,
one of the beet known veterans in the
■oath will be present.
oxciting bureau day ever seen
itton exchange. Thp noise and
n was oven greater than during
it jinnies. Prices went np tlilr-
irty points on tlio first bound,
May was 65 points higher than
(x-k, and July was at 15.10.
dtions were noglooted.
A new business in
Broad Sti4et,
Tliomasville, Ga.
Atlantic & Birmingham Railway
-We have established
!n Effect December 1st, 1903,
Fire, Life and Ac
cident Insurance 1
ire salon In Regard to Capt
Triplett's Candidacy.
Stations No. 21 No.
Montezuma..., i go
Oordele 2 31
Fitzgerald 700am 415
Fletcher. 7 13am 4 18
Mystic 7 33am 423
Let us Insure
move to Eufaula, Alabama and will pub
lish there,apuper to be known aa the
“Alabama Advocate."
Mr. Blanton waa editor and proprie
tor of the Booth Georgia Progress until
Hi consolidation with the Tlmra-Enter
prise two months ago. Binoe that time
he has been a valued member of the
Times Enterprise fores.
HO la a newspaper man of capital,
experience and ability, three thtngi that
will bring rooms In any field, and'the
newspaper starts with the brightest
prospeots. Mr. Blanton and his family
leave for Eufaula thts week and the new
paper will appear aoou after April lint.
The Held la a most promising one and the
good wishes of a throng of admirers and
friends will follow Mr. Blanton, to his
Alabama home.
,8herilf Hlght Mekee Three Arrests
end Capturea Beer-
i. 0. Bell, Manager.
Ar7Ocilla, O. & I... 11 44"
.8 05am 5 05pm
.8 05am 520pm
,851 am Gllpni
.9 00am 6 20pm
,9 20am 641 pm
. 9 26 a m 6 47pm
-940am 702pm
. 9 48am 7 11 pm
. 9 58am 7 23pm
10 09 a m 7 09 p m
10 35am 8 00pm
Stations No. 20 No. 22
IhoinaavUle 815am 315pm
. 8 41 am 3 41 pm
8 52am 352pm
8 02am 402pm
. 9 10 am 4 10 pm
9 24am 4 24 pm
930am 4 30pn:
. 9 50am 4 50pm
- 9 59 a m 4 59 n m
10 85 a m 5 35 p m
10 45 a m 5 45 p m
IP 06 am G06p.m
Lv At LuiU), V. of (la.
4 Urlffln,
•‘ Ha.nuwvllle,'*
'* Mcc.m. 41
44 F? Valley. *•
u Am er loin, *•
44 «;o»nirb*t«, *'•
44 Monts’m’rjv 4
44 Union Spr^s,
••, 41
44 Outhbert, “
44 Dawson,
Ar Albany, 44
Lv Albany, A.C.L.IL
AtThomaavllle. 44
Sheriff T. J. Hlght made three im
portant arrests Thursday. They were
Dan Foreman, Tim Mitchell, aud Char
ley Lewis. All three are colored men,
and their offense was selling beer. The
first named are merchant* on Jackson
■beet and the third is night clerk for
Foreman who keeps open all the t hue.
The cue was very cleverly worked np
and the evidence seems conclusive
against the men. They sold beer to a
young white man, and when the sheriff
went to make the arrests he found sev
eral dozen bottle* of beer in Mitchell's
and Foreman's stores.
143 »m 841 pm S.«i
ll-Wain n.E->pm
I1..10 am 7.45 pm 4 101
I2£npm 8.30 pin 6.001
1 f.:j pmi ».M pm fl.m 1
l KUO am l|10. 15am
R. 10 ami 4.40 pm
B.48 lunj AS0 pm
11.00am! 7.50 pm
11. sOiimi K-ttpm
12. no pm! 9.2:1pm
3.20 pm 11.30 pm 7.20f
4.00 pin 7.46*
4.16 pml I0;»v
m-i-in-s and believe he onght not to have
any opposition. His life time of faith
ful ixirty service without reward or tho
I-.OIX) thereof—further than the sweet
Kitisfaction of knowing the truo princi
ples of patriotism which havo actuatod
him 011 all occasions - entitle him to this
honor and as an expression of our grate
ful appreciation of his service In the
hi -arts of thoeo whom he has re faith
fully served, lets elect Capt. Triplett
Tax Receiver.
I will beat:
Chastain April 1, a. m.
Coolidge April 1, p. m.
Coolidge April 2, a. m.
Merrillville April 2, p. m.
Patten April 4, a. m.
Pavo April 4, p. m.
Barwick April 5
Boston April 6
Glasgow April 7
Lv Tho’svllle, A.C.L,
Ar Albany, 44
Lv All any. C, of Ga.
Ar America*, 44
44 oolumbUH, 44
44 PawRon, 44
44 tuihbert, . 44
44 Entettla, « 44
44 Union 8pr*g*. 44
| 4 Motilijfimtry, ••
44 Mmoc, ’ 44
44 Barnesvllle, 44
9.25 am
11 81 urn
l.:w pnt
.’LOrt pm
.144 pm
4.3* pm
6.06 pm
7.40 pm
S.1S pm
4.03 pin
A56 pm
T-58 pin
4.30 pm
7.ift pm
9.03 pm
10.28 pm
Moultrie ..
7.00 en
7A6 am
•122 am
9.10 am
11.10 am
0.40 am
11.44 pm
1250 am
6 «am
7.4> am'
Lv. Tilton.
Baroing ..
Panama Troops Disbanded.
Panama, March, 25.-31* *«x>nd bat
talion at Panama troops on (At isthmus
hai been disbanded, leaving only; one
battalion under colors. The vessels
forming the Panama navy have been of
fered for sale. Secretaries have been to
Booas del Toro with supplies to relieve
the Are sufferers there. The fire occur-*
td March 6, and the loss was $500,000.
It destroyed almost the entire commer-
't^lally except Sunday, f Sunday only.
All train* nre dally except whpr** nttierxYlae
»pee)lied. Close connection at Albany with
A.(Vi*. ILK. for and from all polnta North,
c^ft ana West.
Drawing room sleeping cars between Alba-
ay aud Atlanta on train leaving Albany 9.03
p. m. and*Atlanta 1:40- a. m. Car open for
D*uacngers. Union Depot, Atlanta, IfcOO p. n.,
w For prompt and- reliable service ace that
your ticket read* via
Metcalfe April 8
Duncanville April 9
Cairo April 11
Abridge Aprl 12 a. ml
R. Singletary’s Store April 12
Fieteher ...
Central of Georgia Ry.
For fnttber Information apply to
f, J. Bot ton;*, A. N. Till ubuil„
T. F, A., A. C. U, Ticket jVgent, A.U U
Thomasville, Ga.
I. c? Hrtnson, T. W. tiionut,
Oommer. Agt. aofU.Ry. TJ^.A., r.of Ga. Ky
7 Alhanv.Ga. Macon.Ua.