Newspaper Page Text
Local and Personal,
Statistics Show That It Was Fine In
Mrs. 3£ L Alderman is in Pine Park
Hon. W. C. V« renti of • Moultrie v :is
Tiere Friday.
Every one knows that Thoinesville
weather is beautiful, and that tiieoli*
mnto hero during the winter months is
far superior to that of auy other city in
the state. If the average uiau was to
attempt to describe the dinnto of the
city lie would do it in adjectives and ad
verbs of the superlative degree. There
are people however, whose business It is
to describe weather in figures, i\nd their
statistics speak as eloquentl> as words
The Georgia section of climate and
crops, the monthly bulletin» f the Uni
ted States Agricultural Department
has just been issued for the month of
February. The monthly mean for the
state was 47.3. The highest monthly
mean was at Thomasville, 65.4. The
Mr. Uy Thomas of Pelham spent
Thursday in town.
R. L. Normi>n of Obey Ga. spent Fri
day in Thomasville.
.1. W. Henry, the MouticoMoiver; liaut
was hero Friday.
Judge ,7.'A. Wilkts, well) uown citi
zen of Aiuultrie. spent Fi idi.yin town.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Cai
ro wore vidtort to town on Friday.
Stoney Glcvur, wlioeo name always
brings up thoughts of I lick or/ tobacco,
is in the city. %
Mrs. L. R. Wylly and son who have
been the guests of lior parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Redden Smith Sr., left Friday
morniug for Savannah.
If so bring or send thrni to be tried.
There's yet 2 keys to unlock it and
they are worth $10.00.
We have something better than this
now. Come to see us and we will
tell you about it. Everybody gets
something this time.
We sell the best shoes—-nothing
Veterinary Hospital of Dr. J. C. Schwencke
la located on Broad street, opposite Piney Woods Hotel, is an up-to-date Hos-
pitai for sick horses, males and dogs.
Exertion ° f °> )eratlon * 01 » ***?'■
J. C. Schwencke, D. V. S.,
Thomasville, Ga.
Moure. J. A. Beard, Algie Baggett
and Audio Stringer visited the fair sex
at Thomasville Sunday.—Cairo Messen
Mr. Homer Boyer, of Sonthboro,
Mass., who hos been the gueBt of his
brother, Mr. F, W. Boyer, has returned
to his homo. Onr Mr, Bo\ or wont as
far as Chattanooga with him.
Mr. and Mrs, Olios. Butler, returned
yosterday from a short visit to Valdosta.
Mr.,and Mrs. Butler are from Oincin-
natiandare spending the winter with
Mrs. Lee Brown.
dajs in the month here. The average
number of damp days in tile state was
The highest temperature here was 7V
on the twonty seventh of the month and
the lowest 37 on the seoond of Febru
ary. The monthly range was therefore
53 degrees. The absolute radge in the
state was • 97 degrees. The greatest
range in any Bingle day was 40 degrees.
An interesting review and report of
climatological conditions of Thomasville
is now appearing in the bulletin. It
presents facts and figures extending
overa period of time from 1878 to date
with many comparisons and full rec
ords. The first installment of the arti
cle appeared in January, the second In
February and the third and last will be
When comple-
Our Valentine
We fnrnish IT, either ROUGH or
DRESSED, and that too of tho VERY BEST"
Tho telephone {linemen of the South
ern Bell Company were busy Friday
Tills you already knew, the words wo speak nre snroly TRUE.
We are too
busy filling orders to look you up, but if you want tho best of any thing In onr
line quick, ’Phone 264, and the old man will do the rest.
patting new cross arms on tho poles on
Broad street. Manager Stone. is kept
buBy with the improvements to tho sys
published next month,
ted the series will be published in this
Any person desiring to obtain copies
of the bulletin with the Thomasvillo ar
ticle can do so by addressing J. B. Mor
tality, Atlanta, Ga., Seotion Director,
Dlimato and Crop Sorvtco of tile Weath
er Bureau.
Out by the Crate Factory ou Boston rond. Visitors
welcome, day or night.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Roberts of New
port, R.JI., are in the city and are at the*
Piney Woods Hotel.
Mr. Roberts was
once the lessee of the Mitchell House
here and entertained
The DURABLE Fence, ’ rv
None so STRONG. T"“ • 'll"' “
All large wire* . A- -
Highest EFFICIENCY. - —B- -
LOWEST COST. — —- -§g- -
No Wraps -na.TfV: — -
to hold — —4— — — # -
Moisture £ iffc Hi [___ j —“
and cause Vi rrr nr m rr: nr inri^dr
Rust 1 111111 > 1
many fanions
gnests, among them being President and
Mrs. McKinloy.
Little Franois Elder, at the home of
hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Elder,
is convalescing from a severe attack of
malarial fever. His school loaoher, Miss
Poacock, and his little friends have been
exceedingly kind to him and have add
ed mneb to ilia comfort by bring him
flowers and bright flowers.
Conflicting Accounts of Ita Result by
High 8ohooj and Collage.
The baseball teams of Stanley’s busi
ness College and tho ThomnsviUe High
School played Friday afternoon at
the Fair Grounds and thereby hangs a
The High Sohool says It was won by
a score of nine to nothing. The Bust,
nets college says that four innings were
played and that neither side soared. The
public can donbtleas learn the particu
lars and hear enthusiastic arguments
from the adherents of either side by
questioning them.
E. A. Mitchell who has been bight
clerk at the Masnry for several mouths
leaves tomorrow for Branswiok where
he will be with the Oglethorpe hotel.
His place at the Masnry will be flllod
by Elmer Canney who has been on the
day force at the hotel.
AbsoIaMj STOCK PHOOF. fa can SAVE YOU MONEY on Fincmg.
We have just bought a carload oi
A drain pipe to carry tho rain water
from the roofs of L. Stoyorman’s store
and the Bank of Thomasville lias been
connected with the. sower. This will
prevent the water from flooding Broad
street, when Jnpiter PJuvius opens his
gates for a summer shower.
the above Fence to arrive* in a few
days. As we are the only firm in
Thomas county that buy fence in car
load lots. We can save you money on
your fence.
. Of Unusual Bssuty.
There is such a profusion of beautiful
flowers In Thomasville that to mention
anyspeaially might seem an invidious
comparison. Certain ones are, howev
er, of such unusual loveliness ss to mer
it comment. A magnificent specimen
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
EGuS. Price $i.oo’per setting 15 eggs.
C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville, Qa.
Mias Isabelle Arnold who haa been
the attractive gneat of Mrs. O. P. Han
sel! for several weeks has gone to Char
lotte, N. O., where slip will visit her
aunt, Mrs. Jackson. Later she will go
to Raleigh where she will spend some
time with her grandmother, Mrs. D. H.
Mrs. Fuller, of Thomasville, Ga. who
was once onr esteemed music teacher
in Whigham High School visited friends
here tho early part of the week, guest
of Mrs. S. P. Swicord. The has many
friends here that gladly extend a wel- ’
come • to her.—Whigham Department
Cairo Messenger.
of tho Cherokee rose adorns yards the
of Hr. A. W.Moller at Dawson and Rem
ington. A pink aaalia bosh at the resi
dence of Mrs. Cora Cassells at Han sell
and Smith is of radiant beauty. Visi-
itors who wish to paint pretty pioturos
on memory’s walls, shonld go to take a
look at each.
Would Gall Attention
To the Colombia Diao Graphophone which is bringing so much] pleasure to
thousands of homes throughout this broad land of ours, and which lyou can fen-
I oy Just ns well; they are proving everything that have been said of ;them,
tertninor in tho homo. A number of the newest models can bo seen at _•
Laid to Reet
The funeral of Mrs. John Sloan took
place Thuraday afternoon at three
o’clock. A number of grief stricken
relatives and friends gathered at the
residence of Mrs. Lee Brown to witness
the simple funeral ceremonies which
were conducted by Rev. G. S. Whitney.
The pall-bearers were Messrs. John
Triplett, H. W. Hopkins, J. W. Pea
cock, W. A. Pringle, W. C. Snodgrass,
O. P, Hansell, B. H. Wright, and W. H.
Rockwell. The body was laid to rest
in laurel Hill.
vloe It the kind people want When one receives
he worth of his money be U eatUfled end opmee again.
Our Work
Mr. and Mn. J. Z, Gottwah, who
have been spending the winter with Mr.
and Mrs. O. B. Quinn, liave left for
their home in Highlands, N. O. Misses
Annie Mae and Bessie Quinn accom
panied them to spend tho summer.
Mr. and Mrs. GottwoU are Mn. Qaiun’s
Carriages, Buggies and Wagons
Repaired, Painted and Trimmed.
On Central Committee.
Peetmaater F. D. Diimuke was ap-
, pointed a member from the second con-
> gresklonal district, of tho Republican
8tate Central Committee, at tho Atlanta
i convention.
And Don’t Forget the STUDEBAKER WAGON.
Call and see us. before buying.
Messrs. Frank Lawson and Willie
Palin are at home from tl<e Georgia
School of Technology for a vacation of
one week. The students of that insti
tution are engaged in the process of ta
king tlieir term examinations but
Thom anvil] o's young repi esentatires
have taken such a high stand in their
studies that they were excused from the
On Parker Executive Committee- •
1 ' Mr. J. D. McCartney of thlsetty has
- boon appointed as the member of the
> Parker Club Executive Committee from
Ithe secondteoagreesional district. |
•LIKE SAVERS,” aiding development of organs and Lcdv. No knowo reme
qtials them. Cannot do harm—life becomes a plcasuie. ft. oo rtK HUA BY
1L. Sold by Patterson Drug Co. DR. MOTT’S CHfc.MlL AL LO.,^kve-