Newspaper Page Text
■ am after marriage. The bearing
wtM4TB of children is often dctt ructiva
W mmKaBsminHS U to the mother’s shapeliness,
W All of this can ba avoided,
however, bv the ase of Mother** Friend before baby come*, as this
great liniment always prepare* the body for the strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this eritical period without pain. It is woman’s greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from tha
ase of this wonderful _
S^StSS Mother’s
book, telling all about —— _ mg
this liniment, will bo tent free.
Hi BnftM BanWir Co., AUuta, Gt M ff ICf f If
Dnblin is to hare street cars.
Is the Word
Mr. A.’,W. Beasley is now on the road
forj. W. Watkins, and Oo. the hide
and for house.
Mr. Milton Battle and Mist Jessie
Bunting visited Mends in Whigham on
Master day.
OStf . '•A'-'r-i :
<•/. •
Clothing manufactories in the world.
All Well Mnrie, Stylish und Durable in Men’s Suits.
Prices-$4.50, 6.75 f 7.25, 8.00, 9.50, 10.00,
10.50, 12.50, 13.50, 15.00, 16.50,
18.00 and 21.00.
PRICES IN YOU'HS’ SUITS—$5.W, 5.50, i.25
7.00, 7.59,8.00, 8.50, IN and 0.50.
PRICES IN KNEE PANTS sillTS—$2.00, 2.50,
3.00, 3.50,1.00,4.50,5.00 and 0.00.
Juvenile-Two style, the Buster Brown and
Norfork, from $2.50 to $5.50.
500 High Art Shirts to go wSile they last for
$1.00 each
Athens lias fallen into line with a Par
ker dob.
The town of Lyon« was fire swept on
Sunday and thirteen buildings* were de
A colored farmer of Pierce county ex
pects to realize $100 per acre from his
potato crop.
The Georgia School of Technology is
in the lead in the intercollegiate pen
nant race in base ball circles.
The Boston baseball team won all
three of its games from Montgomery.
They are now in Birmingham.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce mvs If as a candi^
date for re-election rn the office of slier- 1
iff of Thomas county, *nhj«*rf to the |
action of the Democratic primary 1 ,
re-elected I will continin* to give glio ;
office my personal attention and will
discharge its duties to tl»e test'of my '
> *t. J. Hiuht.
For Sheriff.
11ic:ieby announce myself as a candt
date for Sheriff of Thomas county, sab
ject to the action of the Democratic pri
mary, and solicit the support of the vo-1
ters of the connfy. If elected I will
give my personal and undivided atten
tion to the duties of the office and
discharge those duties to the best of
ability. J. J. Coxa,
H. P. Butler, one of Mitchell's pro
gressive farmers, recently sold twelve
fine hams weighing 205 pounds.
Mr. J. O. Bell of Coolidge spent Tues
day in town. •
Mr. Walter Huff of Maconjspent Sun
day in town.
* Mr. L A. Baggett was hen from
Cairo on Tuesday.
Mr. O. A. Wood of the Flney Woods
Hotel Company ho* returned to Boston
Mr. J. O. McCall a well-known Quit-
man lawyer spent ‘Monday In Thomas.,
Mr. John Davidson who lias been at
home for several days luta returned to
hia railroad contract near Moultrie.
Col. J. W. Dillon Is at home again
much improved in health, after a two
VK9ka stay In Newport Springs, Fla.
Mr. and Mr*. H V. Peters who have
been at Mrs. Mallotto’s during the sea
Man, left Monday morning for their
home In Chicago.
Oept. John Triplett who has not miss
ed a Colquitt court in thirty years went
to Moultrie yesterday. From there he
wiU go on to Atlanta to spend several
Mrs. Jennie L. Graves and daughter
of Cortland, Now York, are spending
some time in Thomssvitle. Mrs. Graves
baa large land interests in Colquitt coun
J. S. Hbpklns came home Sunday
from his automobile trip to Americus.
The trip from Thomssville to Smith-
villowas made in one day, and in a
round about wav to avoid water iu the
loads. '
Mr. K. W. Keagy the optieian has
moved from the Masury Hotel to t G.
Goehring's store on South Broad street.
Me occupies the part of the store, for
merly need by the Woman's Exchange
haa closed.
Wall Known Lady Passed Away
Thurdaay- Funeral at Amarlous.
Thursday morning at the residence
of Mr. B. F. Olewls comer of Young
and Calhoun streets Mrs. B. W. Smith-
wick, Mrs. Clewis' mother died from a
stroke of parslysla. She was stricken
on Wednesday night but lingered fer
several hours.
She was #9 yean of age and hail lived
hero for two years with her daughter
and previous to that time she had been a
resident of Americas. Her sons, H. W.
Smithwick, of {America,, S. B. Smith-
wick, or Richmond, Va., and her daugh
ter, Mrs, F. L. Oautey, of Midway, Fla.,
came here.
They aooonipaniod the remains to
Amoricns, leaving here at #:25 Friday
morning. The funeral took place at
four o'clock Friday afternoon from tho
Presbyterian church in that city.
Mrs. Smithwick wasa lady of most
excellent Christian character. Hormany
friends will mourn her loss and sympa-
tlilse sincerely with her bereaved rela
A railroad official says that there are
i 35000 retain portions of round trip tonr-
j ist tickets still nnused, and in the hands
of passengers in Florida.
Should Trade With Us..
You can get a larger and better variety of goods
from which to make a selection.
Wavcross is to liave a spring race
I nioet. Col. H. V. Horton who once
managed a similar affair here, is in
charge and has a string of thirty horses
there. -
All the papers of the Second Congres
sional District speak favorably of Capt.
John Triplett’s candidacy for delegate
from the Second'Congressional District,
tqSt. Louis.
For Representative.
I hereby announce myself tut a
didate for representative subject to
action of the Democratic primary. .
re-elected I pledge myself to a fmtid_
performonce of all the duties of the oil
ce. My past record in the office is ojJ
to inflection aud relying upon this 1
submit my claims to the voters of t!|
county and solicit their rapport. *
John H. Singletary
For The Legislature.
I hereby aunouuce myself a cundidtj ]
for re-election to the Legislature evh
ject to the Democratic primary. Hi B
ing served the people te the very best*!
my ability iu Hie last legislature, I fef
that 1 can confidentially and conscieiL
tionsly solicit their supjiort in the upl
preaching primary.
J. B. Rountree.
Among the Tuesday "visitors to tow n
was Mr. E. 8. White of Meigs.
J, W. Alexander, who recently moved
to WaycroM from Brooks county, cele
brated Id* ®8th birthday Saturday. He
-ikaa born in Gwinnett county, Ga., but
lived in Thomas and Brooks counties for
number of years- Mr. Alexander sorv-
three years in the war betweeu the
and the Herald hopes that this
Hied old veteran will live to see
mote birthdays.—Waycross Her-
as Well as Hen Are Made
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trooble.
liseouragesandlessensambition; beauty,
rigor and cheerful
ness soon disappear
when the kidneys are
out of order or dis
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
born afflicted with
weak kidneys. If the
child urinates too often, if the urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the chiW reaches an
age when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet-
tirig, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, aud the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as uiast people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and- bladder trouble
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
5wamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty-
cent and one-dollar
size bottles. You may 1
have a sample bottle _
by mail free, also a Bo®# of 0w»mp4tooi
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention
this paper. Don’t make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every
We have no old rubbisll to get rid of—Every'
thing Fresh and New.
3 We do not use Premium Schemes'to get your
trade. We give you full value for your money,
and do not have to put on io per cent to pay
for the premium. Consequently we sell at lower • [
Your money refunded if goods are not satisfac
5 A full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing and
Gents’ Furnishings; Ladies’ and Childrens’
Shoes always on hand. A force of polite and
’ * attentive clerks, always ready to serve you.
Louis Steyerman,
Broad and Jackson Street, Thomasville, Ga.
The old fort at Fredorifea, on St, Si
mon’s Island 1ms been restored by the
Colonial Dames, so far as possible to the
condition in which it wns in General
Oglethorpe's timo.
Jndge J. S. Turner who is opposed for
his present jmsitiou on the prison com
mission bv Jndson M. Strickland, has
refused the latter’s challenge to meet
him in joint debate.
A Fine Record.
The graduating exercises of tho Phil-
a lelphia College of Pharmacy are now
in progress. Mr. John S. Montgomery
/r., of this o^ty will graduate this year
and word has been received that he has
passed all of his examinations with the
meritorious degree. ” He also won two
prizes. The news of his good work will
be pleasing toliismauy friends at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDonald will com*
monce housekeeping Monday in one of
Mrs. Lichtenstadter’s uow cottages
College Avenue. —Bainbridge Argus.
“Mr. C. L. Bruner, lately appointed
train master of tho Atlantic and Bir
mingham railw ay, with headquarters at
Fitzgerald was here yesterday.
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured.
[ have been subject to sciatic rheu
matism foryears, says E. H. Waldrow,
of Wilton Junction, Iowa. "My joints
werefctiff and gave me much pain and
ducomfort. My joints would crack when
t «-raightetted up. 1 used Chamber-
ain’s Pain Balm and have been thor-
ughly cured. Have not had a pain or
ache from the old trouble for many
months. It is certainly a most wonder
ful linimen*.’’ For sale byj. W. Pca-
‘success soda.
Directions tor Making Good Bread:
Use one leveled teaspoonful
to a quart of sifted flonr; add
enongh sour milk to knead the
When sour milk is not used,
two parts of Cream of Tartar and
one of Success Soda are the cor
rect proportions.
Best and Cheapest.
Hon. Thomas E. Watson re-iterates
lis charge that Fred Douglass was en
tertained at the White House by Gro
ver Cleveland while the latter was pres
ident. He qnotes from Douglass’ book
to prove his charge.
For Representative.
To the people of Thomas county:
Appreciating the past honors you liavo
confirmed upon me I take this’method
of announcing that I am a candidate for {
re-election to the House of Represent*- !
tives of Georgia. In the discharge of ;
my duties in the past as your represen
tative I have fo the best of my ability
worker! for your interests and the in
terests of tho whole people of Georgia,
I again ask you* support. My candi- i
dacyis subject to the action of the|
Democratic primary.
Fondren Mitchell.
For Tax Collector.
I most respectfully tmuonnee myaeili
as a candidate for re-election to the of f
flee of tax collector subject to thewc-l
tiou of the Democratic primary. Ina
making this announcement I beg*to ex |
tend my t hauks to the voters of Tlioma
county foi their kindness to me dnrin
the past and to solicit a continuance c
their support. p. s. Heeth.
For Tax Receiver.
I hereby announce myself ns a£ca
didate for re-electiou to the office
Tax Receiver of Thomas county subject!
to the action of the Democratic primary J
If re-elected I will give the office tlicj
same careful attention as in the paetg
I solicit the support of the voters of thef
John F. Howard.
As the result of the recent military
inspections of Col. W. G. Obear, inspec.
tor general of state troops, and Maj. F.
H. French of the Sixteenth United
States Infanty, several Georgia compa
nies have beeu put on probation and
disbandment of others has been recom •
% City Taxea-
The city tax books wiil be open from
April 1st. to July 1st. I will be in my
office on Mondays, Fridays and Satur
days daring that time,
tf. K. T. Maclean, City Clerk.
Bainbridge,Ga., April 4 —In thqcoun-
ty primary held in Decatnr county the
following were nominated by the Dem-
ocratio party: Jndge of the City Court,
W. M. Harrell; city solicitor, M. E,
O’Neal; for the Legislature, Erie Don-
a!sou aud S. K. Briusou; sheriff, M. C.
Stegall; tax assessor, A. McBride; clerk
of court. C. W. Wimberly; Ordinary, T.
B. Maxwell; tax receiver, M. W. Bates.
Tho following new’ industrial organi
zations were formed in this state last
Quitmau—Cotton gin.
Wat k iusville—Hardware company.
Corrolton—Ice factory.
\ aldostn— $30,000 tun**utine plant.
Columbus—$350.000cotton mill.
WatkiusviUe—$30,0UU oil mill (near
Albany—Gin brush factory.
Dalton—Cotton gin; oil mill.
Brunswick—Shingle mill.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself u candidsti
for re-election to tha office of Commi» a
siouor of Roads aud Revenue of Thornot]
county, subject to the action of tin
Democratic iirimury. I solicit tha snp
Iiort of tho voters of tho county.
For Commissioner.
I hereby nnnouueu myself a candidate,
for re-election to tho office of Commii-1
mission.:! of Hoards and Revenues ofl
Tinman county, subject to tho action of n
the Keniocratic primary, ami w.Jict the I
support of the voters,
d&w J D. Barrow.
For Ordinary.
Desiriug first to tlinuk my old com
rades. mid friend* general!*, fo- their I
four years gift of the office of ordinary, 11
hereby'announce myself as a candidate I
for re-election, subject to the the Demo-J
cratic primary, promising if elected, to!
do my utmost to jierform all the duties]
of the offico faithfully iu futnre as
have tried to do iu the pad.
The congratulations of the state press
are due Editor S. R. Brinson of the
Bainbridge Searchlight who was trium
phantly re-elected a member of theatate
legislature from Decatur. His colleague
is Mr. Erie M. Donalson. Our personal
acquaintance with this brilliant young
Georgian, leads ns to congratulate the
people of his home county on his elec
tion and on the fact that he lead the
ticket. Decatur has a braiuy pair of
There are always a lot of marriages
jnst after Easter. Because Easter hat
bills won’t come for a twelftlimonth,
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commis
sioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas
county, subject to the action of tha
Democratic primary. I solicit tha sup
port of the voters of the county.
H. O. Co pal and,
For County Treasurer.
respectfully announce that I nra
candidate for re-election as Treasurer c_
Thomas county, subject the action ofl
the Democratic Primary. J
I am very thankful to the people fori
the favors and confidence shown me in 1
tho just, aud pledge, if elected, ray I
very best and mod eoerripfirion* > ft >rtn f
to them luunlux, ciuciout, und sat
isfactory service.
I earnestly solicit your support and ]
friendly co-operation.
Gratefully and faithfully yours,
For Coroner.
I take this means of announcing for
re-election to the office of coroner of
Thomas county subject to the action of
the primary. If elected I will give the
duties of the office the same careful at
tention that they have heretofore re
ceived at my hands. I appreciate the
support that my friends have always
given me and their many Kind expres
sions of-satisfaction. Thanking all try
supporters and hoping for a renewal of
the support. I am faithfully,
Chas. Gandy.
For County Survoyor.
I announce my candidacy for re-elec- ,
tion to the office of county surveyor of J
Thomas county subject to the action of (
the Democratic primary. If re-elected
I will continnq to give the office my best \
attention. I solicit the support of the 1
voters. / A. J. STANALAND.
For bounty Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for election} to the office of Commis
sioner of R^xids and Reyenues of Thomaa
county, sujjjoct to the action of the
Democratize primary. I solicit the rap
port of tbA voters of the county
* M. D. Redfearn,
t Ti