Newspaper Page Text
A Stealthy, Insidious, Weakening Enemy to
Suffer Needlessly From
Women—Many Thousand Women
This Cause.
There are a multitude of women.
«■ houBewives, and _nU othflrj
i obliged to be on their feet cr.n-
discharges from the pelvic orga
These women get up in the morning
tired, drag themselves through their
daily duties tired, only to go to bed at
“|medicine I have over taken. I used it
faithfully for two weeks and it com*
pletely cured mo. I have not had any
pains since, anywhere, bnt feel like a
new woman. 1 am truly thankful for
what Perun* has done for me.”—Bar
bara Alberty.
Mrs. Kata Mann, 806 Bathurst Street.
Toronto, Ont, Can.. Vice Fresident of the
Ladles Aid Society, writes i-‘* I am pleased
to give praise to Peruna for the blessed relief
I found through its use. I suffered for year;
with backache and dragging down pain* and
often had to go to bed and stay there when I
was so busy that I could illy be spared. It
was therefore a simple godsend to me when
Peruna was brought to my notice. Every
drop seemed to give mo new life, and every
dose made me feel much better, and I prom
ised myself that if I found that it cured me I
would advocate It eo that other suffering
women should know of 1L I have been in
perfect health forono year, I enjoy work and
pleasure because in such fine health, and no
trouble seems too heavy to bear when you are
in good health, Peruna has simply been a
household blessing, and I never will be with
out it again.”—Mrs. Kate Mann.
Peruna is such a perfect specific for
each case that when patients have once
used it they can never be induced to quit
It until they are permantly cured. It
begins to relieve the disagreeable
symptoms at once. The backache
ceases, the trembling knees are strength*
ened, the appetite restored, the digestion
made perfect, the doll headache Is stop
ped and the weakening drains are grad
ually cured. These results certainly
‘ ritfc
rbara Alberty, corner Seventh and
.Valnut streets, Appleton, Wis^ writes
as follows in regard to Peruna:
M 3Tor years 1 nave suffered with back
ache and severe pains in the side. I
4oetored so much that I became dis
couraged. A school friend told me how
Terr mnch Peruna had benefited her
ana I sent out for a bottle, which did
a Win uu. iur • uuiuc, which um
to rellove me than all ths other
Mm. Anna M.rtln, 47 Hoyt at., Brookj
lyn, N. V- wHWi—“Firunn did «o much
for mo that I fMl It my duty to noomm.lid
it toothera who may be similarly amiottd.
About n year a,o my health was completely
broken down, had baokaehe, dlzslneuand Ir
regularities and life seemed dark Indeed.
Wo bad used Peruna In our home a. a tonic,
and Ibr oolde and catarrh, and I deolded to
try It tor my trouble. In lee. than tore,
month. I became regular, my palne had en-
tlrely disappeared, and I am how perfectly
well?'—Mrs Anna Martin.
Mr*. Wm. Hetrick, Kennard, Waah-
lngton county, Neb., writ*, t
"I am fifty-six yearn old and haTe not
felt well ainoe the Change of Life bo-
J the time. My back
wae very weth, »na my flesh so tender
it hurt me to lean agalnat the back of n
chair. 1 bad pain tinder my shoulder-
blades, in the email of my back and
Dinara, HI lire ouiaix ut IIIJ uuu
hips. I sometimes wlehed myself out
of thla world. Had hot and cold spells,
dizziness and trembling of the lfmbs,
and waa losing flesh all the time. After
following yonr directions and taking
PerunaInowfeel like a different per
son."—Mrs. Wm. Hetrick. -
If yon do not derive prompt and latte-
actory results from the nee of Peruna,
write at onee to Dr, Hartman, giving n
full atatement of yonr case, anil he will
be pleated to give yon hia valuable ad-
vice gratis. *
Peruna can be purchased for fl per
bottle at all first class drag stores.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
_IThe Hartman Sanitarium, Colombo*,O.
If It Is
Vou Need
We gnarantee’our goods to
be fresh and of the highest
quality. Our salesmen are
evei ready to serve you,
whether yonr order be small
or large.
If not, we ask you to try them. They are absolutely solid ltather
throughout, and every pair guaranteed. The prices are right too. Come
and let us show them to you. We also curry a complete line of
Family Groceries.
If you are not already our
customer, try us.
'Phone 76-2. 106 E. Jackson St.
To enjoy the bath or even the dally
wash It 1. necessary to have good
Toilet Articles.
We an just as particular about the
grad, and quality of oor Toilet Artider,
as about the most edytly drag in the
1loose. Of ooorse yoet know our Pre
scription Department jii well equipped,
T. J. & H. Megahee,
Syrup Exhibit at World’. Fair. Other
News of Interest
Cairo will linve n Georgia Cane Byrup
exhibition at till St. Louis Exposition.
Thin will open up new markets for this
product and we hope it will greatly in
crease the sale of this prodnet. Mr. W.
B. Roddenbery has the matter in
Protracted services are in progress at
the Methodist church. Rev. G. P. Re-
viere, the pastor, is doing the preach
ing. Remember that all the preselling
Unit can be done will do yon no good un
less yon are there to hear it. Are yon
a member of the church? If so It is
yonr duty to be there. Are yon a Chris
tian? Then it is a privilege that yon
cannot afford to tufts. Leave yonr bus-
1 test and attend to the Lord’s work and
he will see that yon will lose nothing by
Cards are ont annoondng the mar
riage of Mr. Be variy Trnaaen of Ogle
thorpe to Mias Chance of Cairo.
Mbs Vance of lake Park, Oa. Is the
gneet ot Mias Marie Chance.
We are aorry to chronicle the eerione
illneea of Mrs. H. G. MoMareeus at her
home on north Broad street. She has
been tick sometime and at this writing
we hear that little hope of lier recovery
is entertained.
Miss Daves of Qnitman, who was the
guest of Mias Roma Ponlk, Saturday
and Sunday, has returned home.
' Farmers are complaining of the need
of rain. Seed that have been recently
planted are rot coming up to well. Gar
den peas are almost a failure.
We were ont in the country last Sum
day with Mr. J. A. Hudson at one of his
singing appointments. It was onr pleas
ure to dine with Mr.S, Vanlandingham.
After dinner quite a number of theyoung
people came over and we enjoyed some
good music.
On next Sunday those interested in
vocal music will meet at Good Hope
church and arrange a singing Conven
tion. Everybody invited to come and
bring full baskets. The candidates may
even come If they will bring a backet
filled with goods things and promise not
to talk politics.
For Sale—Aboont 3fi bushels pf com
and three hundred bandies of fodder.
Applpto W.H. Searcy,Cairo, Ga.
Mr. K. Powell made a business trip
to Florida Monday.
Dr. W. A. Powell, assistant Surgeon
in the U. S. Army married Wednesday
April «th., in WashingtonD. 0., to Mias
Eva Gober of that city. Hr. Is B.
Powell left last Friday to be present at
the marriage. Dr. W. A. Walker who
la now in How York was also present.
Mr. Powell will visit N. Y. before re
turning home. j . .
Our Meigs Department.
By J. S.
Much excitement prevailed a few days
since in this place on account of reports
that were brought to town to the effeot
that a “wild man” has been Been in the
vicinity of Midway clmreh, two miles
from town. A man had been seen there,
who, from all aoconnts, was a veritable
Nebncliadnezzer, When first seen he
was on his knees looking Intensely
through the grass, at times pioklng up
something and putting it into Ills month.
The man who first witnessed this be
came alarmed at such conduct, and go
ing through the woods to a neighbor’s
told the story. Curiosity impelled
both to return to tho spot. Sure enough
there was a white man picking np some
thing and eating it. On being ques
tioned lie said that he was looking for
his knife, but immediatelr left: bnt
was afterwards fonnd, still taking some
thing from the ground and eating it.
Thns the story came from town. The
next day the man was again seen ap
parently eating grass. Exoitement
gained ground, and it was reported that
a orazy man, and later, that a wild man
was roaming the woods about Midway
Springs. An investigation ensned and
it waa fonnd that the wild man was on
ly a young farmer who was in the habit
of eating dirt and soft clay pebblee and
found Just such as suited his appetite In
this locality in which he was fonnd. ^
On April 1, Pelham's fourth nine play
ed Meigs Kiddies on the Meigs diamond.
It waa understood that the Pelham boys
would place the kids out of sight and
mnoh boasting was done. Bnt after the
ball the soore was: Meigs, 90; Pelham,
Mr. Hardy Moncrlef, who is at the
head of Dnren's Bine FrontStore at Cab
Brooks county.
Ur. Luotan Boswell and wife of Le-
land spent Easter with relatives here.
The all day singing came off all right,
although I think the Easter weather
cooled the ardor of some of the singers.
The singing was lead for the moat part
by R. J. Latter, E. S. White and U. K.
Braswell and waa good. I like these all-
day singings, especially If they have
dinner on the ground, whioh they didn't
have on this occasion. /
Hr. Robert Gone, who manages a
farm for Mr. Mao Wilkes, ^had about
COO lbs. of guano stolen from his field a
few nights ago. So those who leave
"Miss Joanner” In the field by herself,
would better look ont.
Guyton Fnlford, who was summoned
from Florida on aoconnt of the] severe
Illness of Ids brother, Henson Fnlford,
has returned home.
Mre. Elizabeth Christies, mother of
Mr. Joe Christie living a few miles from
town In Mitchell oounty woo buried in
tne Pilcher cemetery west of Meigs
Snnd Mrs. Christie wm], quite old
and was much loved.
returned to her home at Montlcollo, Fla.
Mr, Tom Bullock aud'wife of Oohlock-
onee, were tho gnests'of the family of
Mr. W. M. Singletary Sunday.
The marble tablet, perpetuating the
memory of the members of the town
council, in whose administration it
was built, has been on hand for some
time waiting to be placed In position by
offloiol hands.
It bears the following inscription:
“Meigs Graded Sohool, A. D. 1903.”
“Erected by the Mayor and Council.”
"E. E. Wilkes, Mayor.”
"Daniel Willis, Mayor Protem.”
“J. N. Carter. Chairman Finance
J. H. Pullen Chairman street com
W. H. Hurst Chairman Sanitary
The following ate entitled; to a[place
on the honor roll of Center HtU Sohool
for March:
Misses Mary Green, Nellie Roberts,
Pearl G. Alligood,£Essie Hull, Emma
Thomas, Graee Piloher, Leona Langley,
Bessie JaokBon, Rosa Jackson, Pearl E.
Alligood, Bertie Piloher, Jemm.e Gold
ing, Willie Belle [Golding, Mayme Lin-
soy, Rnth Roberta. ; Messrs. ' Byron Hall
Othniel Collier, George! ,Moncrlef,
Lloyd Davis, Johnnie 'Davis, Rnssell
Hall, Leonard Singletary, Anstin Pil
cher, Finnic Green, Harry Jackson,
Irven Singletary.
£Some ethers lost, by being J absent
several days during the month. An ex
amination on the books showed that,
with the exception of a few very young
pnpils,[the books have received tins"best
of treatment. Eaoh desk was Inspected
and I round that without exception the
.. . . .—I,—
Mr. Henxon Fnlford who has-been
very alee of pneumonia is mnoh improv
ed in oondition and hopes are enter;
tained that he will soon be np.
Mr. B. T. Rouse has been quite nek
during tlie past ten [days I am glad
to be able to state that he is convales
The first strawberries from this place
this season were sliipped from the farm
of Mr. R. T. Rouse last week. .Mr.
Ronse is the’pioneer in the frnlt busi
ness in this section, and is nsnally first
to ship '
j .Mias Maud Sutton, Mr./Will Sutton
and Mr. Mack Johnson came over from
Cairo Sunday.
Prof. J. T. Wilder, former principal
of the school here, is giving ns tut enter
tainment this week with a sterioptican.
He lias many war scenes and other In-
e'resting views. Besides, he shows
'Peek’s Bad Boy,” as he is.
Miss Ada Catsels who lies been spend-
ing several days here with relatives, has
pnplls have been .oareful inot to deface
The attendance to date has be6trthe
most regular, for several years.
The pnpils of this sohool are doubtli
the best behaved in the oounty. This is
doe to the fact, that the school has a
most excellent set of patrons.
This item is perhaps of local interest
only, bnt I will be pardoned for details,
when it is known [that more than ISO
copies of this paper an read in^he
Cotton planted last week is np bnt
the cold winds are causing It to die.
Melon planting seems to be a thing of
the past. Bnt few if any liane been
planted In this oommnnlty.
Mr. Elisha Cartor-ia at his _old_plabe
behind the counters of W. H. Vallandi
Mias Ella Tindall, I who has lately
been employed In Thomacrllle left[here
Wednesday for Palm Beaoh, Ida.
’ The:.
Liver k
well known to ■
pation, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, sleep*
lessncss. headache, a tired fceliner and
many others of a similar nature.'
Thousands die annually by not heeding-
the warnings of nature.
Many acquire some chronic disease
from which they never recover.
of usefulness, by keeping in the
somb reliable remedy.
We believe that we can convince any-
fair-minded person that there is no bet
ter remedy for the Liver known, than
Dr. Thacher'a Liver and Blood Syrup.
The formula is known, consisting of:
Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yello
, luauuinac, icuvw
Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian,
Senna and Iodide of Fotaaaium. Yon
know just what yon are taking. How
many other formulas of a liter medicine
are published ? Ask your druggist about
this. It is already prepared and can be
taken immediately.
The strength is extracted in the most
skillful manner, certainly superior to any-
powdered preparation known. (We alto
manufacture a Liver Medicine in pow-
dered form, with which any druggist
, but this, like all <
• dry
requires preparation.) *
Dr. Thacher’a Liver and Blood Syrup
is pleasant to take, does not lose it*
strength, ss Liver Medicine in dry form^
and will keep in any climate.
Your doctor, however skillful, could
prescribe nothing better.
to make a mistake in writing a prescrip—
make a mistake
tion, or a drag clerk to i
in compounding the lame, (besides a
doctor’s bill ana the cost of the medi
cine.) Yon can be absolutely sure of the
proper proportion being in every dose.
Dr. Thacher'a Liver and Blood Syrup
has been used with the greatest confi
dence and success in thousandsof homes
for 62 yean, and is prepared by a phar
macist of 26 yeanf experience, in a labo
ratory equipped with the most modem
applumeet for the most perfect safety.
If oou do not onjtraland font* owe.
symptoms for advice. If* limply ash that
IfvilPds at ° Ur exptn9t ' M< knot0 * c * a *
BO cent! and $1.00.
Chattanooga. Tenia.
A Great, ,T ensation.
vilte, ind., when W. H. Brown oi that
ilace, who was expected to die, hxd bis
ife savefl by Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. He writes: “I en
dured insufferable agonies from Asthma,
but yonr New Discovery gave me imme
diate relief and soon thereafter effected
a complete cure.” Similareures of Con
sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and
Grip are numerous. It's the "peer-
less remedy {or all threat and J lung
' - • - .Fric
ce foe. and fl.oo. Gusran-
. W; Peacock, Druggist. /Trial
bottles free.
Death at Barwlek.
Mr. B. W. Willis, a well known oiti-
zen living a mile east of Berwick died
Saturday. The burial took placo Sun
day morning in the cemetery at Har
mony ohnroh. Mr. WlUls waa fifty
eight yean and leave* behind a wife
and nine ohildren. We join the neigh
bor! and friends of the bereaved family
in sympathizing with thenr'in their
Evangelist J. B. Smith will preaolt at
Mt. Nobo Saturday and over Sunday.
Will also ordain two deaoons; will be
assisted by eiders and deaoons of Spring
Hiil Christian olinreh.
Robb-d The Grav:.
A startling incident, is narrated by
Jenn Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows:
"I was in an awful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite, growing weaker day
by day.
Thfee physicians had given
me up. Then l was advised to Use Elec
tric Bitters; to my great joy the first
bottle made a decided improvement. 1
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they rob-
one should (fail to try them. Only 50
cents, guaranteed, at'J. W. Peacocks
2# Tons ef bar iron, all sixes. 1 ton extra fine carriage end wagon
bolts, all sizes. 2000 feet rubber and canvass belting,! to 12 ipcbee.
2000 feet piping, ell sizes np to l Inches. 1000 feet # inch 6-8 ineh
wire rope. I carry the best line of Cook Stove* and Stoveware on the
market. I have the largest and beet line ef General Hardware ever
brought to town. I manufacture Galvanised Steel Tenks for syrap
cooking by steam or otherwise. Also Log Carte, Lumber Trucks, farm
_ . Also Log Carte, Lumber Trucks,
and Lumber Wagons, Buggies and farm implements. Send-in yonr
saase: T.E.Dyson, Meigs, Ga.
South Georgia’s Up-to-date Jew
elry Store.
South Broad Street, Thomasville Ga]
Makes A Clean Sweep.
There’s nothing like' doing's thing
thoroughly. Of all the •salves yon ever
heurd of, Bnoklbn'a Arnica Salve la the
beat. It sweep* away and enres Burns,
Sores, Braises, Outs, Boils, Ulcers, skin
Eruptions and Pile*. It’s only 25o amt
gnaranted to give satisfaction by J. W.
Peacock Druggist.
If a cold lingers, there is danger of
pneumonia. U LaGrippe leaves
lungs in an'
_ungf in an inflamed condition, then
great danger of pneumonia. '*—
thi*fatal3isee»e by ns'““
lxer; it cares colds qa
the throat and longs sound,
best remedy for that peculiar
condition of the lungs that so
ly follows LaGrippe. Tliisr
entiflo throat and lung remoc
remedy for yonng and old, it
and lung diseases. J. W. r
ATa t jl-tiu
M.M. Anstin of
knew what to do iu
His wife had each a
stomach and liver I
could not aid her. He
Dr. King's New Life
relief at once ai-<l wai
Only 26c, at J. W.